
24 July 2024
Around the Churches June – July 2024

Find out what has happened recently across Tasmanian Baptist...

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24 July 2024
reCharge NEWS July 2024

ReCharge News July 2024 features local, national and international news from Tasmanian...

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17 July 2024
Mentoring Kids in Foster Care

Fostering Hope exists to reflect Christ’s love by supporting at-risk children, and those who care for them. One...

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10 July 2024
But Who Are You Really?

Who are you? We all have some fear of exposure, of being really seen. If absolutely everything was to be told about...

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3 July 2024
Consent, our Missional Gateway

For us as Baptists consent is key, we were born out of our church’s consent being violated. Offering people the...

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26 June 2024
reCharge NEWS June 2024

ReCharge News June 2024 features local, national and international news from Tasmanian...

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26 June 2024
The End of Christianity in Tasmania?

Is it the End of Christianity in Tasmania? What if the church was known as a source of audacious hope, radical...

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19 June 2024
Craig Hawkins – Forest Seahorses and Creation

Point Baptist Pastor, Craig Hawkins writes about his life, his love for nature and how his dreams of opening a...

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12 June 2024
Route Options for Repenters

The gospel is news, it’s an announcement to be proclaimed. But it’s news-with-personal-implications to offer...

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5 June 2024
Two things I’m seeing, One thing I know

People are engaging in deep transformation and, people are hungry for spiritual conversations, especially young...

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29 May 2024
Heartlands Autumn/Winter 2024

Heartlands Autumn/Winter 2024 - by women, for...

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29 May 2024
reCharge NEWS May 2024

ReCharge News May 2024 features local, national and international news from Tasmanian...

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28 May 2024
National Baptist Senior Pastors Gathering

It was a good mid-year Assembly, with an update from Scott Ambrose on the search committee process, input from...

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28 May 2024
Break Free

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending loop? Caught in the same old patterns, day after day?...

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28 May 2024
Women, the Change-Makers

Melissa Lipsett of Baptist World Aid writes, "The gains they’ve made in emerging from poverty means they now say,...

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22 May 2024
Around the Churches April – May 2024

Find out what has happened recently across Tasmanian Baptist...

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15 May 2024
Assembly Report 2024

It was a good mid-year Assembly, with an update from Scott Ambrose on the search committee process, input from...

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6 May 2024
Leaning on God

Tasmanian Baptist Council Southern representative, Hazelyn Mohan, serves on the music team at Claremont Baptist....

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1 May 2024
Farewell to Pastor Owen and Dawn Muskett

After 10 years pastoring our Wynyard Church, Owen Muskett has handed over the reins to Franz...

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30 April 2024
A Reader replies to ‘Gender Diversity’

Letter to the Editor and a reader's response to the article Gender Diversity from reCharge March...

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24 April 2024
reCharge NEWS April 2024

ReCharge News April 2024 features local, national and international news from Tasmanian...

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23 April 2024
Stuart Crabtree – Passionate About Reaching Young People for Christ

Lifeway Student Pastor Stuart Crabtree writes about his life and how important it is that children know and feel...

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17 April 2024
Why I Value Professional Supervision

Tasmanian Baptists have agreed to introduce professional supervision to encourage everyone to take a posture of...

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10 April 2024
Download reCharge 2024

Every two months the email version of ReCharge is converted to a PDF format to print &/or email as...

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10 April 2024
Healthy Church Audit Time

The Healthy Church Audit is an annual reminder to check that each church has certain things up to date and working...

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8 April 2024
Supporting the Supports 

We Baptists rightly love our culture of volunteerism - all given freely from the heart. This is lovely, but let's...

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3 April 2024
Demolishing Barriers, Crossing Divides

Easter has come and gone for another year. Now that it's over, it’s valid to ask, “so...

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27 March 2024
A Particular Kind of Boldness

A Particular Kind of Boldness considers the courage that is required on multiple levels to live as a representative...

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26 March 2024
reCharge NEWS March 2024

ReCharge News March 2024 features local, national and international news from Tasmanian...

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18 March 2024
Around the Churches, February-March 2024

Find out what has happened recently across Tasmanian Baptist...

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12 March 2024
Gender Diversity

How we handle Gender Diversity as Christians matters for the mission of...

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6 March 2024
Morgan Read – From ‘Curious Outsider’ to LifeWay Pastor

Lifeway Student Pastor Morgan Read writes about her journey from being a 'curious outsider' to giving back to the...

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28 February 2024
reCharge NEWS February 2024

ReCharge News February 2024 features local, national and international news from Tasmanian...

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28 February 2024
The Turning of the Tide?

How do you know if someone is ready for Baptism? Andrew Turner of Crossover considers this question as National...

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28 February 2024
Reap the Rewards of Transition

Facing the future, you can say with confidence, "2024 Here we come!" Jenny Baxter encourages you to manage...

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23 February 2024
Heartlands Summer 2024

Heartlands summer 2024 - by women, for...

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21 February 2024
An Ode To The Shepherd

An Ode To The Shepherd is a biblical devotional inspired by Psalm...

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14 February 2024
Intercultural Australian Baptists 

Learning about the significance of our rising intercultural Baptist family here in Australia. By Geoff Maddock for...

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7 February 2024
Aboriginal Sunday 2024

In reCharge news Citywide Baptist Church recognises Aboriginal Sunday 2024 at Risdon Brook...

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31 January 2024
Reason for Great Hope in a Broken World

By waking up to the dream of Christmas how can we be awake enough to the capital-R Reality of the inbreaking...

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13 December 2023
Waking Up to the Dream

By waking up to the dream of Christmas how can we be awake enough to the capital-R Reality of the inbreaking...

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13 December 2023
reCharge NEWS December 2023

ReCharge News December 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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13 December 2023
Download reCharge 2023

Every two months the email version of ReCharge is converted to a PDF format. This enables churches and individuals...

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6 December 2023
Matty Coppin

From mending broken drains in Melbourne, to mending broken hearts in Alberta, and now Tamsmania, Matty Coppin...

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29 November 2023
Day of Courage En-courages

On Saturday 18th November, the Day of Courage en-couraged women from around Tasmania. It was such a successful...

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27 November 2023
Heartlands Spring 2023

Heartlands Spring 2023 includes Day of Courage rundown; God Whispers; Books to read re women in leadership; The...

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27 November 2023
God Whispers

What do you do when you face a too-big problem? Do you try and solve it all by yourself - or wait instead for God...

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27 November 2023
Our New College!

An announcement about Tas Baptists' new training porgram! The Frank W Boreham College will begin taking students...

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22 November 2023
Around the Churches, Oct-Nov 2023

Find out what has happened recently across Tasmanian Baptist...

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22 November 2023
reCharge NEWS November 2023

ReCharge News November 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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15 November 2023
Tasmanian Baptist Council

Time to catch-up on Tas Baptist Council members elected during 2022-23....

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8 November 2023
Assembly: Tasmanian Baptists Get Together

On Saturday 21st October the Tasmanian Baptist Annual Assembly 2023 was held at Riverlands, Longford. Alan Firth...

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1 November 2023
CHURCH PROFILE: Wynyard Baptist Church

Senior pastor Owen Muskett celebrates that God is good all the time in this Wynyard Baptist Church...

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25 October 2023
Converge 2023

On 16/17th October, Australian Baptist leaders visited Canberra for Converge 2023. Anthea Maynard (City,...

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25 October 2023
reCharge NEWS October 2023

ReCharge News October 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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18 October 2023
Anna-Maree Richardson

Anna-Maree Richardson is the Tas Baptist Assistant Adminsitrator, working quietly in the background. But who is she...

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11 October 2023
The Scandal and the Wonder

How do you know if someone is ready for Baptism? Andrew Turner of Crossover considers this question as National...

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27 September 2023
What do we do with the Past?

It's a new day for women and men as we seek to work together and collaborate within the minsitry sphere like never...

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20 September 2023
It’s a New Day

It's a new day for women and men as we seek to work together and collaborate within the minsitry sphere like never...

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20 September 2023
ReCharge NEWS September 2023

ReCharge News September 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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13 September 2023
Around the Churches, August-September 2023

Find out what has happened recently across Tasmanian Baptist...

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6 September 2023
The Point Baptist Church

The Point Baptist Church Profile outlines the beginnings amd ministry of this small Baptist church, planted in 2006...

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30 August 2023
EmpowHer Day of Courage

All women are welcome to this special women's gathering, the EmpowHer Day of Courage on Saturday 18th November 2023...

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30 August 2023
ReCharge NEWS August 2023

ReCharge News August 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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23 August 2023
Foster Care Sunday

Launching on September 10th 2023, we inviting you participate in Foster Care Sunday on a date that works for...

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16 August 2023
We are a Royal Priesthood

This Sacred Agents blog from Crossover Director Andrew Turner explores your life as part of a "royal...

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9 August 2023
Redeeming Redemption

Mission Director Stephen Baxter explains the word REDEMPTION is misunderstood by most Tasmanians. Really, it's...

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2 August 2023
Michael Henderson

Michael Henderson is the Tasmanian Baptists Leadership Development expert. He hails from NSW. But he loves living...

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26 July 2023
Expanding Horizons

In this Deep Thought, Mission Director Stephen Baxter ponders on Genesis and wonders if we should expand our...

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26 July 2023
ReCharge NEWS July 2023

ReCharge News July 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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19 July 2023
Missional Leadership

Bree Mills explains what Missional Leadership looks like, and the five all-important elements involved in creating...

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14 July 2023
Heartlands Winter 2023

Heartlands Winter 2023 includes articles about the Day of Courage; the end of ABW; How to tune into the heart of...

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14 July 2023
Australian Baptist Women Ends

Tasmanian State Leader Jenny Baxter explains why Australian Baptist Women began, and how things have...

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12 July 2023
Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim is the Exectuive Director of Baptist Mission Australia. Find out where he is from, what he does and...

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5 July 2023
Around the Churches, June-July 2023

Find out what has happened recently across Tasmanian Baptist...

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28 June 2023
Mentoring with Fostering Hope

Are you looking to assist those who host foster families in your church? Why not do the mentoring training with...

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21 June 2023
Tuning in to the Heart of God

Tuning in to the Heart of God is so necesssary as we seek transformation through being hospitable to one another,...

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21 June 2023
ReCharge NEWS June 2023

ReCharge News June 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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14 June 2023
Possible Steps to Positive Shifts

In this Sacred Agents blog, Crossover Director Andrew Turner explores how we can shift demographics by diving Into...

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7 June 2023
Safe Churches Update

TB Administrator Rodney Marshall, explains the new Child Safe legislation which we are required to engage with for...

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31 May 2023
Discovering Deep, Resilient Faith

Christian author Mel Saward pinpoints the deep faith needed for children and youth to be engaged church-goers as...

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24 May 2023
Psalm 91 – A Devotion

Frans Ammerlaan (Sassafras Baptist) will soon publish a devotional book. Here is a sneak peak: Psalm 91 - A...

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24 May 2023
ReCharge NEWS May 2023

ReCharge News May 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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17 May 2023
Tasmanian Baptists Gather for Assembly

On 5-6 May the Tasmanian Baptist Mid-Year Assembly 2023 was held at Newstead Baptist. Linda Guy (Gateway Baptist)...

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10 May 2023
Around the Churches, Apr-May 2023

Find out what has happened recently across Tasmanian Baptist...

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3 May 2023
Associate Pastor, Matt Henderson – Hobart

Associate Pastor Matt Henderson began at Hobart Baptist in Feb 2022. With a special needs family, there are plenty...

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26 April 2023
Geoff Maddock in Tasmania

Geoff Maddock is in Tasmania during May Mission Month as Baptist Mission Australia encourage Baptists to walk...

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26 April 2023
ReCharge NEWS April 2023

ReCharge News April 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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19 April 2023
Deep Thought April 2023

The God of Bethel: Maddy Svoboda considers a revealing story about Jacob in this month's Deep...

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12 April 2023
Passion and Perseverance are Essential

Passion and perseverance are essential elements of leadership, explains Michael Henderson of Tas Baptists' Mission...

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5 April 2023
An Easter Exercise

If you've been a Christian for a while, Easter can lose its impact. So this Easter exercise, might be just the...

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29 March 2023
Youth Gather Monthly

What's giong on with Baptist Youth Activities in northern Tasmania? Read this update from Roger Radford, which...

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22 March 2023
Associate Pastor, Franz Brosch – Wynyard

Associate Pastor Franz Brosch was inducted at Wynyard Baptist on 12th February, 2023. He and Heidi are excited to...

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22 March 2023
ReCharge NEWS March 2023

ReCharge News March 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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12 March 2023
Around the Churches, Feb-Mar 2023

Find out what has happened recently across Tasmanian Baptist...

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8 March 2023
CHURCH PROFILE: Perth Baptist Church

The Perth Baptist Church Profile features a reflection from church administrator Tony Hart, and thoughts from Fay...

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3 March 2023
Heartlands Autumn 2023

Heartlands Autumn 2023: Day of Prayer Outcomes; Northern event; Women in Leadership; Join the South Tas team; Live...

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28 February 2023
Deep Thought March 2023

Dr Christa McKirland from Carey College, Auckland, encourages valuing 'the gift of the given...

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22 February 2023
NO LIMITS Women’s Symposium

Encouraging women with no limits was the focus of the No Limits Symposium held in Brisbane in Feb 2023 by the...

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22 February 2023
ReCharge NEWS February 2023

ReCharge News February 2023 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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15 February 2023
Thanksgiving Service

The Thanksgiving Service at Marrawah Baptist on 5th February 2023 was packed! A true time of celebration and...

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8 February 2023
GOD and Life in Tasmania

Mission Director Stephen Baxter refelcts on God and Life in Tasmania. He calls us to pray the wind of the Holy...

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1 February 2023
Walk the World Winners!

Baptist Mission Australia proclaim Lifeway Baptist Walk the World Winners for their amazing efforts in prayer last...

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14 December 2022
Baptist Churches Christmas Events 2022

The Tasmanian Baptist Christmas events listing 2022 outlines Christmas Activities happening at Baptist Churches...

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14 December 2022
ReCharge NEWS December 2022

ReCharge News =December 2022 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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14 December 2022
Download ReCharge 2022

Every two months the email version of ReCharge is converted to a PDF format. This enables churches and individuals...

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30 November 2022
How Did We Do in 2022?

During 2022, the Mission and Leadership Development Team were very busy, supporting Tasmanian Baptist churches. How...

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23 November 2022
Crossover Christmas Resources

Find out about the Christmas Resources 2022 available for Baptist Churches from Crossover...

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23 November 2022
ReCharge NEWS November 2022

ReCharge News November 2022 features news from Tasmanian Baptists. local, national and...

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16 November 2022
Around the Churches, Oct-Nov 2022

Around the Churches: Find out the latest at City (Launceston), Wynyard, Marrawah, Ulverstone, Citywide and Hobart...

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9 November 2022
Annual Assembly 2022

On 28-29 October the Tasmanian Baptist Annual Assembly 2022 was held at Riverlands, Longford. Anthea Maynard (City...

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2 November 2022
Famine in the Horn of Africa

Acute food insecurity in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia means that the UN will soon declare famine in these...

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26 October 2022
Prison Ministry

Cameron Brett works with Prison Fellowship Tasmania. Find out what he does and how you can support him in his...

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26 October 2022
ReCharge NEWS October 2022

ReCharge News September 2022 features information about news affecting Tasmanian Baptists....

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19 October 2022
Deep Thought Oct/Nov 2022

Maybe we have a fear of silence because we think it will be empty, suggests Spiritual Direcctor Denise Stephenson...

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12 October 2022
Does God Really Care?

By Stephen Baxter I was asked this question recently, but not in reference to the person themselves. Their concern...

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10 October 2022
Heartlands Spring 2022

HEARTLANDS news is the quarterly email for EmpowHer – a network of Tasmanian women growing and encouraging...

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10 October 2022
2022 World Day of Prayer

Praying for Baptist Women 14th October – 13th November, 2022 Women from more than 100 countries will gather...

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5 October 2022
Mustard Schools Ministry

The Mustard Schools Ministry is alive and active in Tasmania, with Nicole Mayall as the State Director. Find out...

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28 September 2022
PROFILE: Newstead Baptist Church

The Newstead Baptist Profile features a reflection from the recently appointed pastor, Dan Hutchison, and a...

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21 September 2022
Floods in Pakistan

The floods in Pakistan have this year caused unimaginable devastation in the north of the country, Please pray! By...

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21 September 2022
ReCharge NEWS September 2022

ReCharge News September 2022 features information about news affecting Tasmanian Baptists....

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14 September 2022
Around the Churches, Aug-Sept 2022

Around the Churches: Find out the latest at Wynyard, Claremont, Citywide and Hobart Baptist...

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7 September 2022
Ben Cochrane – Somerset

Ben Cochrane is the new pastor at Somerset Baptist. Originally from Queensland he, Sharmani and their baby girl...

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31 August 2022
Deep Thought Aug/Sept 2022

Mission in the 21st Century is necessarily very different to the mission of yesteryear says Tasmanian Baptist...

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31 August 2022
Love Beyond our Backyard

From Local to Global How three generations of Baptist World Aid supporters built a legacy of generosity Sophia...

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24 August 2022
Census Overview from Crossover

Andrew Turner is the Director of Crossover and brings a census overview from the 2021...

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24 August 2022
ReCharge NEWS August 2022

ReCharge News August 2022 features information about some workshops for the grieving, the DV workshop art Citywide,...

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17 August 2022
Stand Sunday 2022

During September Stand Sunday 2022 Fostering Hope is Tasmanian Baptists’ official foster care agency Stand...

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10 August 2022
PROFILE: Claremont Baptist Church

Here is the Claremont Baptist Church profile - from the perspectives of Pastor Peter Clark, and long-time member...

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3 August 2022
Achieve Lasting Social Change

Learning to live in proximity to your community Strategies for change By Michael Henderson, Mission Leadership...

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22 July 2022
HEARTLANDS News Winter 2022

HEARTLANDS is the quarterly email for EmpowHer – a network of Tasmanian women growing and encouraging each...

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20 July 2022
Around the Churches, June-July 2022

Around the Churches: Find out the latest at Wynyard, Ulverstone, Lwr Barrington, City, Gateway, Riverlands, Perth,...

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20 July 2022
ReCharge NEWS July 2022

ReCharge News July 2022 features news for Baptists from around the state, the nation and the...

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13 July 2022
Deep Thought July 2022

Mark Wilson of Australian Baptist Ministries inspires courage to make a difference in this July 2022 Deep...

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6 July 2022
Matt Holloway – Westbury

Ministry Profile Matt Holloway Matt began as the new pastor at Westbury in April, moving from Shepparton Victoria...

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29 June 2022
Supporting Foster Carers

Your church can care too Churches are a huge support network for foster parents, suggests Mary Dickins of Fostering...

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29 June 2022
ReCharge NEWS June 2022

ReCharge News April 2022 features a heads up about the May Assembly, Crossover Easter Appeal, and Prayer events for...

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22 June 2022
Hobart Vision Church

Growing Tas Baptists Hobart Vision Church The Hobart Vision (Korean ) Church is a Korean-speaking church which was...

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15 June 2022
Hobart Baptist Youth

ABOVE: HBC Youth From left, Yvette, Elizabeth, Fiona, Bryce, Hyland, Hannah, Timothy, Jeremiah. Hobart Baptist...

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8 June 2022
Take Courage in Dark Times

Mission Director of Tas Baptists Stephen Baxter encourages you to take courage in the dark times, because God is...

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1 June 2022
Gateway Baptist Church

Church Profile Gateway was once known as Memorial Baptist Church, and is one of Tasmanian Baptists’ oldest...

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25 May 2022
Faith Runs Deep

Faith Runs Deep Release of a 12-part video series, exploring stories of faith across Australia, through Olive Tree...

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25 May 2022
ReCharge NEWS May 2022

ReCharge News April 2022 features a heads up about the May Assembly, Crossover Easter Appeal, and Prayer events for...

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18 May 2022
Midyear Assembly 2022

TB Assembly, May 2022 By Matt Henderson, Hobart Baptist Church On the weekend of 6-7 May, I attended a Tasmanian...

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11 May 2022
Around the Churches – Apr/May 2022

Around the Churches: Find out the latest at Wynyard, Ulverstone, Lwr Barrington, City, Gateway, Riverlands, Perth,...

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5 May 2022
Dan Evenhuis – Citywide

Ministry Profile Dan Evenhuis recently began working at Citywide Baptist as the Executive Pastor. I hail from...

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27 April 2022
You Could be a Respite Foster Carer!

Respite carers are needed across Tasmania to support foster children within a safe church community, Could you be a...

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27 April 2022
ReCharge NEWS April 2022

ReCharge News April 2022 features a heads up about the May Assembly, Crossover Easter Appeal, and Prayer events for...

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22 April 2022
HEARTLANDS News Autumn 2022

HEARTLANDS is the quarterly email for EmpowHer – a network of Tasmanian women growing and encouraging each...

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22 April 2022
The Science of Seeing God

A.J Spurr explains how seeing God is more than just our spiritual experience with the Almighty. It is grounded in...

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22 April 2022
Undervalued or Super Loved?

Heartlands – Autumn 2022 Women’s Ministry at The Point By Rachelle Hawkins Since the The Point*...

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20 April 2022
On Becoming Wise Elders

deep thought Getting Old doesn’t Automatically Make You Wise Searching for Wisdom Michael Frost wonders where...

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13 April 2022
Being Strong and Courageous

Reengage | Reimagine | Realign: Tas Baptists are now being strong and courageous as they implement the current...

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6 April 2022
Wynyard Baptist and Lions Club Collaborate

The ROC Community Food Hub, run by Wynyard Baptist Church, had some great support from the Lions Club of Wynyard...

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30 March 2022
PROFILE: Citywide Baptist Church

Citywide Baptist Church aims to equip their people for works of service, and in so doing meet the challenge to...

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22 March 2022
Jeff Percival, Lower Barrington

Jeff Percival was inducted at Lower Barrington Baptist on Sunday 6th February 2022....

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22 March 2022
ReCharge NEWS March 2022

ReCharge News March 2022 - Intercultural Sports League has a major win; Australian Baptist Ministries and the...

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16 March 2022
Around the Churches – Feb/Mar 2022

Every two months you can catch up with some of the latest events in Tasmanian Baptist Churches. North CITY,...

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9 March 2022
Deep Thought, March 2022

Embrace your broken nature and live in close proximity to people. being a human-focused leader. This thread is a...

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2 March 2022
Baptists in Ukraine

Standing with the war-torn Baptists in Ukraine offer hope and help across Eastern Europe For years now, Baptist...

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23 February 2022
Praying for Alice

A Lifetime of Prayer By Jenny Baxter, Tasmanian Director, EmpowHer What do you do when the answers don’t seem...

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23 February 2022
ReCharge NEWS Feb 2022

NEWS February 2022: Recent Inductions Safer Spaces Toolkit Global Launch BMA Farewell Marion Sherriff Leading with...

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19 February 2022
HEARTLANDS News Summer 2022

HEARTLANDS is the quarterly email for EmpowHer – a network of women growing and encouraging each other in...

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16 February 2022
Tasmanian Baptists’ Theme for 2022

The Tasmanian Baptists' theme for 2022 is (en)Courage It is an encouragement to take courage, to embrace what God...

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26 January 2022
George Town Baptist Church

Church Profile Keeping Hope Alive George Town Baptist Church is like many of our regional fellowships. They hold...

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2 December 2021
ADVANCE November/December 2021

Request Print Version via Mail This is the final Tasmanian Baptist ADVANCE | step by step A new publication,...

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2 December 2021
Progress at City Baptist (Launceston)

The progress at City Baptist is monumental! They signed a contract to sell their property in early September 2021....

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2 December 2021
Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, 2021

prayer for the state: Wednesday 24th November, Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart This year’s Tasmanian...

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2 December 2021
Tasmanian Baptist Christmas Listing 2021

around the grounds – Christmas 2021: Christmas 2021 services, activities and good things happening! North City...

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2 December 2021
Mary’s First Christmas Ponderings

poetry: By Ray Hawkins, Beauty Point Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:51...

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26 November 2021
Need to Know

news Nov-Dec 2021: 2ND DECEMBER 2021 Safer Spaces Toolkit On 22nd November 2021,  Australian Baptist...

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18 November 2021
The Man (or Woman) in the Mirror

youth and young adults: A Check on your own attitudes and responses to the world. Who is that “Man in the...

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18 November 2021
Church Profile: Latrobe Baptist

our church: Latrobe’s Community Ministries Impacting hundreds of people Following the ministry of Ken and Gae...

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18 November 2021
Developing Leaders

food for thought: Moses and his l-o-o-ng training Time to Challenge about Developing Leaders! the story of Moses,...

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4 November 2021
Annual Assembly 2021

Engaging with the “3R’s” Tas Baptist Annual Assembly 22-23 October 2021, Longford By Kate Barnett, Newstead...

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4 November 2021
Getting to Know Geoff Maddock

interview: All About Geoff Maddock Geoff began his work as the Tas/Vic Global Interaction state rep in early 2021....

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4 November 2021
Painting a Picture of Jesus

crossover update: The Crossover Spring Appeal BY Crossover National Taskforce rep, Maddy Svoboda, Maddy wonders...

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26 October 2021

Heartlands SPRING 2021 Walk | Pray | Love Events during November 2021 (scroll down)Being an Imperfect Ministry by...

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26 October 2021
Being an Imperfect Missionary

Heartlands Spring 2021 Being an Imperfect Ministry by Jenna Blackwell (scroll down) Walk | Pray | Love Events...

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26 October 2021
Baptist World Day of Prayer for Women

Heartlands Spring 2021 Baptist World Day of Prayer for Women by Elissa Macpherson (scroll down)Being an Imperfect...

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21 October 2021
ADVANCE | step by step – Sept/Oct 2021

Request Print Version via Mail >>> September/October 2021 No. 1 Released 9th September 2021 Brave New...

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21 October 2021
Regional RoundUp Sept-Oct 2021

around the grounds: Regional RoundUp Sept/Oct 2021 Wynyard Penguin News from Penguin: we are small in number, in...

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21 October 2021
Bringing the Kingdom of God to Tasmania

We live in a profound moment in the history of the world. In declaring Jesus is Lord, and praying that God’s...

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21 October 2021
Participate in Prayer Events

At home, online, in groups, at church, with other denominations NOVEMBER is a big prayer season, not just in...

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21 October 2021
Need to Know ~ News

news: September/October 2021 New Website The new Tasmanian Baptists website was released in time for the Annual...

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21 October 2021
Behold the Conqueror

poetry: By Ray Hawkins, Beauty Point Behold the conqueror! He comes to gain His throne. Behold the conqueror! He...

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21 October 2021
News & Prayer Notes: 24 October

Sunday 24th October 2021 BAPTIST INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR WOMEN1st WEEK OF NOVEMBERPray and raise funds for...

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9 September 2021
PROFILE: City Baptist, Launceston

Big changes are heralded at City Baptist in this Sept/Oct 2021 ADVANCE | step by step. Read first of all an...

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20 August 2021
ADVANCE | step by step – Jul/Aug 2021

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope Based on Jeremiah 29:11 Request Print Version via Mail...

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12 August 2021
CHURCH PROFILE: LifeWay Baptist Devonport

our church: ADVANCE | step by step features a series of church profiles. This issue it’s all about...

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12 August 2021

A poem by Jenna Blackwell WITHOUT Heater on, tea in hand, Curtains just ajar. Pen at the ready, I sit, I watch, I...

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12 August 2021

youth: Citywide’s Merge Youth Kick Goals A Great Space for Teens Matthew Henderson leads MERGE Youth,...

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15 July 2021
Treasures New and Old

comment: From the Mission Director Stephen Baxter Treasures New and Old After seven parables in succession, Jesus...

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15 July 2021
All About Liam Conway, Hobart Baptist

interview: Liam Conway is the Ministry Apprentice at Hobart Baptist Church. Who is he and what does the future look...

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5 July 2021
Tas Baptist NEWS June 2021

need to know – news June 2021: Bangladesh struggles with COVID “The pandemic has impacted Bangladesh...

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1 July 2021
The Longing of the Heart

poetry: The Longing of the Heart By Ray Hawkins, Beauty Point There were many places waiting for me, So many...

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1 July 2021
Baptists in Mission Conference

A Special Opportunity Pastors’ and Leaders’ Muster: Online at regional hubs A great event to attend! A...

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30 June 2021
ADVANCE | step by step – June 2021

My love has been poured out into your hearts through the Holy Spirit Based on Romans 5:5 DOWNLOAD PRINTABLE...

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30 June 2021
Regional RoundUp June 2021

around the grounds: News from Perth, Ulverstone, Wynyard, Citywide, Claremont, Hobart Tasmanian Baptists in Action...

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17 June 2021
Mission and Leadership Development

engaging your community: Opportunities for Churches and Leaders At the May 2021 Assembly Michael Henderson and...

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17 June 2021
Mission and Leadership Coaching with Jenna Blackwell

engaging your community: Using Coaching to Develop Leaders By Jenna Blackwell It is important to realign our...

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17 June 2021
Mission and Leadership Development with Michael Henderson

engaging your community: By Michael Henderson I see my role as holding hope for you, the leaders, and churches, of...

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16 June 2021
Farewell Jeff McKinnon!

Above: Jeff (right) with Mission Director Stephen Baxter After over 20 years of service to Tasmanian Baptists,...

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3 June 2021
Making History at the 2021 May Assembly

first peoples: Welcome to Country Paul Dare spoke a moving Welcome to Country at the 2021 May Assembly. “This...

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3 June 2021
CHURCH PROFILE: Hobart Baptist

ADVANCE | step by step now features a series of church profiles. This issue it’s all about Hobart Baptist...

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27 May 2021
All About Being a Foster Carer

Children Need Community Tracey Avery attends City Baptist Launceston, and is a long-term foster carer. Tell us...

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27 May 2021
Keeping it Real – #nofilter Church

food for thought: By Denise Stephenson Denise Stephenson is a trained Spiritual Director and, until December 2020,...

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8 April 2021
PROFILE: Riverlands Christian Community, Longford

our church: ADVANCE | step by step now features a new series of church profiles. This issue it’s all...

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11 March 2021
Claremont Celebrates 50 Years

6th March 1971 to 6th March 2021 On Sunday 7th March past and present members joined together in a joyful...

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11 February 2021
PROFILE: Summerhill Baptist Church

In this telling profile of Summerhill Baptist in the Feb/Mar 2021 ADVANCE | step by step , read an overview from...

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28 January 2021
Approaching 2021 with Love in our Hearts

Mission Director Stephen Baxter reflects on the year ahead Winners and Losers …  … Or...

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23 December 2020
Wynyard Baptist Facility Upgrade

Wynyard Baptist Church Celebrate New upgrades make all the difference to community engagement Wynyard Baptist...

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10 December 2020
All About Gwen*, LifeWay Devonport

Gwen* was recently appointed to the ministry team at LifeWay Baptist in Devonport as Emerging Generations Pastor....

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15 October 2020
Latrobe Baptist Men’s Shed

missional initiative: Community Project with Built-in Opportunities The Latrobe Men’s Shed is a community...

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1 October 2020
FAITH WALK: Through the Puddles

Finding a Way Through COVID-19 By Jenny Baxter This year, 2020, has held surprises for all of us. I was a little...

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17 September 2020
Artway Studio and Café

September/October 2020 Gateway Baptist Launceston The Artway Studio and Cafe is a ministry of Gateway Baptist...

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3 September 2020
Nepali Student Support program

Supporting Nepali students during a difficult era Citywide Baptist – Mornington/Lenah Valley/nepali When...

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Until December 2021, ADVANCE was Tasmanian Baptists’ denominational publication.

From February 2022, this was superseded by ReCharge, a weekly email, published for printing every two months.

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