Around the Churches June – July 2024

Around the Churches June -July 2024


Lifeway Devonport 

The baptisms of Sarah, Rachel, Hadassah and Lizzy made a joyful start to the month as we celebrated the commitment that these four people were making to their Lord. 

June also brings our annual Solstice Splash event when we share lunch after the service, showcase our skills in turning the humble apple into a wide range of delicious treats in the Apple Cooking Competition, and the hardy amongst us take a quick dip in the ocean. 

Our last service in June was competently led by our church children with signs of future leadership among them. We are blessed to have dedicated leaders of this growing ministry. 

The fortnightly Men’s Coffee and Cheese Afternoon continues to offer a caring and supportive opportunity for men to meet and share their stories.  

“The Marriage Course @ LifeWay” will begin mid-July to encourage couples to celebrate their marriages and build new strengths into their relationship.  

by Judy Magor

Solstice Splash

Penguin Baptist

These days our church includes only a dozen attendees on the best days, but half the congregation preaches or leads worship so that is not a problem.

One of our older ladies recently said: “I love our little church. I love every sermon.”

We enjoy a monthly men’s lunch and have fun at a monthly ladies games and chat group, which includes some who don’t attend a church. In these days, when loneliness is a common problem, it provides great opportunities for connection and support.   

We are also privileged to be able to support two overseas missionaries, two children and one grandma, as well as local chaplaincy, and have hosted a Chat n Choose group for three decades. 

Penguin Baptist Church
Penguin Baptist Church

Around the Churches


City Baptist Church

City is celebrating just over one year of gathering at the Boathouse Function Centre. The church is starting Alpha in August, meeting on Sundays 12.00 – 1.30pm at Boathouse Function Centre. 

Pastors, Anthea and Jenna have begun training with Building a Discipling Culture (BDC), along with a few other Tas Baptist Pastors. They are really enjoying the simple and multipliable communication around discipleship. 

Around the Churches June-July 2024


Citywide Baptist (Mornington, Lenah Valley, Levendale and Nepalese)

National Senior Pastors Conference 
We hosted this annual event at Citywide in May with 80 delegates attending from all round Australia.  Reports and comments received indicated a special time was had by all, with inspiration, networking and worshipping refreshing these busy people. 

The Foundations discipleship course is going well, with many attesting to fresh insights and revelations about God, their faith, and their relationship with others. 

Prayer & Fasting 
We again held a prayer and fasting week over the solstice period, including a prayer session on Rosny Bluff before joining other Hobart churches at St David’s Cathedral for a midnight service.  This culminated a week of celebrations across the churches of Hobart bringing the Light of Christ into the darkness across Hobart.   

MAANS  (Merge Academy Awards Night) 
Our youth again excelled themselves and facilitated our annual ‘red carpet’ event showcasing original and innovative videos from our congregations.  It was good to bring out the bow ties and after 5 wear to be part of this grand awards event.

National Senior Pastors Conference
Mid-winter Prayer & Fasting
MAANS  (Merge Academy Awards Night)

Hobart Baptist Church

Luminous Festival 

HBC held its annual Luminous festival in June, with this year’s theme as Sacred Tasmania – Exploring the connections between the sacred, place and sustainability. 

This was the fourth year for Luminous, and this year involved four conversations, plus three art installations and a concert with an indigenous singer Scott Darlow. Also, a Christmas in Winter carols service brought the joy of Christmas into the middle of the year. 

The 4 conversations were very different in nature, but all related to the theme of Sacred Tasmania. Along with the three different expressions of art, the commonality was clear: there was much to reflect on. The importance of having conversations, listening to differing points of view and of education, cannot be underrated.

Luminous conversation
Luminous Artwork at HBC

Around the Churches June-July 2024

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reCharge Articles 2024

Around the Churches October-November 2023


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Around the Churches October-November 2023

Around the Churches April – May 2024

Around the churches


Deloraine Baptist

Passover at Deloraine 
Monday, 22 April was the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan, the biblical date for Passover. Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples at the meal we call ‘the Last Supper’ (Luke 22:15). Although Holy Communion (aka the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist) is a very ancient and appropriate Christian tradition, it was within the context of the Passover meal that Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”  

Accordingly, twenty-three Christians enjoyed a traditional Passover meal at Deloraine Baptist Church on the evening of 22 April. The meal included roasted year-old ram lambs and all the traditional trimmings.  

From a Jewish perspective, the Passover commemorates their redemption from bondage to Pharaoh through the shed blood of the lamb without blemish. As Christians, we also see its further application to our own redemption from slavery to sin through the shed blood of our perfect and sinless Messiah (1 Corinthians 5:7b). 

Passover at Deloraine 

Although (for now) the Jewish people remain blinded to its significance, the traditional Passover meal is replete with Christian symbolism. For instance, three matzot (unleavened bread) are placed in a special ‘three-in-one’ bag. During the meal, the middle matzah is broken (“this my body”), wrapped in linen and hidden away. It is later ‘discovered’ – a prophetic picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.  

Four cups of wine are traditionally consumed, representing the four promises God made to Israel in Exodus 6:6-8. They are the Cups of Sanctification, Deliverance, Redemption and Restoration. The third cup is not drunk until after the meal. It was this one (Luke 22:20) that the Lord referred to as “his blood.” However, Jesus deferred drinking the final Passover cup until his return (Matthew 26:29). In fact, our Lord is currently teetotal while he serves as our great High Priest in the Heavenly Temple (e.g. Hebrews 9:11 cp. Leviticus 8:8-9). 

The event lasted two-and-a half hours and was enjoyed by all participants. Many agreed that it was a more meaningful commemoration of the Master’s death than the traditional hot cross buns and chocolate eggs.  

Lifeway Devonport 

Social activities 
The vibrant Lifeway worship community is busy throughout the week, with Monday Tribes for kids after school, Converge for young adults on Tuesday evening, Men’s Coffee and Cheese Wednesday afternoon, Seniors’ Bible Study Thursday morning, Prayer Group Thursday evening and Fellowship Group on Saturday. There are also Pulse small groups, which meet regularly to support and pray for each other.  

Visiting Chaplain 
On Sunday 28 April the Chaplain of the Adelaide Crows Football Club spoke at the morning service and gifted a guernsey to Pastor Nicholas and longtime supporter of the crows Bill Magor.  

May Mission Month 
During May Mission month the dedicated Mission Team have worked hard to form study groups for most days of the week, set up a wonderful interactive display in the auditorium and, after worship Sunday morning in the Café, provided a guest to speak in the Human Library about a chapter in their lives connected to mission.  

Recently, Alec Small from the Karingal Community and Trevor Levett passed away.  

Sheffield Baptist Church

Membership Increase 
We are pleased to say that our doors are open each Sunday to witness and share the gospel with locals and visitors alike. In February we welcomed two new members which was a real encouragement.  

To us long term attendees, we are thankful for speakers from different churches making themselves available to preach each Sunday, it is a special blessing. Our fellowship teas continue to be well supported on the third Sunday of the month at 5:30 pm followed by singing of hymns and favourites for approximately an hour.  

Sheffield Baptist Church Photo: Duncan Grant
Sheffield Baptist Church

Ulverstone Baptist Church

Social activities 
UBC Seniors continue to meet on the first Friday of the month for fellowship and morning tea. The have enjoyed guest speakers, Ian Pickford with a display of various flags; Josh Skeat from the Ulverstone Anglican Church, as well as Valma and Yasmin McPherson (mother and daughter) who spoke in a morning themed “Remembering Mothers”. 

Our recent Men’s events have included riding bikes to the Turners Beach Berry Patch for breakfast, go-karting and indoor cricket. These events have been well attended by a variety of ages and has been a wonderful opportunity to reach out, encourage and strengthen relationships. 

On Mother’s Day weekend, about 40 of our UBC ladies enjoyed a scrumptious morning tea at the Turners Beach Berry Patch in their yurt.  As Mother’s Day and May Mission Month both share the month of May we were blessed on Mother’s Day to have a mission visit from Andy and hear of the work he is doing in Southeast Asia.  

Our winter table tennis competition has once again commenced on Monday evenings.  

From the pulpit 
Over the course of the last few months, we were challenged and encouraged by Pastor Louis and Lyn McKay as they preached a series titled “Called”. 

Home in glory 
We were saddened to hear of the passing of our dear sister Ivy Priestley. We give thanks to the Lord for the blessing that she was to our UBC family and all who knew her.  

Ulverstone Baptist Church
Ulverstone Baptist Church

Wynyard Baptist Church

Pastor Changes 
In 2023, Franz Brosch started the role of associate Pastor at Wynyard. Before that, he grew up in Germany in the southwest region. He always believed in God, but when it comes to Jesus and the Gospel it was in secondary school that his understanding grew. He was baptised as an adult to affirm that commitment. Recently, Pastor Owen Muskett retired after 10 years of service and the church affirmed Franz in taking Owen’s role as successor. God has led Franz and Heidi in ways that they had never expected. Pray for the church in this time of transition, and with the added challenge of Franz completing his studies.


City Baptist Church

Community and adventure! 
The City Baptist community has enjoyed a few adventures this year. We ventured out for a baptism at Low Head (see pictures), we joined the Marginata community in Evandale for a Taize gathering, and the Launceston Easter Festival happened on our front lawn.

The community garden (St Leonards) continues to flourish, providing welcome and hospitality to many former refugees. Our church is supporting an ecumenical initiative in Launceston that is focused on providing a safe space for young adults to ask faith questions and build community.

We hope to begin a new seed of faith, fun and community by welcoming parents/carers and their children to a weekly nature play space. This is in partnership with the manager of Utas Inveresk community garden; we are still waiting for the right person/people to help with this initiative.

With our emphasis on prayer lately, we welcome you to pray with us as we seek God’s direction for future steps. 

Latrobe Baptist Church 

Remembering Two Women 
It was a sad couple of months for the Latrobe Church in February and March with the passing of two of our ladies. Both ladies are very sorely missed but we know they are both now at rest with the Lord. 

Anneke Carrasco, (1949 – 2024) passed away suddenly on 26 February after a short illness. She had not been with us long, but her smile and cheeky manner is remembered by all of the church family 

Beryl Rallings (1931-2024) passed away on 26 March. She had been a member of the church for many years. Beryl had a wonderful singing voice and this was mentioned by lots of people at the funeral as something they remembered about her. She was a beautiful Godly woman who loved her Lord and showed that in her life. 

Newstead Baptist

Matu Church
There are five Baptist churches in the Launceston area. In 2020, Rodney and Maddy reached out to connect with the Matu church. That has begun a journey of coming closer into community and being on a journey of growing in relational connection. Now the Matu are based out of Newstead Baptist.  

The Matu meet on Friday nights, Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons. The Matu Pastor has had two decades of ministering in church and he has a deep heart to connect with the Pastors around Tasmania.

Summerhill Baptist Church

We are well into our first Alpha with Session Six this Thursday, 9 May. God has blessed us with around 14 people each week, consisting of around eight from our congregation and six seekers. There are a wide range of ages, personalities, and backgrounds, all attending the course for different reasons. There have been some great conversations already, and as relationships and trust develop people are engaging more. 

This doesn’t mean it is without its challenges. There have been times when we believe there has been negative spiritual pressures brought to bear on our groups, sometimes through distractions, discouragements, physical disruptions and recalling deep emotional experiences.

But we are hugely grateful to God, not only for the opportunities to reach out and share the gospel but also in the incredible ways he is working in so many in his church here. Many supporters bring along beautiful food each week, with so many praying for the team and guests alike. May the Holy Spirit be at work through each one for the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. (Luke 19:10) 


Citywide Mornington, Lenah Valley, Levendale and Nepalese

We have been sad to say goodbye to three of our long-term members in April. Ed Straatsma, Patsy Appleby and Neil Broomhead all served their Lord and his Church faithfully throughout their lives.  We praise God for them and rejoice that they are now with Jesus. 

We have been blessed and excited to witness two baptisms in the last month: Anya Evenhuis and Brendan Isaac have testified to their faith and been baptised – much to the delight of family and church friends. 

We have re-launched a fellowship in Levendale under the care of Paul Dare.  They are now able to receive our streamed services from Citywide.  It’s a small beginning and we are praying for God to move amongst the people in that district. 

Again, this year we ran a fun festival for the community at Lenah Valley.  It’s a lot of work, it’s a lot of fun, it’s a lot of connections.  Each year we are encouraged by the numbers of people who express their appreciation for the opportunities they have to express their thanks to people who have served our country and to celebrate together our freedoms and culture.  The morning is a good expression of community. 

Dinner Together 
For the rest of this year, we have offered an invitation for other Baptist churches in Hobart to join us in our monthly Dinners Together.  Our goal in this is to build a stronger community across our churches and get to know each other better. This month there were 65 involved which included 11 from Hobart Baptist.  

All southern churches are invited to join us as we run the Foundations course again. The course runs over 12 weeks, offering both lunch time and evening classes weekly.  This is a discipleship journey looking at God, Ourselves, Others and the World. Register on our website.


The church is growing by 10 percent every year, and we’re up to 90 people at services, but we only have 70 chairs, so this is a good problem to have. 

Claremont Baptist Church

Window on Witness
Last Christmas time, we wanted to make a display that would draw people back to the “reason for the season” so we set about to make a nativity scene outside the church. Everyone was involved, the men with bits of wood and things, the ladies with craft materials. The stable, a donated cubby house, grew to accommodate wisemen and shepherds, a sheep and donkey. Time came to dismantle the display and we found the stable was now too heavy to move!  
We now have a window to dress, and this has opened up a range of creative ideas. We try to change the display every six weeks. Dog walkers, people waiting at the bus stop and cars passing by are looking in the window and taking notice! 
The church asked for poppies to be made for an Anzac Day tribute, below, and over 900 knitted, crochet, paper and felt poppies were made by the ladies!

This Easter, beside wonderful worship services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday we reintroduced the Dawn Service on the Montrose Foreshore. We’d like to call it a “sunrise service” but clouds shrouded the sun. Nonetheless it was a wonderful morning with participants from five different churches in the Northern Suburbs, worshipping and praying for our community together. 

We have been blessed over the past six months to see a gradual increase at Sunday morning worship services from around 25 to well over 40 some mornings. Our Sunday School is active and vibrant again thanks to a new dedicated teacher. God hears and he answers prayer! 

Hobart Baptist Church

Luminous Festival 
Winter is when things generally get quiet. At Hobart it is our busy time. It is a positive way to interact with Dark Mofo in a positive way. Theme is Sacred Tasmania the links between sacred and sustainability in Tasmania. We have representatives of Parliament coming to our church. To register, visit the website.  

Esteem Coffee Shop 
Esteem Coffee’s customer base has been growing, but somewhat incremental. Starting this week the coffee shop will be offering all hot drinks for $3 for everyone. And… in July they will trial a ‘pay it forward’ scheme. This will begin with 100 hot drinks to give away.
So, if you would like a drink, you cannot pay for your own cup because it is already paid for! But if you would like to pay it forward for someone else, they will add it to the running total and keep offering everyone free cups of coffee until the running total lowers to zero.

Luminous Sacred Tasmania poster

Around the Churches April-May 2024

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ReCharge Articles 2024

Around the Churches October-November 2023


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Around the Churches October-November 2023

Around the Churches, February-March 2024

he Churches February-March 2024


Around the Churches, February-March 2024


Farewell Rev Alan J L Neate 

The Rev Alan J L Neate died on 2 March 2024. Alan began his ministerial life as a student pastor at Port Kembla and Lugarno before serving as pastor at Wagga Wagga, Broken Hill South, Liverpool and Auburn Baptist Churches in New South Wales as well in ministering in Ashfield as Director of Religious Education.

He and his wife Lillian and family moved to Tasmania and pastored Central Baptist in Launceston from February 1974 to October 1980 before moving to Victoria and pastoring Bendigo Baptist Church from 1980-1987 and then Wodonga District Baptist Church from 1987-1992. Alan was the President of the Baptist Union of Victoria in 1988-1989.

Alan was a pastor who regularly visited the congregation in their homes and was a much loved preacher. Born in NSW on 16 September 1926, he was converted during a CSSM beach mission and years later was baptised and joined a Baptist church. 

Prior to training at the NSW Baptist College from 1949, he worked for the Commonwealth Bank for seven years. Here Tasmania he was President of the Baptist Union. He served on many Councils and Committees of the various Baptist Associations. He was lovingly supported by his wife Lillian (dec.) throughout his ministry. 

He’s was never afraid to tell people they need Jesus Christ in their lives.

“I like to preach for a verdict,” he once explained. “People have been saved in a communion service because I’ve stopped to explain what communion was about.

“Although, I don’t see myself as a red-hot evangelist, and I regularly use others who can put the net out.”

For him the keys to church growth were the effective exposition of God’s Word and genuine pastoral care by the pastor, the pastor’s wife and others. One of his children, Margaret, Christian educator with the ABMS both in Timor and Indonesia, became well known to us Tasmanian Baptists.  – Laurie Rowston

Around the Churches, February-March 2024



Wynyard Baptist Church

Church Events

The Wynyard Church and Sunday School picnic at the Railway Institute Hall was an enjoyable day for all ages and the “Just Girls” group enjoyed a day out at Kaydale Gardens recently. 

Approximately 90 people met for a special Chat n Choose morning tea and fellowship on Thursday, 14 March. The event was to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of Chat n Choose. It was a great opportunity for past and present ladies to get together. Chat n Choose women meet every Thursday morning during school term for morning tea and various crafts.

The annual Harvest Thanksgiving Auction and dinner fundraiser held in March was a great success and enjoyed by everyone that attended.

Wynyard Chat n Choose 30 yr anniversary
Chat n Choose 30 year anniversary at Wynyard

READ Wynyard’s Church Profile >


BBQ Lunch

Members from our congregation opened their home and provided a BBQ lunch on Sunday, 25 February at Hellyer Beach. The time together was enjoyable, despite the rather gusty conditions.

  • Yolla Baptist church BBQ lunch at Hellyer Beach
  • Yolla Baptist church BBQ lunch at Hellyer Beach
  • Yolla Baptist church BBQ lunch at Hellyer Beach


Christmas Day Lunch 2023 

It was a privilege for Ulverstone church to host a Christmas Day Lunch, with 58 people attending. Illness kept a few from coming. All who attended were well fed, with leftovers to take home. A Christmas message was presented, and a small gift, with a take home message, was given out to attendees. 

Leadership Vision Day Retreat 2024 

On Saturday 17 February Ulverstone held a Leadership Vision Day Retreat. Attendees were blessed by a time of praise and worship, and prayer. The group completed a survey, followed by a time of discussion. Nick Booth from Romaine Park blessed everyone with his sharing, then this was followed by a yummy lunch and further discussion. 

Church Family News 

As a church family, Ulverstone continue to enjoy the warmth of summer and fellowship as they gather each month after the Sunday morning service for a picnic at Fairway Park. 

In November they celebrated with Abbey and Cameron Hingson with the safe arrival of their sweet son Rory Mac Hingston. Rory’s timely arrival meant that he was able to attend the celebration of his Great Grandparents, John and Glenys Preston’s 60th wedding anniversary in December. 

From the Pulpit 

A new catch phrase “Believing for more in 2024”, has seen the church be challenged. The church has been reminded, over the last few weeks – by Pastor Louis, Lyn McKay and John Sypkes – how each person has been called according to His purpose. 


View of Burnie; Around the Churches October-November 2023

Farewell Ian Joyce

Ian Joyce passed away on Friday, 23 February, aged 102. He was a long serving member of Burnie Baptist for many decades. Ian and his wife Fay moved away from Burnie to down-size and be nearer to family about 15 years ago.

In 1983, Ian was made Life Deacon after serving as Deacon and Elder over many years.
In 1984, he was inducted as Associate Pastor, a role he served for 10 years until his wife Faye took a position with Lifeline in Broken Hill. In Broken Hill, Ian served as Pastor of Broken Hill Baptist Church. He returned to burnie after four years. He continued to preach occasionally.

After moving to nearby Penguin, Ian and Faye faithfully fellowshipped at the Penguin Uniting Church. Ian continued to be a faithful servant until his passing.

Photo of Ian Edward Joyce

Around the Churches February-March 2024


Mornington, Lenah Valley, Nepali

Citywide Church Banner

Summer Teaching Series 

Throughout January we were challenged and inspired by different speakers sharing from their faith journeyings.  We were blessed! 

Finalising Carpet Replacement 

Great rejoicing! We finished replacing the old, worn carpeting throughout the building at Mornington; As a result, the new carpet looks so much better.  Praise God for his provision through the generosity of his people. 

Dinner Together

Over 50 people gathered in various homes to share the first of our pot luck Dinner Together meals this year.  We will be changing the way we do this for the rest of the year, in that we are aiming to meet in our own suburb with Christians from other Baptist churches in our area – a way of getting to know others in God’s family who live near us.   

Citywide pot luck dinner
Potluck Dinner Together meals at Citywide

Child Safe Workshop 

Several of our leaders have joined with other churches in our area to workshop the changes in Legislation together. This is a significant area of risk for us and facing the compliance responsibilities is a challenge.

Mission Foci 

In January, our focus was on Aboriginal Day and the needs of our indigenous people of our land. February featured the 12 children we sponsor through Baptist World Aid, Compassion and REHOCH children’s home in Zambia. In March, we are centring on our support of two remote rural pastors in Nepal, and hearing of their work and the people they care for. 

READ Citywide’s Church Profile >


Claremont Baptist church

Church Growth

In the past few months Claremont Baptist has been quietly growing in numbers. This is a great joy and answer to prayer. 

READ Claremont’s Church Profile >


Esteem Cafe

Esteem Cafe, operated by Kelvin Smith, is bringing a quiet but steady stream of people into the new space at Hobart Baptist Church. After the success of the Long Table dinners and Market Stall days, Kelvin is now turning his attention to starting weekday groups, between 8am and 2pm. Groups include English Conversation and Story Telling. Esteem is still waiting for kitchen approvals before progressing to being a full cafe.

Long Table dinner at Esteem


The year began with an Info Session and pre-planning session for Luminous 2024 festival, held in June every year. Luminous seeks to open a space for discussion, develop thought and shine a gentle and welcoming light on profound and foundational questions in a way that is life-giving and unifying. 

The festival brings art and conversations together through the theme of Christmas within its original context of the dark and cold of winter. This provides and opportunity to celebrate the rich themes of light and hope, which often go missing in an Australian summer Christmas.

Luminous Sacred Tasmania poster

READ Hobart’s Church Profile >

Around the Churches February-March 2024

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Around the Churches October-November 2023


We’d love to keep you updated with our weekly email, reCharge Prayer | Stories | News 🙏

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Around the Churches October-November 2023

Around the Churches, Oct-Nov 2023

Around the Churches October-November 2023

This is the final Around the Churches for 2023



Stay and Play teaparty

Stay and Play (playgroup) recently held an all ages tea party at Riverlands on 26 October.  It was attended by little people with their parents/guardians and grandparents and some Riverlands congregational people.  There was lots of yummy morning tea and play and chatter.  

Associate Pastor

At our recent members meeting held 29 October, 2023, there was a unanimous decision to renew Liam Conway’s employment contract as Associate Pastor at Riverlands.  We are excited to see what God’s ministry through Liam and his wife Hannah, will bring for Riverlands and the wider community of Longford.  We feel very blessed that they are part of our Riverlands family.

Driveway resurfacing

Riverlands recently had a successful government grant which has enabled us to proceed with resurfacing our driveway.  This will improve access and safety for vehicles as they enter and exit our carpark.

Riverlands driveway, before and after; Around the Churches October-November 2023
Riverlands Driveway: BEFORE (driving in), and AFTER (driving out)

Day of Courage

We at Riverlands were pleased to host the EmpowHer Day of Courage on Saturday 18th November. Over 120 women from many denominations attended, enjoying a wonderful day of encouragement and fellowship. Guest speaker, Rev. Karen Wilson, also launched the Tasmanian cohort of the global Women’s Leaders Network on the day.

READ Riverland’s Church Profile >


Perth Baptist Church is a place where we are honouring the church of the past, caring for the church of today, building the church of tomorrow. 

Celebration services

There are so many great parts of our church, and so many great people that make this church a wonderful place to be.  Celebration Services take place whenever a 5th Sunday occurs in the month. On 29th October, we dedicated our celebration to Jesus. Following the service, a potluck luncheon was enjoyed.

Community activities

Our Hearts & Craft Group, and Men’s Group, continue to foster strong bonds of fellowship and friendship among our members. Our commitment to reaching out to the community remains steadfast through our weekly Bread Run and the Sunday Café.

Once again this year, we successfully prepared and sent 100 shoeboxes as a part of Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child.

We had a Rock ‘n’ Roll night on November 11th, with our local Elvis!

Perth Baptist Rock n roll night

Farewell Peter

It is with a heavy heart that we remember our dear friend Peter Wellard from Eskleigh, who peacefully joined his Lord on Monday, October 23rd. Despite battling a debilitating illness, Peter cherished attending worship at Perth Baptist, and his absence will be keenly felt.

Christmas is coming!

Preparations are underway for Annual Community Christmas celebration in Perth on December 16th.  This will be a great event to reach and connect with the community. Anyone from the local Baptist churches is welcome to attend.

Most exciting of all though is the commencement of a weekly prayer meeting just before church each Sunday!

READ Perth’s Church Profile >

THE POINT, Beauty Point

Praising God

Our founding pastor Ray Hawkins and his wife Mary have moved into full-time care accommodation at Beaconsfield Hospital. Visitors are welcome.

Dempsey Horton, youth leader form Texas, The Point Baptist, Around the Churches October-November 2023

We are praising God for growth in the church and an active youth program headed by Dempsey Horton on a 12 month stint from Texas. In late October the young people enjoyed a bonfire night at Holwell, and are leading monthly youth services.

Our secretary Stephen Clark has had important interactions as chaplain of the local Coastal Patrol.

Women from The Point stand shoulder-to-shoulder at the Day of Courage

READ The Point’s Church Profile >

Around the Churches October-November 2023


George Town Baptist church building

Focussing on Children

We are working very hard to continue with the task of reaching those who are unchurched and uninitiated into the things of Christ. 

Earlier this year, we established a Sunday School program for the few children who occasioned our Sunday Services, and over time it has continued to grow.  We are the only church in town that offers Sunday School, and as a result, new people have come to the church simply because of that.  It is easy to tell that they have little understanding of what the gospel is all about, and we have been careful to allow them to “soak it in”. 

All year long, we have declared 2023 to be “The Year of the Child”, and welcome children from the pulpit each and every Sunday.  The first song is always geared to children, and now, the children are preparing presentations to bring where they sing and perform actions to some of the songs themselves. 

We are using the young people as ushers for receiving the offering prior to dismissing them to their class for the day.  We have been able to add a couple of new workers, but to succeed we will need to double the staff.  Soon, we won’t have room enough in our small building, and will have to find ways to expand. 

Our other outreaches are functioning well, but reaching the youngest in our town brings the greatest joy of all. 

READ George Town’s Church Profile >  


Both the Gospels of Matthew and Mark record the two greatest commandments: To love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength … and to love your neighbour as yourself (Matt 22:378-39; Mark 12:30-31). A tough call but nothing too untoward or controversial.

Far tougher are the words recorded in Matthew where Jesus told his disciples “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matt 20:18-20)

Having a go

As Christians we’ve been commanded to ‘go and make disciples’ and Westbury Baptist Church is seeking to have a go. Our new pastor Matt Holloway, and Lacey, called in April 2022, have rolled up their sleeves and they along with support from the church congregation are seeking to have a determined ‘slash’. There’s a common story of declining church numbers across many congregations in Tasmania and God willing, we intend to keep our church open.

Without fail, Matt’s sermons focus on this mandate and the church has over the past year set in place a number of programs to make the vision of ‘making HIM better known’ a reality in the Westbury Community.

Westbury Baptist, Around the Churches October-November 2023
mainly music; Westbury Baptist tent at the Westbury Show

Here is what’s happening:

  • Lacey heads up an enthusiastic team delivering ‘Mainly Music’ to preschool aged students and their carers/parents.
  • Nancy Morgan and her team deliver a fortnightly ‘Kids Club Program’ to primary aged kids in the local community.
  • Mary Baker and Matt Holloway have organised ‘Movie Nights’ for kids and their families in the Church.
  • Weekly ‘Fellowship Groups’ have been re-invigorated, with the latest study focussing on ‘discipleship’.
  • Mary Baker has a weekly Chat ‘n Choose meeting for women interested in crafts.
  • The Men’s 8 Ball competition led by Syd (master cue) West and Roger (pockets) Reinmuth have plans to attract local men to the church.
  • Matt is working towards forming a Pastoral Care Group of volunteers.
  • And finally, Ken Green and helpers had a presence at the local Westbury Show on 11 November!

We value your prayers

We are not a youthful congregation. But we are focussed, and if God intends, we seek to build the church in Westbury and be a witness to the hope we have in Jesus.

Leadership Group, Westbury Baptist Church

Around the Churches October-November 2023



Caring for those in need

JUST GIRLS enjoyed a day out in Devonport recently when they visited Home Hill, the historic home of Joe and Enid Lions. Then they went on to some retail therapy at the Christian book shop.

The Hub continues to provide food items to those in need on Mondays and Fridays each week.

Our church and Chat n Choose have sent 253 Samaritans Purse Shoe boxes this year.

Wynyard Baptist Church

READ Wynyard’s Church Profile >


The Bible Society

It was a joy to host and join with the churches and community groups of Ulverstone, raising awareness and fundraising for the Bible Society with their annual Festival of Word and Song. A collection was taken up with this year’s funds supporting aid work in Syria and Türkiye.

Social Activities

Our seniors continue to meet on the first Friday of each month to enjoy fellowship, morning tea, sing, and listen to several guest speakers.

Both ladies and men have enjoyed a breakfast over the winter months with guest speakers, Bronwyn Waterhouse and Peter Bennet sharing their heart.

Our UBC men have also continued to enjoy their monthly Men’s Events.

October Prayer Gatherings

Throughout the month of October each Monday evening we used our regular prayer gathering evenings to stand in the gap and pray specifically for prayer needs within our church family.

Father’s Day

This Father’s Day, we supported the work of Mission Aviation Fellowship and raised a total of $1850.00. This money will assist in fuelling life-saving flights in some of the worlds most isolated communities and will also give an opportunity for people to receive the Good News of God’s love.

Kids Church

Having our UBC kids in our service is simply delightful. In October our Kids Church kids took over the service, sharing what they had been learning and doing throughout the year. This year they took part in filling shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse and were active in dedicating the boxes in our service.

From the Pulpit

Over the past months we have enjoyed been challenged by the teachings of Pastor Louis, Lyn McKay, Greg Venz, Laurie Rowston, Stephen and Jocelyn Head, Ken Collyer and Nerrelie Cann. Listen to UBC sermon podcast >


The Burnie 10
Sunday, 29th October
Burnie Baptist opened up for athletes for the ‘Burnie 10’. 

This is an annual opportunity to show hospitality to local, national and international runners, provide a secure place for personal belongings, and chat to the runners as they come in before, and also after, the race when recovery refreshments were provided.

View of Burnie; Around the Churches October-November 2023
A view over Burnie

Around the Churches October-November 2023



Mornington/Lenah Valley/Nepali/lEVENDALE

Church Camp

At the end of September, 140 people attended our annual Church Camp at Poatina – a well-serviced spot to get away to.  One of the highlights was our annual Nepal vs Rest of the World soccer game. It was won this year by The Rest of the World – surprisingly!   

Matt Garvin challenged us with some fresh thoughts from his new book (not released yet) about true community, and what is the Biblical expression of the Gospel? – based on Jesus’ prayer in John 17. 

Citywide Baptist - church camp and Mal Garvin memorial service; Around the Churches October-November 2023

Mal Garvin

A major event for Citywide was the death and Memorial Service for Mal Garvin.  What a man of God he was!  What a legacy he has left!  And what influence he has left in many lives.
Citywide Mornington was full, with around 300 people attending and staying on for lunch.

Empower Her Day of Courage

Many of our ladies attended the Day of Courage at Longford.  They prepared the prayer stations for the Baptist women’s global Day of Prayer. 

Mission Trip to Nepal

Pastor Paul Rai from our Nepali congregation has been ministering in Nepal through the month of November, particularly regions in the South West and South East where our mission focus is to support the rural pastors.  He conducted 15 baptisms, led several seminars, taught and encouraged hundreds of pastors, leaving a trail of blessing behind him.  Citywide has been praying daily in his itinerary, for safety, protection and anointing. 

READ Citywide’s Church Profile >


Open Day

Our members were very busy over the past few months growing seedlings, succulents, bulbs and other shrubs. These were in preparation for another Open Day in October, when our community could drop by, enjoy a free sausage sizzle and a cuppa in the tea room. We sold the plants, seeds and some craft.

Torrential rain made for a soggy BBQ, however indoors was warm and welcoming.  There was a lovely atmosphere and it was good to spend some time chatting to folk who might usually just walk on by. We trust the seeds sold  will be seeds sown for the kingdom. 

Claremont Baptist church

New growth

This past month we were delighted to welcome Hazel Mohan into membership. It was also a blessing to baptise Ellie Fitz-Gerald. 

ICC* members have been joining us for worship services and have brought a breath of vitality and enthusiasm that has enhanced our worship. We are learning Hindi words to old favourite songs, and the influx of under 18’s has reinvigorated the Kidz Klub.

We look forward to growing and maturing in faith together. 

READ Claremont’s Church Profile >

*Inter-Cultural Church

Around the Churches October-November 2023


Long Table Banquets

On Sunday 22nd October, Hobart Baptist church was again the venue for the monthly Long Table Banquet. This time featuring Burmese (Karen) food. Thanks to Kelvin (host), Elle (event organiser), and Say Wah (chef) for all their work!

Hpbart Baptist Church long table; Around the Churches October-November 2023
Long Table Banquet – Burmese (Karen)

Youth on Sundays

The youth meet for Bible study and prayer during the 10am service most Sundays. This lilvely session is ably led by Kelvin Smith and Scott Ambrose. The group has gradually grown and is now hosting up to 15 youth!

OCC shoe boxes

We had our shoebox packing day for Operation Christmas Child on Saturday 28th October. The boxes were then prayed for during the 10am service, and sent on their way on Sunday 29th October. This year our congregation contributed 32 shoeboxes.

Karen Wilson visits

Rev. Karen Wilson

We were pleased to host President of the Baptist World Alliance Women, Rev. Karen Wilson on Sunday 19th October after she had spoken at the Day of Courage at Riverlands.

Karen shared her wisdom on “Seeing Differently”, based on the story about Elisha’s servant whose eyes were opened to see the hillsides surrounded by chariots of fire, as told in 2 Kings 6.

READ Hobart’s Church Profile >

Around the Churches October-November 2023

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October/November 2023

Around the Churches October-November 2023


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Around the Churches October-November 2023

Around the Churches, August-September 2023

Around the Churches August-September 2023

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.



Texan Visit 2023

For the 11th time in 14 years The Point Baptist hosted a Texan mission trip. Chris and Heather Horton, from the Lake Fork district, east of Dallas, headed the visit.

This year Chris and Heather were accompanied by daughter Dempsey, and her good friend Heaven. Dempsey has stayed on for 12 months to lead the youth work in the church.

The Point Chruch profile, Texan visit 2023
Texans at Launceston Gorge; Chris speaks at the Men’s Night; Heaven (L) and Dempsey (R)

Over three weeks in July, numerous events included men, women and children, all with the aim of sharing Jesus. After great family concert, the youth held an impromptu and very entertaining karaoke session. The school holiday basketball camp connected with local youth.

Reconnecting with people was a real focus of the trip. It was encouraging to see some on the fringe of the fellowship attending church again. No commitments to faith in Jesus were made during the trip, however, our experience is these often follow later.

Additionally, the encouragement and connection of the fellowship generally, and especially the youth, should not be under-estimated with these efforts. The launching of our new youth work, with Dempsey leading, is especially exciting.

We are thankful to the Lord Jesus for His patience with us and the blessings of seeing people saved through the sharing of His word.

CITY, Launceston

City is enjoying our new location for Sunday gatherings at the Boathouse Function Centre, overlooking the Tamar River and the Gorge.

Following our “Seeds” focus in July, we continue to consider what it means to be seeds of faith, hope, justice and love across our city. We also welcomed Sherry Maddock’s contribution about ‘flourishing gardens’ and how we can be habitats of God’s presence – encouraging and inspiring!

City - Around the Churches August-September 2023
The Boathouse overlooks the Tamar; Pastors Anthea Maynard and Jenna Blackwell; Sheree Maddock (BMA)

Our usual commitments continue – the weekly drop in centre, Stephen Avery’s street chaplaincy, the community garden, supporting women, and more. There are so many opportunities to engage in our city and we look forward to partnering with God and the community more.


On Sunday 27th August, our Matu Church in Launceston celebrated their 10th Anniversary. Maddy Svoboda attended on behalf of Tasmanian Baptists.


9:45-11:30am Wednesdays

On Wednesday 16th August, Westbury began a mainly music program for the neighbourhood children ages 0-4 and their parent/carer.

Music and movement starts at 10am, followed by morning tea, then free play time. First session free, then $5 per family. We are having a blast and still have room for more families!

Here are some prayer points!
Please pray God would prepare and equip the mainly music team and for success and longevity of this ministry.
Pray He uses them as they connect with families in the area.
Also, please pray God brings families who are open to developing relationships which lead to meaningful discussions about faith and God.

Around the Churches August-September 2023


LIFEWAY, Devonpot

Student Pastors

Lifeway recently welcomed two new student pastors, Stuart Crabtree and Morgan Read.

Please be in prayer for them as they settle into their positions. Stuart and Morgan are slowly coming up to speed! Pray God’s blessing for them.

Morgan Read
Stuart Crabtree
Stuart Crabtree


Special event

Latrobe Winterfest with Choir of High Hopes 2023

At the annual Chocolate Winterfest on Sunday 13th August, Latrobe hosted the Choir of High Hopes.


On Fathers Day, we had a time of fellowship with the church familly over morning tea in the foyer.

Many of our ladies met for an afternoon with JUST GIRLS. Our guest speakers, Layla and her grandmother, spoke about their Charity project Laylas Gifts. They explained how they arrange for donated boxes of gifts to be presented to people in need in the community.

At our Just Blokes Pizza Night on Friday 1st September, Craig Hawkins from the Creation Discovery Centre in Beauty Point spoke about Noah’s flood, and the questionable attempts of some contemporary scientific voices to explain the origin of birds as an evolutionary step from dinosaurs. We had a great night with good fellowship and valuable insights from what Craig shared with us.

Wynyard Baptist Church

Around the Churches August-September 2023



Special Services

Lenah Valley’s 75th Anniversary  on Sunday 6th August was a momentous occasion as we celebrated the ministry and life of the Lenah Valley Baptist Church over 75 years.  With the help of Maurice French and Laurie Rowston we published a book full of anecdotes, colour pictures and history which is an interesting read.  Copies are available from Citywide for $20.

Lenah Valley's 75th Anniversary
75 Years of Christian Witness. A History of the Lenah Valley Baptist Church

Baptism  We held another baptism service on 20 August.  Troy is another new convert to the Kingdom from his touches into our web page.  Be encouraged – God moves and works on the hearts of people who have never been in his church before.  Keep praying for those in the shadows who are seeking something to fulfil their lives.

Table Top Sale  Our lively 30’s group organized, promoted and ran a Table Top Sale on Satruday 1st July.  More than half the participants who booked tables and attended were from outside the church. so this became a great way for other community members to come into the building where we could meet and serve them. 
Proceeds went towards the vision of developing a youth space.

Citywide's table top sale
Table Top Sale


Scott Darlow Visits

On Sunday 9th July Hobart Baptist hosted Scott Darlow and his band during the 10am service. Scott is an indigenous singer from Melbourne. It was an amazing morning of encouragement, inspiration, and laughter!

On the same weekend a Multicultural Bazaar took over the building! Several new artists showcased their works, with special food from other cultures being prepared and served.

We even made the ABC News! (Click/tap to read)

Clockwise from Top Left: John Kumara Tasmanian Australian of the year 2023, drumming; Anna opens her Ukrainian artwork; Ethnic food a-plenty!; Ren being filmed for ABC News
Scott Darlow and band visited HBC on Sunday 9th July

Around the Churches August-September 2023

Around the Churches June-July 2023

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August/September 2023


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Around the Churches June-July2023

Around the Churches August-September 2023

Around the Churches, June-July 2023

Around the Churches June-July 2023

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.



New Youth Group

Every third Friday during term, Riverlands has recently offered a youth group for those in and around the church. The youth group is focused around church-encultured teens and giving them activities through the week.

Our goal is to develop a thriving youth ministry, where the youth can share life and have Christian discipleship. It’s had a strong reception as we’ve gathered together and enjoyed the company of one another whilst playing games, having snacks, and doing small devotions.

Craft at Riverlands Youth Group; Around the Churches June-July2023
Our most recent Riverlands Youth group was a (not very) messy night much to the chagrin and the disappointment of the youth!

Whilst only small we are having a lot of fun and the group is developing well in line with our goals. We would appreciate your prayers and thoughts as we continue to develop the program and its structure.

The youth group has been running in co-operation with the other churches around Launceston where we have been gathering on the Fourth Fridays of the month for larger games, larger connections and better connections between churches and youth in the Launceston and Northern Midlands area.

CITY BAPTIST, Launceston

In the news

Our recent move to the Boathouse Centre received media attention, and, given events in the Southern Baptist scene, they chose to focus on our female leadership. We are enjoying the wonder-inspiring views of the city of Launceston from within our new gathering space, and also creating a partnership with the owners. We are greatly appreciative to Worldview for accommodating us so well during our previous transition.

The Examiner, 18th June 2023; Around the Churches June-July2023
In The Examiner, 18th June 2023

Radical Hospitality

Over the month of June, we focused on the theme of hospitality – the gift of giving and receiving hospitality, and how it can be as simple as a smile. We continue to explore this theme of ‘radically ordinary hospitality’ in practical and life-giving, everyday ways.

The Saturday night drop-in centre meal continues each week, nearing capacity in the new space at Pilgrim Uniting. Stephen Avery’s presence in the street community furthers the connections.

Over July we will look at the theme of Seeds – seeds of faith, hope, justice and love – and how City can help germinate these seeds in the city of Launceston.

The City Seed Community Garden at St Leonards continues to welcome new members.  

Supporting others … in Launceston and beyond

Members of our community hosted a fundraiser afternoon tea and raised $2000 for Betel Ministries in India (Betel International: Break free from drug and alcohol addiction).

Northern Refugee Support continues, with a recent long-awaited breakthrough.

We are also pleased to support outside ministries, such as SU’s upcoming camps, allowing children and families to attend who would otherwise be unable to.


Alpha Underway

We have had a great start to the Alpha course with 24 people attending. Alpha is an evangelistic course which seeks to provide a space to ask questions through a series of talks and discussions. We wil be running Alpha for the next three years, and although this year we planned to first become familiar as a congregation with the course, we are excited to already have cross-over from other ministries during the week.

Week of Prayer and Fasting

It has been very encouraging to hear how many in our congregation during our week of prayer and fasting swapped-out something they loved for precious time in prayer. We had people go without food or a meal, coffee, alcohol, social media, and even the Chase (Aus. and British edition), and instead, spending time praying for our church’s strategic goals, church family prayer points, and our other Baptist churches around Launceston.

Friendship Lunch

We had a great turnout for the Friendship Shortest Day Longest Lunch with the Wentworth room filled with Friends. A delicious selection of BBQ meat and salads for mains, with sweet stuff to follow. Finally, a cake to top it off to celebrate a birthday. Geoff Marston shared on friendship and encouraged ‘’to have a friend; be a friend”. Thanks to the drop-in centre team for a great lunch.

Friendship Lunch; Birthday cake for all! Around the Churches June-July2023
Friendship Lunch; Birthday cake for all!


New Youth and Children’s Leader

Hold Fast Outreach at The Point Baptist, 23 June to 19 July 2023

The most exciting development for our little church is the induction of our new Youth and Children’s Leader last Sunday.  Dempsey Horton from Texas is our new youth and children’s leader for the next 12 months.

Texan Outreach
Friday 23rd June to Wednesday 19th July

We are midway through our regular Texan Mission, with four Texans visiting for almost four weeks. 

Events include women’s coffee and dessert night, Bible studies for women, men and youth, Primary school youth group, Hope Night and more youth events to come. There will be a holiday kids’ club and five-day basketball skills clinic. 

All events are free and designed to reach the North Tamar population with Hope found in Jesus Christ. If you live nearby you are welcome to attend!

OR Contact Rachelle on 0409 272 877

Around the Churches June-July 2023



Volunteers Honoured

On Saturday, 20th May, the Latrobe Council presented special awards to volunteers in their community.

Mayor Peter Freshney handed out over 30 awards, and amazingly Latrobe Baptist Church received seven of them!

  1. Latrobe Baptist church for its many community programmes
  2. Latrobe Baptist Chat ‘n’ Choose 
  3. Latrobe Men’s Shed
  4. Glenis Smith – 30 years of volunteer service, Chat ‘n’ Choose 
  5. John Langmaid – 30 years of volunteer service, Chat ‘n’ Choose 
  6. Glad Purdy– 20 years of volunteer service, Chat ‘n’ Choose 
  7. Fay Horne – 20 years of volunteer service, Chat ‘n’ Choose 
  • Award winners at Latrobe Council awards afternoon; Around the Churches June-July 2023
  • Ralph, award for Latrobe Baptist; Around the Churches June-July 2023
  • John and Fay with Chat n Choose award, Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023
  • John and Ralph for Latrobe Mens Shed; Around the Churches June-July 2023
  • Glenis, 30 years service award with Chat n Choose at Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023
  • John, 30 years service award with Chat n Choose at Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023
  • Glad, 20 years service award with Chat n Choose at Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023
  • Fay, 30 years service award with Chat n Choose at Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023


Winter Service

This annual event is always a success because it  is always so cold and the hot chocolate always so welcome.

The real reason is, of course, to bring to mind that Jesus is the light of the world John 8:10, “Ï am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.

A few Sunday School children play their part by reciting a relevant poem they wrote and sing a children’s hymn. As always Cathy, Ruth and Max lead and inspire.

This event is always the simple reflection of children, though lead by adults, it is always a real blessing to us all, in the pews!  Some of the hymns we sung were ” Showers of blessing”, “The Light of the World” and “Jeus bids us shine”. The inspiring message was from Ben Hallam followed by the three “S’s”, Soup, Sandwiches and Savouries!

Every one left the service fed in “Body, Mind, and Spirit!” It was great.

Winter Service at Sassafras Baptist
Winter Service at Sassafras


Vale Mrs  Beverly Duff

On 3rd June, the Lord called home to glory Mrs Beverly Duff who was a stalwart of the Sheffield Baptist church for over seventy five years. Mrs. Duff (nee Irvine) was baptised in 1947, and from that time took an active part in the church.

 In 1953 she married Bruce Duff, and together  they played a major role in the Church. In the late 1970’s  Mrs Duff became church organist. She played for both the morning and evening services, as well as playing for funerals and weddings in the Sheffield Baptist church.  As  well, she often  played for the West Kentish and Paradise churches. 

When then church commenced our monthly fellowship teas and singing your favourite hymns in 2005,  Beverly played until  ill-health took its toll.

Mrs Duff  was actively involved in the Ladies group, and was a keen supporter of the overseas missionary work of the church. She loved CWA and craft  groups, and was a highly respected lady in the Kentish community.

Mrs Duff was truly a fine Christian  lady who is now resting in the everlasting arms of her Saviour. The Sheffield  Baptist church extends to Stephanie, Ashley, brother Desmond and their families our deepest sympathy.



Our church continues to support two children, Tithi and Rafin, through Baptist World Aid with the proceeds of our cappuccino sales on Sunday mornings.


This is a quarterly gathering of men from the community when they enjoy a pizza and an interesting speaker. Greg White who  works in the engineering department at Caterpillar was the speaker in June.


The girls met recently for fellowship where they were able to enjoy some Filipino food. The afternoon was spent making a fridge magnet with Beth and Kester.

Wynyard Baptist Church


Mother’s Day

Inviting our friends, mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunties, our UBC ladies enjoyed an evening out dining at Café RA. After our Mother’s Day service, and to honour the women in our midst, our UBC men provided morning tea. This was a bake-off competition from which we have now discovered we have a number of very capable and talented cooks at UBC! Prizes were awarded to Matt Cox for his macarons, Robbie Cunningham for his savory toast and Andrew Gurr for his apple cakes.

May Mission Month

May Mission Month was embraced as we listened and were challenged by guest speakers Paul Manning from Baptist World Aid, and Geoff Maddock from Baptist Mission Australia

Table Tennis

Our winter table tennis competition has once again commenced on Monday evenings with 27 registered players. Table tennis at UBC has been running for about 40 years.

Men’s events

Our recent Men’s Events have included go-karting, indoor cricket, a men’s breakfast, and an evening of carpet bowls and pizza. These events have been well attended by a variety of ages and has been a wonderful opportunity to reach out, encourage and strengthen relationships.

Dylan Standridge

In June we were privileged to spend an evening with Dylan Standridge. Dylan partners with Iris Global Ministries, he has a heart for Tasmania and has a prophetic call upon his life.

Home to Glory

Our church family have mourned the passing of three dear ladies and sisters in Christ.

 Nalda King passed away on 19th March aged 85.  Margaret McCall passed away on 18th June aged 94, and Pauline Beasley passed away on 22nd of June. Our thoughts and prayers continue for their families.

Around the Churches June-July 2023



Special Service

On Sunday 11 June we had a special combined service which included several aspects:

  • Four Baptisms – what a delight to hear the testimonies and share in the faith journey of 4 people.  As a result another person gave their life to the Lord that night. 
  • New Members – four people were received into membership.
  • Dedication of Nepalese Outreach Ministries  – Both the Community Bus and the Driver Mentor Car which were donated through BMA grants were in the auditorium and dedicated to the Lord’s work among the Hindu community.
  • Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal  – in support of our local Salvation Army Corps, everyone was encouraged to wear something red and bring a donation towards feeding children at our local schools as well as supporting families who are struggling. Almost $1000 was raised.
  • Healing Prayer – At the close of the service 20 people came forward for anointing with oil.

Future Proofing your Life: 14th June to 12th July

A new initiative from our Pastoral Care team has seen the development of a three-part program for people both in their senior years, as well as for the families of seniors.  Over 40 people registered from both the community and local churches. 

Future proofing your life; Around the Churches June-July 2023

Week of Prayer and Fasting  – 18th-24th June

A dedicated week to draw closer to Jesus, to pray for our outreach into our local suburbs, and to pray for Hobart and people in need.  A booklet with guidelines to aid our focus is provided for everyone to help engage us in praying together.

Table top Sale at Citywide; Around the Churches June-July 2023
Citywide held an indoor Table Top Sale on Saturday 1st July


Combined Pentecost Service

On the afternoon of the 28th May, Claremont Baptist hosted a combined Pentecost Prayer Meeting with Edge Anglican and Claremont Uniting to pray for unity and our community.

After sharing in reflective prayer, communion and corporate prayer we had some good chats over light refreshments. Good to meet and greet our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

The Luthys Visit

Missionary family Chris and Amy Luthy and their family will be leading our service on 16th July.  They serve with Pioneers and will share some of their experiences. 


Esteem. Coffee Shop

After a month or so of trials and waiting for final council approval, our coffee shop is now open! Volunteers will staff the coffee shop with a community focus and strong leaning towards supporting and training ex-refugees.

Thanks to Kelvin Smith for his work in the final stages of getting the coffee shop up and running, well over a decade since the dream began.

Esteem. Coffee Shop, Hobart Baptist; Around the Churches June-July 2023
Esteem Coffee Shop

Luminous Festival

Thursday 8th to Sunday 25th June

Over two weeks, the Luminous Festival at Hobart Baptist hosted various activities, lined up to coincide with Hobart’s mid-winter festival, Dark Mofo.

  1. An art installation by Michael Henderson, The Seed of Life Weighed Down, on display in the foyer of The Tab. The display generated well over 100 faith-conversations with passers-by.
  2. Three “Conversations”, which provided a space for thought and discussion. Speakers in the Conversations panels brought expertise on topics asking:
    • Is Tasmania A Place for Everyone?’
    • How can we help Tasmanian Children flourish?
    • How Do We Create Healthy Families?
  3. The festival culminated with Christmas in Winter, when we celebrated Christmas within its original context of the dark, cold mid-winter.
    • Luminous Carols, Friday 23rd June
    • Christmas Day service, Sunday 25th June

Art by Michael Henderson questioned ‘what the nativity scene represents, and whether it has an ability today to help us enter the mystery of God and faith’.

Luminous Festival at Hobart Baptist, Around the Churches June-July 2023
L to R: Michael Henderson opens his artwork; The art exhibit; Soundy building’s lit-up entry; The Tab lights; Speakers John Kumara and Zelinda Sherlock; Stephen Baxter instroduces the Hallelujah Chorus community choir at the Luminous Carols event.

Long Table event

Members of the church, and many others, attended this wintry meal on the 25th June. Over 50 people enjoyed Eritrean food together. Thanks to Kelvin Smith and others for organising.

Farewell Margaret Baikie

Margaret Baikie, Around the Churches June-July 2023

Our dear friend Margaret Baikie went to be with her Lord and Saviour on Wednesday 14 June 2023. Margaret was a member of HBC for 55 years, and until fairly recently, in a very active capacity.

Loved and loving wife of Albert, mother of Margaret (Luckman) and Gordon, mother-in-law of Greg and Angie (Read). Adored Granny of Gordon James, Alistair, Hamish, James and Sunday Clare.

Around the Churches June-July 2023

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June/July 2023

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Around the Churches June-July2023

Around the Churches June-July 2023

Around the Churches, Apr-May 2023

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.



Combined service

On Sunday 30th April we had one of our 5th Sunday Combined Services in which people from Gateway, Agape and Gateway Nepali Fellowship join together. These have been so enjoyable in the past and we anticipate another great meeting.

Plans for May Mission Month

During the month of May we will have a variety of speakers sharing of a number of Missions Gateway is connected with, including Prison Fellowship, Shoe Boxes, Thailand, Haiti, Shekinah House, Rahab Ministry, 


Gateway Ladies Pizza and Stamp Cutting Night took place recently, where they trimmed stamps in readiness to be sent to QLD to raise funds for Baptist Mission Australia. The used stamps, and national collection raises approx. $70,000.00 every year! Gateway member Jill Ashdown is the “Tasmanian Stamp lady”.
Read how to participate in the Stamp ministry in the NEWS, next week.

Gateway Baptist: Nepali Fellowship; Stamp Mission group, Around the Churches Apr-May 2023
Gateway Nepali Fellowship; Missions Stamp Group meet

CITY BAPTIST, Launceston

Easter | Your prayers appreciated!

We had lovely services over Easter – the Good Friday reflective service was a particular highlight for many, working through a Protestant take on the Stations of the Cross.

City Baptist is still prayerfully seeking a more permanent home to gather in – we would appreciate your prayers for/with us as we seek God’s guidance.

Impacting our community

Members in our community continue activism and pastoral work among migrant communities, the street community and with regard to climate action, representing Jesus’ (and our) heart for going to the margins.

Jeff McKinnon and Garry Billing have started a home-grown discipleship opportunity titled Learning Circles, for people of all backgrounds, who are interested in growing in discipleship, spirituality and mission – learning the ways of Jesus. If you would like to know more, please contact Jeff (

  • John Tomkinson passed away in late March. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Gwen and the family.
  • David and Pat Jacobs celebrated a milestone wedding anniversary.


Hutchison Family Update

Newstead Baptist Church is very pleased to announce the safe arrival of its newest member, a baby boy, Rafael (Raffy) Warren Hutchison. Raffy was born at 1:56pm on 3rd April and weighed 9.8 pounds (4.46 kgs).

Congratulations to Dan and Maria, Skylah, Octavia and Boaz for this exciting addition to the family.  Pastor Dan is on leave until May 17 to be with his family.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Newstead
Dan with Skylah, Octavia and Raffy; Playing Scrabble at the Drop-In Centre
Drop-In Centre

Our Friday Senior’s Drop in Centre has recently dropped the “Senior’s” from their name in order to better align with our Strategic Plan. 

People of all ages are now welcome to attend the Drop-In Centre each Friday from 1pm until about 3:30pm.  Activities include good conversation, tea and coffee, yummy food (cake on special occasions!), darts, eight-ball, and a range of board games including scrabble and upwords.

We really appreciate the willingness of the older members of our congregation to embrace change and the future vision of our church and we look forward to what is in store for this special ministry.

Family Fun Walks

Newstead Baptist Church has partnered with Scripture Union to promote a series of Family Fun Walks.  These monthly, short family-friendly walks, are on Sunday afternoons from 2 to 4 pm, and easy to get to for those in or near Launceston.

All walks are manageable for families with young children, although not all are pram/stroller-friendly.  Our walks so far have been a great opportunity to meet new people and create deeper conversations around our discussion topics. For example, “Are you feeling full or empty?” for recent Trevallyn Dam walk.

All northern Baptist Churches are invited to join us at any of the upcoming walks listed below.  This list of walks, along with Scripture Union’s bushwalk series, can be found at, including some useful preparation and safety tips. 

Anyone from other local churches or the surrounding community are also welcome.

Upcoming walks
  • 4th June                  Youngtown Regional Park
  • 2nd July                    Lilydale Falls
  • 3rd September    Gorge Circuit
  • 8th Octobe           Tamar Island
  • 10th November    Old Macs Farm



The church was blessed with the baptism of the Cousens family at Greens Beach on the 24th of March: Adam, Sarah, Erica and Tom.
So great to see the family growing in the Lord.

Passover celebrated

On Palm Sunday, The Point Baptist Church welcomed Mark Rogers from The Friends of Israel, who conducted a Passover Seder meal as part of the Sunday service. The event was greatly appreciated by the church, and helped understanding of the significance of the Passover event.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, the Point Baptist
Baptisms at Greens Beach; Mark Rogers of Friends of Israel



Harvest Festival

On March 19th we celebrated our Harvest Festival. The bread, water and the sheaf of wheat along with the Bible, were centre of place, as they remind us of the basic things needed for life.

Food items were brought and displayed, and Pastor Ralph shared with us a reading from Leviticus reminding us of the need to be continually thanking the Lord for all our provisions.

The food was available for purchase after the service and the money raised along with remaining items was given to Gran’s Van.  Gran’s Van operates in Devonport to help feed the homeless and people struggling to feed themselves.

Latrobe Baptist Harvest Festival 2023


Please pray!

Although it would be true to say our congregation is “getting on”, we have suddenly experienced quite a few ‘sickies’!

Please pray for David’s back op; Sheryl’s leg op; Gordon’s cancer struggle; Jean and Karl’s Covid attack and Frans’s back attack! That is a third of our church! Join us to pray for their rapid recovery in every aspect of this attack. We ask in Jesus’s Name:

“Ask in my Name and I will do it”!

John 14:14
Sassafras Baptist Church_ photo credit Duncan Grant


Welcome little Macey

On 18th March, Pastor Matt Holloway, Lacey and big brother Larry welcomed Macey Kate into their family. Let’s celebrate with them for a safe arrival.

The Holloways
Matt and Lacey with Larry, and Macey


Strengthening our community
  • Recently, 17 of our ladies enjoyed a day out with JUST GIRLS to Stanley, where they visited Highfield House, and Joe Lions cottage.
  • Many people attended a day of fun and fellowship at the Church Family picnic at Railway Institute hall in April..
  • Due to inclement weather, the combined churches Good Friday service was held in our church rather than in Guttridge Gardens as planned.
  • Chat n Choose continues to meet on Thursday morning in the school term.
  • Wednesday Get Together meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month when people meet for morning tea ,and fellowship and carpet bowls and table games.
  • The Food Hub continues to operate on Monday and Friday.
Franz and Heidi Brosch
Franz and Heidi Brosch
Franz and Heidi Brosch

We are pleased to have welcomed our associate Pastor Franz and Heidi Brosch into our church family,

They input into our church services, with Heidi in the worship team and Franz on the keyboard.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023



Clean Up Australia

On 5th March again participated in the Clean Up Australia Day, this year at three different locations.  We did not hold a service at Mornington that day, and at Lenah Valley had a prayer time for those not in the field, linking into some of the sites for a report on what was happening.  Evaluation of the day will see some changes for next year.


There has been some energy and money expended in our first stage of some renovations.  We painted our front rooms, and refreshed with new carpet, windows and blinds.  Also there has been significant hours and work effected on our roof in a bid to fix numerous leaks.  Fund raising is underway for stage 2.  

Mission Partnership

Our BMA grant towards outreach to the Hindu community in Hobart has seen the purchase of a 12-seater bus and employment of a coordinator for two-days per week. to facilitate community services.  This is now up and running. Praise God.

Anzac Day

In conjunction with the local RSL, we’ve had another exciting Anzac Day in the Park at Lenah Valley.  This has grown to be a significant annual community event, this year with an estimated attendance of 800. 

We offer various crafts and activities to suit the whole family, all with an Anzac Day theme.  We gave away Sausages, drinks and Anzac biscuits.  The public were involved and everyone has a fun time.  Conversations take place, and links are established. Citywide is blessed by serving.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Citywide
Good Friday dawn service; Lenah Valley clean-up team; Anzac Day in the Park


Garage Sale

Claremont Baptist members cleaned out their garages and storerooms to hold a very successful Garage Sale.

While we benefited financially the purpose was to open our doors to our community. We offered a free sausage sizzle and tea and coffee which gave us time to chat to people. At least four people told us they never knew there was a church on the corner (it is a quite inconspicuous building!) Church families got to socialise too and there was a wonderful atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the event also proved to be a Covid super-spreader! So, by Easter Sunday we only had eight attending.

A moving and intimate service,  a wonderful time of rejoicing that Our Lord has Risen! On Good Friday we were also able to share in coffee and buns at Edge Anglican as has become our tradition. 

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Claremont Baptist Garage Sale
Garage Sale Day at Claremont


Sanctuary Sunday

On Sunday 19th March, Hobart Baptist celebrated Sanctuary Sunday when all our congregations gathered to worship together. This includes the Karen Community, Mabuhay (Filipino), Vietnamese Fellowships, as well as Hobart Vision Church (Korean). During the service, Yvette Ambrose was baptised.

The Vietnamese Christian Fellowship National Conference

From 11-14 April, almost 200 registrants from the mainland and Vietnam took over the building for their annual conference. Our Vietnamese Family Fellowship hosted the visitors.

Karen Wedding

Congratulations to Karen couple Pan Tay and Nya Le, who were married on Saturday 15th April by Joel Ortiz.

Pray for Christians in Kyiv

Pastor Anton, who we support in Kyiv, sent this message on 1st May. Please pray for him and the faithful people there who are providing hope, help and lodging for refugees:
There was a missile attack 25km south of our refugee centre. Some of our men have been working in the rescue team and were able to help save some of the people in the attack.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023 - Hobart Baptist
SANCTUARY SUNDAY: Korean Youth dance; followed by a wonderful morning tea; Vietnamese Conference; Karen Wedding

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Around the Churches, Feb-Mar 2023

Around the Churches February/March 2023

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.


CITY BAPTIST, Launceston

Community focus

We continue to gather at Worldview as our interim meeting space. Throughout February we focused on the call back to community.

Our drop in centre meal continues at Red Dove café at Pilgrim Uniting on Saturday night. Steven continues his chaplaincy role to the street community. We would appreciate prayer for him and for Kay Hunter (who works with vulnerable women).

We continue to prayerfully discern appropriate gathering spaces as we seek to transition back to the city of Launceston – prayer for this, relationships on the edges of our community, and for future innovative ministries is much appreciated.

Steven, Red Dove Cafe (screenshot). Kay
Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
Steven; Red Dove Cafe; Kay


Devotional together

On Sunday 12th March, each family in the church was given a booklet which is a 31-day devotional by Ray Hawkins (The Point Baptist) called Captured By Calvary.

We are going to complete this Bible study together, reading it day-by-day, culminating on Easter Sunday. On the Sundays between now and Easter, congregation members will be invited to share about their thoughts on what is covered in the devotional.


Walk this way

 Pastor Dan organised our church’s first ‘Walk This Way’ event.  We are planning to have them regularly with the first one being held at Heritage Park.  The weather was warm and so was the fellowship.  It was lovely to see a couple of friends from Scripture Union joining with our congregation members and chatting together along the route.  The second one was held at  Trevallyn Dam on the 5th March.

Other events

Pastor Dan met with the Little Fish volunteers to talk about the new program which has commenced and working well.

Simon McCormack  is leading the work at our church  putting in a new conveniently located disabled toilet.

Elaine Carins and the rest of the Senior’s Drop in Centre crew were treated to one of Maureen Battesse’s delicious strawberry filled sponge cakes this month to celebrate Elaine’s birthday.

Walk this Way, Little Fish, Birthday Cake
Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
Walk this Way; Little Fish volunteers; Elaine Carins


Time to take a break

Maddy Svoboda

Our pastor, Maddy Svoboda, was on Long Service Leave for the past few months. We’re all grateful for his dedication to our church over the years and are glad he can take a well-earned break. In his absence, we have been blessed to hear from many inspiring speakers from within our congregation, who have shared their insights, experiences, and faith with us.

Maddy has now returned, just in time for our church camp at Poatina Village on the 24th/25th February. It was a wonderful weekend of fellowship, worship, and meditative prayer. It also allowed us to reset, realign, and get to know each other on a deeper level.

The camp was a great opportunity for us to come together as a community and reaffirm our faith. We were reminded of the importance of connection, support, and empathy as we shared stories, sang and prayed together.

We are also grateful to the organisers of the church camp, who worked hard to ensure that all safety protocols were followed, and that everyone felt welcome and included. It was heartening to see people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences come together and build meaningful relationships.


Community picnic

On the Saturday before Christmas 2022, we arranged a Community Picnic. We had over 300 people come and be part of it. They then came to our Christmas Carol Service that night – over 200 people filled the church to overflowing!

Sunday nights at Perth

On the last Sunday in February, we commenced what will be a regular Sunday evening activity. There will be a meal once a month, and afternoon tea on the other weeks. The content will be The Chosen television series.

READ MORE about Perth Baptist in their recently released church profile >

Perth Baptist Church Profile



Now livestreaming

We give thanks to God that we have had Starlink installed and are beginning to livestream our services via YouTube to reach out beyond our boundaries. It is very exciting that we have had responses even from overseas. It is such a blessing for a little country church in Tasmania.

Jeff Percival speaks at the Lwr Barrington pizza night
Jeff Percival speaks at the Pizza night

Pizza night

On 24th February our Pastor Jeff Percival was guest speaker at a free Pizza night for men at Sheffield Town Hall with over 100 men attending. A great Gospel message was shared with them all.

LIFEWAY, Devonport

Lifeway were recently announced as the national winners of Baptist Mission Australia’s Walk the World campaign!




The UBC family celebrated Christmas together on Christmas Eve with an entertaining skit, musical items and carols. We were able to host lunch on Christmas Day for those in our community who otherwise would have been spending Christmas alone. This was a lovely day, with about 65 attending.

Christmas Eve at Ulverstone 2023; Fabruary Baptisms
Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
Christmas Eve at UBC; Baptism at the beach

Picnics and Baptisms

We have enjoyed the warmth of summer and gathered together for two church family picnics in Fairway Park. This has been a wonderful way to celebrate who we are. Not bound or defined by a building or location. Simply being who we are and who we are called to be.  It was a great opportunity to connect with each other and meet new people. The highlight of these two picnics however was to celebrate with three of our young people, Charlotte, Josiah and Kailem by witnessing their baptisms at the beach.

Gone to Glory

We mourned the passing of long-time member June Woodberry in January. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Kids Church

After a few years without having a children’s ministry it is an absolute joy to see Kids Church start up again. We are so grateful to Claire and Abbey for serving in this way and we love watching our UBC kids as they excitedly leave our church service to enjoy their program.

Shmuel Junger

In February we were privileged to spend an evening listening to Shmuel Junger. Shmuel was born and raised in Israel and spoke about his amazing personal story and updated us on the unique challenges facing the brave pioneers who have settled in Judea and Samaria.


Matty, Ashley and their girls

Appointment of new Pastor

Late last year, Burnie Baptist called Matty Coppin to a full-time pastoral position.

Matty, Ashley, and their two girls accepted the call, and are winding things up in Edmonton, Canada. They plan to arrive in July or August of this year. Please pray for a successful property sale, and a smooth international move.

Praise God with us at Burnie, as we are very excited about Matty and Ashley’s arrival.


Christmas joy

There was a large gathering of people at Carols in Guttridge Gardens on Christmas Eve. This is an annual event, organised by our church and enjoyed by all who attend in a lovely setting near the Inglis River.

Approximately 100 people, from both the community and the church who are alone at Christmas, enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner catered for by our church on Christmas Day in the ROC building.

Coffee makes a difference

We continue to support two children in India with Baptist  World Aid with money from cappuccino sales on Sunday mornings after church fellowship.

Welcome Franz and Heidi!

Franz and Heidi Brosch
Franz and Heidi Brosch

We are delighted to have welcomed our Associate Pastor Franz Brosch  and his wife Heidi into our fellowship on Sunday 11th February. We look forward to working with them, and getting to know them, as they share the ministry with Pastor Owen.
READ: Getting to know Franz Brosch >


Thanksgiving service

Marrawah Baptist held a Thanksgiving service on Sunday 5th February as it closed its doors after 70 years of faithful service in the community.

People, young and old, packed out the building to celebrate the life, service and impact of the church over so many decades.

Mission Director Stephen Baxter spoke, and the morning was MC’d by Dan Evenhuis (Citywide) who has fond memories of leading the Marrawah youth group.

READ MORE about Marrawah’s Thanksgiving service >

Thanksgivng service at Marrawah - the people gathered
Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
Marrawah Thanksgiving service, 5th Feb 2023

Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023



Aboriginal Sunday

On Sunday 22nd January, Citywide closed our doors, and our three congregations combined to celebrate Aboriginal Sunday in an open air service on the Domain.  Paul Dare preached and inspired us to continue on our journey of understanding and acknowledging the painful history of Tasmanian Aborigines. 

In the early European settlements the native Australians showed the new settlers how and where to find water, and in exchange the Aboriginals had access to flour and salt.  We celebrated this tentative exchange by drinking water together and eating damper.  The service culminated in sharing a picnic lunch together.

Mission Partnership

We are excited in the new partnership we have formed with Baptist Mission Australia to work together in reaching the Hindu community of Hobart, primarily through the community services our Nepalese congregation offer to new arrivals. 

We have received a generous grant from BMA towards purchasing a van and employing a Community Support Worker for two-days/week for two years.

Lunch time Forum

Rev Prof Rene Enrich, Principal and Professor of Practical Theology at Whitley College, spoke at a lunch forum on his specialized subject, Sexuality and Theology in Conversation.  Rene stimulated and challenged those who attended, to allow the Spirit of God to reshape our thinking. 

READ: Citywide Annual Report 2022

  • MARRIED:  Josh Garvin and Jen Paull on 31st December
  • MARRIED:  Kevin Chalk and Sonya Latham on 8th January
  • ENGAGED:  Mitchell Semmens and Sophie Garvin on 17th January
  • BAPTISED:  Sophie Griffiths on 19th February at Lenah Valley
Tas Baptist NEWS February 2023 showing Citywide Baptist and their three congregations, gathering on Aboriginal Sunday
Citywide gather on the Domain for Aboriginal Sunday


T2 Women

Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
T2 Women at Claremont Baptist
T2 Women

Claremont’s ladies group, T2women, had a wonderful start to the year with a garden party under ancient elms  in one of our member’s beautiful historic garden. The weather was glorious, the tea delicious and the conversation delightful as we shared our favourite flowers, poems and songs about flowers.

T2 comes from Titus 2:3-5 which encourages the women of the church from all generations to learn from each other. Our hope is to grow our faith through friendships. 

Together with IC Church

We held a combined service with IC Church and shared lunch afterwards. It is hoped we might do this more often. Pastor Mohan from Singapore was the speaker so an extra blessing to know we can worship with brothers and sisters from around the world. 

Church review

Currently we are doing a church review looking at our current ministries, their effectiveness and how we can build on these strong foundations into the near and long term future. 

IC CHURCH, Glenorchy

Five baptisms!

On Sunday, 8th January 2023, Intercultural Church (ICC) at Glenorchy started the new year by celebrating the baptism of five young members of the congregation. It was very exciting to see these young men make a public declaration of their decision to follow Jesus.

Some very different faith journeys were involved – from growing up in a Christian household to coming from a non-Christian background.

Aasan, from Nepal, wanted to find out about Christianity so contacted the church via its website. Graham, one of the ICC elders met with Aasan and helped lead him to Christ. Aasan started attending the church and it was not long before he asked for baptism.

Franklin (from Hobart) in his own spiritual journey, had also reached a decision to be baptised.

Aasan and Franklin were joined by three brothers, Yosief, Musse and Fitsum who were originally from Sudan but have been Australians for six years now.

From many different parts of the globe but now brothers in Christ – sharing a bond that will last for eternity.

IC Church baptisms, Feb 2023; Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
Aasan is baptised; L-R: Aasan, Yosief, Fitsum, Musse and Franklin.


Events at HBC

On Saturday 18th February, City Bible Forum used our building as a hub to host the Life@Work Conference.

Then, on Monday/Tuesday, 20th/21st February, we hosted the Tasmanian Baptist Pastor’s Muster, where Dr Christa McKirland of Carey Baptist College, Auckland, spoke.
Find out more about the Muster >

It is great to have our new facilities used for gatherings such as these.

Fundraising for Ukraine

On Wednesday 22nd February, a piano recital was held at Hobart Town Hall to raise funds for Ukrainian refugees, who are being assisted by Ukrainian Pastor Anton Kaluzhny in Kyiv.

The event was MC’d by Sean Priest. Kelvin Smith and Timothy Prajogo performed – all from HBC.

READ MORE about the fundraiser in February 2023 NEWS >
DONATE to fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees >

Sanctuary Sunday

We are looking forward to celebrating Sanctuary Sunday/Harmony Day on Sunday 19th March as we celebrate our broad ethnic diversity. We are grateful for contributions the Karen, Filipino, Indian, Vietnamese, Anuak (Ethiopian) and other nations make to our fellowship.

Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023; Hobart Baptist Harmony Day 2022; Pastors Muster Feb 2023
Some of the national dress worn on Sanctuary Sunday-Harmony Day 2022;
Pastor’s Muster, 20/21 February 2023

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February/March 2023

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Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023

Around the Churches, Oct-Nov 2022

Around the Churches Oct/Nov 2022. Citywide walk fundraiser; Marrawah Baptist leadership; Filipino singers; Bella Lay and family

Around the Churches October-November 2022

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.

Around the Churches this year

February/March 2022
April/May 2022
June/July 2022
August/September 2022


CITY BAPTST, Launceston

City’s Sunday Gatherings are well settled in our temporary home at Worldview College, St Leonards. On Sunday 6th November, Sunday Jenna Blackwell coordinated a picnic in Princes Square and led a great devotion before we wandered the city centre on a prayer walk.

Our Saturday ministry to street community is thriving in its partnership, and has a new home with Pilgrim Uniting Church.

Jeff McKinnon concludes 46 years of pastoral ministry on 31 December. A ‘handover service’ will take place on 9 January 2023.

Next year is looking like an exciting adventure under the pastoral leadership of Anthea Maynard and Jenna Blackwell.

City Baptist, Around the Churches October-November 2022
L to R: Jeff McKinnon, Anthea Maynard, Jenna Blackwell



Father’s Day
Father’s Day was a day of joy and as we honoured and celebrated our UBC men. An entertaining video presentation was created by some of our UBC family members re-enacting their own father’s sayings and behaviours.

Dr Kameel Majdali
We enjoyed the teaching and wisdom of Dr Kameel Majdali (pictured) who, with prophetic insight and practical spiritual encouragement brought Biblical clarity to the times that we are living in today. 

Church Anniversary
On the 25th September, our Sunday service celebrated 117 years of God’s goodness and faithfulness to UBC. A video presentation took us back in time reflecting on all the pastors that have served with us up to present day.

The choir presented an item they had recently prepared and performed for a Bible Society concert. Of course, it’s not a celebration without food, so a BBQ lunch was enjoyed by all.

Table Tennis
Our table tennis season came to an end with about 30 people participating this year. The grand final night concluded with a trophy presentation and pizza.

Between the months of June to the end of September it has been a privilege to host a space for TUCK (The Ulverstone Community Kitchen) to operate. Partnering with businesses, organisations and members of our community, we were able to provide a safe space for those in need to enjoy a free meal.

We look forward to being part of the TUCK team with the hope of being a blessing and encouragement to whoever may be reached throughout the winter months of 2023. 

Ulverstone Baptist Around the Churches October-November 2022
Gabe, and Pastor Louis Fife
FAREWELL: Josephine Viney

26th September 1936 – 23rd August 2022
By Glenys Preston 

After many months of failing health, we at Ulverstone Baptist Church were saddened when our dear friend Josie passed away.

Together with her husband Neville, they ministered on the African Continent for 19 years with service at a Leprosy Hospital in the Sudan, on a medically equipped vessel on Lake Chad, and finally house parents to missionaries’ children in Nigeria.

In 1979, the family returned to Tasmania and settled in Ulverstone where Josie’s nursing expertise saw her employed at the Ulverstone Hospital, followed by assisting in the establishment of the Palliative Care Unit, based at the Mersey General Hospital in Latrobe.

Josie became a much loved and respected member of UBC with involvement including leading a ladies bible study group, a member of the missionary team, deaconesses and Sunday school teacher.

Hospitality was a prominent part of Josie and Neville’s lives, providing meals and fellowship to many, as well as spiritual support to countless needy people in their home, while added hospital visitation of encouragement was administered during times of suffering.

We thank God for the blessing which has been ours in having Josie in our personal and Church lives, knowing that she is at peace and rejoicing in the presence of her Lord and Saviour who she loved and faithfully served.


Marrawah Baptist leadership team with Rodney Marshall, Around the Churches October-November 2022
The Marrawah leadership team recently met with Rodney Marshall and Michael Henderson to plan the Thanksgiving Service.

Marrawah Baptist to Close
For several years now, the small fellowship who gather at Marrawah Baptist Church have been operating on Sundays on an irregular basis. More recently, most of the congregation have shifted in to Smithton, and are now attending the Baptist church there. Now, the membership has decided it is time to permanently close their doors.

Thanksgiving Service
Marrawah Baptist will host a thanksgiving service early 2023. During the morning there will be time to say farewell and celebrate all the years and work and mission that has taken place through this fellowship. 

Thanksgiving Service at Marrawah Baptist Church
DATE: yet to be confirmed – stay posted!
9.45am Come for a cuppa
10:30am Worship Service
All are welcome to attend.
MAP: Marrawah Baptist Church, 826 Comeback Rd, Marrawah TAS 733

Around the Churches October-November 2022



Church Camp
We had another successful family camp at Poatina at the end of September. Well over 100 attended with great interactions between our three congregations. Our focus for the weekend included some Psalms for teaching and reflection, including Psalm 23 alongside the riverbank.

The highlight of the many activities was the soccer match between the Australian and Nepalese congregations – a cause of much fun and spectator delight. The Saturday night family concert also brought forth some special talent.

L to R: Citywide Soccer teams; Saturday night concert; Walkers near the top of kunanyi

Mission Trip to Nepal
Pastors Paul Rai and Dan Evenhuis embarked on a two-week mission trip to Nepal at the end of October. The purpose of the trip was to visit the rural pastors and the children’s home we support, and to firm up the registered local supports to ensure that our charity status is not compromised.

In addition, this is a fact-finding venture to ensure our support and ministry into Nepal can be focused where it is most needed. A climb from Lenah Valley to the summit of Mt. Wellington/kunanyi on Saturday 15 October in support of Nepali mission was well supported.

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes
On 16 October in our service, our congregations engaged in packing 200 shoe boxes for the Operation Christmas Child ministry. We have an active collection for the boxes throughout the year in which many engage generously to make and donate goods.

Farewell Service for Peter Clarke
Peter Clarke

It was with much sadness that we celebrated the life of Peter Clarke on 12 October. Peter served many years as an Elder at Lenah Valley, and then at Citywide after our merger.

At the service, tributes to Peter acknowledged his life from as far away as Zambia. Many people’s lives were blessed and impacted by Peter’s ministry, all of which flowed from his close relationship with Jesus and his desire to serve him well.

Peter has left a hole in our lives at Citywide, but we know that he is now excitedly fulfilling his faith and rejoicing with his Lord.


HBC Sancturary Sunday 2-22, Around the Churches October-November 2022
From top: Mabuhay singers Children’s talk; Vietnamese fellowship; Karen choir

Sanctuary Sunday, 25th September
The first Sanctuary Sunday since Covid was a wonderful morning. For those who hadn’t experienced one before, it was a great opportunity to celebrate the diversity and international nature of the HBC family – all together in the one place at the one time.

During the morning we welcomed the Korean Hobart Vision Church, now meeting in the Tab on Sunday afternoons. And also the Vietnamese Fellowship, who in September, became one of ‘sanctuaries’, along with the Karen church, Mabuhay (Filipino) and Anuak (Ethiopian) fellowships.

National costumes, visiting friends, and lots of encouragement enabled all to enjoy the blessings of being one in Christ. A splendid morning tea followed the service!

Bella Lay
Beautiful 11-month-old Bella Lay has Leukemia, and her treatment is well underway. Bella, and parents Than Tun (Damo) and Lay Ber, have moved to Melbourne for treatment. This takes them away from their jobs/income and makes it expensive for family to visit.

Bella Lay, Around the Churches October-November 2022

Married for less than two years, both parents are part of our Karen community, having come to Tasmania from Myanmar via refugee camps in Thailand. You can support Bella and her parents by donating to a Go Fund Me fundraiser >

Around the Churches October-November 2022

Read ReCharge

October/November 2022

How did we do in 2022? From the Mission Leadership Team
CHRISTMAS IDEAS For Baptists from Crossover
ANNUAL ASSEMBLY Report by Anthea Maynard
FAMINE In the Horn of Africa Melissa Lipsett, CEO Baptist World Aid
PRISON MINISTRY By Cameron Brett of Prison Fellowship Tasmania
DEEP THOUGHT The Sound of Silence By Denise Stephenson
FROM THE MISSION DIRECTOR: Does God Really Care? By Stephen Baxter
SCHOOLS MINISTRY: Mustard Lives Transformed by Jesus
CHURCH PROFILE: Newstead Baptist
October 2022 NEWS | November 2022 NEWS

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IT’S ALL ABOUT Around the Churches October-November 2022

TAS BAPTISTS, Around the Churches October-November 2022

Around the Churches, Aug-Sept 2022

Around the Churches Sept 2022

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.

Around the Churches this year so far

February/March 2022
April/May 2022
June/July 2022


CITY, Launceston

On the move

City's last service and Fellowship Lunch at Christchurch, Frederick Street Launceston
City’s last service and Fellowship Lunch at Christchurch, Frederick Street Launceston

On  28th August City Baptist held its final service in the historic Christchurch building in Frederick Street. This was a wonderful time of celebration and thanksgiving. The congregation reflected on the amazing 180 years of  stories encapsulated in the old buildings.

Ivan James led those present through the long history of Baptists in Launceston, and Kay Hunter led a time of remembering and thanksgiving for the current congregation. A lovely fellowship lunch in Milton Hall capped off a great day as the doors were closed for the final time.

On Sunday 4th September City Baptist found their way to the Worldview Centre auditorium at St Leonards. This will be their home for about six months or so. Anthea Maynard and Jenna Blackwell led the Gathering in recognising our corporate calling as we step consciously into a new, liminal space.

Our Drop-in Centre ministry has also moved to a new venue, the Red Dove Café at Pilgrim Uniting in the city centre.


City Launceston people

Comings and Goings
Farewell to the Beeston family, Andy, Penny, Mikaela and Emalyn. We officially said goodbye at the service on the 7th of August. We shared lunch together after the service.
Congratulations Gayatri & Sanjay Sagar on the arrival of Ruhi Sagar, sister to Brianna born 15th August 2022.
Congratulations to Gateway’s A Reserve Men’s Basketball team on reaching finals. They played in the Baptist Grand Final on Saturday 27th August, and were runners up to the Free Reformed Men’s team. Final result 26 to 40.
Our sincere love and condolences are extended to all the family of Chris Sundstrup who died at home on 31st August. Chris was a valued member of Gateway, a willing contributor and much appreciated Church Treasurer.


George Town Baptist worship

Guest speakers visit
Pastor Abdul-Karim Kamara brought the message to George Town Baptist Church on Sunday Morning 28th August.  He asked the question “How Keen Are you to Serve the Lord?”  It was a challenging and uplifting message. 

Wade Miller, whose family once owned the Hillwood apple and berry farms spoke at the September Breakfast meeting. 


Newstead's Men in the Shed

Men in the shed
One recent Friday, the men were treated to some time in the shed with the master, Phil Marston, telling his story of the blessing of procuring these machines that enable him to manufacture anything out of metal.  One such labour of love is his Lila (purple) 1948 Dodge Fargo which we got to have a look and listen to.  Phil also demonstrated the art of cutting a thread on a bolt. 

The men left with a couple of reflections: A master who has been doing the job for a long time knows his tools and what he is working with, reflecting Jeremiah 18:1-17 the Potter and the clay.  Finally, when change comes, when our eyes are on God and not our situation we come out the stronger and blessed.

Spring into action!
Newstead Baptist is springing into spring starting a new series: The Kings Apprentice: Our Moments with the Master, and providing resources to participate in a 40-day prayer guide.

On Sunday August 28th we had a meeting to develop our strategic plan for the next five years.

Pastor Dan is also glad to be moved into their new house in Newstead, and took a couple of weeks off to settle in.


Eskleigh Service

A Very Special Service
On Sunday, 4th September we celebrated our Church’s link to the Eskleigh Foundation which has, amongst its other services for people with a disability, this residential home in Perth.

Originally, our Church Hall was built by David and Mary Gibson and opened 160 years ago. When it grew too small, they built our Tabernacle in 1888, in which we continue to meet. When their large family home got too big for them, they gave it to the community as a place for adults with severe or multiple disabilities.

Several residents and their carers attend our morning service and where suitable other events during the week.

How the day went

On this particular Sunday, we had three buses turn up at 9:05 with a sense that the morning was going to be special.

How different to attend a service where our friends met, welcomed, and prayed for us. Two helped take up our offering with great enthusiasm, and another prayed her special prayer of thanks.

Ron, a carer who has continued to work past his age of retirement to bring them to our service, spoke of the impact coming to church has on the residents. To him, he believes that every Sunday morning has an impact. He referred to the scarfs and other things knitted by our members and the other gifts given to them over the years.

We were blessed to sit and be ministered to so enthusiastically by our lovely friends.

The theme of the service was Kindness, with a link to 1 Corinthians 13 with the encouragement for us all to seek out our neighbour as the Good Samaritan did, and show that special kindness that comes from God’s love to all we encounter people every day.

It is such a blessing that one of our members works at Eskleigh, and has a day-to-day relationship with the staff and residents. Rob arranged and led the service, followed by a great morning tea and fellowship.



Latrobe Chocolate Winterfest

Chocolate Winterfest
The weekend of 14th August saw the return of the Latrobe Chocolate Winterfest, after a two year absence because of Covid. The Latrobe church over the years has taken part in the festival by inviting the Choir of High Hopes from Launceston to come and perform in the church on the Sunday afternoon. This year it was wonderful to have them back again.  25 choir members came and presented a wonderful afternoon of songs and items.

A “chocolate themed afternoon tea” followed, which everyone loved.  Many people contributed to the amazing food on offer which included biscuits decorated with music notes in keeping with the music from the Choir. This was a great opportunity to be part of the community, and to be a witness to the people of Latrobe.


Wynyard Baptist Church

Getting together
Just Blokes meets quarterly with some very interesting speakers. In June we heard from a former policeman who spoke of his work and his journey of overcoming cancer.

Just Girls.  In June, our ladies met for breakfast at a cafe in Burnie, then onto some retail therapy in Devonport. In July, we met for lunch and enjoyed an interesting PowerPoint presentation. It was given by a local lady who has lived and worked overseas for many years.

Wednesday Get Together meets twice monthly. It’s a great time of fun and fellowship with carpet bowls and board games, a shared morning tea and a cake to celebrate those who have had birthdays.

Child sponsorship. We continue to support two children through Baptist World Aid with money from our cappuccino sales on Sunday morning after-church fellowship. 



God is our Refuge and Strength Ps 46:1
Psalm 46:1 was a key verse
during the DV Awareness Training

Domestic Violence Awareness We recently held a day seminar to inform us about domestic violence. This is to begin to prepare us as a church to minister to people who have suffered in this way.  25 people were educated, inspired, challenged, and began to see possibilities of how Citywide might develop a ministry in this area. 

Alpha Citywide are in the middle of an Alpha course, the first we’ve offered for many years.  We are delighted over 50 people attend, of whom approximately 12 are first time questioners and open to seeking God.  Please pray with us for Kingdom growth.

Life Group Leaders’ Lunch We recently held the first of quarterly lunches for Life Group Leaders for training, encouragement and sharing of group issues. At Citywide, 10 different groups operate involving 100 people. We want to increase our support of these valuable groups who facilitate a large part of our pastoral care. 


Heather Hunt

Farewell Heather
Claremont are sad to announce that Heather Elise Hunt died on Saturday 23rd July after a short illness. She was aged 94.

You can read of Heather’s incredible work during the formation of Claremont Baptist. It was published in the recent Claremont Baptist Church Profile >


Hobart News

Youth car wash
HBC Youth, combined with the Boys’ Brigade, are raising funds to support a Karen teacher in a Thai refugee camp. So far they have raised over $1100, including $450 from a Saturday afternoon car wash and coffee event. Nice work everyone!

Alpha Course
A Sunday afternoon Alpha course began at Hobart on 31st July, and will continue through until 9th October. Please pray for the participants, especially for those who are new to faith. It has been a very encouraging time of seeking and searching the answers to important life questions.

Living Hope
For the last few months our sermons have focused on Peter’s letters with Living Hope – Changing Your Life for the Better. Jesus-followers are called to a Living Hope – hope that is alive and a hope that is lived.
As well, we have ceased our pre-recorded YouTube services and are now live-streaming. These are available from 10am Sunday mornings on the Hobart Baptist YouTube channel.

Read ReCharge

August/September 2022

Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
Church Profile Claremont Baptist
From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

September 2022 NEWS
August 2022 NEWS

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Around the Churches August-September 2022