reCharge NEWS July 2024

reCharge NEWS May 2024


    Retreat Locations for Pastors

    Tasmanian Baptist Pastors
    Do you know of any budget-friendly accommodation that our Tas Baptist pastors could use for personal retreats or holidays with their families? The Tas Baptists team are putting together a list of retreat locations and want help in sourcing some options.

    It may be that a member of a congregation owns a shack, a holiday home or a cottage on their property or even a caravan that they would be so generous as to loan to a pastor every now and then, either for free or a reduced rate. It could be anywhere in Tasmania. 

    Pastors and church leaders work hard, and often their work is exhausting and mentally draining. Making time for rest, reflection, and connection is an essential spiritual practice, particularly for those in church leadership. 

    If you know of a possible option, or want more information, contact Karla Miller at Tas Baptists.

    Youth Alive Main Event

    Saturday, 17 August from 3.30pm to 8.00pm
    Main Event is a statewide event for youth to gather from all over Tasmania to lift up the name of Jesus over their generation! Main Event will be the biggest youth event of the year, and will feature Andy Harrisson and Josh Ham, along with food vans, indoor inflatable rides, limited edition merchandise releases, foyer DJ’s, giveaways, and more! Main Event will be held at the MAC 02 venue at Hobart.

    Find out more on the website.

    Ultimate Church Trivial Night

    Saturday, 24 August at 8.00pm
    Aussie Baptist churches are invited to challenge the reigning champions, Knightsbridge Baptist SA, at the ultimate Church Trivia Night. It’s Church vs Church and State vs State for the most knowledgeable Australian Baptist Church of 2024.

    The challenge takes place on Saturday, 24 August at 8.00pm through Zoom. Join in around a table or in a living room from a laptop (or other Zoom-able device). 

    A thousand churches. Six associations. One big family games night.  

    Find out more and register your church team(s) on the Crossover website.

    FREEDOM24 conference

    Monday, 5 August, 9.00am-4.00pm
    Freedom for Faith is hosting the FREEDOM24 Conference on Monday 5 August, 9am-4pm in Sydney. Livestream tickets are free for those who cannot attend in person. 

    The conference aims to develop your understanding of threats to religious freedom in Australia from historical, theological and policy perspectives. 

    Historian Sarah Irving-Stonebraker will examine the history of religious freedom, while John McClean of Christ College will share a theological perspective on how the church is to respond to legal threats to ministry. In addition, a number of experts will unpack the major religious freedom concerns in Australia, as well as implications and paths forward for advocacy. 

    You can register for the livestream here.

    The Day of Presence  

    Fri 20 – Sun 22 September
    Are you looking to get away for a day or two and discover more about God? 
    Do you need some time to escape the hustle-bustle of your life, to quietly rest in God’s presence? 

    “But as for me, God’s presence is all I need. I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, as I declare all the things you have done.” Psalm 73:28 

    The Day of Presence will be held in Maydena in Southern Tasmania to create space for busy women to stop, experience God’s presence, and B-R-E-A-T-H-E. 

    Denise Stephenson, an experienced spiritual director and gifted retreat leader, will lead our time together. 

    $150/person for 2 nights. If you can, bring some food to share at dinner time. (Please contact us if you have hesitations about cost. There are other ways you can contribute). 

    Register your interest in coming by emailing and we’ll get back to you with more details.

    Gateway Baptist Church Special Meeting

    Sunday, 4 August 
    Gateway Baptist Church is holding a special meeting on Sunday, 4 August at 10am, for Ps Noel and Beckie Eagling who are retiring from leadership at after five years of serving the church and are being released into itinerant ministry. Ps Bob Goolsby and his wife Sylvie are being commissioned as the new leaders. 

    Join them for this special time in the church family, giving thanks to the Lord for the past five years, sprinkled with perhaps a tinge of sadness in the leaving, but focussing upon celebration in the provision of what is to come. 

    Ps Maddy Svoboda will represent Tas Baptists to complete the commissioning process. The service will be followed by morning tea. They would love to see anyone from the Tas Baptists family, as they thank and farewell Noel and Beckie and welcome Bob and Sylvie.

    SparkLit Awards

    Thursday, 22 August
    The SparkLit Awards recognise and encourage excellence in Australian Christian writing and publishing that helps people discover Jesus in a way that is authentic and culturally meaningful.  

    The 2024 shortlist is out. Ten titles have been shortlisted for Australian Christian Book of the Year Award! The shortlist this year features Christian responses to suffering, the ecological crisis and the challenges of mission. The 2024 Australian Christian Book of the Year will be announced at the SparkLit Awards Night on 22 August. 

    You can find more information about the titles that have been shortlisted for the 2024 Australian Christian Book of the Year Award on the SparkLit website.

    Save the Date: Myanmar Sunday 

    Sunday, 15 September
    Australian Baptists are joining together to support our brothers and sisters in Myanmar who are experiencing atrocities every day at the hand of the military.  

    Baptist World Aid Australia, Baptist Mission Australia and other Baptist ministries and Unions are inviting Baptist churches around Australia to join the Stand with Myanmar campaign.  

    Churches can do this by holding a Myanmar Sunday church service on September 15th (or on a Sunday between Aug 15-Sept 15).  

    Despite disappearing from our daily news reports, the situation has worsened in recent months. There are approximately 2,650,000 internally displaced people living or hiding in the jungle in Myanmar and a further 1,133,000 seeking asylum or in refugee camps in the countries surrounding Myanmar. Funds are desperately needed for education, medical supplies, food, water and clothing. 
    The ethnic people groups of Myanmar are largely Baptist and here in Australia we have around 75 Baptist congregations originating from Myanmar, 56 of which are within our Baptist Union of Victoria. 

    Please consider joining with us by adding this important event to your church calendar for Aug – Sept 2024, as we stand with our brothers and sisters from Myanmar.  

    Resources and ideas for how to hold your Myanmar Sunday service will be available soon. 

    ReCharge News July 2024

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    Recharge Articles 2024

    reCharge NEWS June 2024

    reCharge NEWS May 2024


      Winter Solstice Celebrate the Light in Hobart

      Christians of different denominations came together last week at the darkest time of the year to celebrate the light. Many different events provided expressions of love and light for the city of Hobart. A slide show from the various events is below.

      EmpowHer Day Of Wonder 2025 

      Save the date in 2025 on Saturday 29 March for next year’s EmpowHer Day of Wonder.
      Heartlands Autumn/Winter 2024 issue is out now. Read how to move from being STUCK into FREEDOM and how Breaking free from a rut can be incredibly liberating. Melissa Lipsett, CEO of Baptist World Aid and the keynote speaker for the Day of Wonder write on how women can change the fabric of local communities from poverty to cohesion. Plus Day of Presence on 20-22 September in Maydena in Southern Tasmania and other events for your calendar.. 

      Break Free - Heartlands for Women. By EmpowHer

      Hobart Night of Prayer  

      This Friday, 21st June a number of people are meeting for prayer or for prayer walks in Hobart.

      You are welcome to join other Christians or gather your own group together, to pray solo or in pairs and choose a place to pray at home, at church or “prayer walk” outdoors. 

      Below is a list of times and locations for organised prayer groups: 

      6:00 – 8:00pm – Prayer at St James Anglican Church New Town, followed by a prayer walk into St Davids Church

      7:00 – 8:00pm – Prayer at Kangaroo Bluff with Citywide Baptist Church  

      9:00 – 10:00pm – Prayer walk through the CBD. Starts at the Salvation Army Corps, 180 Elizabeth St  

      9:30 – 10:30pm – Prayer walk from Montagu Bay Primary School (Conara Rd – just under the Tasman Bridge) going across the bridge to St Davids along the waterfront.  

      *Please turn up 5 mins beforehand for prayer walks.

      More details here

      Better World Magazine June 2024

      The latest edition of Better World Magazine is out now.  This issue explores: 

      – What 50 years of Child Sponsorship has taught us 
      – Why disaster preparation is a justice issue 
      – Mi Kai Lagwi’s fight to end oppression in Myanmar 
      – Power: am I the problem?

      The Baptist World Aid magazine highlights pressing issues facing communities, offers inspiring good news stories, and a behind-the-scenes glimpse of local Christian Partners’ work around the world.  

      Click image below for magazine. 

      Celebrate the Light

      Christians from different churches around Hobart are coming together at the darkest time of the year to celebrate the light. Many churches are holding events during June to celebrate the winter months and spread the light and hope of Jesus. 

      Hobart Baptist’s Luminous festival is participating, along with other churches and different expressions of love for the city of Hobart. Events include: prayer walks, art installations, outreach, youth events, pancakes, hot chocolate, lanterns, hot topic discussions, midnight communion and more. These events are an excellent opportunity to invite those who don’t know Jesus yet.  

      Check out the Celebrate the Light Facebook page to stay connected over winter. 

      Luminous Festival Opens Today

      This year’s Luminous Festival at Hobart Baptist includes an exhibition of art by three artists, Karin McCormack, Joel Wybrew and Michael Henderson. They explore the theme SACRED TASMANIA and the connections between the sacred, place, and sustainability.  

      In Tide Line, a ceramic and raw clay installation by Karin McCormack, she subscribes to ‘the broader notion of sacred, that which inspires awe and deserves respect and reverence…’. 

      Joel Wybrew’s music Recording with Images is called (How) are you loving home? It’s an intimate piece of music, which seeks to provoke listeners to reflect on the land they inhabit and the community they share it with. Listeners are encouraged to pause and think about if and how they embody these values.  

      Past – Present? – Continuous? is a work of graffiti on photographs, by Michael Henderson. 

      The exhibition is open 12-15 June and 17-20 June: 10am-2pm at Hobart Baptist Church and kicks off with a panel discussion with the artists 12 June at 6pm. 

      The theme this year is “Sacred Tasmania” with a focus on “home, love and the things that unite us” and includes four conversations on the sacredness of life and how to live it well on this wonderful island Tasmania. 

      Event details are listed on the Luminous website or contact

      PNG’s Deadly Landslide

      How Churches Can Help 

      On 24 May, a deadly landslide struck Enga Province in Papua New Guinea, possibly burying up to 2,000 people and leaving many families devastated.

      Australian Baptists have a strong history of partnership with Baptist Union PNG. Baptist Union PNG staff members have shared the devastation of the situation as they try to locate missing family members and mourn the loss of loved ones. They’ve also made known the urgent need for aid, as the landslide has buried homes, farmland, and infrastructure. 

      Baptist World Aid is helping Baptist Union PNG provide emergency food rations. BWA is also cooperating with Baptist Mission Australia to practically and prayerfully respond to this disaster.  

      BWA, in cooperation with BMA, have developed a PNG Landslide Appeal here which is now live for donations.

      PNG Landslide appeal

      Baptist World Congress

      7-12 July 2025 

      Hosted every five years in rotating regional locations, the 23rd Baptist World Congress will take place in Brisbane. Baptists from all over the world will descend on Brisbane’s Convention Centre and Exhibition Centre. This year the Congress is a partnership between the Baptist World Alliance and the Australian Baptist movement. It will be a one-of-a-kind opportunity to gather with Baptist sisters and brothers from around the world and learn how God is at work in and through our global family. 

      The event theme is “Living the Good News” drawn from Luke 4: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (v. 18-19) 

      For more information visit the website.

      23rd Baptist World Congress

      Library Aid International  

      Second Life Books and Resources

      Library Aid International provide opportunities for schools and others in Tasmania to give a second life to used books and educational resources so that they can be shipped to needy schools in overseas countries. heir 12th container is about to be shipped.  

      The Sheffield community has warmly welcomed Library Aid International Inc. that originated as the vision of Linda Abblitt from Tasmania. The group is now led by Leoni Read and in 2023 relocated from Upper Burnie to the Beulah Memorial Hall with new volunteers and supporters coming forward. 

      They continue to see schools, libraries, churches, organisations, and private citizens donate books, educational resources and finances to LAI. 

      Students and staff from a school recently held a Book Drive and donated 1,161 books and a generous donation of two thousand dollars was made from the proceeds of morning teas at a popular market.  

      A children’s authors’ small business in Hobart donated 100 copies each of three non-fiction educational books for young children. 

      LAI recently placed a “Book Library Fridge” in front of the Uniting Church in Sheffield for books donated to LAI that, for various reasons related to culture or other factors, cannot be shipped. The Book Library Fridge is a novel and imaginative approach that encourages the joy of reading and community engagement, both at home and abroad while promoting LAI on the volunteer-painted fridge doors. 

      To donate and for a list of preferred items visit the website.

      Library Aid International

      Building a Culture of Trust

      Tuesday, 11 June 

      Experience an engaging half-day Leaders Networking Event to workshop building a culture of trust. Presented by Dr. Henry Cloud, clinical psychologist and author of 45 books including “Boundaries”. 

      The half-day session on Tuesday 11 June will be co-hosted by GLS Next Gen on the Northwest Coast at Devonport. 

      Understanding the significance of trust within a team has profound impact on enhancing working environments. The event offers a fantastic opportunity for networking, learning, and potentially catalysing positive change within church culture. Learn, grow and connect with leaders from across Tasmania.

      The highlight of the meeting will be an insightful presentation by Dr. Henry Cloud. 
      Benefits include:
      – World-class insights  
      – Dynamic conversations 
      – Defined next steps to enhance trust with the people you lead.

      Costs start at $65 per person and includes GST, workbook and morning tea.  

      Find more information and register here

      Building a Culture of Trust

      ReCharge News June 2024

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      Recharge Articles 2024

      reCharge NEWS May 2024

      reCharge NEWS May 2024


        Free Trauma Awareness Training

        Launches 19 June 2024

        Fostering Hope is a Tasmanian, Christian organisation seeking to support at-risk children and those who care for them.  

        One of the ways they do this is to increase understanding of the impacts of unsafe beginnings on children and young people. Many of these children and young people interact with kids that go to church, youth group, playgroup, and other programs.  

        Their behaviours can be challenging, yet everyone has a role to play in showing them God’s love and acceptance. This can be so powerful in their healing.  

        With the support of the Tasmanian Community Fund, Fostering Hope partnered with Dr Suse from Shine Through Psychology to develop easy to understand, free, online trauma awareness videos. These videos encourage people already working and volunteering with children and young people and increase their understanding of the impacts of unsafe beginnings.  

        The course consists of six engaging and easy to understand sessions designed to help you bring compassion and care to children impacted by trauma. The videos take about an hour total.  

        Book video sessions here on their website

        Luminous Festival

        12-23 June 2024

        Hobart Baptist Church is again challenging Hobartians in the middle of winter with the Luminous Festival. Sacred Tasmania is the theme, exploring the connection between the sacred, place and sustainability.  

        There will be: 
        – Four Conversations about home, love and the sacred things that unite us
        – Three incredible art installations
        – Two inspiring events with Scott Darlow, indigenous musician
        – Two Christmas in Winter events to celebrate the coming of light into darkness
        – One Multicultural Market with a feast of food options!

        TICKETS: Sat 15 June, Scott Darlow in Concert $10/adult (free for kids 0-14). Profits to World Vision. 

        FREE WITH REGISTRATION: All other events. 

        You are spoilt for choice – have a look at dates and options here: 

        All Welcome! Invite your friends and family! 

        Changes At Hobart Baptist Church 

        HBC’s Stephen Baxter Concludes in the Role

        On Sunday, 12 May, Scott Ambrose shared the news that, Stephen Baxter would be concluding his time as Senior Pastor at Hobart Baptist Church later this year. Stephen is leaving the role after 14 years and is the longest serving minister in the 140-year history of Hobart Baptist Church. Stephen indicated that he felt a clear sense that God was calling him to conclude his period of service as Senior Pastor. Consequently, his final Sunday will be 1 September 2024.  

        This is not necessarily the end of Stephen and Jenny’s time at Hobart Baptist Church but, rather, the conclusion of serving as Senior Pastor.  

        HBC will celebrate Stephen and Jenny and their pastoral ministry over the coming months and invite everyone in the Tas Baptist community to join in as they honour them. 

        The HBC community are incredibly grateful to God for the leadership of Stephen and the support and work of Jenny over many years. Stephen and Jenny have responded faithfully to the call of God to serve Him through Hobart Baptist Church, and it is fitting that they are now responding to His call as they seek His will for the future. The changes in the Church in both the physical buildings and in the pastoral team approach and missional outlook, are a testament to Stephen’s ministry. 

        The Diaconate will be meeting to prayerfully consider future pastoral leadership and invite all members of the Tas Baptist community to thank God for the provision of Stephen and Jenny for this period in the life of Hobart Baptist and, to pray for God’s will for the HBC community.  Watch the announcement below from HBC’s YouTube site.

        impress: passing faith onto our kids

        New book, impress by Ainsley Freeman

        A new book explores sharing faith with our children in the context of busy, modern households.

        With the pressures of our modern world, parents are struggling to find the time, energy and tools to talk about and demonstrate faith to their kids. impress is a book written for these parents in the “drowning years” of raising children and is part encouragement and part how-to when it comes to sharing faith to the next generation in the context of our modern households.  

        Mother of three sons, author, media professional and church pastor, Ainsley Freeman, says the book represents much of her life journey to date.  

        This book is a call back to the primary task for any caregiver to pass the baton of faith in a compelling, meaningful, and relevant way in the context of our families. It’s a call back to evangelism and sharing the good news with people we’ve been entrusted.  

        Reflecting on her new book Ainsley says, “It is imperative that we talk about and live our faith in a way that leaves a real impression on the next generation and this book will help and inspire parents to do just that.” 

        impress is available through the Olive Tree Media online store and instore or online from Koorong bookstores. To find out more about impress visit the @impress.daily Instagram page or go to the website and be sure to sign up for Ainsley’s 52-week devotional accompanying the book called impress weekly

        National Volunteers Week  

        20-26 May  

        Next week we notice and celebrate our volunteers. Notice – because volunteers are often the quiet and generally unnoticed people making things happen in the background.
        They are rarely recognised for their work, and rarely expect to be – because it’s in their nature to help others! How do you let your volunteers know that they are so very valued? Send a free e-card or appreciation certificate

        Micah Australia

        2024 Budget Night Response 

        In the wake of Budget night, Micah Australia have created a Budget response as part of their joint campaign – ‘Safer World for All’ – run with the wider Australian International Development sector.  

        They have also developed an Advocacy Plan to help churches advocate for an Australia that acts justly for country neighbours and the most urgent global justice issues facing the world today – extreme poverty, rising conflict and climate change.  

        Further resources unpacking the need to advocate for a generous aid program from a Christian perspective can be found here

        Baptist World Aid Matching Grant Appeal 

        May-June 2024

        Support the work of Baptist World Aid before the end of the financial year   

        Inspired by Isaiah 61 and God’s infinite kindness to those who are suffering, May-June will see Baptist World Aid launch their annual Matching Grant Appeal. 

        Donations made to this appeal will be combined with government funds and invested in specific community development projects.  

        Current projects funded through the Matching Grant Appeal are in Cambodia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya, and Lebanon.  

        For over 10 years, they have used the campaign as an opportunity to raise the funds needed to access additional financial support from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). All donations are tax-deductible.   

        For further information visit the website or read BWA 2024 FAQ document here. 

        Youth Alive UNDIVIDED!

         24, 25 May and 21 June 2024  

        Youth Alive Undivided is a state-wide event for young people and youth ministries and are perfect for teenagers to bring their friends along. Tasmania is holding three events with over 1000 young people gathering! Dates for the Undivided are: 

        24 MAY – Launceston, 6pm At Door of Hope Christian Church 

        25 MAY – Devonport, 6pm at Gateway Church 

        21 JUNE – Hobart, 6pm at Hillsong Church Hobart (New Venue). 

        To book tickets or volunteer, visit the website for more information

        Baptist Mission Australia

        May 2024
        It’s still May Mission Month!  Is your church following along with the four key themes?  

        1. Renewing: It starts with us (Galatians 5:16–17, 22–26) 
        1. Relating: It’s always about relationships (Matthew 4:18–22) 
        1. Restoring: It’s about the whole Gospel for the whole world (Luke 4:14–21) 
        1. Responding: It’s about availability (John 1:35–42) 

        These can be run as a four-part series, or each theme can be used a standalone theme.

        Explore this year’s theme, through the video Mending!

        This video offers a big picture understanding of how God is at work – restoring and renewing – as well as tangible examples of how people around the world are joining with Him as co-menders of a beautiful, broken world.  
        Explore the full suite of Mending! resources >> 


        2024 Tas Baptist Handbook

        Information for Tasmanian Baptist Churches 

        At the May Mid-year Assembly, the 2024 Tasmanian Baptist Handbook will be released. The Handbook contains important information for Tasmanian Baptist Churches, including contact details for pastors, churches, Baptist agencies nationally, church statistics for the past year and much more. 

        The Handbook will be distributed in both printed and electronic form…  

        Printed: At Assembly, two printed copies will be available for each church. To save us postage, please make sure you pick up your church’s Handbooks! 

        If your church requires more than two printed copies, please contact Anna-Maree Richardson at the Tas Baptist office: 

        Electronic: The final e-version will be distributed as a PDF to Secretaries the week after Assembly. As well, a link will be included in reCharge, distributed on Wednesday 15 May. 

        Please note that for privacy reasons we no longer publish the Handbook on the Tas Baptist website. If you need a copy later, you can always contact the office.  For the same reason, do take care with the distribution and availability of the Handbook. It would be wise to carefully destroy past copies of the Handbook you may have in your possession! 

        IMPORTANT! Quite a few churches and pastors have not yet submitted their details, and it is now becoming urgent.

        If you need to be reminded how to access the form, or if you have any questions, please email the Tas Baptist office on .

        Caring for People Workshop

        Wednesday, 22 May 2024

        Tasmanian Baptists are running a workshop on the process of caring for people through these four significant life events: Marriages, Funerals, Baptisms and Dedications. 

        These events require more than just conducting a ceremony or giving a talk. They require pastoral care from leaders who journey with people and families and support them to navigate some of life’s most emotional and challenging events.  

        To do well, they require involvement, including before, during, and after the event. This might sound like a lot to do, but there are ways to manage time and emotional investment AND truly bless families. 

        The workshop will discuss some practicalities around relevant documents and legal responsibilities. But, the majority of the time will focus on ways to balance a pastor’s or leader’s regular responsibilities with the additional responsibilities that come with these significant events.  

        Open to any pastor or leader that wishes to attend. We recognise that many different leaders are involved in these activities in a church. 

        Morning tea, espresso coffee and tea, and lunch will be provided.
        Please note: no live-streaming or recording will be offered at or after this event.

        LOCATION: Riverlands Baptist Church, Longford. 
        DATE: Wednesday, 22 May 
        TIME: 10:00am to 1.30pm 

        COST: $20 per person, payable to
        Name: Tasmanian Baptist Union 
        BSB: 704-922 
        Account: 100007060 
        Reference: WEDDINGS 

        Register by 10 May by emailing Anna-Maree at with all the names of those attending at your church. Please let Anna-Maree know of any food related needs as you book. 

        Any questions, please email Michael Henderson at 

        Reflecting Forward Conference

        Monday, 13 to Tuesday, 14 May 2024

        Your Church Tasmania is hosting the Reflecting Forward conference for ministers and other pastoral care workers. Spiritual Care is a growing and vital part of any organisation that cares for and about people. The conference will cover Spiritual Care: Personal, Professional & Political Perspective and Harmony in Thought: Resolving Dissonance and Reordering Cognitive Schema with an option to attend dinner on Monday evening at Government House with a reception with the Governor beforehand. 

        Located at RACV Hotel, 154-156 Collins St, Hobart, keynote speakers include Michael Paterson, Scotland Director of the Institute of Pastoral Supervision and Reflective Practice along with Susan Marcuccio, President of the Australian Association of Supervision.

        Elective/workshop topics: 
        Susan Marcuccio – Using practical models and tools in our supervision, mentoring and chaplaincy 
        Michael Paterson – Brave Space  
        Tim Dyer – Supervising individuals in conflict 
        Sean Conry – The transferrable core of Spiritual Care across sectors 
        Paul Hueston – Supervision in groups 

        REGISTRATIONS CLOSE: 9am on Monday, 6 May

        More info and a full list of speakers and session topics HERE  or register HERE 

        Building a Culture of Trust

        Tuesday, 11 June 

        Experience an engaging half-day Leaders Networking Event to workshop building a culture of trust. Presented by Dr. Henry Cloud, clinical psychologist and author of 45 books including “Boundaries”. 

        The half-day session on Tuesday 11 June will be co-hosted by GLS Next Gen on the Northwest Coast at Devonport. 

        Understanding the significance of trust within a team has profound impact on enhancing working environments. The event offers a fantastic opportunity for networking, learning, and potentially catalysing positive change within church culture. Learn, grow and connect with leaders from across Tasmania.

        The highlight of the meeting will be an insightful presentation by Dr. Henry Cloud. 
        Benefits include:
        – World-class insights  
        – Dynamic conversations 
        – Defined next steps to enhance trust with the people you lead.

        Costs start at $65 per person and includes GST, workbook and morning tea.  

        Find more information and register here

        The Point Baptist

        Part-time Youth Pastor wanted at The Point

        The Point Baptist, at Beauty Point in Tasmania, is looking for a part-time youth pastor to take over from the current pastor who is returning to the USA in June.

        For more information, please email Craig Hawkins at or call 0487 343348. 

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        ReCharge News May 2024

        Recharge Articles 2024

        reCharge NEWS April 2024

        ReCharge News April 2024


          Church Pastor Wanted

          Part-time Pastor wanted at Gateway Baptist, Launceston 

          Gateway Baptist Church is seeking a pastor to begin in August 2024.
          The position is for 20 hours per week with the responsibility of leading the church through organising Sunday meetings, preaching the Word, prayerfully advising the Church Council on all aspects of church life, pastoring the congregation, overseeing ministries within the church and liaising with Tas Baptists.  

          The church is blessed with several people who are able to assist the pastor with preaching and other leadership duties. This congregation of approximately 40 adults needs a leader who will encourage and shepherd them as they reach out to the unsaved people of Launceston and its surrounds. 

          The church is strongly Bible-based with morning and evening services offered. It is mission-minded, with not only overseas work being undertaken in Thailand and Haiti, but also local missions in the areas of supporting the homeless, prison fellowship, courts chaplaincy, arts & craft experiences and Baptist Basketball. At present, the church doesn’t have a youth group but has a Sunday School of 6-8 primary-aged children.

          A Church with a Heart for People

          This church which has a rich history has been around for almost 150 years and is a ‘church in the heart of the city with a heart for its people’, being centrally located in Launceston. It has a multi-million dollar campus, comprising a wonderful traditional cathedral-style auditorium, church hall which currently functions as an art gallery and features an industrial kitchen with six upstairs rooms, an old stables area which has been converted to a Sunday School and Youth Ministry area and a former old hotel beside the main building which is leased to a Christian welfare organisation called Shekinah House.  

          A Nepali Christian Fellowship of approximately 35 people is also incorporated in Gateway Launceston. They have their own pastoral leader and hold their meetings on Saturday mornings.  

          For more information contact Ps Noel Eagling 0447 555 335 or by email at or contact Jeremy van Engen, Council Chair on 0439 386 459 or by email at 

          GATEWAY BAPTIST Launceston Tasmania

          Fostering Hope Mentoring Program

          Training Day on Saturday, 4 May

          Fostering Hope is a community organisation whose work comes from the teachings of Jesus in the bible to visit and care for orphans and widows; to put the lonely in families, to love the fatherless, to care for children, and to love neighbours.  

          Through their Mentoring Program, Fostering Hope seeks to provide a “friend with purpose” for kids in care. If you want to make a difference to kids lives through mentoring, Fostering Hope can equip you with training, connect you with a child and provide you with ongoing support as you mentor. In just a few hours a month, you can significantly impact the life of a child in care for the better. 

          Register here for the next Fostering Hope Training Day on Saturday, 4 May in Launceston, from 10am-4pm.

          Sessions are provided for free and offer morning/afternoon tea and lunch.

          To find out more about mentoring, check out Fostering Hope’s website or watch this short video that explains mentoring here. You can also share this printable flyer with your church and friends.

          Contact Anthea Maynard for more information at or scan the QR code below.

          Fostering Hope Mentor Training Day info

          Job Opportunity

          Spiritual Care Coordinator RAC & RL Karingal 

          Baptcare is looking for an experienced, articulate and competent Spiritual Care Professional to work as part of the staff team at Karingal Residential Aged Care, Residential Living and Orana Community in Devonport, Tasmania.      

          This position is part time (four days a week).   

          Baptcare is a purpose driven and faith-based organisation that provide residential and community care for older people and support to children, families, and people with disability, financially disadvantaged people and people seeking asylum. 

          For more information visit Baptcare’s website.

          Tas Baptists Mid-Year Assembly

          Saturday, 11 May 

          The Tas Baptists May Assembly is coming up very fast! Have you registered your church yet? Assembly is a time for encouragement and gathering as a community. Assembly papers have gone out to Church Secretaries this week via email. 

          WHEN: Saturday 11th May at Riverlands Longford 
          COST: Morning tea and Lunch TBC 

          Tasmanian Baptist churches are eligible to have at least two voting delegates in attendance, plus pastors and Tas Baptist Council Members. An additional delegate is eligible to come for churches with more than 50 active members. Others interested in coming are welcome to attend as non-delegates; however, all attendees do need to register. 

          Registrations are due by email to at the Tasmanian Baptist office by COB Friday 3 May. 

          ANNUAL ASSEMBLY 2023

          Baptist Mission Month

          May 2024

          May Mission Month is coming soon… And this year, the theme is Mending! No matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world. We don’t bring healing in our strength—we are co-menders with God in Jesus Christ, our Healer and Savior. Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia‘s intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far. We can only do it together! Explore all the resources: 

          Image for Baptist Mission Australia May Mission Month 2024

          Earth Day 2024

          Earth Day is held each year on April 22. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally. This year’s official theme is “Planet vs. Plastics.”

          As Tas Baptists, reminding each other about Earth Day is an opportunity for us to demonstrate our support for protecting our environment and this beautiful home of ours in Tasmania – as good stewards of the land!

          Living with Loss seminar

          One-day seminar on ‘Living with Loss’

          New Mornings is hosting a one-day seminar on ‘Living with Loss’ on Saturday, 20 April, 9.30AM – 3.00PM at the Gnomon Pavillion – Wharf Precinct, Wharf Rd, Ulverstone. 

          The seminar is for community members and professionals to understand mental health and grief-related challenges. Attendees will learn strategies to support those living with loss. The training aims to offer community support, education, hope and encouragement.  

          Keynote speakers include local psychologist, Tracey Martin-Cole, and well-known Tasmanian restaurateur, mental health advocate and baby-loss mum, Bianca Welsh.   

          Register on  Eventbrite or contact Prue Arnot, Grief Support Coordinator, New Mornings on 0492 232 363 or 6411 6212.  New Mornings is a not for profit, mental health service supporting Northwest Tasmania.

          Peacemaking Amidst Conflict 

          Rev. Dr Yohanna Katanacho speaks on a Palestinian Theology of Peacemaking

          Langham Partnership Australia is presenting a unique opportunity to hear from Rev. Dr Yohanna Katanacho speak on a Palestinian theology of peacemaking amidst conflict. 

          Yohanna is an evangelical theologian living in the heart of the current Israeli-Gaza conflict. He is from Nazareth Evangelical College and is a Langham Scholar and the author of Praying Through the Psalms and Reading the Gospel of John Through Palestinian Eyes. 
          Yohanna will share important insights to help people pray for the situation in Israel/Palestine at two separate meetings. 
          6.30pm on Wednesday 8 May at Ridley College 
          170 The Avenue, Parkville.  
          This event is also being live-streamed so anyone can join in. 
          Register HERE for the Melbourne event or livestream. 
          Hear Yohanna and also enjoy dessert and coffee. 
          7.30pm on Friday 10 May at Scots Church, 44 Margaret St Sydney. The Church is right next to Wynyard train station, and parking stations are also nearby. 
          Cost $40 
          Register HERE for the Sydney event. 

          For more information visit the Langham website 

          Baptcare visits Citywide

          Baptcare highlights its community service work in Tasmania 

          Community service organisation Baptcare spoke at Citywide church recently about their work in Tasmania. Baptcare introduced their foster care, youth and mental health programs, and started a conversation about how people might contribute to their work in Tasmania. 

          Watch their presentation here:

          Baptcare’s foundations can be traced back to Victoria in 1945 when a group of Baptist women joined together to raise £4,000 in a time of war to open Australia’s first Baptist home for older people.  

          The work established the Strathalan aged care residence, which has grown into a thriving community that continues today.  

          It’s this missional spirit from local Baptist communities that founded the local services in Tasmania and has become part of Baptcare of today. Baptcare has over 300 staff in the state working across family and young people, mental health and disability programs as well as an aged care facility, social and in-home care support that operates out of Devonport. 

          Baptcare’s mission is partnering for fullness of life with people of all ages, cultures, beliefs and circumstances and vision of creating communities where every person is cherished.

          This mission has seen thousands of vulnerable people supported since Baptcare started in the state nearly 15 years ago. The organisaion also hopes to be able to set up a volunteering program in the near future to reduce social isolation of people suffering from mental ill-health. 

          One rewarding way to support young people is by becoming a respite or foster carer through Baptcare.

          Find out more on their website or email or to speak to Rachel on 0417 196 605. 

          BCSANT ‘walking together’

          Baptist Churches SA & NT launches new name and logo

          Baptists across South Australia and the Northern Territory are walking together into the future as one association, Baptist Churches of South Australia and the Northern Territory. 

          This amalgamation follows decisions from the respective Assemblies of Baptist Churches of South Australia and Baptist Union of the Northern Territory late last year to formally bring the two organisations together. Our two associations had worked together in partnership since 2010. 

          Having overseen the process, our Director of Ministries, Melinda Cousins, is excited by the opportunities at hand. 

          “We have much to learn from one another as we walk together, with our shared heart that more people might come to know Jesus, and that each local church will be better supported and equipped to follow Him in their unique context.” 

          Check out their new website or watch this video:

          Read More ReCharge!
          ReCharge News April 2024

          Recharge Articles 2024

          reCharge NEWS March 2024


            BibleProject Resources

            BibleProject creates free resources to help people experience the Bible. Everything they make is funded by generous supporters around the world. The entire library of videos, podcasts, classes, and other resources are available at  

            Their most recent production is a 10-part series on Jesus’ teachings on the Sermon on the Mount, available to watch on Youtube.  

            Subscribe to the channel for more explainer videos about the Bible. They currently have over 4 million subscribers already!

            Register for Foundations

            Foundations is a path toward the unique calling that God has on your life, equipping you to live the deep truth of Christian faith in every area of your life. 

            The course runs on Wednesdays from Wed, 1 May to Wed, 14 Aug.
            Choose either a day course at Hobart Baptist (12:00pm to 2:30pm) or an evening course at Citywide Mornington (7-9:30pm).  

            The two courses will combine for two Saturday sessions on the 1 June (9:30 – 4:30) and 6 July (9:30 – 7:30) 

            The whole course works together to produce a deep understanding of a practical Christian worldview. 

            You will receive specific skills in a range of areas including: 

            – Managing complicated relationships
            – Knowing God’s will  
            – Building healthy teams
            – Developing life-giving habits
            – Finding your place in leadership
            – Sharing your Faith
            – Understanding the revolutionary big picture of the bible  
            – Love and Sexuality
            – Listening  
            – Community
            – Development and Transformation

            Cost of $50 includes refreshments, meals on the Saturdays, and a Foundations manual.  

            Register now  

            Citywide Easter Exhibition

            Monday, 18 March to Friday, 26 April 

            A series of drawings by artist Michael Henderson have been installed in Citywide Baptist Church, Hobart, for Easter 2024. 

            The work is titled, We only remember history in the present moment. The four drawings are a part of a larger series of 16 charcoal drawings. All together they describe contemporary life through stories from Christian Scripture.

            The drawings are not intended to illustrate certain scriptures, or tell the story of the whole Bible, but they draw inspiration from biblical stories and place an experience in a contemporary setting. They blur the line between history and the present moment, intending for the viewer to think about their own life. 

            Most of the drawings are 1.2m square. The 3 of the crucifixion are 1.4m square. The 16 drawings combine for an overall length of 20m.

            The Drawings

            The second drawing above describes Jesus being crucified, with the two either side describing Peter and Judas’s response to Jesus’ crucifixion. This series of 3 is where the whole series started for me. I wanted to describe both Peter and Judas turning their back on Jesus, and then both of them responding to what they had done. 

            The fourth drawing above is of Mary hugging Jesus, and focuses on Mary’s joy at seeing Jesus again, rather than describe an event around the resurrection. 

            The drawings have been exhibited in many places, including St. Francis Xavier’s Catholic Cathedral in Adelaide, as part of the 2017 Adelaide Fringe Festival, and in churches and exhibition spaces around Australia. Michael’s work is held in private and public collections; he was a finalist in the 66th Blake Prize (2021).

            The exhibition runs from the Monday, 18 March to Friday, 26 April 2024 at 400 Cambridge Road, Mornington, Tasmania. 

            Art can be viewed daily Monday to Saturday.
            From 9:00am to 8:00pm, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm Saturday and Sunday. 

            See all 16 drawings online here.

            The Bob Curè Exhibition Space

            Matt Garvin and Dan Evenhuis explained more about the motivation behind Citywide’s exhibition space. 

            “As we approach Easter, we wanted to have an exhibition that would help those passing by reflect on Jesus and his sacrifice. We have around 2,000 people walking through our foyer each week,” said Dan Evenhuis, Executive Pastor at Citywide

            “Citywide’s Mornington Campus has housed the Bob Curé Exhibition Space in its foyer since 2019. Through the exhibition space, we have been able to support many local artists, photographers and craft-makers as they share their creative thoughts and skills,” he said. 

            Matt Garvin, Senior Pastor at the church, said he was grateful to have Michael’s art which communicates the message of Easter over these few weeks.

            “The Bob Curè exhibition space is our way to encourage Christians to express their creativity,” he said. 

            Launceston Alive Easter Festival

            Thu 28 – Sun 31 Mar  

            Launceston Alive is an annual Easter community festival of thought, music and art held throughout Launceston over the Easter weekend at one of the following planned events. Karl Fasse, Colin Buchanan and other performing artists will offer stories of faith. 

            Thursday, 28 March at 9:00am – Leaders workshop with Karl Faase at Legana Christian Church, 1 Gerrard Cl, Legana.

            Friday, 29 March at 6:00pm – The 2024 Unearthed Event will unearth stories of faith with Karl Faase and Colin Buchannan. There will be music and entertainment by Colin Buchanan and Jade Steg; a remarkable story of faith and courage from Bernadette Black; Karl Faase will speak about the stories of faith that have shaped our nation. All are welcome, just come along at Door Of Hope Church, 50 Glen Dhu St, South Launceston. The event is free.

            Saturday, 30 March, 11:00am – 2:00pm – The Children and Families Festival is especially for children, young people and their families. Performers include Colin Buchannan, Bronte Ferguson, Azahlia Dingemanse and Caitlyn Duffy. at at Riverbend Park, Launceston.

            Sunday, 31 March, 5:00pm – Combined Churches Easter service with Karl Faase at Door Of Hope, 50 Glen Dhu St, South Launceston.

            Launceston Easter Alive

            Faith Impact Audit

            NAYBA Audit Presentation

            On Thursday 7 March, Stephen and Jenny Baxter attended a presentation for the results of the NAYBA Impact Audit of Tasmania. This is the first statewide audit of its kind conducted and reflects the work being done by people of faith. 

            The final audit report includes the following statistics on Tasmania: 
            – 284 community service activities 
            – 209,057 people served in the last year 
            – $70,841,878 social value impact to the State of Tasmania each year. 

            Stephen hosts a panel at the Grace Centre Rokeby. From left, Councillor Brendan Blomeley (Mayor of the City of Clarence), John Kamara (Tasmanian Australian of the Year 2024) and Aimen Jafri (Chair of the Multicultural Council of Tasmania).

            New Book Available

            Tasmanian Baptist History 

            This is the ninth book on Tasmanian Baptist History by Laurence F Rowston. It looks at the beginnings of sixteen of our Baptist Churches in Tasmania commencing about 1880.

            The churches are Bracknell, Blackwood Creek, Burnie, Deloraine, Devonport, Hobart, Latrobe, Launceston, Longford, Perth, Sheffield, Smithton, Ulverstone, Wynyard and Yolla and also Memorial, the Henry Reed Mission Church in Launceston.

            But it is more than account of their first years.

            The book contains full biographies of their pastors, seventy-four in number from the moment they come on the scene wherever they are, to their deaths. The biographies look into their origins, their preaching and their pastoral work and the movements of the day.

            The book has more than 3,000 footnotes and contains about 230 photographs. Each chapter contains a conclusion which compares the church of those years with the churchtoday. In time a hardback hand-stitched two-volume copy will be available from the author.

            Books cost $40 plus postage (or collect from Baptist Assembly or Citywide Mornington office, 400 Cambridge Road, Mornington, TAS. Contact Dan Evenhuis on 0481 917 806  or email .

            March Muster

            Why Theological Education Matters

            The Tas Baptists March Muster was held in Hobart and offered the perfect opportunity to launch the Frank W Boreham College. Andrew Corbett, of Legana Christian Fellowship, gave a detailed account of Boreham’s amazing life and ministry.

            Boreham moved to Australia in 1906 to pastor at Hobart Baptist Church. He wrote 46 books (many receiving wide international acclaim) and over 3,000 weekly editorials for the Hobart Mercury between 1912 and 1959.  

            Alongside the launch of the college, the Muster focused on professional development. David Williams from Taylor Baptist College, Edmonton, Canada (and Kairos University) and Darrell Jackson, interim principal of Whitley College in Victoria spoke on the topic. 

            Darrell answered the question, “Was Jesus a theological educator?” while David reflected on “Why theological education matters”. 

            As the first Muster for the year, time together was an opportunity for fellowship, learning and encouragement. This included a long table dinner together at HBC’s new Esteem Cafe.

            Following the Muster,  David Williams travelled to all three regions to discuss with other Baptists what further theological education can look like, from diploma to doctorate. In particular, he outlined the Kairos subscription-based education model of learning that surrounds students with a team of mentors who, together, determine the student’s education and formation pathway.   

            Stephen Baxter launches Frank W. Boreham College at March Muster.
            Long Table at march Muster 2024
            Long table dinner at Hobart Baptist Church during the March Muster.

            Candidate Forums 

            Meet your Local Candidate 

            In the lead up to the State election, churches are working together to host election candidate forums. The forums will be held in each electorate in preparation for the upcoming State election. Each forum will include set questions on issues of concern to Christians, and time for questions from the floor. Most events will be live streamed or recorded, for those who cannot make it.

            This is a great opportunity to meet local candidates, ask questions and hear from them on issues that you care about. 

            Find more information online 


            2024 Australian Baptist Easter Offering

            The Australian Baptist Easter Offering by Crossover is a thousand churches combining to express our gratitude for Jesus and to invest in sharing him with others.  

            The offering supports Crossover – a national Baptist ministry that provides resources, training and encouragement to help Australian Baptists share Jesus with their friends and neighbourhoods. They offer all churches free-to-use Easter resources. 

            To see all their resources or join their mailing list, visit the Crossover website

            Crossover runs entirely on the donations of people like us – so let’s support generously as we’re able. Donations can also be made directly at 


            Combined Gathering 

            Re-Imagine is a combined gathering that aims to create a safe space for people to wrestle with faith, ask questions, and explore the journey of following Jesus. The gathering is organised by young adults from different churches, aged 18+ and is open to anyone interested.
            Meets fortnightly at 157 St John St (St Johns middle building) on Tuesdays at 6pm for dinner and discussion with the next meeting on Tuesday, 12 March. 

            Find more details on Facebook.

            Samaritan’s Purse

            Shoebox Numbers Are In! 

            Samaritan’s Purse announced this week that 11.3 million shoeboxes were packed worldwide during last year’s Operation Christmas Child collection season (2023). That means millions of children will now hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be discipled in 2024!

            read stories of the incredible impact a simple shoebox gift is having around the world, visit their website. 

            Seeing and sharing the impact of this work is a great way to honour everyone in the TasBaptist community who has packed shoeboxes and partnered with Samaritan’s Purse over the years.  

            Being Human Webinar

            What does it mean to be human?

            Karl Faase will be joined by Jo Frost to look at the question, What does it mean to be human. Jo Frost is Author of the book and video series, ‘Being Human’ and will grapple with the idea of what it is to view the world through the Being Human lens. She will consider questions such as What is Jesus on about when he offers us ‘life to the full’? And look at the cultural stories are shaping our identity. Also, what makes humanity unique and what is the invitation that God extends? 

            On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 7pm  


            Trauma Recovery Course

            Reboot Trauma Recovery

            This three-day, faith-based course is focused on healing from trauma.  While aimed at Service-related trauma, REBOOT courses are being offered to the wider community suffering from all forms of trauma. This includes victims of crime, DV, childhood trauma, disability, grief and ongoing illness.
            One veteran on average dies by suicide every 2 weeks, making suicide amongst our service community is at an epidemic.

            Free to attend. Childcare is not available. For more info contact Andy & Zoe Cullen: 0420 462 845 or email:

            From Wednesday 13, March to Friday, 15 March
            9am to 2pm
            (Graduation Ceremony on Friday night, 6pm – 8pm)  

            At Wrest Point Hotel Hobart, Drysdale Room – 410 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay 


            Heartlands Summer 2024 – out now

            By Women, for Women

            Heartlands is the quarterly email for EmpowHer – a network of Tasmanian women growing and encouraging each other in their God-given potential.

            Read more…

            Heartlands News

            New College Roadshow

            Frank W Boreham College launch

            Tas Baptists launched the new Frank W Boreham College on 5 March at Hobart Baptist Church.  The college will provide ministry and theological education, training, and reflection for our pastors, leaders, and members across Tasmania. This means Tasmanian Baptists now have the capacity to provide qualified training within the State.

            The new college is made possible by a partnership with both Kairos and Whitley.

            David will visit the state in early March and travel to all three regions to discuss what further theological education can look like, from diploma to doctorate. He will explain the Kairos subscription-based education model of learning. This model surrounds each student with a team of mentors who, along with the student, determine the student’s education and formation pathway.   

            The following informal evenings are open to anyone. 

            • Wednesday 6 March 7.30pm at Hobart Baptist Church
              Hosted by Stephen Baxter, 0417 313 273  
            • Thursday 7 March 7.30pm at Newstead Baptist Church
              Hosted by Dan Hutchison, 0457 765 907  
            • Friday 8 March 7.30pm at Burnie Baptist Church
              Hosted by Matty Coppin, 9484 064 490  

            Please contact Stephen, Dan, or Matty, ASAP if you plan to attend. 

            Hear about the Kairos subscription-based education model of learning

            Workshop for churches on CYSOF

            New Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework legislation 

            Olive Road and Fostering Hope are running a workshop on Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework (CYSOF) legislation. 

            The workshop is on Thursday, the 14 March 2024 at the Grace Centre, Rokeby,  from 9.30pm to 2.30pm. 

            The workshop will provide an opportunity for attendees to grapple with the new CYSOF legislation and to share resources and ideas to develop the required policies and processes that will ensure ongoing compliance with the new Framework.   

            Anyone from not-for-profit organisations and churches in Hobart would benefit from this workshop to gain a better understanding of the new legislation. This includes the new Reportable Conduct Scheme and new strict timeframes on reporting to the regulator. The workshop will also focus on how organisations or churches might comply with the ten Child and Youth Safe Standards.   

            If you, or someone within your organisation or church, are keen to attend, or if a weekend or evening session would suit better, contact Mary Blake, Exec. Officer, Fostering Hope on m. 0423 365 988 or email

            There’s more information about the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework here

            Kids playing outside
            Working for a Child and Youth Safe Organisation

            Gaza Crisis Update

            From Baptist World Aid Australia

            Around 1.9 million people in Gaza have been displaced since the war started three months ago, when Hamas launched a terrorist attack on innocent civilians in Israel. 

            People are sheltering in overcrowded school buildings, churches, and medical centres; some are even pitching tents on the street. This has left families vulnerable as winter hits, with temperatures dropping down to 10 degrees at night. 

            Also, Gaza is experiencing a healthcare crisis.  

            Baptist World Aid Partners in the region are distributing aid to families, including medical items, medicines, hygiene kits, mattresses and blankets, and food packages. They are also continuing to provide medical supplies and other essentials to families in the West Bank and Lebanon, where civil unrest and violent attacks are rising.  

            Read this lament written late last year as preparation to pray for protection and relief for families in the Middle East.  

            If you’d like to consider giving, visit Baptist World Aid here. 

            Gaza war damage photo by Mohamad Zaanoun, International Health Partners
            Gaza war damage photo by Mohamad Zaanoun, International Health Partners

            Read More ReCharge
            ReCharge News March 2024

            reCharge NEWS February 2024


              Being Human Webinar

              What does it mean to be human?

              In this webinar, Karl Faase is being joined by Jo Frost to look at the question, What does it mean to be human. Jo Frost is Author of the book and video series, ‘Being Human’ and will grapple with the idea of what it is to view the world through the Being Human lens. She will consider questions such as What is Jesus on about when he offers us ‘life to the full’? And look at the cultural stories are shaping our identity. Also, what makes humanity unique and what is the invitation that God extends? 

              On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 7pm  

              RESERVE YOUR TICKET 

              Trauma Recovery Course

              Reboot Trauma Recovery

              This three-day, faith-based course is focused on healing from trauma.  While aimed at Service-related trauma, REBOOT courses are being offered to the wider community suffering from all forms of trauma. This includes victims of crime, DV, childhood trauma, disability, grief and ongoing illness.
              One veteran on average dies by suicide every 2 weeks, making suicide amongst our service community is at an epidemic.

              Free to attend. Childcare is not available. For more info contact Andy & Zoe Cullen: 0420 462 845 or email:

              From Wednesday 13, March to Friday, 15 March
              9am to 2pm
              (Graduation Ceremony on Friday night, 6pm – 8pm)  

              At Wrest Point Hotel Hobart, Drysdale Room – 410 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay 

              REGISTER ONLINE

              Heartlands Summer 2024 – out now

              By Women, for Women

              Heartlands is the quarterly email for EmpowHer – a network of Tasmanian women growing and encouraging each other in their God-given potential.

              Read more…

              Heartlands News

              New College Roadshow

              Frank W Boreham College launch

              The Frank W Boreham College will be launched on 5 March at Hobart Baptist Church.  It will provide ministry and theological education, training, and reflection for our pastors, leaders, and members across Tasmania. Realising this exciting vision means Tasmanian Baptists now have the capacity to provide qualified training within the State.

              The new college is made possible by a partnership with both Kairos and Whitley.

              David will visit the state in early March and travel to all three regions to discuss what further theological education can look like, from diploma to doctorate. He will explain the Kairos subscription-based education model of learning. This model surrounds each student with a team of mentors who, along with the student, determine the student’s education and formation pathway.   

              The following informal evenings are open to anyone. 

              • Wednesday 6 March 7.30pm at Hobart Baptist Church
                Hosted by Stephen Baxter, 0417 313 273  
              • Thursday 7 March 7.30pm at Newstead Baptist Church
                Hosted by Dan Hutchison, 0457 765 907  
              • Friday 8 March 7.30pm at Burnie Baptist Church
                Hosted by Matty Coppin, 9484 064 490  

              Please contact Stephen, Dan, or Matty, ASAP if you plan to attend. 

              Hear about the Kairos subscription-based education model of learning

              Have you thought of Mentoring?  

              Fostering Hope Info Session for Mentoring

              Interested in being a mentor for a child growing up in foster care?
              Do you know someone in your church community who would be a great mentor?  
              Fostering Hope is a Tasmanian Christian organisation caring for children growing up in out-of-home care (foster and kinship care) and currently has children waiting for mentors. 

              Mentoring online information session: Tuesday, 27 February at 12:00pm.  

              This short movie explains how mentoring can make a difference and could be perfect to show at your Sunday service or small group meeting.   

              The Mentoring Program is for children growing up in care. The program recruits, trains, screens and then matches Christian mentors with a child.  

              For children growing up in care, there are lots of adults in their life who are paid to be there. Mentors are someone who chooses to turn up and be there for a child regardless of what’s gone on for them. It is powerful for both the child and the mentor.  

              Every relationship is designed around the child and mentor. The regular time commitment is dependent on the mentor’s availability.  

              Upcoming training days are Saturday, 2 March in Launceston and Saturday, 16 March in Hobart.

              Register online here  or email if you have questions.  

              Interested in being a mentor for a child growing up in foster care?

              City Prayer

              Church Together Prayer Meetings for Hobart

              Church Together invites all Christians to attend their monthly prayer meetings for the city in 2024. 

              Upcoming Church Together prayer meetings for 2024:  
              – 28 February at Hobart City Church of Christ (8 Goulburn St, Hobart) 
              – 27 March at Hobart Baptist Church (282 Elizabeth St, Nth Hobart) 

              Arrive at 7.15am for a 7.30am start. Finishes at 8.30am.  

              Prayer meetings will continue throughout 2024 on the last Wednesday of the month. Contact Sharyn Hill on 0409 855 880 or email 

              Plan to pray and gather together as His Church across Hobart

              Workshop for churches on CYSOF

              New Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework legislation 

              Olive Road and Fostering Hope are running a workshop on Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework (CYSOF) legislation. 

              The workshop is on Thursday, the 14 March 2024 at the Grace Centre, Rokeby,  from 9.30pm to 2.30pm. 

              The workshop will provide an opportunity for attendees to grapple with the new CYSOF legislation and to share resources and ideas to develop the required policies and processes that will ensure ongoing compliance with the new Framework.   

              Anyone from not-for-profit organisations and churches in Hobart would benefit from this workshop to gain a better understanding of the new legislation.

              Time will be given to the new Reportable Conduct Scheme and new strict timeframes on reporting to the regulator. The workshop will also focus on how organisations or churches might comply with the ten Child and Youth Safe Standards.   

              If you, or someone within your organisation or church, are keen to attend, or if a weekend or evening session would suit better, contact Mary Blake, Exec. Officer, Fostering Hope on m. 0423 365 988 or email

              There’s more information about the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework here

              Kids playing outside
              Working for a Child and Youth Safe Organisation

              Gaza Crisis Update

              From Baptist World Aid Australia

              Around 1.9 million people in Gaza have been displaced since the war started three months ago, when Hamas launched a terrorist attack on innocent civilians in Israel. 

              People are sheltering in overcrowded school buildings, churches, and medical centres; some are even pitching tents on the street. This has left families vulnerable as winter hits, with temperatures dropping down to 10 degrees at night. 

              Gaza is also experiencing a healthcare crisis.  

              Baptist World Aid Partners in the region are distributing aid to families, including medical items, medicines, hygiene kits, mattresses and blankets, and food packages. They are also continuing to provide medical supplies and other essentials to families in the West Bank and Lebanon, where civil unrest and violent attacks are rising.  

              Here is a lament written late last year as preparation to pray for protection and relief for families in the Middle East.  

              If you’d like to consider giving, visit Baptist World Aid here. 

              Gaza war damage photo by Mohamad Zaanoun, International Health Partners
              Gaza war damage photo by Mohamad Zaanoun, International Health Partners

              New Pastor Welcome

              Matu Christian Church welcome Rev Kosen

              Rev. Maddy Svoboda from Summerhill Baptist welcomed Mr Kosen to Matu Christian Church on Sunday, 4 February.

              Matu Christian Church meet every Sunday afternoon at Newstead Baptist Church at 2pm. 

              Free One-Day Workshop

              S.A.N.C.T.U.A.R.Y approach to family violence

              The Anglican Diocese of Tasmania is offering a free one-day workshop for Church Leaders and Pastoral Carers. The S.A.N.C.T.U.A.R.Y approach to domestic violence is a guide for churches that offers a theologically-informed lens on domestic violence and how individual churches can create safe spaces for women and children who have experienced domestic violence.  

              The intention and prayer of the workshop is that Tasmanian churches reflect God’s care for the abused and vulnerable and that churches be places of safety.  

              S.A.N.C.T.U.A.R.Y Sanctuary logo

              The S.A.N.C.T.U.A.R.Y training can be taken either an person or online and is open to church leaders and pastoral carers from any denomination for use within the local church context. All training materials will be available to those who attend. 

              The workshop is on Saturday, 17 February 2024 at Wellspring Anglican Church, Hobart or online on Saturday, 2 March 2024.  

              Both workshops run from 9:30am to 3pm and include: 
              – Comprehensive information relating to domestic violence 
              – Tactics used by abusers 
              – Impact of family violence on children: brain development, trauma etc. 
              – Spiritual abuse and misuse of scripture to justify or maintain coercive control 
              – Potential theological blockages to reporting domestic abuse 
              – Theology and Biblical messages of love, justice, respect & equality 
              – Exploring what Sanctuary might look like in your church. 

              Ann Herbert is facilitating the workshops. An experienced facilitator and Elder at Citywide Baptist Church, Ann leads Citywide Baptist’s Sanctuary Care ministry. She has previously managed the Social Policy Unit in the Tasmanian Government Department of Premier and Cabinet and oversaw implementation of a wide range of social policies, including the Tasmanian Government’s Family Violence Action Plan. 

              Register here or for more information contact Kristy Crouch on 0403 957 106 or email

              Tasmanian Baptist Calendar 2024 

              Tasmanian Baptist Council24 February
              Pastors and Leaders Muster (Hobart)5-6 March
              Launch of Frank W. Boreham College5 March
              Roadshow (North)7 March
              Roadshow (Northwest)8 March
              Mid-Year Assembly   11 May
              Tasmanian Baptist Council15 June  
              Pastors and Leaders Muster, Family-friendly (Devonport)9-11 July
              Tasmanian Baptist Council7 September
              Pastors and Leaders Muster (Launceston)10-11 September
              Annual Assembly19 October
              Tasmanian Baptist Council16 November

              Foundations Course

              Burnie Baptist hosts one week discipleship course in January

              On Sunday 21 January, Burnie Baptist church welcomed people from all over the world as they hosted a one-week discipleship course called “Foundations.”  Along with Burnie Baptist, four other Tasmanian Baptist Churches, as well as students from India, Indonesia, Japan, Brazil and Canada, joined the ‘whole-of-life’ discipleship course, which is run as either a one week intensive or 10 week course (one night a week, plus two Saturdays). The strongly Bible-based course concluded with a highly successful community festival.   Afterwards, feedback from participants was very positive. Some participants, who had been in the church for many years, said that Foundations gave them a new way of seeing both faith and mission.

              Watch our video of participant reflections here.  As a result, both Citywide Baptist and Burnie Baptist are hoping to run 10-week version of the course later this year. 

              Participating students in the ‘whole-of-life’ discipleship course.
              Participating students in the ‘whole-of-life’ discipleship course.

              SU Schools Sunday in February

              Encouraging students and school staff

              Schools Sunday in February is an excellent way to encourage Christian students and school staff members at the beginning of the year. It’s an opportunity to remember that God goes with students and teachers everyday as they attend school. The day provides churches with an opportunity to set aside time during a Sunday service in February to focus on schools and support young people and the local school community. Scripture Union runs the initiative and also provides resources to support churches as they celebrate the day. Resources are available on the SU website or in their PDF Resource Pack. Additionally, the pack provides different ideas for either a complete intergenerational Sunday service or a short segment within a regular service.  Churches can choose a date early in the school year to celebrate and encourage students and school staff members.

              Schools Sunday supports young people and the local school community.
              Schools Sunday supports young people and the local school community.

              Position Vacant

              Youth and Children’s worker wanted

              Citywide Baptist (Mornington/Lenah Valley) are searching for a Youth and Children’s worker with the ability to think outside the box, lead teams and mentor young people. Click here for details.

              Citywide are looking for someone who wants to make a difference for kids and young people.
              Citywide are looking for someone who wants to make a difference for kids and young people.

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              ReCharge News February 2024

              reCharge NEWS November 2023

              22nd November 2023 | reCharge News

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                Australian Christian Book Awards

                The October News featured the winners of this year’s Sparklit Australian Book Awards. In addition, the shortlisted books provide a feast of reading which are suitable as Christmas gifts, or your own summer reading. Here are some of them:

                Shortlisted Australian Christian Books, 2023

                Behind the Tears by Bruce RobinsonBehind the Tears, Bruce Robinson, Green Hill Publishing
                Bruce Robinson doesn’t waste time wondering why we suffer, but swiftly moves to suggest ways and means of coping, enduring and even growing through experiences of suffering.
                Bringing Forth Life, Jodie McIver, Youthworks Media
                A unique and moving meditation on the eternal significance of pregnancy, birth, and life with a newborn child. Written by a mother, midwife and theologian, this book is a practical guide through the journey of childbirth, including the discomforts, difficulties and occasional heartbreaks.
                Disrupting Mercy, Matthew Clarke with Annabella Rossini-Clarke, Turning Teardrops into Joy
                What would happen if, like Zacchaeus, we allowed Jesus to change our hearts and turn us upside down? In Disrupting Mercy the Clarkes confront our anaemic understanding of God’s mercy and urge us to allow God’s extreme kindness and generosity to disrupt and transform our life and our world. 
                How to Find Yourself, Brian Rosner, Crossway
                Without discarding the importance of self-reflection, Rosner suggests that to truly find ourselves we need to look beyond ourselves to our relationships, our community, our history and, most fundamentally, God’s Word.
                Imagination in an Age of Crisis, Jason Goroncy and Rod Pattenden, Pickwick Publications
                This carefully curated treasury of essays and creative works showcases the strength and diversity of the Christian imagination in Australia.
                Practicing Peace, Michael Wood, Wipf and Stock
                In Practicing Peace, Michael Wood explores the centrality of peacemaking to Christian thinking, feeling and living. First, he anchors our pursuit of peace in a theology that declares that we are forgiven by God in Christ and free to forgive others. 
                Raising Tech-Healthy Humans, Daniel Sih, Spacemakers
                What to do about children and screens? Daniel Sih has written a positive and practical response to this pressing question. 
                Religious Freedom in a Secular Age, Michael Bird, Zondervan Reflective
                While secularism is routinely deplored by many Christians, Michael Bird makes a strong case for the secular state as the best way to ensure freedom of faith (and no faith) and to provide the optimal climate in which the church might thrive. 
                The Future is Bivocational, Andrew Hamilton, Ark House Press
                Circumstance, then curiosity, drove Andrew Hamilton to consider alternative models of church leadership. What will sustainable ministry look like in an increasingly post-Christian society? 

                Hobart City Prayer

                Hobart Tasmania

                Church leaders from across Hobart gather to pray on the last Wednesday every month to come before God and seek His face. The leaders ask for a movement of God in the city of Hobart and beyond. They pray the city will be touched and changed by His power.

                “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.
                Keep on seeking, and you will find.
                Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 
                For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds.
                And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

                Matthew 7:7-8. NLT

                Hobart City Prayer takes place in different churches around the city each month. The venue for the November prayer time is Hobart Baptist Church.

                The next Hobart City Prayer is NEXT WEEK.
                7.15am for a 7.30am start, Wed 29th November
                Hobart Baptist Church 282 Elizabeth St. Nth Hobart

                This invitation can be shared with other church leaders to pray in faith for city of Hobart.

                Join the Fostering Hope Family!

                Fostering Hope recently released a newsletter. You can download it here >

                Please enjoy reading it, and learning more about the work of Fostering Hope. The newsletter also explains how you can support children growing up in care, and carers in your community.

                They also just launched the Fostering Hope Family which is a great way for people to more formally support the work. Find out more here >

                FOSTERING HOPE - Join the Family

                Being welcoming and inclusive to diverse families

                Safe Church

                Part 1: Single people

                Here are some tips to help your church be a place where single people can grow in their faith and feel fully part of a church community. A single person may have never been married, be separated, divorced or widowed.  25% of Australian households are individuals who live alone. 

                • Be mindful of your use of language, which might unintentionally exclude single people: For example, say “We are having church community picnic. Please invite all your loved ones” rather than “We are having church family picnic. Please invite your family
                • Celebrate and pray for things important in the lives of single people.  Such as completing year 12, completing a qualification, and buying a house. (Not only announcing engagements, marriages and pregnancies)
                • Acknowledge the joy and pain of special days, like Christmas, Mother’s Day, and anniversary of a partner’s passing away

                Useful Resources

                Kindle eBook “What we cannot be alone”, by Kimberly Smith. 
                Pastoring singles with Dani Treweek Podcast episode.
                Loving Singles over Christmas and January Podcast episode.
                Single Minded Has a website, podcast, and conference. 

                Walk the World

                10-12th November 2023

                Walk the World is a community building weekend of prayer and fun. It’s an invitation to get out and about in your local neighbourhood… and pray! Pray for your community and communities around the world. Pray for your church’s ministry and the ministry of our Baptist Mission Australia team members.

                Watch the video . . .

                Walk the world 2023 video image

                Across the weekend of 10-12th November 2023, commit to praying as you walk, run, wheel, cycle, imagine or drive around your area. As you do, BMA teams in Africa, Asia and Australia will be praying for you too!

                News From the Middle East

                Though the fig tree does not bud
                    and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails
                    and the fields produce no food,
                though there are no sheep in the pen
                    and no cattle in the stalls,
                yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
                    I will be joyful in God my Saviour.

                Habakkuk 3: 17-18

                The past few weeks have been incredibly challenging. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support in prayer, and I personally extend my thanks to each of you for sending encouraging messages. These messages from distant lands have been like cold water to a weary soul.

                We continue to affirm that God is sovereign over the entire universe and holds the power to change the current situation. We earnestly pray for a miracle to stop the ongoing conflict, coupled with a cry of hope for a brighter future for all residents of Israel and the Palestinian territories.

                Our churches have been holding continuous prayer meetings and in the midst of sorrow and anxiety, we are spreading the message of God’s love to those who are hurting.

                Baptist church in Israel prays for the Middle East

                Thank you for your friendship, and for your support for the ministry of the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel, so that we continue to empower, enhance and expand churches in the land where Jesus walked.

                From Bader Mansour, Development Officer
                Association of Baptist Churches in Israel 

                Perth Baptist Rock ‘n’ Roll Night

                Perth Baptist Rock n roll night

                Families and Grief Seminars

                An invitation from New Mornings to you and members of your church community to attend the Families & Grief Seminar. This will take place on Saturday 2nd December at The Gnomon Room, The Wharf in Ulverstone.

                As we serve our community in the area of mental health and wellbeing, one of our goals is to educate and support individuals walking the journey of grief, with educational events.  

                Our keynote speakers are experts in the field of grief and will cover:

                * Types of grief experienced in families 
                * Supporting a family. Especially after suicide
                * How young people experience grief

                EARLY BIRD registrations: Available until 19th November >

                DOWNLOAD: Flyer for noticeboard display >

                Thank you for supporting families and young people in the area of grief and loss.  

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                October/November/December 2023

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                reCharge news November 2023

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                Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

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                reCharge News November 2023

                reCharge NEWS October 2023

                25th October 2023 | reCharge News

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                  Support those affected by the Middle East Crisis

                  Baptist World Aid are taking action. You can too.

                  Baptist World Aid have activated a disaster appeal to respond to this unfolding crisis and enable local Christian Partners to provide urgent assistance to civilians affected by the conflict as soon as humanitarian corridors are open.  

                  Together, we’re grieving the violence that is causing immeasurable suffering, and mourning with those whose loved ones have been killed or are being held captive. We’re distressed for the one million people who’ve been displaced, and all those innocent civilians living in fear across the region today. 

                  Baptist World Aid request the help of the Baptist Family. Donations will enable local Christian Partners to provide urgent assistance to families affected by this conflict as soon as possible. 

                  Appeal details. DONATE HERE > | Resources for churches are also available >

                  Baptist churches across Israel and the Palestinian territories, including Gaza Baptist Church, have requested fervent prayer for peace. ‘Let us follow paths of peacemaking that unequivocally reject terrorism or any acts that target civilians,’ the Baptist World Alliance said, in a statement on behalf of churches in the region, ‘Let us generously provide help and support with the compassion of Christ.’  

                  Please join us in praying for peace, hope and security for the entire region, so all can enjoy fullness of life as he intends. We’re yearning for the day the prophet Isaiah spoke of when swords will be beaten into ploughshares. (Isaiah 4:1)   

                  Hiroshima Survival

                  Original Documentary: Australian Veteran’s Incredible Story

                  This documentary features Dennis and Laura Ludbey formerly of Ulverstone Baptist Church.

                  mainly music at Westbury

                  Westbury Baptist Church, mainly music

                  Westbury Baptist have established mainly music in order to connect strategically with families in their local community.

                  Children and their parents enjoy songs and activities together. Parents and carers discover others in their community and form friendships.

                  Through the program, Westbury Baptist will have an opportunity to reveal Jesus through their interaction and engagement. Together, with the support of mainly ministries, they’ll be creating a joy-filled community of belonging.

                  First time free, then $5 per family. Ages 0-4 plus parents/carers.

                  Westbury Baptist Church, 53 Franklin Street, Westbury, TAS 7303

                  Doors open at 9:45 and music starts at 10am, followed by morning tea and play time.

                  Find out more >

                  Farewell Mal Garvin

                  18 November 1941 – 3 October 2023

                  Family and friends were warmly invited to attend the memorial service of Mal Garvin at 11:30am on Thursday 12th October at Citywide, 400 Cambridge Rd, Mornington.

                  READ: An article about the service on Thursday 12th October, including an overview of Mal’s life.
                  WATCH: The entire service on YouTube.

                  Mal Garvin memorial service, 11:30am Thurs 12th October 2023, Citywide Baptist Church Mornington

                  Follower of Jesus, loved and loving husband of Jenny. Loved and loving father and father-in-law of Matt and Leeanne, Liz and David, Danni and Dan, Nathaniel and Renee. Proud and loved Papa of Maddi, Josh (and Jen), Dan, Sophie (and Mitch), Simeon, Anya, Zoe, Josuahm, Ollie, Bridie, Lilly and Tim.
                  Friend and mentor to hundreds across the country and around the world.

                  Domestic Violence Resources

                  The Safer Spaces Toolkit

                  An endorsed project of Australian Baptist Ministries, The Safer Space Toolkit is aimed at resourcing pastors and church leaders to address domestic abuse and build relationally healthy communities.

                  FIND OUT MORE: Preaching tools, training sessions, videos and user guide.
                  WATCH the introductory video, below

                  This project started as a result of recognising domestic abuse resources were often available only by region, and there was a need to create a resource that could be accessed by any pastor anywhere, with access to the Internet.

                  The project working group is made up of Baptist women from around the country who have expertise in pastoral leadership, theology, teaching, domestic abuse and project management.

                  Compliance Reminder

                  Is your church ChildSafe?

                  The Safe Church deadline is fast approaching! 1st January 2024 is the date to meet all the Safe Church requirements, as set out by the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act approved by parliament in May 2023.

                  Child Safe training for Safe Churches

                  Training has begun in every region of the state. If your church has not yet begun the process, you are encouraged to get onto it urgently.

                  As a refresher, you could read the article by Administrator Rodney Marshall which was published in June: Safe Churches Update >

                  For more information please contact:

                  LifeWay comes 3rd!

                  Crossover Quiz Night Results

                  Australia’s Baptistist Quiz Night

                  Crossover Quiz night 2023

                  Well done to all the teams who participated in the online quiz night on Saturday 2nd September. A big thank you from Crossover for joining in!

                  Crossover raised just over $1,100 from the night.

                  Special mention to the top 3 teams: 

                  1. Knightsbridge Baptist Church SA 
                  2. Richmond Baptist Church SA 
                  3. Lifeway Devonport Tas

                  State Leaderboard:
                  1. South Australia/Northern Territory
                  2. Tasmania (Woohoo! Go Tasmania!)
                  3. Western Australia
                  4. Queensland
                  5. New South Wales/ACT
                  6. Victoria

                  Funeral Notice

                  Farewell Markus Sebastian


                  Friends and relatives were invited to attend the service to celebrate the life of Mr Markus Sebastian at Gateway Baptist Church 22 Wellington Street, Launceston on Friday 29th September 2023, commencing at 11 am.

                  The service was conducted by Rev. Michael Eleveld, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Launceston. This invitation was extended to those who knew Markus. He would have loved to see people he knew there.

                  Please also be in prayer for Stephanie Sebastian (SU Tas), daughter Charlie and son Michel.

                  Australian Christian Book Awards 2023

                  The Australian Christian Literature Awards encourage Christian writing and publishing that helps people discover Jesus in a way that is authentic and culturally meaningful. The SparkLit Awards recognise and encourage excellence in Australian Christian writing and publishing.

                  Held recently in Melbourne, the awards revealed some amazing writers along with their books. Check out the shortlisted books as well, because they also produced some gems. (Maybe there’s some Christmas shopping in the wind today?)

                  WINNER! Australian Christian Book of the Year 2023

                  Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture by Christopher Watkin
                  A philosopher uses the Bible to analyse and interpret contemporary Western culture.

                  Australian Christian Book of the Year award winner 2023

                  WINNER! Australian Christian Teen Writer 2023

                  Caleb MacLaren from Victoria won the 2023 Australian Christian Teen Writer Award with his screenplay The Journey.

                  In a modern twist on the Noah’s Ark story, this script follows four companions as they navigate an empty world devastated by an alien attack. 

                  Australian Christian Teen Writer of the Year award winner 2023

                  Fostering Hope

                  Mentoring Program in Hobart

                  The next Fostering Hope training day is in Hobart on Saturday, October 14.

                  Fostering Hope are a community organisation whose work comes from the Bible and the teachings of Jesus to ‘visit’ and ‘care for’ orphans and widows, to put the lonely in families, to love the fatherless, to care for children, and to love the neighbours in the communities. Tasmanian Baptists partner with Fostering Hope partner to provide foster care to Tasmanian children.

                  Through their Mentoring Program, Fostering Hope seeks to provide a “friend with purpose” for kids in care.

                  If you are looking for a way to live out your faith in caring for those in need, you can make a difference for a child in care. Please get in touch to talk about how to be equipped with training, connected with a child, and provided with ongoing support as you mentor. With just a few hours a month, you can significantly impact the life of a child in care for the better.

                  Find out more or apply HERE | Reach out to Ellie (

                  Fostering Hope Mentoring Day, Hobart 14th October 2023
ReCharge News October 2023

                  Crossover Resource

                  Baptism Week Ideas Guide

                  15-22 October 2023

                  National Baptism Week logo
                  Crossover Baptism Week, Oct 2023

                  National Baptism Week will be an opportunity for churches, youth groups, small groups and ministries across Australia to celebrate, explore and offer baptism.
                  Check out the short explainer video and Ideas Guide, as well as baptism resources on our new Baptism Hub. Joining in is very simple – no need to register or report back – you can use Baptism Week in your own way.

                  Read More ReCharge!

                  October/November/December 2023

                  DOWNLOAD Recent (PDF) Issues of ReCharge

                  reCharge news October 2023

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                  Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

                  We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

                  reCharge News October 2023

                  ReCharge NEWS September 2023

                  20th September 2023 | ReCharge News

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                    Love your Neighbour

                    NAYBA Impact Audit

                    Reminder! NAYBA Impact Audit. Tas

                    The NAYBA Impact Audit of Tasmania is due by Friday 22nd September!

                    As you may be aware, the audit will measure the collective social impact of the faith community in Tasmania, and put a monetary value on the time and resources that are dedicated to serving those in need.

                    The survey is designed to be as easy as possible. It should only take about 15 minutes to complete, plus some time to gather the relevant information. 

                    Before diving in, please visit the FAQ page to ensure you have all the necessary details at your fingertips. This will also help you decide if there’s someone who should complete the survey on your behalf. You could also watch the instruction VIDEO.

                    The survey remains open until Friday 22nd September. Once you’re ready, click the following button to get started:

                    Fostering Hope

                    Mentoring Program in Hobart

                    The next Fostering Hope training day is in Hobart on Saturday, October 14.

                    Fostering Hope are a community organisation whose work comes from the Bible and the teachings of Jesus to ‘visit’ and ‘care for’ orphans and widows, to put the lonely in families, to love the fatherless, to care for children, and to love the neighbours in the communities. Tasmanian Baptists partner with Fostering Hope partner to provide foster care to Tasmanian children.

                    Through their Mentoring Program, Fostering Hope seeks to provide a “friend with purpose” for kids in care.

                    If you are looking for a way to live out your faith in caring for those in need, you can make a difference for a child in care. Please get in touch to talk with about how to be equipped with training, connected with a child, and provided with ongoing support as you mentor. With just a few hours a month, you can significantly impact the life of a child in care for the better.

                    Find out more or apply HERE | Reach out to Ellie (

                    Fostering Hope Mentoring Day, Hobart 14th October 2023

                    Crossover Resource

                    Baptism Week Ideas Guide

                    15-22 October 2023

                    National Baptism Week logo
                    Crossover Baptism Week, Oct 2023

                    National Baptism Week will be an opportunity for churches, youth groups, small groups and ministries across Australia to celebrate, explore and offer baptism. There are lots of ways to get involved.
                    Check out the short explainer video and Ideas Guide, as well as baptism resources on our new Baptism Hub. Joining in is very simple – no need to register or report back – you can use Baptism Week in your own way.

                    Resourcing your church, Baptism Week

                    Next Steps Video series

                    With Karl Faase at Olive Tree Media

                    Olive Tree Media, want to resource and empower Christians to engage their friends and neighbours in conversations about faith. That’s why they partnered with Crossover and Baptist churches to resource and equip churches for National Baptism Week, 15th – 22nd October 2023.

                    Especially designed for use in the lead-up to National Baptism Week, Next Steps is a quality resource suitable for churches, small groups and youth groups.

                    It is designed so anybody can run it at any time within your church to share stories of faith, invite discussion and give people an opportunity to consider their ‘Next Steps’ when it comes to faith and life with Jesus.

                    Examples of use

                    ·      A 4-week small group series across the life of your church
                    ·      Mid-week church-wide course – where people can all come to watch and discuss together
                    ·      Run stand-alone groups facilitated specifically as a pointed discipleship tool readying people for baptism
                    ·      As a series your church works through in your Sunday services

                    WATCH: NEXT STEPS trailer

                    Tralier of the Next Steps video - Olive Tree media

                    Celebrate with Burnie

                    Induction at Burnie Baptist

                    The Coppin Family

                    Burnie Baptist Church congregation invites you to join with us for the induction service of Pastor Matty Coppin.

                    WHEN 2pm, Sunday 24th September, 2023
                    WHERE Burnie Baptist Church, 59 Mount Street Burnie
                    RSVP For seating and catering purposes by Friday 15th September.
                    To Kathy Fogarty | 0408 340 110 |

                    You are also invited to a time of fellowship and refreshments following the service.


                    Trivia Night at Gateway

                    Time to have some fun at Gateway Baptist

                    Gateway Baptist are hosting an evening fundraising event featuring trivia questions, fun, food and good company, and a silent auction with lots of goodies available!

                    You, your friends and family are all welcome to join in and raise funds for Operation Christmas Child. It will be $10/person to participate.

                    The Trivia Night will take place at 7pm on Friday 29th September 2023

                    Artway Studio and Gallery, behind Gateway Church
                    22 Wellington Street

                    RSVP/MORE INFO
                    By 25th September to help with catering.
                    Jill Ashdown 0439 354 849 | Christine 0409 632 641

                    Baptist Mission Australia

                    Jit and Jan Yawan

                    Lanternlight Ministries, Thailand

                    JIT AND JAN YAWAN

                    Several Tasmanian Baptist churches support Jit and Jan Yawan through Baptist Mission Australia. In the introduction to their latest newsletter, they write:

                    We are so thankful for all of you who continue this journey with us as we continue to to seek to be hands, feet and voice of Jesus here in Sangklaburi in western Thailand.

                    We are in the wet season and the three-month period of Buddhist Lent. In our attached newsletter there’s lots more information and links to a video and a booklet for special prayer for Thailand during this season. This season has similarities in every Buddhist country and community.

                    Read More: DOWNLOAD YAWAN NEWS (1MB) >

                    Staying Informed in the Asia Pacific

                    APBF Digest

                    Published three times/year the Asia Pacific Baptist Federation Digest is full of interesting articles about the work and thinking of Baptists in our region.

                    The current issue is all about RELEVANCE in our current culture. The relevance of church, of youth ministry, of overseas missions, and of humanitarian aid. READ IT HERE (18MB) >

                    August 2023 APBF Digest

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                    August/September 2023

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                    Recharge news September 2023

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                    Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

                    We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

                    ReCharge News July 2023

                    ReCharge NEWS August 2023

                    30th August 2023 | ReCharge News

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                      NEWS FROM CROSSOVER

                      Crossover Baptism Week

                      15th to 21st October

                      National Baptism Week will be an opportunity for Baptist churches, youth groups, small groups and ministries across Australia to celebrate, explore and offer baptism.

                      Watch the explainer video and ideas pack. Joining in will be very simple – no need to register or report back – you can use Baptism Week in your own way.

                      Check out the new Baptism Hub which also includes new baptism resources and more to come.

                      Free seminar in Hobart

                      Sharing Hope in Crisis

                      Sharing Hope in Crisis seminar

                      As the Church, we are representatives of Jesus, bringing compassion and comfort to our world. Sharing Hope in Crisis further equips us to do this well, allowing people to journey through a life-changing circumstance.

                      This seminar is to provide resource and equip you to help those going through crisis. Tea and coffee and light refreshments available. Bring your lunch, or choose from local cafes.

                      Let’s learn more on how to journey with someone through crisis, grief and difficult life changing circumstances. 

                      God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalms 46:)

                      Sharing hope in Crisis Seminar

                      Date: Saturday 23rd September 2023
                      Time: 8.30am for a 9.00am start – 4.00 pm finish
                      Venue:  Your Church, (29 Charles Street, Moonah)
                      RSVP’s required for venue and resource supplies.

                      Crossover Fundraiser

                      Australia’s Baptistist Quiz Night

                      8pm, Saturday 2nd September

                      Yes – Baptistist is now a word!

                      Crossover Quiz night 2023

                      What happens when 1000 churches and six associations go head-to-head? Let’s find out!

                      Grab some friends and some nibbles and a laptop and a phone and make a team to represent your church! Suggested donation of $10/person to register.

                      The quiz will happen over Zoom, so you’ll need a laptop (or other Zoom-able device) positioned so your team can see, hear and be seen. 

                      FIND OUT MORE >

                      APBF Sunday, 20th August

                      Save Manipur Day of Prayer

                      Join this important day of prayer for our Baptist family in India who are suffering.

                      Every year, on the 3rd Sunday in August, the Asia Pacific Baptist Federation proclaims a Day of Prayer for a specific area in the region.

                      In 2023, the focus is on Manipur, India. FIND OUT MORE >

                      Sadly, more than 120 people have been killed, 250 places of worship destroyed or damaged and up to 50,000 people displaced. More than 1,700 homes are now seriously damaged or destroyed as a result of the recent violence.

                      Rev. Prof. Akheto Sema, General Secretary, CBCNEI (Council of Baptist Churches, Northeast India) writes:

                      The State of Manipur requires unceasing and deepest concern. Due to recent unrest and violence which started from 3rd May 2023 thousands of men, women and children are displaced, rendered homeless and are made to suffer.

                      Several churches destroyed and burnt down, houses belonging to the victims burnt down; children and college/university going students had to seek admissions outside of Manipur since the institutions are closed.


                      Where are All the New Atheists?

                      Olive Tree Media Webinar series with Karl Faase

                      Wednesday 6th September, 7.00pm AEST

                      Olive Tree Media’s 2023 Webinar Series has been amazing and there have been some incredible guests share their expertise and wisdom.

                      In the next instalment, Karl Faase will host Justin Brierley for:

                      Why New Atheism Grew Old
                      Justin Brierley on his forthcoming book ‘The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God’

                      Citywide Celebrates!

                      75 Years of Witness

                      On Sunday, 6th August, Citywide Baptist celebrated the 75th anniversary of the commencement of the Lenah Valley Church. About 120 past members and adherents were present at the celebration.

                      Citywide Lenah Valley celebrates their 75th Anniversary

                      The anniversary occasion was held at the Lenah Valley Church following the morning service. As part of the celebration, a printed history was made available entitled 75 Years of Christian Witness. A History of the Lenah Valley Baptist Church, by Laurie Rowston and Maurice French.

                      75 Years of Christian Witness. A History of the Lenah Valley Baptist Church
                      Cover of the book, launched on the day

                      The work began when the leadership of the Hobart Baptist Tabernacle saw the need for outreach in this growing suburb. To that end, the afternoon Sunday school was commenced in the Community Hall, on 1st August 1948.

                      The afternoon Sunday school was the only Christian witness in the suburb at that time. Today the Lenah Valley congregation is part of the Hobart Citywide Church, which includes the Citywide Hobart Nepalese Church.

                      Office Administrator Position

                      Newstead Christian School

                      Established in 1996 to provide a distinctly Christian education, Newstead Christian School is a friendly and supportive school community comprising of 120 students from K-10, in stunning Launceston, Tasmania.

                      Committed to equipping and empowering our students to serve wherever God might call them, we focus on teaching the Australian Curriculum from a biblical perspective; support-ing students to grow in character and faith, as well as academic and sporting excellence.

                      We are currently seeking a person with excellent interpersonal and communication skills to join our cohesive team here at NCS from the beginning of Term Three.

                      Position Overview As part of the school office team, this employee provides a broad range of general administrative support consisting of effective client (Children, Teachers, Other Staff, Parents, Suppliers, etc.) services and advice and operation of school-based systems.

                      HOURS: 8.30am-3.30pm, Mon- Fri, 42 weeks/year.
                      ALLOWANCES: 11% Superannuation and standard leave allowances.
                      JOB-SHARING? Possible, should two suitable candidates present themselves.
                      POSITION DESCRIPTION/APPLICATION FORM: Visit the NCS website at
                      SUBMIT BY: Friday 25th August 2023 to,

                      Youth Alive Undivided

                      NORTH: 6pm 18th August | NW: 6pm 19th August | SOUTH: 6pm 25th August

                      In August, Youth Alive are running “Undivided”three regional youth gatherings. They would love to invite your youth ministry and young people!

                      Youth Alive’s mission is to reach young people with the message of Jesus. They believe these events will see youth ministries united, faith ignited, momentum gained, and young people respond to the Gospel!

                      Outreach events are a great way to unite young people, reach youth, and share the truth of Jesus. At every one of these events attendees will be invited to a local church or youth ministry as a next step of faith. They would like to partner with you to help reach the next generation.

                      The Youth Alive team are building volunteer teams for each of these events. If you would like to volunteer, please click the button, below.

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                      August/September 2023

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