Tasmanian Baptist Council

Tas Baptist Council Members, Nov 2023

ABOVE Tasmanian Baptist Council members from October 2023.
Clockwise from top left: Chair, Scott Ambrose; Vice Chair, Matt Garvin; Administrator, Rodney Marshall; Craig Hawkins (North); Owen Muskett (Northwest); Hazelyn Mohan (South); Mark Harris (South); Wendy Marston (North); Louis Fife (Northwest);  Mission Director, Stephen Baxter.

We are Tasmanian Baptists

Our Council represents Tasmanian Baptist churches with elected members from each region.

It’s time for a catch-up!

Last year there were three new appointees to Council: Scott Ambrose, Owen Muskett and Mark Harris. Then, at the Annual Assembly on 21st October, two new Council members were elected: Hazelyn Mohan and Craig Hawkins. Read all about them, below.

Tasmanian Baptist Council

The Tasmanian Baptist Council meets four times every year and delivers governance and administration for the Baptist Union of Tasmania. Officially the Council is “Assembly in Absentia”, and represents Assembly in all it does.

In addition to elected members, Council consists of the Mission Director (Stephen Baxter) and Administrator (Rodney Marshall).

Currently, eight elected members represent churches from each region:

CHAIR Scott Ambrose
VICE-CHAIR Matt Garvin
NORTH Wendy Marston; Craig Hawkins
NORTHWEST Louis Fife; Owen Muskett
SOUTH Mark Harris; Hazelyn Mohan

Please keep these men and women in your thoughts and prayers as they represent their regions, and make significant decisions which impact Baptist churches throughout Tasmania.

Council is due to meet for the final time this year on Saturday 2nd December.

New Council members, 2022-23

Council Bio – Scott Ambrose elected May 2022

Scott Ambrose

Scott Ambrose is the Principal at Calvin Christian School in Kingston. Scott is married to Sonya and they have five children. An active member of Hobart Baptist Church for over 20 years Scott currently serves on the Church’s Leadership Team as the Chair. Scott has been a Youth Group Leader at Hobart Baptist, and also serves as a Leader at Hobart Boys’ Brigade. 

Professionally, Scott is a member of the Modern Language Teachers Association of Tasmania State Council. He holds a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours, a Bachelor of Teaching, a Graduate Certificate and Diploma in Indonesian, and a Masters of Educational Leadership. 

Council Bio – Owen Muskett elected October 2022

Owen Muskett

Owen Muskett has been married to Dawn for 45 years, and have three married sons and eight grandchildren. He has been the Pastor at Wynyard Baptist Church for 9½ years and encourages the church to worship together, to get to know God personally, to care for each other, to witness the name of Jesus locally, nationally and internationally, and to serve the local community.

He and Dawn recognise that through God’s sovereign will, He both opens and closes doors and both recognise that throughout their lives, they have experienced God’s plan and purpose in all they have accomplished: in raising their children, in business and in church life. They have experienced the joys and the hardship of being self-employed, and the sadness seeing friends and family struggle with all sorts of life issues – sickness, death, and divorce. Through it all, Owen and Dawn have sought to love and care for others in their time of need.

And certainly, through all of life’s journey, they can say that God is good – all the time!

Council Bio – Mark Harris elected October 2022

Mark Harris

A Christian since his youth Mark Harris, with his wife Fiona, have attended Citywide Baptist Hobart for over five years. They have three adult children, and enjoy most outdoor activities.

Mark has served in a variety of church capacities ranging from kids and youth programs to development, leadership and board roles. He also served as an Executive Pastor for a number of years in a large ACC Melbourne church, and currently contributes in board roles for two Christian organisations.

Mark has a professional background in finance and general management, having worked in a broad range of commercial, Christian and NFP organisations at a senior level. Up until his retirement, Mark was a Certified Practising Accountant, Chartered Secretary, and Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia. Mark holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Melbourne University, and a Graduate Diploma in Theology.

While enjoying a retirement lifestyle, Mark is keen to serve the Kingdom and make a difference in the name of Jesus.

Council Bio – Hazelyn Mohan elected October 2023

Hazelyn Mohan, new Council member as at October 2023

Hazelyn* attends Claremont Baptist, having initially been a part of IC Church.

Hazelyn Mohan is originally from Singapore. She came to Tasmania 13 years ago to pursue a law degree. She has been in the Tasmanian public service sector for the past ten years, and is currently working full time, pursuing her Masters part-time, and is involved in various Church ministries.

Hazelyn’s dad was a pastor and she so grew up in a God-fearing household. She accepted Jesus as her personal Lord and Saviour when she was 14, and was baptised as a youth in Singapore. Her faith journey has been a rollercoaster, but through every season, she knows that God holds her hands.

She strives to live courageously through Christ, love unconditionally by His grace, and work faithfully for His kingdom.

* Hazelyn is also known informally as Hazel.

Council Bio – Craig Hawkins elected October 2023

Craig Hawkins, new Council member as at October 2023

Craig Hawkins is the son of Church of Christ pastor Ray Hawkins and mother Mary, who are well-known to many northern Tasmanian Baptists. Becoming a Christian at 10 years old in central Queensland, his baptism took place the same year. He married Rachelle in 1997 and they have six children, aged 12 to 21 years. They attend The Point Baptist Church in Beauty Point.

Both Craig and Rachelle have post-graduate degrees in science, and this has led to a passionate interest in faith and science issues. Craig is currently chairman of the Creation Discovery Centre board and is a speaker for Creation Research.

Upon taking on well-known northern business Seahorse World in Beauty Point, the Hawkins’ moved to the area in 2002, where a few years later Craig left his position as Compliance Manager with the Tasmanian Forest Practices Authority to become Managing Director of their business.

Craig has been active in The Point church since its inception and has been an elder there for about the last six years.

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New Council Members 2022-23

Assembly: Tasmanian Baptists Get Together


ABOVE Those gathered at the annual Assembly, held at Riverlands Longford, 21st October 2023

We are Tasmanian Baptists

This year’s Annual Assembly was well-attended on Saturday 21st October at Riverlands Longford.

Instead of the usual Friday/Saturday schedule, delegates from our churches met on Saturday only, starting a little earlier than usual. Evidently, this caught some by surprise!

Annual Assembly 2023 – Report

By Alan Firth, Claremont

Over the years I have learned that travelling to and from Assembly is a great catch up with fellow travellers, and this time there were four of us travelling together. We arranged to start at the usual time of 7:30am, and we had a good journey up the Midlands Highway.

When we arrived, people were milling around collecting communion elements and settling down for the session. Whilst it was not the usual start, it was good to be celebrating communion with others from our Churches across the state.

It was not until someone referred to the previous music, and I checked the Assembly papers on my laptop, that I realised we had missed a second implementation of daylight savings! Oh well, at least we will not need to thoroughly read Assembly papers to ensure we don’t miss the second coming!

Highlights of the Day

A clear highlight was to learn of initiatives attempted in some of our fellow churches. These times were both encouraging and informative.

For me, the catching up in the breaks with individuals from across the Tasmanian Baptist community is also a highlight as it is really our only opportunity to do so.  For these reasons alone, I struggle to understand why it seemed not all of our churches were represented.

October Assembly 2023; People from all over the state connected; Several speakers spoke during the day, including Jenny Baxter
People from all over the state connected; Many speakers presented, including Jenny Baxter re women’s ministry.

Business conducted, in-brief

* All nominations for positions were elected uncontested and endorsed. These included two new Council members: Craig Hawkins (The Point); and Hazelyn Mohan (Claremont).
* Excellent briefings took place in developments in various areas. This included including the training of pastors and insurance changes.
* Assembly endorsed the tweaking of responsibilities in light of operational and staff circumstances.
* In particular we welcomed the reappointment of Rodney Marshall. He has the new title of Operations Manager.
* We also welcomed the continuation of Stephen Baxter as Mission Director, albeit with a reducing availability and a flexibility over the coming years. This will enable an unhindered search for his eventual replacement.

As well . . .

We had a lovely (hearse-transported!) lunch, were led by skilled chairman Scott Ambrose, and posed for a group photo.

Indeed, we dealt with business so efficiently and effectively, with the reward being an early release! The wild weather forecast for the day occurred well after we were all home.

Clearly God blessed our family time with Him.

Alan Firth

Alan Firth, Claremont Baptist

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OctoberAssembly 2023

Tasmanian Baptists Gather for Assembly

Tas Baptists May Assembly 2023, held at Newstead Baptist

ABOVE Scenes from May Assembly held at Newstead Baptist, 5th/6th May 2023

We are Tasmanian Baptists

Well-Grounded . . .

. . . is the Theme for2023

The Gospel mission, Baptist structures, our changing society, our church responsibilities, our challenges as Christians and the escalating needs of our world were all highlighted at the May Assembly.

There was a strong sense of looking at how the here and now will affect the ongoing and future function of mission. There was an emphasis on harmony, working together, following Jesus and making him known.

What’s happening in the world

Strong messages about exploitation, the complexities of mission and current social attitudes were given by Paul Manning (Baptist World Aid), Geoff Maddock (Baptist Mission Australia), and Tas Baptists’ Mission Director Stephen Baxter.

Each invited us to consider what is happening in our immediate contexts and in the global context of social thought and business practices.

The changes in our society and world challenge the work of churches

Stephen Baxter spoke of the vacuum that is left in society when there is a deliberate move away from the values that formed it, a rejection of the idea of a higher authority, and no concept of God. He presented the heartbreaking outcome of this decline in terms of an increasingly individualistic society where there are rising levels of anger, violence, broken relationships and children in care.

Stephen challenged us to be Jesus-centred, committed to mission, building community and operating in freedom to be the best that church can be.

We heard elements of these principles in reports from the churches. It is always encouraging to see how people are addressing the issues in their context, working with what they have and seeing growth in attendance, ministries and impact.

[Continued below slideshow …]

Get a Glimpse with the Assembly Slideshow

  • May Assembly 2023 - the people gathered
  • Friday night dinner at May Assembly 2023
  • May Assembly 2023 Chair, Scott Ambrose
  • Lunch at Newstead for May Assembly 2023
  • Newly inductred pastors Franz and Anthea at May Assembly 2023

God is good!

There was talk of sowing seeds of hope, faith, discipleship and the breaking down of generational and social barriers. The general message was that the work is hard and never ending but God is good. Geoff Maddock’s idea of inhabiting and living out the treasure of the Gospel is highly motivating and relevant to all of us as followers of Jesus.

There was a strong sense of looking forward

Throughout the day, there was a chance to catch up with others and hear about their journeys. There was a strong sense of looking forward, of continued commitment to mission, and of operating in the freedom of the gifts that we have been given for service.

Kairos education opportunity

It was good to hear about the planned Theological Education course through Kairos University, specifically structured for our Tasmanian context, to equip people for ministry. This also is consistent with the views expressed by the speakers of looking for a new approach to meet needs and building the strength of our spiritual witness in our State by enabling students to pray, plan and learn together.

We pray that this localised training will be transformational and, as Stephen said, that Tasmania will be, “not fragile because of numbers, but agile because of courage.”

Let’s boldly speak the name of Jesus

It was reassuring to see that the strategic plan that has had many hours of analysis, planning and discussion poured into it is leading us into a new phase described by Matt Garvin as ready to “…stop talking deconstruction and talk construction; move from closed to open; move from ideas to actions”. For what purpose? To speak the name of Jesus into poverty, rejection, abandonment, loneliness, disappointment and grief and to see healing and life emerge from the darkness.

Thanks to all involved in Assembly for the encouragement to stay well-grounded and outward looking.

Linda Guy (Gateway), reports on May Assembly 2023

This report of the May Assembly 2023 was written by Linda Guy, Gateway Baptist Launceston

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May Assembly 2023

ReCharge NEWS April 2023

26th April 2023 | ReCharge News

Click Item to Read

    Geoff Maddock Visits Tassie!

    As the Baptist Mission Australia State Leader for Tasmania, it is my privilege to relocate to Tassie for the month of May to walk alongside our Baptist churches. 

    Geoff and Sherry Maddock
    Geoff and Sherry Maddock


    First and foremost, I seek to listen and learn what God’s people in Tasmania are experiencing as they step out in mission – across the street and around the world!  I’m also honoured to be sharing in church gatherings each Sunday across May and attending pastor gatherings and association events throughout the month. 

    I would also hope to visit with anyone interested in intercultural mission (local and global) or curious about the work of Baptist Mission Australia as we adapt our organisation to a rapidly changing world mission context. 

    Please don’t hesitate to reach out with a phone call, text or email to arrange a time with me.  I will be in the North West 30th April-10th May. Then around Launceston 10th May to 22nd May. And will finish my time in the South of the state from 22nd May to 29th May.

    Following conversations with Tasmanian Baptist leaders, engagement with churches and our own discernment processes, we sense God’s Spirit encouraging us to make ourselves available to journey with Tasmanian Baptists on your missional reimagination journey.

    Geoff Maddock
    Baptist Mission Australia | gmaddock@baptistmissionaustralia.org | 0436 470 535

    Atrocities in Myanmar

    A call for prayer via Australian Baptist Ministries

    The Asia Pacific Baptist Federation condemns in the strongest terms possible the recent aerial bombing of civilian villages in Pazikyi, Kanbalu of Sagaing region in Myanmar, which resulted in the deaths of over 100 innocent civilians.

    This attack is a gross violation of international humanitarian law and a blatant disregard for the sanctity of human life.

    As members of the Baptist World Alliance, who stand for justice, peace, and respect for human dignity, we are deeply saddened at this heinous act. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who have lost their loved ones, homes and belongings in this inhumane attack.

    We ask our member conventions and churches to pray for the people of Myanmar during these difficult times and to stand in solidarity with them as they seek justice and peace.

    READ: Full press release >

    Riverland’s Ministries

    There is so much going on at Longford! To find out more, or to attend/participate in any of these ministries please check their website (riverlands.org.au), call 6391 2202, or email admin@riverlands.org.au. Office hours are 9am-12pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

    • 10-11am Mondays and Tuesdays, Libraries Tasmania, Adult Literacy – during school term)
    • 11am-12pm Mondays, Prayer Group
    • 10am-12pm Tuesdays, Threads of Friendship
    • 5.30-9pm Tuesdays Young Adults Group – off site
    • 10am-12pm Wednesdays, Bible Small Group
    • 9.30-11.30 am Thursdays, Stay & Play – during school terms
    • 3-5pm Thursdays, Girls Youth Group – during school terms
    • 11.30am-1.30pm. Thursdays, Bible Discovery Group
    • 7-8.30pm Thursdays, Bible Small Group – fortnightly, off-site
    • 10.30am-12pm Fridays, Neighbours – fortnightly
    • 7-9.pm Fridays, Riverlands Youth group – 3rd Friday of each month, during school terms
    • 11am-1pm Fridays, Meals on Wheels – operate Monday-Friday each week
    Riverlands Minsitries. Snr Pastor Rodney Marshall, Meals on Wheels, Sta & Play, Associate Pastor Liam Conway
    Snr Pastor Rodney Marshall, Meals on Wheels, Stay & Play, Associate Pastor Liam Conway

    Grief Companion Training

    Do you know people who are grieving? Would you like to learn how to support them? You could attend this seminar, being run by New Mornings at Ulverstone Baptist.

    WHEN 9:30am-430pm, Saturdays 20th May AND 3rd June 2023
    COST Day 1 only – $75 (Conc. $55) ) | Days 1 + 2 – $120 (Conc. $85)
    WHERE Ulverstone Baptist Church Hall, 60 Alexandra Road, Ulverstone, 7315
    INFO Contact New Mornings: griefsupport@newmornings.org.au | 03 6411 6212
    OR download the flyer:

    What’s Going On – Summerhill

    For more information about any of these activities please contact Maddy Svoboda: pastor@summerhillbaptist.org.au

    • Primary school mentoring at Summerdale (as well as training of mentors), runs weekly throughout the week.
    • Playgroup, 10am-12pm, Wednesdays during school term facilitated by the Salvos.
    • Chat and Choose, every Friday morning during school terms.
    • Craft Group, Saturday mornings once a month.
    • High school Youth Ministry, 7-9pm, 2nd Friday of the month (when not involved with the combined youth initiatives).
    • Life groups, throughout the week.
    • A service in our local aged care facility. We hope to extend to another service soon.
    Summerhill Baptist Ministries

    Stand with the People of Myanmar


    More than ever, the people of Myanmar need to know that others stand with them. They need to know they are not forgotten.

    Two years on from a military coup, Myanmar is rocked by violence, oppression and instability. The economy has collapsed, there are severe shortages of food, fuel and other basic supplies. Families are forced to separate, churches continue to be damaged. Pastors have been arrested. The military continue to ignore basic human rights. 

    Since the coup, more than 3000 people have been killed and 16,000 people detained. Almost 1.6 million people are displaced within Myanmar and 1.1 million refugees and asylum seekers from Myanmar live in refugee camps on the Thai and Indian borders and within other towns in Thailand and India. 

    Please invite your faith community in sacrificially giving to our Stand with Myanmar appeal, so that together we can make a tangible and practical difference in the lives of people who continue to live with trauma and uncertainty.

    What’s Going on – City Baptist

    City Baptist Church in Launceston has people, as well as activities that people can connect with relationally.

    • Street chaplain (Stephen Avery), coming alongside those in need on our streets
    • Advocacy 
      • Housing provided for refugees (Ivan James)
      • The homeless and those fleeing Family and Domestic Violence (Kay Hunter)
      • Climate activism (Sally Staley, Wendy Miller and friends)
    • Drop in Centre in the Red Dove Café
      6pm-7pm Saturdays, 52 weeks per year (Jeff McKinnon).
    • City Baptist Community Garden –  69 Station Rd, St Leonards (Steve and Marie Pearce)
    • Learning Circle (hosted by Garry Billing and Jeff McKinnon) for those wanting to grow in discipleship, spirituality and mission (three-week sessions)
    • Young adult dinners with Jenna Blackwell
    • Friday Frolics – Intergenerational social outing on last Friday of the month (Merelyn Briton)

    Find out more here > | City Baptist on Facebook >

    Some of the faces at City Baptist, L-R: Tracey and Stephen Avery; Jeff McKinnon; Jenna Blackwell; Kay Hunter

    What’s Going on – Gateway

    The Baptist churches in and around Launceston want to work more closely together and point people to activities going on in other Baptist churches.

    Over the coming weeks reCharge NEWS will highlight one church’s activities, this week, with Gateway Baptist.

    Gateway Baptist, Craft Group, Artway, Basketball, Mentoring and lifeskills
    Gateway’s Ministries most weeks:
    Shekinah House Team

    Volunteering and low level counseling with homeless people
    11am till 3pm, Tuesday to Friday

    Bible Study

    Ladies study with coffee
    3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month  
    Wednesday group
    5:30 – 6:30pm Wednesday
    Eat, Share, Pray Midweek Group
    6:30-8:30pm, Thursday


    Art Therapy and Lessons 12 noon – 2pm Wednesday and Thursday   
    Craft Group 6:30-9pm, Wednesday               

    Walking Group

     Ladies 10am Thursday

    Baptist Basketball

    Saturday Evenings

    To enquire about any of these activities please email: noeleagling@gmail.com

    Easter Camp at Perth

    In 1954, Perth Baptist hosted an enormous Easter Camp!
    Thank you to those who responded about the year this photo was taken.

    Perth Baptist Easter Camp, approx date 10940s

    READ MORE Perth Baptist Church Profile

    What’s Going On – Newstead

    Walk this Way - Newstead Baptist
    Walk this Way 

    2-4pm first Sunday of the month

    Family friendly short walks aimed to be an intergenerational opportunity to create space in creation to walk and talk.

    Life Groups

    Tuesday Life Group 7-9pm in Prospect
    Thursday Life Group 7-9pm in Newstead
    All Welcome! Join a Life Group here >

    In the Community

    Chat’n’Choose 9:30-11:30am Thursdays, at the church.
    Crafts, Conversations, Friendship, Fun. Men and Women of all ages are Welcome.

    Drop-in Centre meets every Friday 1-3pm in “The  Lounge” at the church
    Games for all generations, just drop-in to meet new friends

    Alpha at Newstead Baptist Thursday nights from 1st June 2023

    To enquire about any of these activities at Newstead, please email info@newsteadbaptist.org.au

    Mid-Year Assembly

    Friday/Saturday 5th/6th May, Newstead Baptist (NB new venue!)

    The May Assembly is coming up very fast! All Tasmanian Baptist churches are eligible to have at least two voting delegates in attendance, plus pastors and Tas Baptist Council Members. As well, interested individuals are welcome to attend. However, all attendees do need to register.

    Assembly papers will be sent to Church Secretaries via email on Thursday 6th April.


    7-9pm, Friday 5th May: Dinner ($30)
    9:30am-3pm, Saturday 6th May: Morning tea and Lunch ($15)

    Payments and registrations will be due to the Tasmanian Baptist office by Monday 5th May 2023. As well as the regular registration process, we are trialing an online payment/registration system. So watch out for that!

    Views of October Assembly 2022
    Views from Tas Baptist Assembly, October 2022

    CROSSOVER Easter Resources

    FROM crossover.org.au

    This Changes Everything is an Easter series that’s ready to go. There are message outlines that you can take, leave or adapt. But the bonus is the artwork for promoting and inviting, easily editable to include your church details.
    All free, because Crossover is here to help you share Jesus.

    Ally & Sally is the shortest soap opera you’ve ever seen! 3x 1-min episodes you can show in church, or embed in your weekly email, or both. Each episode can stand alone, but the story builds – and twists – with a positive encouragement to share our great news.
    Perfect for showing right before promoting the Easter Offering in the three weeks leading up to Easter!

    watch ally & sally

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    April/May 2023

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    ReCharge News April 2023

    Annual Assembly 2022

    Annual Assembly 2022, Tasmanian Baptists gather.

    ABOVE Clockwise from top left: Sherry and Geoff Manning (BMA); Assembly attendees, Saturday; Friday dinner; Stephen Baxter prays for newly registered pastor Ben Cochrane (Somerset); Saturday lunch; Friday night.

    Tasmanian Baptists

    Reflection on Assembly

    FRI/SAT, 28th and 29th October 2022

    By Anthea Maynard

    Assembly was a humbling, inspiring and encouraging experience, as diverse representatives from across lutruwita (Tasmania) gathered to share food, stories, reflections, prayers, songs and questions together.

    We had a range of presenters including Mission Director Stephen Baxter, Sherry and Geoff Maddock (Baptist Mission Australia), our historian Laurie Rowston, and Paul Manning (Baptist World Aid). Plus, a well-organised business session, led by Peter Clark on Saturday afternoon.

    Friday night sessions

    Sherry and Geoff Maddock, Baptist Mission Australia, Oct Assembly 2022
    Sherry and Geoff Maddock

    Sherry and Geoff Maddock spoke on “God’s placed love”, with examples from their lives as a family on mission. This resonated with me as I am deeply affected by place – geography, ecology, faith, history, culture, food and stories.

    Sherry also shared about her vocation of tending and keeping, cultivating and flourishing, which is embodied in her work as a gardener. I love the idea of creating spaces of hospitality for people to encounter one another and God, especially in living landscapes.

    Mission Director Stephen Baxter, Oct Assembly 2022
    Stephen Baxter

    Our Mission Director, Stephen Baxter, gave a “State of the Union” address, outlining a current picture of the Baptists in the Tasmanian community.

    He also summarised a consultancy report about Tasmanian Baptist churches by Andrew Turner of Crossover called “Ready to Really Move”. It highlights the need to transition from ideas of deconstruction to construction; closed to open faith communities; and theoretical to tangible faith-life engagement. 

    God’s Mission – Missio Dei

    Laurie Rowston, Tas Baptists historian, Oct Assembly 2022
    Laurie Rowston

    On Saturday morning, Laurie Rowston spoke passionately about the history of Baptists in Tasmania. He has now completed comprehensive research and published eight associated books. This work is a gift to Baptists in Tasmania, with the hope to see people come to know Jesus. 

    Geoff Maddock spoke again, this time about world Christianity and how the church joins into God’s bigger mission (Missio Dei) that goes beyond borders and boundaries.

    He said we are invited to have an attitude of curiosity, offer hospitality, and open our lives to others. Smaller groups then identified and discussed what the major issues were in our world and society. We also discussed how our missiology, ecumenism and interfaith relations influence our response.

    Geoff reminded us that there are no God-forsaken places or people. 

    Resourcing churches

    Paul Manning Baptist World Aid, Oct Assembly 2022
    Paul Manning

    Paul Manning shared about Baptist World Aid’s work of supporting communities to face challenges associated with poverty.

    There is an opportunity to identify and challenge unjust systems within our society and beyond, as Jesus said he came to give life in fullness. The updated Ethical Fashion Guide has just been released and opens our eyes to the slavery and ecological destruction that our consumer actions have.

    There are a diverse range of ways to connect and be involved in this impressive work. This includes becoming a Better World ambassador; the Better World gift catalogue and the 2022 Christmas Appeal, to name just a few. 

    Summing up

    The polity and relationships of the Baptist movement are refreshing, enabling and Spirit led. I found that attending the Tasmanian Baptist Annual Assembly this year was a privilege.

    Anthea Maynard

    Anthea Maynard
    Ministry Team Leader
    City Baptist Church, Launceston

    Find out about Better World Church resources >

    Watch the Better World Ambassador Video!

    Read ReCharge

    October/November 2022

    CHRISTMAS RESOURCES For Baptists from Crossover
    AROUND THE CHURCHES October/November 2022
    FAMINE In the Horn of Africa Melissa Lipsett, CEO Baptist World Aid
    PRISON MINISTRY By Cameron Brett of Prison Fellowship Tasmania
    DEEP THOUGHT The Sound of Silence By Denise Stephenson
    FROM THE MISSION DIRECTOR: Does God Really Care? By Stephen Baxter
    SCHOOLS MINISTRY: Mustard Lives Transformed by Jesus
    CHURCH PROFILE: Newstead Baptist
    October 2022 NEWS | November 2022 NEWS

    Recent (PDF) Issues of ReCharge

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    Annual Assembly 2022

    Midyear Assembly 2022

    Midyear Assembly 2022

    TB Assembly, May 2022

    By Matt Henderson, Hobart Baptist Church

    On the weekend of 6-7 May, I attended a Tasmanian Baptist Assembly for the first time.

    I must confess to not being a big fan of conferences, and my expectations of Assembly were not high. However, I ended up being pleasantly surprised by how much I took away from the experience.

    Tasmania is a highly regional state and there are very few opportunities for pastors and leaders from the different regions to come together as one collective group. Assembly provides this opportunity.

    Midyear Assembly 2022 – slideshow

    • Dan and Noel, Midyear Assembly 2022
    • TB Midyear Assembly May 2022
    • Matt, Kylie and Leeanne, Midyear Assembly 2022
    • Heather and Samuel, Midyear Assembly 2022
    • Dan and Beckie, Midyear Assembly 2022
    • Bob and Matt, Midyear Assembly 2022
    • Wendy and Frans, Midyear Assembly 2022
    • Paul Mabnning BWA, Midyear Assembly 2022
    • Owen and Jeremy
    • Somerset Baps reps, Midyear Assembly 2022

    Friday Night – Three Chats

    So Assembly was great, but also challenging. On Friday night at dinner, we heard three short talks: Scott Pilgrim, about Baptist Mission Australia; Paul Manning of Baptist World Aid; and Jenny Baxter of Tasmanian Baptist Women – EmpowHer. She spoke about the changing nature of women’s ministry in the 21st Century. This includes the ongoing effort to raise up and recognise women in leadership across Baptist churches.

    Myself, and I’m sure many others, took to heart the challenge for us to do better in this space. 

    Community Partnerships

    On Saturday morning, we heard about some of the exciting community partnerships that Baptists in Wynyard have built. As well, we watched a video from Citywide. It told the story of their ongoing partnership with the Lenah Valley RSL in putting on a special day for the Lenah Valley community on Anzac Day.

    We heard from and formally recognised myself and three others as Pastoral Leaders.

    It’s great to hear these stories, as they are both inspiring and challenging to the rest of us to find ways to support and ally with other churches doing valuable community engagement. It also shows us the kinds of things that are possible if we do the work and build the relationships.

    It was very exciting to hear from Maddy Svoboda about how much things have changed during his time working pastorally across Tasmania. During the morning session, we heard from and formally recognised myself and three others as Pastoral Leaders. This was really exciting and humbling.

    One significant moment during Assembly was the vote agreeing to the inclusion of Hobart Vision Church within our Union of churches. Pastor Samuel was present to represent the Korean-speaking church, which meets on Sunday afternoons at the Hobart Baptist building.

    Stephen Baxter, TB Mission Director

    Baptist Agencies

    On Saturday afternoon, we heard more from both Baptist Mission Australia and Baptist World Aid. I found it important to get these updates, as it helps us to not just be completely fixated on our local context, but to see and think globally about the ways in which God is working right across the world.

    The opportunity to build networks which are not just regional, but state-wide, is a something very valuable. Our Mission Director, Stephen Baxter, and the entire Tasmanian Baptist were named and applauded during the day on Saturday. The team has done a tremendous amount of work particularly over the past two years – during a pandemic – to keep the networks and lines of communication for Baptist churches and leaders in Tasmania working, and healthy. It was good and right that their work was recognised and commended at Assembly.

    The Midyear Assembly 2022 was a valuable experience, certainly a more important experience than I expected to have. I’m glad I went along, and I will look forward to the next one. 

    Matt Henderson, Merge Youth Citywide

    Matt Henderson is the Associate Pastor at Hobart Baptist Church. He is married to Kylie, and they have three boys, one daughter-in-law and a baby granddaughter!

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    April/May 2022 ReCharge

    Faith Runs Deep Video Series
    Around the Churches
    Pastoral Profile: Dan Evenhuis
    Fostering Hope: Respite Carers needed!
    Deep Thought: Mike Frost – Becoming wise
    Being Strong and Courageous
    Wynyard Baptist Food Drive
    Church Profile: Citywide

    April 2022 NEWS | May 2022 NEWS

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    Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

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    ReCharge NEWS April 2022

    ReCharge News April 2022

    ReCharge News 27th April 2022

    Table of Contents

      Heartlands Autumn 2022

      Heartlands News

      The latest Heartlands news is here!

      • EmpowHer events coming up.
      • Praying with Intention
      • Exciting women’s ministry at The Point Baptist
      • The Science of Seeing God

      Baptcare Foster Care Training

      Fostering Hope

      Shared stories, Shared lives

      WHERE: Wellspring Anglican Church (Grosvenor St, Sandy Bay), or on Zoom
      WHEN: 9-4:30pm Saturdays 7th and 14th May
      REGISTER: For in-person or Zoom

      Volunteer for KidzFest!

      Tasmania Celebration with Will Graham

      Kidzfest is a free family-friendly event for pre-school and elementary age children. It’s going to be great!

      Volunteer for Kidzfest >

      HOBART 1:30pm 21st May, MyState Bank Arena

      LAUNCESTON 10am 28th May, Silverdome

      Kidzfest begins with music guests and “The Quest,” an interactive presentation with a fun Gospel message. There will be petting zoo, games, balloon animals and other fun activities all for free!

      Kidzfest at the Silverdome
      Kidzfest Hobart

      Tickets are required to attend Hobart events: (not for Launceston!)

      FIND OUT MORE Tasmania Celebration with Will Graham >

      SHELTER – EmpowHer Retreat

      5pm-5pm, 24-25 June 2022

      Shelter Retreat June 2022

      Led by Denise Stephenson (LifeWay) and Jenny Baxter (Hobart), this retreat will focus on sheltering in God’s presence.

      Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

      Psalm 91:1

      If you are weary and burdened with life, and need some time to enter God’s presence to reflect, restore and rest, then come along!

      INFO: The retreat is non-residential, and will be held in Blackmans Bay.
      COST: $45/person NB. There are other ways you can contribute if money is an issue – so get onto us!
      ARE YOU IN? Call or SMS to reserve your spot, and we will send you more info: 0401 652 566
      BROCHURE Download here

      Ministry Training at WEC

      Cert IV Christian Ministry and Theology

      WEC Cert IV course

      Eastern College Australia are offering accredited units at its delivery site in Launceston. Worldview Centre host evening classes where you can complete units towards a Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology.

      The Tuesday evenings include catered meal breaks.

      Unit Costs $300/unit

      Where Worldview Centre for Intercultural Studies, 41 Station Road, St Leonards, TAS 7250

      Apply https://apply.eastern.edu.au  
      Download Brochure

      Dates for remainder of 2022

      5pm-8:30pm 14 June-30 August (10 weeks): Christian Ethics
      5pm-8:30pm 13 September-29 November (10 weeks): Discipleship

      Tasmania Celebration

      Since 1950, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has held Crusades across the globe to proclaim God’s love to people who need Jesus Christ. Today, Will Graham Celebrations continue this life-changing mission.

      A Celebration is not just an evangelistic event; it is a process of prayer, training, outreach, and follow-up that takes place over a 12-month period—and it begins and ends with the local church.

      The Tasmania Celebration is scheduled to take place in May 2022, just a few short weeks away.

      In Hobart, the Tasmania Celebration will be held at the My State Bank Arena on 21st May. In Launceston, the main events will be at the Silverdome on 27th-29th May.

      Will Graham at the Silverdome

      PRAY for the Events

      Commit to praying; privately, within your Connect Groups and prayer gatherings.
      Click HERE to download prayer points as we pray together in unity.

      Here’s what’s happening. All events are FREE!

      Tasmania Celebration HOBART My State Bank Arena

      Kidzfest Hobart

      Click dates for more details

      Tasmania Celebration LAUNCESTON Various Venues

      Click dates for more details


      Perth Baptist is running a bus to attend the 29th May event at the Silverdome.
      For more info, please email info@perthbaptistchurch.org.au or call  0418 130 221.

      Advocating for the Most Vulnerable

      Micah Australia is a coalition of Christian aid agencies who lobby the government on behalf of the world’s poor, vulnerable and oppressed. Micah Australia’s Executive Director, Tim Costello, is one of Australia’s best-known community leaders and a sought after voice on social justice issues, leadership and ethics.

      The 2022 federal government Budget, released on 31st March, revealed some major wins. This included the announcement that the government will increase the intake of Afghan refugees. 

      Watch the video from National Director, Matt Darvas, to find out more:

      Matt Darvas Micah Australia

      There were also some incredible outcomes for Micah’s End Covid For All campaign. This is the direct result of months of campaigning for Australia’s neighbours in crisis.

      You can take action

      • Please spread the good news and thank Minister Alex Hawke (Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs) for responding, by sharing this Facebook post.
      • Through Micah’s latest campaign, A Safer World For All, the momentum will be sustained in the lead-up to the federal election. It’s an unmissable opportunity to call on Canberra to support our neighbours in crisis.

      EmpowHer Northern Walk

      Saturday 21st May 2022

      APBF Congress 5-7 Sept, Korea

      5-7 September 2022, Online

      Since the formation of the Asia Pacific Baptists Federation in 1975, and the first historic gathering of Baptists in 1979 in Hyderabad, India, the APBF Congress has met regularly every five years. As a result they have touched thousands of Baptists through the Congress.

      APBF has witnessed the faithfulness of God in Asia and the Pacific over the period of 40 years as the Baptists of Asia and the Pacific has grown to almost 40,000 churches today.

      The 10th APBF Congress again calls Baptists to gather with the theme “Stronger Together” in its first Hybrid Congress (available to both in-person and online attendees). Attendees will witness yet again God’s faithfulness. In-person will allow you to interact face-to-face with the speakers, while online will provide a seamless flexibility to join the Congress from your location.

      STOP PRESS! Due to an overwhelming response, all registrations for in-person attendance have now closed.

      ONLINE Registrations still available > Early bird regos ($30) are due by 30th April 2022.

      Find out about speakers and program >

      New Look for Baptist World Aid

      Here’s some exciting news: if you stop by the Baptist World Aid website, you’ll find a new look and a new visual identity. The look might be new, but they are still committed to ending poverty so all people can enjoy the fullness of life God intends.

      (Even now, BWA’s Ukraine appeal is helping Christian Partners care for displaced families.)  

      BWA will also print a new quarterly 16-page magazine for supporters, Better World Magazine, which will hit mail boxes in the next few weeks and includes news updates, inspiring features and even a column on ‘Curly Questions’.

      DOWNLOAD the “Design Explainer” (1MB) >

      Midyear Assembly

      Mission Director, Stephen Baxter

      Friday/Saturday, 6th-7th May 2022

      A heads-up that our next Tasmanian Baptist Assembly will take place at Riverlands Longford on Friday night 6th May, and Saturday 7th May.

      As always, Assembly will be an inspiring time of challenge, encouragement and connection.

      On Saturday, Scott Pilgrim of Exec. Director of BMA will speak. “Business” is kept to a minimum, and the focus will be our theme for 2022: (en)Courage.

      If you are not a regular attendee and would like to attend you are very welcome. It is important to note, however, that only official church representatives have voting rights.

      Church Secretaries watch out! Information for Assembly, will soon come your way to distribute to delegates.

      Crossover Easter 2022

      Crossover Easter appeal 2022: Make a World of Difference

      History has shown that nothing transforms lives, communities, the world, like people coming to know Jesus. Sharing Jesus is so vital, what if we had more confidence, more wisdom, suitable methods and more really useful resources. Crossover passionately focusses on helping Australian Baptists share Jesus.

      There are three ways Churches can get involved: CLICK to find out >

      Donate to CROSSOVER Here

      Please support Crossover this Easter!

      Tasmania Celebration 2022

      HOBART – 21st May | LAUNCESTON 27th-29th May

      Prayer events in Launceston and Hobart

      Tasmania Celebration

      Will Graham will be in Tasmania in May for the Tasmania Celebration. Let us make sure we cover the entire event in prayer before, during and afterwards!

      Prayer meetings are scheduled in the north and south of the state over the next few months.

      All are welcome!

      Click HERE to find a prayer meeting near you.

      Christian Life and Witness Course

      Do you want to know how to easily share your faith with others?
      Or perhaps you would like to be a prayer partner/counsellor at the Tasmania Celebration?

      Then look no further! This 3 x 2-hour-session course is being run in Hobart and Launceston, and you can pick up missed sessions online.

      Check course dates/locations > | Check Course Online > (Facebook Group)

      Read More!

      April/May 2022 ReCharge

      May Assembly Overview
      Around the Churches
      Pastoral Profile: Dan Evenhuis
      Fostering Hope: Respite Carers needed!
      Deep Thought: Mike Frost – Becoming wise
      Being Strong and Courageous
      Wynyard Baptist Food Drive
      Church Profile: Citywide

      May 2022 NEWS

      DOWNLOAD Recent Issues

      Subscribe to reCharge Here!

      Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

      We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

      ReCharge News April 2022

      ADVANCE November/December 2021

      Advance step by step NovDec 2021
      Request Print Version via Mail

      This is the final Tasmanian Baptist ADVANCE | step by step

      A new publication, Re-Charge, is now available

      Please note: All previous subscribers to ADVANCE automatically receive ReCharge

      Keep scrolling for the ADVANCE Nov/Dec 2021, Online

      No. 1: 4th November 2021
      ADVANCE November/December 2021 No. 1
      No. 2: 18th November 2021
      ADVANCE November/December 2021 No. 2
      No. 3: 2nd DECmber 2021
      ADVANCE November/December 2021 No. 3

      Annual Assembly 2021

      Reengage | Reimagine | Realign
      Advance Header

      Engaging with the “3R’s”

      Tas Baptist Annual Assembly
      22-23 October 2021, Longford

      By Kate Barnett, Newstead Baptist

      Reengage, Reimagine, Realign

      On Friday night at the Annual Assembly 2021, we gathered with other Tasmanian Baptist church representatives. It was a time of sharing what has been happening in our different fellowship communities.

      Prof. Patrick Parkinson with Mission Director Stephen Baxter. Annual Assembly 2021
      Prof. Patrick Parkinson with Mission Director Stephen Baxter

      The Mission Director, Stephen Baxter, reflected on the year past which demanded so many adjustments associated with the impact of the pandemic. But also, more broadly in the context of our changing society. He considered how this relates to being the body of Christ – His church – and how this looks very different from past years.

      Our guest speaker, Professor Patrick Parkinson, explained many enlightening statistics. These included how changing family structures, and the decline of marriages over recent decades, has led to increasing challenges for children, parents, and our communities. This provides so many opportunities for Christians to reach out and care in relevant ways.

      Morning Sessions

      On Saturday we explored further the “Reengage, Reimagine, Realign” vision for Tasmanian Baptists. We also participated in a very short business session.

      Denise Stephenson
      Denise Stephenson

      Denise Stephenson (LifeWay, Lymington) spoke of her experience of growing up deeply within the Tasmanian Baptist church community. Finding herself dis-engaging in her teens, she later returned to the Baptist church network in a new ministry capacity.

      This has led to her reaching out to people in day-to-day interactions within her local neighbourhood. Now, she seeks God’s guidance for next steps with fellowship at the “long table” she and husband Mark have installed in their new home.

      Maddy Svoboda
      Rev. Maddy Svoboda

      Maddy Svoboda shared about the journey Summerhill Baptist has been on as it seeks to value the transition period.

      He spoke of the “liminal spaces” where we step across into the “not yet known” – where God is at work. And of trusting God with the unknowns which are known by our Sovereign God.

      Annual Assembly 2021, attendees
      Annual Assembly 2021 Attendees, 23 October 2021

      After Lunch Electives

      After lunch, we chose electives. I appreciated participating in Jenna Blackwell’s workshop, which provided personal reflection time on the 3-R’s. In addition, Michael Henderson led a group reflecting on how churches can reengage, reimagine and realign. And a third group looked at the future implications of Covid for our churches in light of new vaccination policies.

      In the workshop, Jenna posed a series of questions prompting us to Reengage as we described in our own words God’s Big Story, the Good News. Then exploring our own response, considering our strengths and passion, significant life experiences.

      Questions prompted us to Reengage as we described in our own words God’s Big Story, the Good News

      We then moved to Reimagine what God might be saying to us in how our own lives are being lived. And then, to Realign by considering what may need to change in our lives to Reengage full circle with God in the now!

      At home, I’ve been sorting and “culling” all manner of stuff to make room for our daughter and her family. They are moving from interstate and will be living with us. This exercise reminded me to “let go” and to “make space”, so God can do his transforming work of Renewal! 

      That renewal is what God does in our lives. It is what we can see happening in many of our Tasmanian Baptist churches. I was so encouraged by our Annual Assembly 2021.

      Kate Barnett, Annual Assembly 2021

      Kate Barnett
      Newstead Baptist Church


      Mission and Leadership Development

      Advance Header

      engaging your community:

      Opportunities for Churches and Leaders

      At the May 2021 Assembly Michael Henderson and Jenna Blackwell spoke, describing their new positions with Tasmanian Baptists from 1st July.

      Reengage | Reimagine | Realign

      Tasmanian Baptists are now described as “mission-shaped”. But in the real world, how do churches do that?

      Community engagement is the answer! For churches and leaders, it’s either a new way of thinking, or else, shifting 20th Century concepts into 21st Century form.

      Mission and Leadership Development - Michael Henderson and Jenna Blackwell
      Michael Henderson and Jenna Blackwell

      Mission and Leadership Development

      Thankfully help is at hand! From 1st July, Michael and Jenna are set aside to serve you and your church with mission leadership and development.

      • Michael with Mission and Leadership Development
      • Jenna as Mission and Leadership Coach

      At the recent Assembly, they both spoke about how they can serve you and your church. Their talks were interesting, informative, and gave a glimpse into the ways in which Tasmanian Baptist churches can “skill-up” to connect with the community where God has placed them.

      Why you should engage in leadership development

      Michael explains Leadership Development

      Jenna outlines “The Why”, and opportunities for coaching

      WATCH their presentations at MAY Assembly

      Saturday 8th May 2021 (42 minutes)

      READ MORE IN THE JUNE 2021 ADVANCE | step by step