reCharge NEWS July 2024

reCharge NEWS May 2024


    Retreat Locations for Pastors

    Tasmanian Baptist Pastors
    Do you know of any budget-friendly accommodation that our Tas Baptist pastors could use for personal retreats or holidays with their families? The Tas Baptists team are putting together a list of retreat locations and want help in sourcing some options.

    It may be that a member of a congregation owns a shack, a holiday home or a cottage on their property or even a caravan that they would be so generous as to loan to a pastor every now and then, either for free or a reduced rate. It could be anywhere in Tasmania. 

    Pastors and church leaders work hard, and often their work is exhausting and mentally draining. Making time for rest, reflection, and connection is an essential spiritual practice, particularly for those in church leadership. 

    If you know of a possible option, or want more information, contact Karla Miller at Tas Baptists.

    Youth Alive Main Event

    Saturday, 17 August from 3.30pm to 8.00pm
    Main Event is a statewide event for youth to gather from all over Tasmania to lift up the name of Jesus over their generation! Main Event will be the biggest youth event of the year, and will feature Andy Harrisson and Josh Ham, along with food vans, indoor inflatable rides, limited edition merchandise releases, foyer DJ’s, giveaways, and more! Main Event will be held at the MAC 02 venue at Hobart.

    Find out more on the website.

    Ultimate Church Trivial Night

    Saturday, 24 August at 8.00pm
    Aussie Baptist churches are invited to challenge the reigning champions, Knightsbridge Baptist SA, at the ultimate Church Trivia Night. It’s Church vs Church and State vs State for the most knowledgeable Australian Baptist Church of 2024.

    The challenge takes place on Saturday, 24 August at 8.00pm through Zoom. Join in around a table or in a living room from a laptop (or other Zoom-able device). 

    A thousand churches. Six associations. One big family games night.  

    Find out more and register your church team(s) on the Crossover website.

    FREEDOM24 conference

    Monday, 5 August, 9.00am-4.00pm
    Freedom for Faith is hosting the FREEDOM24 Conference on Monday 5 August, 9am-4pm in Sydney. Livestream tickets are free for those who cannot attend in person. 

    The conference aims to develop your understanding of threats to religious freedom in Australia from historical, theological and policy perspectives. 

    Historian Sarah Irving-Stonebraker will examine the history of religious freedom, while John McClean of Christ College will share a theological perspective on how the church is to respond to legal threats to ministry. In addition, a number of experts will unpack the major religious freedom concerns in Australia, as well as implications and paths forward for advocacy. 

    You can register for the livestream here.

    The Day of Presence  

    Fri 20 – Sun 22 September
    Are you looking to get away for a day or two and discover more about God? 
    Do you need some time to escape the hustle-bustle of your life, to quietly rest in God’s presence? 

    “But as for me, God’s presence is all I need. I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, as I declare all the things you have done.” Psalm 73:28 

    The Day of Presence will be held in Maydena in Southern Tasmania to create space for busy women to stop, experience God’s presence, and B-R-E-A-T-H-E. 

    Denise Stephenson, an experienced spiritual director and gifted retreat leader, will lead our time together. 

    $150/person for 2 nights. If you can, bring some food to share at dinner time. (Please contact us if you have hesitations about cost. There are other ways you can contribute). 

    Register your interest in coming by emailing and we’ll get back to you with more details.

    Gateway Baptist Church Special Meeting

    Sunday, 4 August 
    Gateway Baptist Church is holding a special meeting on Sunday, 4 August at 10am, for Ps Noel and Beckie Eagling who are retiring from leadership at after five years of serving the church and are being released into itinerant ministry. Ps Bob Goolsby and his wife Sylvie are being commissioned as the new leaders. 

    Join them for this special time in the church family, giving thanks to the Lord for the past five years, sprinkled with perhaps a tinge of sadness in the leaving, but focussing upon celebration in the provision of what is to come. 

    Ps Maddy Svoboda will represent Tas Baptists to complete the commissioning process. The service will be followed by morning tea. They would love to see anyone from the Tas Baptists family, as they thank and farewell Noel and Beckie and welcome Bob and Sylvie.

    SparkLit Awards

    Thursday, 22 August
    The SparkLit Awards recognise and encourage excellence in Australian Christian writing and publishing that helps people discover Jesus in a way that is authentic and culturally meaningful.  

    The 2024 shortlist is out. Ten titles have been shortlisted for Australian Christian Book of the Year Award! The shortlist this year features Christian responses to suffering, the ecological crisis and the challenges of mission. The 2024 Australian Christian Book of the Year will be announced at the SparkLit Awards Night on 22 August. 

    You can find more information about the titles that have been shortlisted for the 2024 Australian Christian Book of the Year Award on the SparkLit website.

    Save the Date: Myanmar Sunday 

    Sunday, 15 September
    Australian Baptists are joining together to support our brothers and sisters in Myanmar who are experiencing atrocities every day at the hand of the military.  

    Baptist World Aid Australia, Baptist Mission Australia and other Baptist ministries and Unions are inviting Baptist churches around Australia to join the Stand with Myanmar campaign.  

    Churches can do this by holding a Myanmar Sunday church service on September 15th (or on a Sunday between Aug 15-Sept 15).  

    Despite disappearing from our daily news reports, the situation has worsened in recent months. There are approximately 2,650,000 internally displaced people living or hiding in the jungle in Myanmar and a further 1,133,000 seeking asylum or in refugee camps in the countries surrounding Myanmar. Funds are desperately needed for education, medical supplies, food, water and clothing. 
    The ethnic people groups of Myanmar are largely Baptist and here in Australia we have around 75 Baptist congregations originating from Myanmar, 56 of which are within our Baptist Union of Victoria. 

    Please consider joining with us by adding this important event to your church calendar for Aug – Sept 2024, as we stand with our brothers and sisters from Myanmar.  

    Resources and ideas for how to hold your Myanmar Sunday service will be available soon. 

    ReCharge News July 2024

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    Recharge Articles 2024

    Converge 2023

    Comnverge 23 - Anthea Maymard reports on the annual event where leaders from Baptist churches in Australia visit Canberra to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. This year's focus was the Myanmar crisis.

    Advocating for Others

    Baptist Leaders, Converge23

    By Anthea Maynard, City Baptist Launceston

    Converge is an annual gathering of Australian Baptist representatives in Canberra to advocate on issues close to the heart of our movement and the represent the 1000+ churches nationally.

    This year, nearly 40 Australian Baptists from across Australia gathered for two days of lobbying and advocacy. Nicholas Alexander (Lifeway Devonport), Stephen Baxter (Mission Director & Hobart Baptist pastor) and I, Anthea Maynard (Team leader Launceston City Baptist) attended as delegates through the support and generosity of Tas Baptists.

    Key Objective

    The key objective was to elevate the ongoing and protracted crisis in Myanmar as a priority. We were asking for action from our elected representatives. Groups of four delegates from different locations met with members of parliament to introduce the situation. They then presented three asks and shared a personal story by a person from Myanmar.  With more than 20,000 Baptists from Myanmar in Australia, this is an important opportunity to support them. As well, we advocated as part of a wider, ecumenical effort (with the Catholic and Uniting Churches).  

    Our campaign “We Must Not Forget About Myanmar” has postcards outlining the three asks to Senator the Hon. Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs. These postcards will be available through Baptist World Aid and Australian Baptist Ministries (see below). We hope that 20,000 printed postcards will end up on the desk of the Foreign Minister.

    With different humanitarian crises happening around the world, the emergency for the people of Myanmar has fallen off the radar of the international community.  This is our opportunity to make a difference. The United Nations Humanitarian chief, Martin Griffiths recently said, ‘successive crises in Myanmar have left one third of the population in need of humanitarian aid’.

    Justice beyond ourselves

    This was my first experience of Converge. It was a unique opportunity to work alongside Australian Baptist representatives from diverse roles and locations to highlight the needs and recent experiences of the people of Myanmar.  It is my prayer awareness and support will grow, along with members of parliament noticing Christians advocating for issues justice beyond ourselves.

    Anthea Maynard with Converge delegates and an MP
    Anthea’s Lobby Group: Melissa Rule (BUV Head of comms), Biak Nei Xing (Coffs Harbour), Rev. Daniel Bullock (BUV Director of Mission and Ministries), Anthea, Sui Sangte Chung (Perth WA).

    In my group, there were two delegates from the Myanmar Baptist community. Sui, from Perth WA, has recently graduated from nursing. She arrived in Australia as a refugee with her mother at the age of eight. Sui shared of her recent trip to some refugee camps on the Indian border. Sui encountered stories from elderly ladies who had fled their villages due to airstrikes. This year, airstrikes have increased dramatically in Myanmar to a current total of 289. Stronger, focused sanctions are needed to limit the capacity of the Junta to trade.

    Biak was the other delegate, from Coffs Harbour NSW. She shared how her mother’s and father’s villages were burned to the ground in September this year. This was very distressing for her and her extended family.

    The overall response by parliamentary representatives was engaging and positive. The Myanmar delegates were encouraged, and grateful to raise their voice with other Australian Baptists.

    What to do next

    Myanmar crisis

    RAISE AWARENESS AT YOUR CHURCH Images and resources, available HERE
    PRAY FOR MYANMAR Myanmar Prayer Sheet (450KB)
    ADVOCATE FOR MYANMAR Email politicians; Order postcards INFO HERE >

    Anthea Maynard

    Anthea Maynard is the pastor at City Baptist, Launceston

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    October/November/December 2023


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    Converge 2023

    ReCharge NEWS April 2023

    26th April 2023 | ReCharge News

    Click Item to Read

      Geoff Maddock Visits Tassie!

      As the Baptist Mission Australia State Leader for Tasmania, it is my privilege to relocate to Tassie for the month of May to walk alongside our Baptist churches. 

      Geoff and Sherry Maddock
      Geoff and Sherry Maddock


      First and foremost, I seek to listen and learn what God’s people in Tasmania are experiencing as they step out in mission – across the street and around the world!  I’m also honoured to be sharing in church gatherings each Sunday across May and attending pastor gatherings and association events throughout the month. 

      I would also hope to visit with anyone interested in intercultural mission (local and global) or curious about the work of Baptist Mission Australia as we adapt our organisation to a rapidly changing world mission context. 

      Please don’t hesitate to reach out with a phone call, text or email to arrange a time with me.  I will be in the North West 30th April-10th May. Then around Launceston 10th May to 22nd May. And will finish my time in the South of the state from 22nd May to 29th May.

      Following conversations with Tasmanian Baptist leaders, engagement with churches and our own discernment processes, we sense God’s Spirit encouraging us to make ourselves available to journey with Tasmanian Baptists on your missional reimagination journey.

      Geoff Maddock
      Baptist Mission Australia | | 0436 470 535

      Atrocities in Myanmar

      A call for prayer via Australian Baptist Ministries

      The Asia Pacific Baptist Federation condemns in the strongest terms possible the recent aerial bombing of civilian villages in Pazikyi, Kanbalu of Sagaing region in Myanmar, which resulted in the deaths of over 100 innocent civilians.

      This attack is a gross violation of international humanitarian law and a blatant disregard for the sanctity of human life.

      As members of the Baptist World Alliance, who stand for justice, peace, and respect for human dignity, we are deeply saddened at this heinous act. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who have lost their loved ones, homes and belongings in this inhumane attack.

      We ask our member conventions and churches to pray for the people of Myanmar during these difficult times and to stand in solidarity with them as they seek justice and peace.

      READ: Full press release >

      Riverland’s Ministries

      There is so much going on at Longford! To find out more, or to attend/participate in any of these ministries please check their website (, call 6391 2202, or email Office hours are 9am-12pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

      • 10-11am Mondays and Tuesdays, Libraries Tasmania, Adult Literacy – during school term)
      • 11am-12pm Mondays, Prayer Group
      • 10am-12pm Tuesdays, Threads of Friendship
      • 5.30-9pm Tuesdays Young Adults Group – off site
      • 10am-12pm Wednesdays, Bible Small Group
      • 9.30-11.30 am Thursdays, Stay & Play – during school terms
      • 3-5pm Thursdays, Girls Youth Group – during school terms
      • 11.30am-1.30pm. Thursdays, Bible Discovery Group
      • 7-8.30pm Thursdays, Bible Small Group – fortnightly, off-site
      • 10.30am-12pm Fridays, Neighbours – fortnightly
      • Fridays, Riverlands Youth group – 3rd Friday of each month, during school terms
      • 11am-1pm Fridays, Meals on Wheels – operate Monday-Friday each week
      Riverlands Minsitries. Snr Pastor Rodney Marshall, Meals on Wheels, Sta & Play, Associate Pastor Liam Conway
      Snr Pastor Rodney Marshall, Meals on Wheels, Stay & Play, Associate Pastor Liam Conway

      Grief Companion Training

      Do you know people who are grieving? Would you like to learn how to support them? You could attend this seminar, being run by New Mornings at Ulverstone Baptist.

      WHEN 9:30am-430pm, Saturdays 20th May AND 3rd June 2023
      COST Day 1 only – $75 (Conc. $55) ) | Days 1 + 2 – $120 (Conc. $85)
      WHERE Ulverstone Baptist Church Hall, 60 Alexandra Road, Ulverstone, 7315
      INFO Contact New Mornings: | 03 6411 6212
      OR download the flyer:

      What’s Going On – Summerhill

      For more information about any of these activities please contact Maddy Svoboda:

      • Primary school mentoring at Summerdale (as well as training of mentors), runs weekly throughout the week.
      • Playgroup, 10am-12pm, Wednesdays during school term facilitated by the Salvos.
      • Chat and Choose, every Friday morning during school terms.
      • Craft Group, Saturday mornings once a month.
      • High school Youth Ministry, 7-9pm, 2nd Friday of the month (when not involved with the combined youth initiatives).
      • Life groups, throughout the week.
      • A service in our local aged care facility. We hope to extend to another service soon.
      Summerhill Baptist Ministries

      Stand with the People of Myanmar


      More than ever, the people of Myanmar need to know that others stand with them. They need to know they are not forgotten.

      Two years on from a military coup, Myanmar is rocked by violence, oppression and instability. The economy has collapsed, there are severe shortages of food, fuel and other basic supplies. Families are forced to separate, churches continue to be damaged. Pastors have been arrested. The military continue to ignore basic human rights. 

      Since the coup, more than 3000 people have been killed and 16,000 people detained. Almost 1.6 million people are displaced within Myanmar and 1.1 million refugees and asylum seekers from Myanmar live in refugee camps on the Thai and Indian borders and within other towns in Thailand and India. 

      Please invite your faith community in sacrificially giving to our Stand with Myanmar appeal, so that together we can make a tangible and practical difference in the lives of people who continue to live with trauma and uncertainty.

      What’s Going on – City Baptist

      City Baptist Church in Launceston has people, as well as activities that people can connect with relationally.

      • Street chaplain (Stephen Avery), coming alongside those in need on our streets
      • Advocacy 
        • Housing provided for refugees (Ivan James)
        • The homeless and those fleeing Family and Domestic Violence (Kay Hunter)
        • Climate activism (Sally Staley, Wendy Miller and friends)
      • Drop in Centre in the Red Dove Café
        6pm-7pm Saturdays, 52 weeks per year (Jeff McKinnon).
      • City Baptist Community Garden –  69 Station Rd, St Leonards (Steve and Marie Pearce)
      • Learning Circle (hosted by Garry Billing and Jeff McKinnon) for those wanting to grow in discipleship, spirituality and mission (three-week sessions)
      • Young adult dinners with Jenna Blackwell
      • Friday Frolics – Intergenerational social outing on last Friday of the month (Merelyn Briton)

      Find out more here > | City Baptist on Facebook >

      Some of the faces at City Baptist, L-R: Tracey and Stephen Avery; Jeff McKinnon; Jenna Blackwell; Kay Hunter

      What’s Going on – Gateway

      The Baptist churches in and around Launceston want to work more closely together and point people to activities going on in other Baptist churches.

      Over the coming weeks reCharge NEWS will highlight one church’s activities, this week, with Gateway Baptist.

      Gateway Baptist, Craft Group, Artway, Basketball, Mentoring and lifeskills
      Gateway’s Ministries most weeks:
      Shekinah House Team

      Volunteering and low level counseling with homeless people
      11am till 3pm, Tuesday to Friday

      Bible Study

      Ladies study with coffee
      3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month  
      Wednesday group
      5:30 – 6:30pm Wednesday
      Eat, Share, Pray Midweek Group
      6:30-8:30pm, Thursday


      Art Therapy and Lessons 12 noon – 2pm Wednesday and Thursday   
      Craft Group 6:30-9pm, Wednesday               

      Walking Group

       Ladies 10am Thursday

      Baptist Basketball

      Saturday Evenings

      To enquire about any of these activities please email:

      Easter Camp at Perth

      In 1954, Perth Baptist hosted an enormous Easter Camp!
      Thank you to those who responded about the year this photo was taken.

      Perth Baptist Easter Camp, approx date 10940s

      READ MORE Perth Baptist Church Profile

      What’s Going On – Newstead

      Walk this Way - Newstead Baptist
      Walk this Way 

      2-4pm first Sunday of the month

      Family friendly short walks aimed to be an intergenerational opportunity to create space in creation to walk and talk.

      Life Groups

      Tuesday Life Group 7-9pm in Prospect
      Thursday Life Group 7-9pm in Newstead
      All Welcome! Join a Life Group here >

      In the Community

      Chat’n’Choose 9:30-11:30am Thursdays, at the church.
      Crafts, Conversations, Friendship, Fun. Men and Women of all ages are Welcome.

      Drop-in Centre meets every Friday 1-3pm in “The  Lounge” at the church
      Games for all generations, just drop-in to meet new friends

      Alpha at Newstead Baptist Thursday nights from 1st June 2023

      To enquire about any of these activities at Newstead, please email

      Mid-Year Assembly

      Friday/Saturday 5th/6th May, Newstead Baptist (NB new venue!)

      The May Assembly is coming up very fast! All Tasmanian Baptist churches are eligible to have at least two voting delegates in attendance, plus pastors and Tas Baptist Council Members. As well, interested individuals are welcome to attend. However, all attendees do need to register.

      Assembly papers will be sent to Church Secretaries via email on Thursday 6th April.


      7-9pm, Friday 5th May: Dinner ($30)
      9:30am-3pm, Saturday 6th May: Morning tea and Lunch ($15)

      Payments and registrations will be due to the Tasmanian Baptist office by Monday 5th May 2023. As well as the regular registration process, we are trialing an online payment/registration system. So watch out for that!

      Views of October Assembly 2022
      Views from Tas Baptist Assembly, October 2022

      CROSSOVER Easter Resources


      This Changes Everything is an Easter series that’s ready to go. There are message outlines that you can take, leave or adapt. But the bonus is the artwork for promoting and inviting, easily editable to include your church details.
      All free, because Crossover is here to help you share Jesus.

      Ally & Sally is the shortest soap opera you’ve ever seen! 3x 1-min episodes you can show in church, or embed in your weekly email, or both. Each episode can stand alone, but the story builds – and twists – with a positive encouragement to share our great news.
      Perfect for showing right before promoting the Easter Offering in the three weeks leading up to Easter!

      watch ally & sally

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      April/May 2023

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      ReCharge News April 2023