reCharge NEWS February 2024


    Being Human Webinar

    What does it mean to be human?

    In this webinar, Karl Faase is being joined by Jo Frost to look at the question, What does it mean to be human. Jo Frost is Author of the book and video series, ‘Being Human’ and will grapple with the idea of what it is to view the world through the Being Human lens. She will consider questions such as What is Jesus on about when he offers us ‘life to the full’? And look at the cultural stories are shaping our identity. Also, what makes humanity unique and what is the invitation that God extends? 

    On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 7pm  


    Trauma Recovery Course

    Reboot Trauma Recovery

    This three-day, faith-based course is focused on healing from trauma.  While aimed at Service-related trauma, REBOOT courses are being offered to the wider community suffering from all forms of trauma. This includes victims of crime, DV, childhood trauma, disability, grief and ongoing illness.
    One veteran on average dies by suicide every 2 weeks, making suicide amongst our service community is at an epidemic.

    Free to attend. Childcare is not available. For more info contact Andy & Zoe Cullen: 0420 462 845 or email:

    From Wednesday 13, March to Friday, 15 March
    9am to 2pm
    (Graduation Ceremony on Friday night, 6pm – 8pm)  

    At Wrest Point Hotel Hobart, Drysdale Room – 410 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay 


    Heartlands Summer 2024 – out now

    By Women, for Women

    Heartlands is the quarterly email for EmpowHer – a network of Tasmanian women growing and encouraging each other in their God-given potential.

    Read more…

    Heartlands News

    New College Roadshow

    Frank W Boreham College launch

    The Frank W Boreham College will be launched on 5 March at Hobart Baptist Church.  It will provide ministry and theological education, training, and reflection for our pastors, leaders, and members across Tasmania. Realising this exciting vision means Tasmanian Baptists now have the capacity to provide qualified training within the State.

    The new college is made possible by a partnership with both Kairos and Whitley.

    David will visit the state in early March and travel to all three regions to discuss what further theological education can look like, from diploma to doctorate. He will explain the Kairos subscription-based education model of learning. This model surrounds each student with a team of mentors who, along with the student, determine the student’s education and formation pathway.   

    The following informal evenings are open to anyone. 

    • Wednesday 6 March 7.30pm at Hobart Baptist Church
      Hosted by Stephen Baxter, 0417 313 273  
    • Thursday 7 March 7.30pm at Newstead Baptist Church
      Hosted by Dan Hutchison, 0457 765 907  
    • Friday 8 March 7.30pm at Burnie Baptist Church
      Hosted by Matty Coppin, 9484 064 490  

    Please contact Stephen, Dan, or Matty, ASAP if you plan to attend. 

    Hear about the Kairos subscription-based education model of learning

    Have you thought of Mentoring?  

    Fostering Hope Info Session for Mentoring

    Interested in being a mentor for a child growing up in foster care?
    Do you know someone in your church community who would be a great mentor?  
    Fostering Hope is a Tasmanian Christian organisation caring for children growing up in out-of-home care (foster and kinship care) and currently has children waiting for mentors. 

    Mentoring online information session: Tuesday, 27 February at 12:00pm.  

    This short movie explains how mentoring can make a difference and could be perfect to show at your Sunday service or small group meeting.   

    The Mentoring Program is for children growing up in care. The program recruits, trains, screens and then matches Christian mentors with a child.  

    For children growing up in care, there are lots of adults in their life who are paid to be there. Mentors are someone who chooses to turn up and be there for a child regardless of what’s gone on for them. It is powerful for both the child and the mentor.  

    Every relationship is designed around the child and mentor. The regular time commitment is dependent on the mentor’s availability.  

    Upcoming training days are Saturday, 2 March in Launceston and Saturday, 16 March in Hobart.

    Register online here  or email if you have questions.  

    Interested in being a mentor for a child growing up in foster care?

    City Prayer

    Church Together Prayer Meetings for Hobart

    Church Together invites all Christians to attend their monthly prayer meetings for the city in 2024. 

    Upcoming Church Together prayer meetings for 2024:  
    – 28 February at Hobart City Church of Christ (8 Goulburn St, Hobart) 
    – 27 March at Hobart Baptist Church (282 Elizabeth St, Nth Hobart) 

    Arrive at 7.15am for a 7.30am start. Finishes at 8.30am.  

    Prayer meetings will continue throughout 2024 on the last Wednesday of the month. Contact Sharyn Hill on 0409 855 880 or email 

    Plan to pray and gather together as His Church across Hobart

    Workshop for churches on CYSOF

    New Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework legislation 

    Olive Road and Fostering Hope are running a workshop on Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework (CYSOF) legislation. 

    The workshop is on Thursday, the 14 March 2024 at the Grace Centre, Rokeby,  from 9.30pm to 2.30pm. 

    The workshop will provide an opportunity for attendees to grapple with the new CYSOF legislation and to share resources and ideas to develop the required policies and processes that will ensure ongoing compliance with the new Framework.   

    Anyone from not-for-profit organisations and churches in Hobart would benefit from this workshop to gain a better understanding of the new legislation.

    Time will be given to the new Reportable Conduct Scheme and new strict timeframes on reporting to the regulator. The workshop will also focus on how organisations or churches might comply with the ten Child and Youth Safe Standards.   

    If you, or someone within your organisation or church, are keen to attend, or if a weekend or evening session would suit better, contact Mary Blake, Exec. Officer, Fostering Hope on m. 0423 365 988 or email

    There’s more information about the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework here

    Kids playing outside
    Working for a Child and Youth Safe Organisation

    Gaza Crisis Update

    From Baptist World Aid Australia

    Around 1.9 million people in Gaza have been displaced since the war started three months ago, when Hamas launched a terrorist attack on innocent civilians in Israel. 

    People are sheltering in overcrowded school buildings, churches, and medical centres; some are even pitching tents on the street. This has left families vulnerable as winter hits, with temperatures dropping down to 10 degrees at night. 

    Gaza is also experiencing a healthcare crisis.  

    Baptist World Aid Partners in the region are distributing aid to families, including medical items, medicines, hygiene kits, mattresses and blankets, and food packages. They are also continuing to provide medical supplies and other essentials to families in the West Bank and Lebanon, where civil unrest and violent attacks are rising.  

    Here is a lament written late last year as preparation to pray for protection and relief for families in the Middle East.  

    If you’d like to consider giving, visit Baptist World Aid here. 

    Gaza war damage photo by Mohamad Zaanoun, International Health Partners
    Gaza war damage photo by Mohamad Zaanoun, International Health Partners

    New Pastor Welcome

    Matu Christian Church welcome Rev Kosen

    Rev. Maddy Svoboda from Summerhill Baptist welcomed Mr Kosen to Matu Christian Church on Sunday, 4 February.

    Matu Christian Church meet every Sunday afternoon at Newstead Baptist Church at 2pm. 

    Free One-Day Workshop

    S.A.N.C.T.U.A.R.Y approach to family violence

    The Anglican Diocese of Tasmania is offering a free one-day workshop for Church Leaders and Pastoral Carers. The S.A.N.C.T.U.A.R.Y approach to domestic violence is a guide for churches that offers a theologically-informed lens on domestic violence and how individual churches can create safe spaces for women and children who have experienced domestic violence.  

    The intention and prayer of the workshop is that Tasmanian churches reflect God’s care for the abused and vulnerable and that churches be places of safety.  

    S.A.N.C.T.U.A.R.Y Sanctuary logo

    The S.A.N.C.T.U.A.R.Y training can be taken either an person or online and is open to church leaders and pastoral carers from any denomination for use within the local church context. All training materials will be available to those who attend. 

    The workshop is on Saturday, 17 February 2024 at Wellspring Anglican Church, Hobart or online on Saturday, 2 March 2024.  

    Both workshops run from 9:30am to 3pm and include: 
    – Comprehensive information relating to domestic violence 
    – Tactics used by abusers 
    – Impact of family violence on children: brain development, trauma etc. 
    – Spiritual abuse and misuse of scripture to justify or maintain coercive control 
    – Potential theological blockages to reporting domestic abuse 
    – Theology and Biblical messages of love, justice, respect & equality 
    – Exploring what Sanctuary might look like in your church. 

    Ann Herbert is facilitating the workshops. An experienced facilitator and Elder at Citywide Baptist Church, Ann leads Citywide Baptist’s Sanctuary Care ministry. She has previously managed the Social Policy Unit in the Tasmanian Government Department of Premier and Cabinet and oversaw implementation of a wide range of social policies, including the Tasmanian Government’s Family Violence Action Plan. 

    Register here or for more information contact Kristy Crouch on 0403 957 106 or email

    Tasmanian Baptist Calendar 2024 

    Tasmanian Baptist Council24 February
    Pastors and Leaders Muster (Hobart)5-6 March
    Launch of Frank W. Boreham College5 March
    Roadshow (North)7 March
    Roadshow (Northwest)8 March
    Mid-Year Assembly   11 May
    Tasmanian Baptist Council15 June  
    Pastors and Leaders Muster, Family-friendly (Devonport)9-11 July
    Tasmanian Baptist Council7 September
    Pastors and Leaders Muster (Launceston)10-11 September
    Annual Assembly19 October
    Tasmanian Baptist Council16 November

    Foundations Course

    Burnie Baptist hosts one week discipleship course in January

    On Sunday 21 January, Burnie Baptist church welcomed people from all over the world as they hosted a one-week discipleship course called “Foundations.”  Along with Burnie Baptist, four other Tasmanian Baptist Churches, as well as students from India, Indonesia, Japan, Brazil and Canada, joined the ‘whole-of-life’ discipleship course, which is run as either a one week intensive or 10 week course (one night a week, plus two Saturdays). The strongly Bible-based course concluded with a highly successful community festival.   Afterwards, feedback from participants was very positive. Some participants, who had been in the church for many years, said that Foundations gave them a new way of seeing both faith and mission.

    Watch our video of participant reflections here.  As a result, both Citywide Baptist and Burnie Baptist are hoping to run 10-week version of the course later this year. 

    Participating students in the ‘whole-of-life’ discipleship course.
    Participating students in the ‘whole-of-life’ discipleship course.

    SU Schools Sunday in February

    Encouraging students and school staff

    Schools Sunday in February is an excellent way to encourage Christian students and school staff members at the beginning of the year. It’s an opportunity to remember that God goes with students and teachers everyday as they attend school. The day provides churches with an opportunity to set aside time during a Sunday service in February to focus on schools and support young people and the local school community. Scripture Union runs the initiative and also provides resources to support churches as they celebrate the day. Resources are available on the SU website or in their PDF Resource Pack. Additionally, the pack provides different ideas for either a complete intergenerational Sunday service or a short segment within a regular service.  Churches can choose a date early in the school year to celebrate and encourage students and school staff members.

    Schools Sunday supports young people and the local school community.
    Schools Sunday supports young people and the local school community.

    Position Vacant

    Youth and Children’s worker wanted

    Citywide Baptist (Mornington/Lenah Valley) are searching for a Youth and Children’s worker with the ability to think outside the box, lead teams and mentor young people. Click here for details.

    Citywide are looking for someone who wants to make a difference for kids and young people.
    Citywide are looking for someone who wants to make a difference for kids and young people.

    Read More ReCharge

    ReCharge News February 2024

    Around the Churches, June-July 2023

    Around the Churches June-July 2023

    Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.



    New Youth Group

    Every third Friday during term, Riverlands has recently offered a youth group for those in and around the church. The youth group is focused around church-encultured teens and giving them activities through the week.

    Our goal is to develop a thriving youth ministry, where the youth can share life and have Christian discipleship. It’s had a strong reception as we’ve gathered together and enjoyed the company of one another whilst playing games, having snacks, and doing small devotions.

    Craft at Riverlands Youth Group; Around the Churches June-July2023
    Our most recent Riverlands Youth group was a (not very) messy night much to the chagrin and the disappointment of the youth!

    Whilst only small we are having a lot of fun and the group is developing well in line with our goals. We would appreciate your prayers and thoughts as we continue to develop the program and its structure.

    The youth group has been running in co-operation with the other churches around Launceston where we have been gathering on the Fourth Fridays of the month for larger games, larger connections and better connections between churches and youth in the Launceston and Northern Midlands area.

    CITY BAPTIST, Launceston

    In the news

    Our recent move to the Boathouse Centre received media attention, and, given events in the Southern Baptist scene, they chose to focus on our female leadership. We are enjoying the wonder-inspiring views of the city of Launceston from within our new gathering space, and also creating a partnership with the owners. We are greatly appreciative to Worldview for accommodating us so well during our previous transition.

    The Examiner, 18th June 2023; Around the Churches June-July2023
    In The Examiner, 18th June 2023

    Radical Hospitality

    Over the month of June, we focused on the theme of hospitality – the gift of giving and receiving hospitality, and how it can be as simple as a smile. We continue to explore this theme of ‘radically ordinary hospitality’ in practical and life-giving, everyday ways.

    The Saturday night drop-in centre meal continues each week, nearing capacity in the new space at Pilgrim Uniting. Stephen Avery’s presence in the street community furthers the connections.

    Over July we will look at the theme of Seeds – seeds of faith, hope, justice and love – and how City can help germinate these seeds in the city of Launceston.

    The City Seed Community Garden at St Leonards continues to welcome new members.  

    Supporting others … in Launceston and beyond

    Members of our community hosted a fundraiser afternoon tea and raised $2000 for Betel Ministries in India (Betel International: Break free from drug and alcohol addiction).

    Northern Refugee Support continues, with a recent long-awaited breakthrough.

    We are also pleased to support outside ministries, such as SU’s upcoming camps, allowing children and families to attend who would otherwise be unable to.


    Alpha Underway

    We have had a great start to the Alpha course with 24 people attending. Alpha is an evangelistic course which seeks to provide a space to ask questions through a series of talks and discussions. We wil be running Alpha for the next three years, and although this year we planned to first become familiar as a congregation with the course, we are excited to already have cross-over from other ministries during the week.

    Week of Prayer and Fasting

    It has been very encouraging to hear how many in our congregation during our week of prayer and fasting swapped-out something they loved for precious time in prayer. We had people go without food or a meal, coffee, alcohol, social media, and even the Chase (Aus. and British edition), and instead, spending time praying for our church’s strategic goals, church family prayer points, and our other Baptist churches around Launceston.

    Friendship Lunch

    We had a great turnout for the Friendship Shortest Day Longest Lunch with the Wentworth room filled with Friends. A delicious selection of BBQ meat and salads for mains, with sweet stuff to follow. Finally, a cake to top it off to celebrate a birthday. Geoff Marston shared on friendship and encouraged ‘’to have a friend; be a friend”. Thanks to the drop-in centre team for a great lunch.

    Friendship Lunch; Birthday cake for all! Around the Churches June-July2023
    Friendship Lunch; Birthday cake for all!


    New Youth and Children’s Leader

    Hold Fast Outreach at The Point Baptist, 23 June to 19 July 2023

    The most exciting development for our little church is the induction of our new Youth and Children’s Leader last Sunday.  Dempsey Horton from Texas is our new youth and children’s leader for the next 12 months.

    Texan Outreach
    Friday 23rd June to Wednesday 19th July

    We are midway through our regular Texan Mission, with four Texans visiting for almost four weeks. 

    Events include women’s coffee and dessert night, Bible studies for women, men and youth, Primary school youth group, Hope Night and more youth events to come. There will be a holiday kids’ club and five-day basketball skills clinic. 

    All events are free and designed to reach the North Tamar population with Hope found in Jesus Christ. If you live nearby you are welcome to attend!

    See Info BROCHURE >
    OR Contact Rachelle on 0409 272 877

    Around the Churches June-July 2023



    Volunteers Honoured

    On Saturday, 20th May, the Latrobe Council presented special awards to volunteers in their community.

    Mayor Peter Freshney handed out over 30 awards, and amazingly Latrobe Baptist Church received seven of them!

    1. Latrobe Baptist church for its many community programmes
    2. Latrobe Baptist Chat ‘n’ Choose 
    3. Latrobe Men’s Shed
    4. Glenis Smith – 30 years of volunteer service, Chat ‘n’ Choose 
    5. John Langmaid – 30 years of volunteer service, Chat ‘n’ Choose 
    6. Glad Purdy– 20 years of volunteer service, Chat ‘n’ Choose 
    7. Fay Horne – 20 years of volunteer service, Chat ‘n’ Choose 
    • Award winners at Latrobe Council awards afternoon; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    • Ralph, award for Latrobe Baptist; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    • John and Fay with Chat n Choose award, Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    • John and Ralph for Latrobe Mens Shed; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    • Glenis, 30 years service award with Chat n Choose at Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    • John, 30 years service award with Chat n Choose at Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    • Glad, 20 years service award with Chat n Choose at Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    • Fay, 30 years service award with Chat n Choose at Latrobe; Around the Churches June-July 2023


    Winter Service

    This annual event is always a success because it  is always so cold and the hot chocolate always so welcome.

    The real reason is, of course, to bring to mind that Jesus is the light of the world John 8:10, “Ï am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.

    A few Sunday School children play their part by reciting a relevant poem they wrote and sing a children’s hymn. As always Cathy, Ruth and Max lead and inspire.

    This event is always the simple reflection of children, though lead by adults, it is always a real blessing to us all, in the pews!  Some of the hymns we sung were ” Showers of blessing”, “The Light of the World” and “Jeus bids us shine”. The inspiring message was from Ben Hallam followed by the three “S’s”, Soup, Sandwiches and Savouries!

    Every one left the service fed in “Body, Mind, and Spirit!” It was great.

    Winter Service at Sassafras Baptist
    Winter Service at Sassafras


    Vale Mrs  Beverly Duff

    On 3rd June, the Lord called home to glory Mrs Beverly Duff who was a stalwart of the Sheffield Baptist church for over seventy five years. Mrs. Duff (nee Irvine) was baptised in 1947, and from that time took an active part in the church.

     In 1953 she married Bruce Duff, and together  they played a major role in the Church. In the late 1970’s  Mrs Duff became church organist. She played for both the morning and evening services, as well as playing for funerals and weddings in the Sheffield Baptist church.  As  well, she often  played for the West Kentish and Paradise churches. 

    When then church commenced our monthly fellowship teas and singing your favourite hymns in 2005,  Beverly played until  ill-health took its toll.

    Mrs Duff  was actively involved in the Ladies group, and was a keen supporter of the overseas missionary work of the church. She loved CWA and craft  groups, and was a highly respected lady in the Kentish community.

    Mrs Duff was truly a fine Christian  lady who is now resting in the everlasting arms of her Saviour. The Sheffield  Baptist church extends to Stephanie, Ashley, brother Desmond and their families our deepest sympathy.



    Our church continues to support two children, Tithi and Rafin, through Baptist World Aid with the proceeds of our cappuccino sales on Sunday mornings.


    This is a quarterly gathering of men from the community when they enjoy a pizza and an interesting speaker. Greg White who  works in the engineering department at Caterpillar was the speaker in June.


    The girls met recently for fellowship where they were able to enjoy some Filipino food. The afternoon was spent making a fridge magnet with Beth and Kester.

    Wynyard Baptist Church


    Mother’s Day

    Inviting our friends, mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunties, our UBC ladies enjoyed an evening out dining at Café RA. After our Mother’s Day service, and to honour the women in our midst, our UBC men provided morning tea. This was a bake-off competition from which we have now discovered we have a number of very capable and talented cooks at UBC! Prizes were awarded to Matt Cox for his macarons, Robbie Cunningham for his savory toast and Andrew Gurr for his apple cakes.

    May Mission Month

    May Mission Month was embraced as we listened and were challenged by guest speakers Paul Manning from Baptist World Aid, and Geoff Maddock from Baptist Mission Australia

    Table Tennis

    Our winter table tennis competition has once again commenced on Monday evenings with 27 registered players. Table tennis at UBC has been running for about 40 years.

    Men’s events

    Our recent Men’s Events have included go-karting, indoor cricket, a men’s breakfast, and an evening of carpet bowls and pizza. These events have been well attended by a variety of ages and has been a wonderful opportunity to reach out, encourage and strengthen relationships.

    Dylan Standridge

    In June we were privileged to spend an evening with Dylan Standridge. Dylan partners with Iris Global Ministries, he has a heart for Tasmania and has a prophetic call upon his life.

    Home to Glory

    Our church family have mourned the passing of three dear ladies and sisters in Christ.

     Nalda King passed away on 19th March aged 85.  Margaret McCall passed away on 18th June aged 94, and Pauline Beasley passed away on 22nd of June. Our thoughts and prayers continue for their families.

    Around the Churches June-July 2023



    Special Service

    On Sunday 11 June we had a special combined service which included several aspects:

    • Four Baptisms – what a delight to hear the testimonies and share in the faith journey of 4 people.  As a result another person gave their life to the Lord that night. 
    • New Members – four people were received into membership.
    • Dedication of Nepalese Outreach Ministries  – Both the Community Bus and the Driver Mentor Car which were donated through BMA grants were in the auditorium and dedicated to the Lord’s work among the Hindu community.
    • Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal  – in support of our local Salvation Army Corps, everyone was encouraged to wear something red and bring a donation towards feeding children at our local schools as well as supporting families who are struggling. Almost $1000 was raised.
    • Healing Prayer – At the close of the service 20 people came forward for anointing with oil.

    Future Proofing your Life: 14th June to 12th July

    A new initiative from our Pastoral Care team has seen the development of a three-part program for people both in their senior years, as well as for the families of seniors.  Over 40 people registered from both the community and local churches. 

    Future proofing your life; Around the Churches June-July 2023

    Week of Prayer and Fasting  – 18th-24th June

    A dedicated week to draw closer to Jesus, to pray for our outreach into our local suburbs, and to pray for Hobart and people in need.  A booklet with guidelines to aid our focus is provided for everyone to help engage us in praying together.

    Table top Sale at Citywide; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    Citywide held an indoor Table Top Sale on Saturday 1st July


    Combined Pentecost Service

    On the afternoon of the 28th May, Claremont Baptist hosted a combined Pentecost Prayer Meeting with Edge Anglican and Claremont Uniting to pray for unity and our community.

    After sharing in reflective prayer, communion and corporate prayer we had some good chats over light refreshments. Good to meet and greet our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

    The Luthys Visit

    Missionary family Chris and Amy Luthy and their family will be leading our service on 16th July.  They serve with Pioneers and will share some of their experiences. 


    Esteem. Coffee Shop

    After a month or so of trials and waiting for final council approval, our coffee shop is now open! Volunteers will staff the coffee shop with a community focus and strong leaning towards supporting and training ex-refugees.

    Thanks to Kelvin Smith for his work in the final stages of getting the coffee shop up and running, well over a decade since the dream began.

    Esteem. Coffee Shop, Hobart Baptist; Around the Churches June-July 2023
    Esteem Coffee Shop

    Luminous Festival

    Thursday 8th to Sunday 25th June

    Over two weeks, the Luminous Festival at Hobart Baptist hosted various activities, lined up to coincide with Hobart’s mid-winter festival, Dark Mofo.

    1. An art installation by Michael Henderson, The Seed of Life Weighed Down, on display in the foyer of The Tab. The display generated well over 100 faith-conversations with passers-by.
    2. Three “Conversations”, which provided a space for thought and discussion. Speakers in the Conversations panels brought expertise on topics asking:
      • Is Tasmania A Place for Everyone?’
      • How can we help Tasmanian Children flourish?
      • How Do We Create Healthy Families?
    3. The festival culminated with Christmas in Winter, when we celebrated Christmas within its original context of the dark, cold mid-winter.
      • Luminous Carols, Friday 23rd June
      • Christmas Day service, Sunday 25th June

    Art by Michael Henderson questioned ‘what the nativity scene represents, and whether it has an ability today to help us enter the mystery of God and faith’.

    Luminous Festival at Hobart Baptist, Around the Churches June-July 2023
    L to R: Michael Henderson opens his artwork; The art exhibit; Soundy building’s lit-up entry; The Tab lights; Speakers John Kumara and Zelinda Sherlock; Stephen Baxter instroduces the Hallelujah Chorus community choir at the Luminous Carols event.

    Long Table event

    Members of the church, and many others, attended this wintry meal on the 25th June. Over 50 people enjoyed Eritrean food together. Thanks to Kelvin Smith and others for organising.

    Farewell Margaret Baikie

    Margaret Baikie, Around the Churches June-July 2023

    Our dear friend Margaret Baikie went to be with her Lord and Saviour on Wednesday 14 June 2023. Margaret was a member of HBC for 55 years, and until fairly recently, in a very active capacity.

    Loved and loving wife of Albert, mother of Margaret (Luckman) and Gordon, mother-in-law of Greg and Angie (Read). Adored Granny of Gordon James, Alistair, Hamish, James and Sunday Clare.

    Around the Churches June-July 2023

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    June/July 2023

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    Around the Churches June-July2023

    Around the Churches June-July 2023

    Tasmanian Baptists Gather for Assembly

    Tas Baptists May Assembly 2023, held at Newstead Baptist

    ABOVE Scenes from May Assembly held at Newstead Baptist, 5th/6th May 2023

    We are Tasmanian Baptists

    Well-Grounded . . .

    . . . is the Theme for2023

    The Gospel mission, Baptist structures, our changing society, our church responsibilities, our challenges as Christians and the escalating needs of our world were all highlighted at the May Assembly.

    There was a strong sense of looking at how the here and now will affect the ongoing and future function of mission. There was an emphasis on harmony, working together, following Jesus and making him known.

    What’s happening in the world

    Strong messages about exploitation, the complexities of mission and current social attitudes were given by Paul Manning (Baptist World Aid), Geoff Maddock (Baptist Mission Australia), and Tas Baptists’ Mission Director Stephen Baxter.

    Each invited us to consider what is happening in our immediate contexts and in the global context of social thought and business practices.

    The changes in our society and world challenge the work of churches

    Stephen Baxter spoke of the vacuum that is left in society when there is a deliberate move away from the values that formed it, a rejection of the idea of a higher authority, and no concept of God. He presented the heartbreaking outcome of this decline in terms of an increasingly individualistic society where there are rising levels of anger, violence, broken relationships and children in care.

    Stephen challenged us to be Jesus-centred, committed to mission, building community and operating in freedom to be the best that church can be.

    We heard elements of these principles in reports from the churches. It is always encouraging to see how people are addressing the issues in their context, working with what they have and seeing growth in attendance, ministries and impact.

    [Continued below slideshow …]

    Get a Glimpse with the Assembly Slideshow

    • May Assembly 2023 - the people gathered
    • Friday night dinner at May Assembly 2023
    • May Assembly 2023 Chair, Scott Ambrose
    • Lunch at Newstead for May Assembly 2023
    • Newly inductred pastors Franz and Anthea at May Assembly 2023

    God is good!

    There was talk of sowing seeds of hope, faith, discipleship and the breaking down of generational and social barriers. The general message was that the work is hard and never ending but God is good. Geoff Maddock’s idea of inhabiting and living out the treasure of the Gospel is highly motivating and relevant to all of us as followers of Jesus.

    There was a strong sense of looking forward

    Throughout the day, there was a chance to catch up with others and hear about their journeys. There was a strong sense of looking forward, of continued commitment to mission, and of operating in the freedom of the gifts that we have been given for service.

    Kairos education opportunity

    It was good to hear about the planned Theological Education course through Kairos University, specifically structured for our Tasmanian context, to equip people for ministry. This also is consistent with the views expressed by the speakers of looking for a new approach to meet needs and building the strength of our spiritual witness in our State by enabling students to pray, plan and learn together.

    We pray that this localised training will be transformational and, as Stephen said, that Tasmania will be, “not fragile because of numbers, but agile because of courage.”

    Let’s boldly speak the name of Jesus

    It was reassuring to see that the strategic plan that has had many hours of analysis, planning and discussion poured into it is leading us into a new phase described by Matt Garvin as ready to “…stop talking deconstruction and talk construction; move from closed to open; move from ideas to actions”. For what purpose? To speak the name of Jesus into poverty, rejection, abandonment, loneliness, disappointment and grief and to see healing and life emerge from the darkness.

    Thanks to all involved in Assembly for the encouragement to stay well-grounded and outward looking.

    Linda Guy (Gateway), reports on May Assembly 2023

    This report of the May Assembly 2023 was written by Linda Guy, Gateway Baptist Launceston

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    May Assembly 2023

    Around the Churches, Apr-May 2023

    Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.



    Combined service

    On Sunday 30th April we had one of our 5th Sunday Combined Services in which people from Gateway, Agape and Gateway Nepali Fellowship join together. These have been so enjoyable in the past and we anticipate another great meeting.

    Plans for May Mission Month

    During the month of May we will have a variety of speakers sharing of a number of Missions Gateway is connected with, including Prison Fellowship, Shoe Boxes, Thailand, Haiti, Shekinah House, Rahab Ministry, 


    Gateway Ladies Pizza and Stamp Cutting Night took place recently, where they trimmed stamps in readiness to be sent to QLD to raise funds for Baptist Mission Australia. The used stamps, and national collection raises approx. $70,000.00 every year! Gateway member Jill Ashdown is the “Tasmanian Stamp lady”.
    Read how to participate in the Stamp ministry in the NEWS, next week.

    Gateway Baptist: Nepali Fellowship; Stamp Mission group, Around the Churches Apr-May 2023
    Gateway Nepali Fellowship; Missions Stamp Group meet

    CITY BAPTIST, Launceston

    Easter | Your prayers appreciated!

    We had lovely services over Easter – the Good Friday reflective service was a particular highlight for many, working through a Protestant take on the Stations of the Cross.

    City Baptist is still prayerfully seeking a more permanent home to gather in – we would appreciate your prayers for/with us as we seek God’s guidance.

    Impacting our community

    Members in our community continue activism and pastoral work among migrant communities, the street community and with regard to climate action, representing Jesus’ (and our) heart for going to the margins.

    Jeff McKinnon and Garry Billing have started a home-grown discipleship opportunity titled Learning Circles, for people of all backgrounds, who are interested in growing in discipleship, spirituality and mission – learning the ways of Jesus. If you would like to know more, please contact Jeff (

    • John Tomkinson passed away in late March. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Gwen and the family.
    • David and Pat Jacobs celebrated a milestone wedding anniversary.


    Hutchison Family Update

    Newstead Baptist Church is very pleased to announce the safe arrival of its newest member, a baby boy, Rafael (Raffy) Warren Hutchison. Raffy was born at 1:56pm on 3rd April and weighed 9.8 pounds (4.46 kgs).

    Congratulations to Dan and Maria, Skylah, Octavia and Boaz for this exciting addition to the family.  Pastor Dan is on leave until May 17 to be with his family.

    Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Newstead
    Dan with Skylah, Octavia and Raffy; Playing Scrabble at the Drop-In Centre
    Drop-In Centre

    Our Friday Senior’s Drop in Centre has recently dropped the “Senior’s” from their name in order to better align with our Strategic Plan. 

    People of all ages are now welcome to attend the Drop-In Centre each Friday from 1pm until about 3:30pm.  Activities include good conversation, tea and coffee, yummy food (cake on special occasions!), darts, eight-ball, and a range of board games including scrabble and upwords.

    We really appreciate the willingness of the older members of our congregation to embrace change and the future vision of our church and we look forward to what is in store for this special ministry.

    Family Fun Walks

    Newstead Baptist Church has partnered with Scripture Union to promote a series of Family Fun Walks.  These monthly, short family-friendly walks, are on Sunday afternoons from 2 to 4 pm, and easy to get to for those in or near Launceston.

    All walks are manageable for families with young children, although not all are pram/stroller-friendly.  Our walks so far have been a great opportunity to meet new people and create deeper conversations around our discussion topics. For example, “Are you feeling full or empty?” for recent Trevallyn Dam walk.

    All northern Baptist Churches are invited to join us at any of the upcoming walks listed below.  This list of walks, along with Scripture Union’s bushwalk series, can be found at, including some useful preparation and safety tips. 

    Anyone from other local churches or the surrounding community are also welcome.

    Upcoming walks
    • 4th June                  Youngtown Regional Park
    • 2nd July                    Lilydale Falls
    • 3rd September    Gorge Circuit
    • 8th Octobe           Tamar Island
    • 10th November    Old Macs Farm



    The church was blessed with the baptism of the Cousens family at Greens Beach on the 24th of March: Adam, Sarah, Erica and Tom.
    So great to see the family growing in the Lord.

    Passover celebrated

    On Palm Sunday, The Point Baptist Church welcomed Mark Rogers from The Friends of Israel, who conducted a Passover Seder meal as part of the Sunday service. The event was greatly appreciated by the church, and helped understanding of the significance of the Passover event.

    Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, the Point Baptist
    Baptisms at Greens Beach; Mark Rogers of Friends of Israel



    Harvest Festival

    On March 19th we celebrated our Harvest Festival. The bread, water and the sheaf of wheat along with the Bible, were centre of place, as they remind us of the basic things needed for life.

    Food items were brought and displayed, and Pastor Ralph shared with us a reading from Leviticus reminding us of the need to be continually thanking the Lord for all our provisions.

    The food was available for purchase after the service and the money raised along with remaining items was given to Gran’s Van.  Gran’s Van operates in Devonport to help feed the homeless and people struggling to feed themselves.

    Latrobe Baptist Harvest Festival 2023


    Please pray!

    Although it would be true to say our congregation is “getting on”, we have suddenly experienced quite a few ‘sickies’!

    Please pray for David’s back op; Sheryl’s leg op; Gordon’s cancer struggle; Jean and Karl’s Covid attack and Frans’s back attack! That is a third of our church! Join us to pray for their rapid recovery in every aspect of this attack. We ask in Jesus’s Name:

    “Ask in my Name and I will do it”!

    John 14:14
    Sassafras Baptist Church_ photo credit Duncan Grant


    Welcome little Macey

    On 18th March, Pastor Matt Holloway, Lacey and big brother Larry welcomed Macey Kate into their family. Let’s celebrate with them for a safe arrival.

    The Holloways
    Matt and Lacey with Larry, and Macey


    Strengthening our community
    • Recently, 17 of our ladies enjoyed a day out with JUST GIRLS to Stanley, where they visited Highfield House, and Joe Lions cottage.
    • Many people attended a day of fun and fellowship at the Church Family picnic at Railway Institute hall in April..
    • Due to inclement weather, the combined churches Good Friday service was held in our church rather than in Guttridge Gardens as planned.
    • Chat n Choose continues to meet on Thursday morning in the school term.
    • Wednesday Get Together meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month when people meet for morning tea ,and fellowship and carpet bowls and table games.
    • The Food Hub continues to operate on Monday and Friday.
    Franz and Heidi Brosch
    Franz and Heidi Brosch
    Franz and Heidi Brosch

    We are pleased to have welcomed our associate Pastor Franz and Heidi Brosch into our church family,

    They input into our church services, with Heidi in the worship team and Franz on the keyboard.

    Around the Churches Apr-May 2023



    Clean Up Australia

    On 5th March again participated in the Clean Up Australia Day, this year at three different locations.  We did not hold a service at Mornington that day, and at Lenah Valley had a prayer time for those not in the field, linking into some of the sites for a report on what was happening.  Evaluation of the day will see some changes for next year.


    There has been some energy and money expended in our first stage of some renovations.  We painted our front rooms, and refreshed with new carpet, windows and blinds.  Also there has been significant hours and work effected on our roof in a bid to fix numerous leaks.  Fund raising is underway for stage 2.  

    Mission Partnership

    Our BMA grant towards outreach to the Hindu community in Hobart has seen the purchase of a 12-seater bus and employment of a coordinator for two-days per week. to facilitate community services.  This is now up and running. Praise God.

    Anzac Day

    In conjunction with the local RSL, we’ve had another exciting Anzac Day in the Park at Lenah Valley.  This has grown to be a significant annual community event, this year with an estimated attendance of 800. 

    We offer various crafts and activities to suit the whole family, all with an Anzac Day theme.  We gave away Sausages, drinks and Anzac biscuits.  The public were involved and everyone has a fun time.  Conversations take place, and links are established. Citywide is blessed by serving.

    Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Citywide
    Good Friday dawn service; Lenah Valley clean-up team; Anzac Day in the Park


    Garage Sale

    Claremont Baptist members cleaned out their garages and storerooms to hold a very successful Garage Sale.

    While we benefited financially the purpose was to open our doors to our community. We offered a free sausage sizzle and tea and coffee which gave us time to chat to people. At least four people told us they never knew there was a church on the corner (it is a quite inconspicuous building!) Church families got to socialise too and there was a wonderful atmosphere.

    Unfortunately, the event also proved to be a Covid super-spreader! So, by Easter Sunday we only had eight attending.

    A moving and intimate service,  a wonderful time of rejoicing that Our Lord has Risen! On Good Friday we were also able to share in coffee and buns at Edge Anglican as has become our tradition. 

    Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Claremont Baptist Garage Sale
    Garage Sale Day at Claremont


    Sanctuary Sunday

    On Sunday 19th March, Hobart Baptist celebrated Sanctuary Sunday when all our congregations gathered to worship together. This includes the Karen Community, Mabuhay (Filipino), Vietnamese Fellowships, as well as Hobart Vision Church (Korean). During the service, Yvette Ambrose was baptised.

    The Vietnamese Christian Fellowship National Conference

    From 11-14 April, almost 200 registrants from the mainland and Vietnam took over the building for their annual conference. Our Vietnamese Family Fellowship hosted the visitors.

    Karen Wedding

    Congratulations to Karen couple Pan Tay and Nya Le, who were married on Saturday 15th April by Joel Ortiz.

    Pray for Christians in Kyiv

    Pastor Anton, who we support in Kyiv, sent this message on 1st May. Please pray for him and the faithful people there who are providing hope, help and lodging for refugees:
    There was a missile attack 25km south of our refugee centre. Some of our men have been working in the rescue team and were able to help save some of the people in the attack.

    Around the Churches Apr-May 2023 - Hobart Baptist
    SANCTUARY SUNDAY: Korean Youth dance; followed by a wonderful morning tea; Vietnamese Conference; Karen Wedding

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    April/May 2023

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    Around the Churches Apr-May 2023

    ReCharge NEWS April 2023

    26th April 2023 | ReCharge News

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      Geoff Maddock Visits Tassie!

      As the Baptist Mission Australia State Leader for Tasmania, it is my privilege to relocate to Tassie for the month of May to walk alongside our Baptist churches. 

      Geoff and Sherry Maddock
      Geoff and Sherry Maddock


      First and foremost, I seek to listen and learn what God’s people in Tasmania are experiencing as they step out in mission – across the street and around the world!  I’m also honoured to be sharing in church gatherings each Sunday across May and attending pastor gatherings and association events throughout the month. 

      I would also hope to visit with anyone interested in intercultural mission (local and global) or curious about the work of Baptist Mission Australia as we adapt our organisation to a rapidly changing world mission context. 

      Please don’t hesitate to reach out with a phone call, text or email to arrange a time with me.  I will be in the North West 30th April-10th May. Then around Launceston 10th May to 22nd May. And will finish my time in the South of the state from 22nd May to 29th May.

      Following conversations with Tasmanian Baptist leaders, engagement with churches and our own discernment processes, we sense God’s Spirit encouraging us to make ourselves available to journey with Tasmanian Baptists on your missional reimagination journey.

      Geoff Maddock
      Baptist Mission Australia | | 0436 470 535

      Atrocities in Myanmar

      A call for prayer via Australian Baptist Ministries

      The Asia Pacific Baptist Federation condemns in the strongest terms possible the recent aerial bombing of civilian villages in Pazikyi, Kanbalu of Sagaing region in Myanmar, which resulted in the deaths of over 100 innocent civilians.

      This attack is a gross violation of international humanitarian law and a blatant disregard for the sanctity of human life.

      As members of the Baptist World Alliance, who stand for justice, peace, and respect for human dignity, we are deeply saddened at this heinous act. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who have lost their loved ones, homes and belongings in this inhumane attack.

      We ask our member conventions and churches to pray for the people of Myanmar during these difficult times and to stand in solidarity with them as they seek justice and peace.

      READ: Full press release >

      Riverland’s Ministries

      There is so much going on at Longford! To find out more, or to attend/participate in any of these ministries please check their website (, call 6391 2202, or email Office hours are 9am-12pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

      • 10-11am Mondays and Tuesdays, Libraries Tasmania, Adult Literacy – during school term)
      • 11am-12pm Mondays, Prayer Group
      • 10am-12pm Tuesdays, Threads of Friendship
      • 5.30-9pm Tuesdays Young Adults Group – off site
      • 10am-12pm Wednesdays, Bible Small Group
      • 9.30-11.30 am Thursdays, Stay & Play – during school terms
      • 3-5pm Thursdays, Girls Youth Group – during school terms
      • 11.30am-1.30pm. Thursdays, Bible Discovery Group
      • 7-8.30pm Thursdays, Bible Small Group – fortnightly, off-site
      • 10.30am-12pm Fridays, Neighbours – fortnightly
      • Fridays, Riverlands Youth group – 3rd Friday of each month, during school terms
      • 11am-1pm Fridays, Meals on Wheels – operate Monday-Friday each week
      Riverlands Minsitries. Snr Pastor Rodney Marshall, Meals on Wheels, Sta & Play, Associate Pastor Liam Conway
      Snr Pastor Rodney Marshall, Meals on Wheels, Stay & Play, Associate Pastor Liam Conway

      Grief Companion Training

      Do you know people who are grieving? Would you like to learn how to support them? You could attend this seminar, being run by New Mornings at Ulverstone Baptist.

      WHEN 9:30am-430pm, Saturdays 20th May AND 3rd June 2023
      COST Day 1 only – $75 (Conc. $55) ) | Days 1 + 2 – $120 (Conc. $85)
      WHERE Ulverstone Baptist Church Hall, 60 Alexandra Road, Ulverstone, 7315
      INFO Contact New Mornings: | 03 6411 6212
      OR download the flyer:

      What’s Going On – Summerhill

      For more information about any of these activities please contact Maddy Svoboda:

      • Primary school mentoring at Summerdale (as well as training of mentors), runs weekly throughout the week.
      • Playgroup, 10am-12pm, Wednesdays during school term facilitated by the Salvos.
      • Chat and Choose, every Friday morning during school terms.
      • Craft Group, Saturday mornings once a month.
      • High school Youth Ministry, 7-9pm, 2nd Friday of the month (when not involved with the combined youth initiatives).
      • Life groups, throughout the week.
      • A service in our local aged care facility. We hope to extend to another service soon.
      Summerhill Baptist Ministries

      Stand with the People of Myanmar


      More than ever, the people of Myanmar need to know that others stand with them. They need to know they are not forgotten.

      Two years on from a military coup, Myanmar is rocked by violence, oppression and instability. The economy has collapsed, there are severe shortages of food, fuel and other basic supplies. Families are forced to separate, churches continue to be damaged. Pastors have been arrested. The military continue to ignore basic human rights. 

      Since the coup, more than 3000 people have been killed and 16,000 people detained. Almost 1.6 million people are displaced within Myanmar and 1.1 million refugees and asylum seekers from Myanmar live in refugee camps on the Thai and Indian borders and within other towns in Thailand and India. 

      Please invite your faith community in sacrificially giving to our Stand with Myanmar appeal, so that together we can make a tangible and practical difference in the lives of people who continue to live with trauma and uncertainty.

      What’s Going on – City Baptist

      City Baptist Church in Launceston has people, as well as activities that people can connect with relationally.

      • Street chaplain (Stephen Avery), coming alongside those in need on our streets
      • Advocacy 
        • Housing provided for refugees (Ivan James)
        • The homeless and those fleeing Family and Domestic Violence (Kay Hunter)
        • Climate activism (Sally Staley, Wendy Miller and friends)
      • Drop in Centre in the Red Dove Café
        6pm-7pm Saturdays, 52 weeks per year (Jeff McKinnon).
      • City Baptist Community Garden –  69 Station Rd, St Leonards (Steve and Marie Pearce)
      • Learning Circle (hosted by Garry Billing and Jeff McKinnon) for those wanting to grow in discipleship, spirituality and mission (three-week sessions)
      • Young adult dinners with Jenna Blackwell
      • Friday Frolics – Intergenerational social outing on last Friday of the month (Merelyn Briton)

      Find out more here > | City Baptist on Facebook >

      Some of the faces at City Baptist, L-R: Tracey and Stephen Avery; Jeff McKinnon; Jenna Blackwell; Kay Hunter

      What’s Going on – Gateway

      The Baptist churches in and around Launceston want to work more closely together and point people to activities going on in other Baptist churches.

      Over the coming weeks reCharge NEWS will highlight one church’s activities, this week, with Gateway Baptist.

      Gateway Baptist, Craft Group, Artway, Basketball, Mentoring and lifeskills
      Gateway’s Ministries most weeks:
      Shekinah House Team

      Volunteering and low level counseling with homeless people
      11am till 3pm, Tuesday to Friday

      Bible Study

      Ladies study with coffee
      3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month  
      Wednesday group
      5:30 – 6:30pm Wednesday
      Eat, Share, Pray Midweek Group
      6:30-8:30pm, Thursday


      Art Therapy and Lessons 12 noon – 2pm Wednesday and Thursday   
      Craft Group 6:30-9pm, Wednesday               

      Walking Group

       Ladies 10am Thursday

      Baptist Basketball

      Saturday Evenings

      To enquire about any of these activities please email:

      Easter Camp at Perth

      In 1954, Perth Baptist hosted an enormous Easter Camp!
      Thank you to those who responded about the year this photo was taken.

      Perth Baptist Easter Camp, approx date 10940s

      READ MORE Perth Baptist Church Profile

      What’s Going On – Newstead

      Walk this Way - Newstead Baptist
      Walk this Way 

      2-4pm first Sunday of the month

      Family friendly short walks aimed to be an intergenerational opportunity to create space in creation to walk and talk.

      Life Groups

      Tuesday Life Group 7-9pm in Prospect
      Thursday Life Group 7-9pm in Newstead
      All Welcome! Join a Life Group here >

      In the Community

      Chat’n’Choose 9:30-11:30am Thursdays, at the church.
      Crafts, Conversations, Friendship, Fun. Men and Women of all ages are Welcome.

      Drop-in Centre meets every Friday 1-3pm in “The  Lounge” at the church
      Games for all generations, just drop-in to meet new friends

      Alpha at Newstead Baptist Thursday nights from 1st June 2023

      To enquire about any of these activities at Newstead, please email

      Mid-Year Assembly

      Friday/Saturday 5th/6th May, Newstead Baptist (NB new venue!)

      The May Assembly is coming up very fast! All Tasmanian Baptist churches are eligible to have at least two voting delegates in attendance, plus pastors and Tas Baptist Council Members. As well, interested individuals are welcome to attend. However, all attendees do need to register.

      Assembly papers will be sent to Church Secretaries via email on Thursday 6th April.


      7-9pm, Friday 5th May: Dinner ($30)
      9:30am-3pm, Saturday 6th May: Morning tea and Lunch ($15)

      Payments and registrations will be due to the Tasmanian Baptist office by Monday 5th May 2023. As well as the regular registration process, we are trialing an online payment/registration system. So watch out for that!

      Views of October Assembly 2022
      Views from Tas Baptist Assembly, October 2022

      CROSSOVER Easter Resources


      This Changes Everything is an Easter series that’s ready to go. There are message outlines that you can take, leave or adapt. But the bonus is the artwork for promoting and inviting, easily editable to include your church details.
      All free, because Crossover is here to help you share Jesus.

      Ally & Sally is the shortest soap opera you’ve ever seen! 3x 1-min episodes you can show in church, or embed in your weekly email, or both. Each episode can stand alone, but the story builds – and twists – with a positive encouragement to share our great news.
      Perfect for showing right before promoting the Easter Offering in the three weeks leading up to Easter!

      watch ally & sally

      Read More ReCharge!

      April/May 2023

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      Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

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      ReCharge News April 2023

      Around the Churches, Feb-Mar 2023

      Around the Churches February/March 2023

      Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.


      CITY BAPTIST, Launceston

      Community focus

      We continue to gather at Worldview as our interim meeting space. Throughout February we focused on the call back to community.

      Our drop in centre meal continues at Red Dove café at Pilgrim Uniting on Saturday night. Steven continues his chaplaincy role to the street community. We would appreciate prayer for him and for Kay Hunter (who works with vulnerable women).

      We continue to prayerfully discern appropriate gathering spaces as we seek to transition back to the city of Launceston – prayer for this, relationships on the edges of our community, and for future innovative ministries is much appreciated.

      Steven, Red Dove Cafe (screenshot). Kay
Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
      Steven; Red Dove Cafe; Kay


      Devotional together

      On Sunday 12th March, each family in the church was given a booklet which is a 31-day devotional by Ray Hawkins (The Point Baptist) called Captured By Calvary.

      We are going to complete this Bible study together, reading it day-by-day, culminating on Easter Sunday. On the Sundays between now and Easter, congregation members will be invited to share about their thoughts on what is covered in the devotional.


      Walk this way

       Pastor Dan organised our church’s first ‘Walk This Way’ event.  We are planning to have them regularly with the first one being held at Heritage Park.  The weather was warm and so was the fellowship.  It was lovely to see a couple of friends from Scripture Union joining with our congregation members and chatting together along the route.  The second one was held at  Trevallyn Dam on the 5th March.

      Other events

      Pastor Dan met with the Little Fish volunteers to talk about the new program which has commenced and working well.

      Simon McCormack  is leading the work at our church  putting in a new conveniently located disabled toilet.

      Elaine Carins and the rest of the Senior’s Drop in Centre crew were treated to one of Maureen Battesse’s delicious strawberry filled sponge cakes this month to celebrate Elaine’s birthday.

      Walk this Way, Little Fish, Birthday Cake
Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
      Walk this Way; Little Fish volunteers; Elaine Carins


      Time to take a break

      Maddy Svoboda

      Our pastor, Maddy Svoboda, was on Long Service Leave for the past few months. We’re all grateful for his dedication to our church over the years and are glad he can take a well-earned break. In his absence, we have been blessed to hear from many inspiring speakers from within our congregation, who have shared their insights, experiences, and faith with us.

      Maddy has now returned, just in time for our church camp at Poatina Village on the 24th/25th February. It was a wonderful weekend of fellowship, worship, and meditative prayer. It also allowed us to reset, realign, and get to know each other on a deeper level.

      The camp was a great opportunity for us to come together as a community and reaffirm our faith. We were reminded of the importance of connection, support, and empathy as we shared stories, sang and prayed together.

      We are also grateful to the organisers of the church camp, who worked hard to ensure that all safety protocols were followed, and that everyone felt welcome and included. It was heartening to see people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences come together and build meaningful relationships.


      Community picnic

      On the Saturday before Christmas 2022, we arranged a Community Picnic. We had over 300 people come and be part of it. They then came to our Christmas Carol Service that night – over 200 people filled the church to overflowing!

      Sunday nights at Perth

      On the last Sunday in February, we commenced what will be a regular Sunday evening activity. There will be a meal once a month, and afternoon tea on the other weeks. The content will be The Chosen television series.

      READ MORE about Perth Baptist in their recently released church profile >

      Perth Baptist Church Profile



      Now livestreaming

      We give thanks to God that we have had Starlink installed and are beginning to livestream our services via YouTube to reach out beyond our boundaries. It is very exciting that we have had responses even from overseas. It is such a blessing for a little country church in Tasmania.

      Jeff Percival speaks at the Lwr Barrington pizza night
      Jeff Percival speaks at the Pizza night

      Pizza night

      On 24th February our Pastor Jeff Percival was guest speaker at a free Pizza night for men at Sheffield Town Hall with over 100 men attending. A great Gospel message was shared with them all.

      LIFEWAY, Devonport

      Lifeway were recently announced as the national winners of Baptist Mission Australia’s Walk the World campaign!




      The UBC family celebrated Christmas together on Christmas Eve with an entertaining skit, musical items and carols. We were able to host lunch on Christmas Day for those in our community who otherwise would have been spending Christmas alone. This was a lovely day, with about 65 attending.

      Christmas Eve at Ulverstone 2023; Fabruary Baptisms
Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
      Christmas Eve at UBC; Baptism at the beach

      Picnics and Baptisms

      We have enjoyed the warmth of summer and gathered together for two church family picnics in Fairway Park. This has been a wonderful way to celebrate who we are. Not bound or defined by a building or location. Simply being who we are and who we are called to be.  It was a great opportunity to connect with each other and meet new people. The highlight of these two picnics however was to celebrate with three of our young people, Charlotte, Josiah and Kailem by witnessing their baptisms at the beach.

      Gone to Glory

      We mourned the passing of long-time member June Woodberry in January. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

      Kids Church

      After a few years without having a children’s ministry it is an absolute joy to see Kids Church start up again. We are so grateful to Claire and Abbey for serving in this way and we love watching our UBC kids as they excitedly leave our church service to enjoy their program.

      Shmuel Junger

      In February we were privileged to spend an evening listening to Shmuel Junger. Shmuel was born and raised in Israel and spoke about his amazing personal story and updated us on the unique challenges facing the brave pioneers who have settled in Judea and Samaria.


      Matty, Ashley and their girls

      Appointment of new Pastor

      Late last year, Burnie Baptist called Matty Coppin to a full-time pastoral position.

      Matty, Ashley, and their two girls accepted the call, and are winding things up in Edmonton, Canada. They plan to arrive in July or August of this year. Please pray for a successful property sale, and a smooth international move.

      Praise God with us at Burnie, as we are very excited about Matty and Ashley’s arrival.


      Christmas joy

      There was a large gathering of people at Carols in Guttridge Gardens on Christmas Eve. This is an annual event, organised by our church and enjoyed by all who attend in a lovely setting near the Inglis River.

      Approximately 100 people, from both the community and the church who are alone at Christmas, enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner catered for by our church on Christmas Day in the ROC building.

      Coffee makes a difference

      We continue to support two children in India with Baptist  World Aid with money from cappuccino sales on Sunday mornings after church fellowship.

      Welcome Franz and Heidi!

      Franz and Heidi Brosch
      Franz and Heidi Brosch

      We are delighted to have welcomed our Associate Pastor Franz Brosch  and his wife Heidi into our fellowship on Sunday 11th February. We look forward to working with them, and getting to know them, as they share the ministry with Pastor Owen.
      READ: Getting to know Franz Brosch >


      Thanksgiving service

      Marrawah Baptist held a Thanksgiving service on Sunday 5th February as it closed its doors after 70 years of faithful service in the community.

      People, young and old, packed out the building to celebrate the life, service and impact of the church over so many decades.

      Mission Director Stephen Baxter spoke, and the morning was MC’d by Dan Evenhuis (Citywide) who has fond memories of leading the Marrawah youth group.

      READ MORE about Marrawah’s Thanksgiving service >

      Thanksgivng service at Marrawah - the people gathered
Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
      Marrawah Thanksgiving service, 5th Feb 2023

      Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023



      Aboriginal Sunday

      On Sunday 22nd January, Citywide closed our doors, and our three congregations combined to celebrate Aboriginal Sunday in an open air service on the Domain.  Paul Dare preached and inspired us to continue on our journey of understanding and acknowledging the painful history of Tasmanian Aborigines. 

      In the early European settlements the native Australians showed the new settlers how and where to find water, and in exchange the Aboriginals had access to flour and salt.  We celebrated this tentative exchange by drinking water together and eating damper.  The service culminated in sharing a picnic lunch together.

      Mission Partnership

      We are excited in the new partnership we have formed with Baptist Mission Australia to work together in reaching the Hindu community of Hobart, primarily through the community services our Nepalese congregation offer to new arrivals. 

      We have received a generous grant from BMA towards purchasing a van and employing a Community Support Worker for two-days/week for two years.

      Lunch time Forum

      Rev Prof Rene Enrich, Principal and Professor of Practical Theology at Whitley College, spoke at a lunch forum on his specialized subject, Sexuality and Theology in Conversation.  Rene stimulated and challenged those who attended, to allow the Spirit of God to reshape our thinking. 

      READ: Citywide Annual Report 2022

      • MARRIED:  Josh Garvin and Jen Paull on 31st December
      • MARRIED:  Kevin Chalk and Sonya Latham on 8th January
      • ENGAGED:  Mitchell Semmens and Sophie Garvin on 17th January
      • BAPTISED:  Sophie Griffiths on 19th February at Lenah Valley
      Tas Baptist NEWS February 2023 showing Citywide Baptist and their three congregations, gathering on Aboriginal Sunday
      Citywide gather on the Domain for Aboriginal Sunday


      T2 Women

      Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
T2 Women at Claremont Baptist
      T2 Women

      Claremont’s ladies group, T2women, had a wonderful start to the year with a garden party under ancient elms  in one of our member’s beautiful historic garden. The weather was glorious, the tea delicious and the conversation delightful as we shared our favourite flowers, poems and songs about flowers.

      T2 comes from Titus 2:3-5 which encourages the women of the church from all generations to learn from each other. Our hope is to grow our faith through friendships. 

      Together with IC Church

      We held a combined service with IC Church and shared lunch afterwards. It is hoped we might do this more often. Pastor Mohan from Singapore was the speaker so an extra blessing to know we can worship with brothers and sisters from around the world. 

      Church review

      Currently we are doing a church review looking at our current ministries, their effectiveness and how we can build on these strong foundations into the near and long term future. 

      IC CHURCH, Glenorchy

      Five baptisms!

      On Sunday, 8th January 2023, Intercultural Church (ICC) at Glenorchy started the new year by celebrating the baptism of five young members of the congregation. It was very exciting to see these young men make a public declaration of their decision to follow Jesus.

      Some very different faith journeys were involved – from growing up in a Christian household to coming from a non-Christian background.

      Aasan, from Nepal, wanted to find out about Christianity so contacted the church via its website. Graham, one of the ICC elders met with Aasan and helped lead him to Christ. Aasan started attending the church and it was not long before he asked for baptism.

      Franklin (from Hobart) in his own spiritual journey, had also reached a decision to be baptised.

      Aasan and Franklin were joined by three brothers, Yosief, Musse and Fitsum who were originally from Sudan but have been Australians for six years now.

      From many different parts of the globe but now brothers in Christ – sharing a bond that will last for eternity.

      IC Church baptisms, Feb 2023; Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023
      Aasan is baptised; L-R: Aasan, Yosief, Fitsum, Musse and Franklin.


      Events at HBC

      On Saturday 18th February, City Bible Forum used our building as a hub to host the Life@Work Conference.

      Then, on Monday/Tuesday, 20th/21st February, we hosted the Tasmanian Baptist Pastor’s Muster, where Dr Christa McKirland of Carey Baptist College, Auckland, spoke.
      Find out more about the Muster >

      It is great to have our new facilities used for gatherings such as these.

      Fundraising for Ukraine

      On Wednesday 22nd February, a piano recital was held at Hobart Town Hall to raise funds for Ukrainian refugees, who are being assisted by Ukrainian Pastor Anton Kaluzhny in Kyiv.

      The event was MC’d by Sean Priest. Kelvin Smith and Timothy Prajogo performed – all from HBC.

      READ MORE about the fundraiser in February 2023 NEWS >
      DONATE to fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees >

      Sanctuary Sunday

      We are looking forward to celebrating Sanctuary Sunday/Harmony Day on Sunday 19th March as we celebrate our broad ethnic diversity. We are grateful for contributions the Karen, Filipino, Indian, Vietnamese, Anuak (Ethiopian) and other nations make to our fellowship.

      Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023; Hobart Baptist Harmony Day 2022; Pastors Muster Feb 2023
      Some of the national dress worn on Sanctuary Sunday-Harmony Day 2022;
      Pastor’s Muster, 20/21 February 2023

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      February/March 2023

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      Around the Churches Feb-Mar 2023

      ReCharge NEWS February 2023

      Tas Baptist NEWS February 2023 showing Citywide Baptist and their three congregations, gathering on Aboriginal Su day

      22nd February 2023 | ReCharge News

      Click Item to Read

        ReCharge News February 2023

        Raising Funds for Ukraine


        Anyone can assist Christians in Kyiv to bring hope and needed assistance by contributing to this fundraiser.

        At 6pm on Wednesday 22nd February, Kelvin Smith (Hobart) performed at a Piano Recital and Fundraiser for Ukrainian Refugees at the Hobart Town Hall, 50 Macquarie St, Hobart.

        Kelvin has grown a following for his Piano of Tasmania videos on Facebook in recent years.

        Kelvin performed, along with Timothy Prajogo, playing the concert Steinway piano at Hobart Town Hall. As well, Ukrainian Pastor Anton Kaluzhny, spoke live from Kyiv about his work helping thousands in the war in Ukraine.

        You can donate to this amazing initiative here: GoFundMe.

        L -R: Kelvin, Anton spoke via video link, Timothy

        Walk this Way – Newstead


        Sunday February 5th was our inaugural ‘Walk This Way’, event taking a leisurely walk around Heritage Park. The guided family-friendly short walks are hosted by Pastor Dan Hutchison of Newstead Baptist, in partnership with Scripture Union bushwalking club, Boots ‘N All.

        It was lovely to see all generations represented, the kids specially enjoying the playground, as these walks are aimed to help connect, grow and inspire one another.

        Newstead have eight Walk this Way events planned this year around Launceston with the next at Trevallyn Dam, Sunday March 5th 2pm-4pm. If you are interested in going on this walk, please phone Dan Hutchison on 0457 765 907 for more details.

        Office Secretary at Newstead


        Newstead Baptist is currently looking for an Office Secretary to work in the Church office for up to 10 hours per week. The position is to give support to the Pastor, Church Secretary and Church Treasurer in regard to clerical and administrative support.

        They are looking for someone with excellent interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills; demonstrates proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe tools; can maintain digital and physical church records; produce the weekly church publication; manage permanent and casual church property hires; and maintain publish and update website and social media posts. The person hired will be in agreement with the values, vision and mission of the Newstead Baptist Church.

        Position Description: Please contact Church office 03 6331 6891; email, or church secretary; or phone 0419 536 159.

        To apply: Contact the Pastor via email or Newstead Baptist Church, 14 Wentworth Street, Newstead Tas 7250

        Newstead Baptist Church

        Türkiye and Syria Crisis


        Our hearts are heavy as we witness the devastation in Türkiye and Syria. On 6th February, two powerful earthquakes (measuring 7.8 and 7.5 respectively), and subsequent aftershocks destroyed large parts of southern Türkiye and northern Syria.  

        Baptist World Aid are responding to this disaster, alongside their Christian Partners in Türkiye and Syria. The situation is unfolding rapidly and the BWA team are in regular contact with our Partners—including Baptist organisations—assessing the damage and how to best respond.

        They have produced resources that will help interested churches support this appeal that are available to download here.  

        What we know so far

        • Both earthquakes created over 100 large aftershocks that collapsed over 5,000 buildings and destroyed entire sections of cities while people slept.  
        • The death toll has reached over 41,000 but is rising rapidly. 
        • A harsh winter has brought extreme cold, and snowstorms increasing the difficulty faced by rescue teams.  
        • Many impacted are among families who fled civil war in Syria, including millions of displaced people living in overcrowded conditions, and makeshift—already dependent on humanitarian assistance.  
        • Ongoing conflict in the region is making it difficult for organisations to access accurate information or provide immediate aid to those who are in need.  
        • Medical facilities are overwhelmed, with reports of hospitals forced to triage people according to who will and won’t survive.  



        Celebrating Capacity Workshop

        The Bridges Out of Poverty trainer, Nairn Walker presents Celebrating Capacity. A powerful training experience for those working with vulnerable people.

        The two-day workshop will help you see economic inequity differently. It will assist you to understand and identify the capacity people have developed to negotiate life’s challenges. You will explore ways to harness this capacity to co-create with them a better future for themselves, their families and their communities.

        • When: 8.30am – 4.30pm, Mon 27th to Tues 28th March, 2023
        • Where: C3 Church Hobart – 64 Anglesea Street Hobart, TAS 7004
        • Cost: $345 (includes morning tea and lunch on both days)
        • More Info: Download Flyer >
        • Bookings: Limited places so get in quick! Register here >
        Celebrating Capacity

        Fostering Hope
        Northern Mentoring Officer

        Tasmanian Baptists and Fostering Hope work together to encourage churches to support and care for foster children and their families.

        Fostering Hope has a one-day/week position available in Launceston.

        The primary tasks include: Recruitment of new mentors in Northern Tasmania; Overseeing the screening process for all northern mentors; Facilitating logistics of training days, training will be delivered by the Mentoring Coordinator and the Executive Officer.

        Applications close on 24th February 2023.

        Find out more >

        Northern Mentoring Office, Fostering Hope Tasmania

        Aboriginal Sunday 2023

        In 1938 Aboriginal leader, William Cooper, asked Australian Christian churches to set aside the Sunday before January 26th every year as Aboriginal Sunday. 

        While many would see the controversy around Australia Day as a comparatively new thing, William Cooper and a number of other Aboriginals first met for a day of mourning on January 26th 1938, and it was this event that prompted his call to the churches. 

        This year, on Sunday 22nd January, the three Citywide congregations gathered at the Domain Amphitheatre for an Aboriginal Sunday service led by proud Lia Pootah man, Paul Dare.

        Paul says, “If churches want to take the teaching of Jesus seriously, then they can’t ignore the pain and injustice that Aboriginal people continue to experience, which gets focused at this time of year.

        “Here in Tasmania, in particular, we need to face our past in order that our future can be different.”

        Paul Dare speaking; Citywide gathered at the Domain amphitheater.

        Spiritual Care Coordinator

        Baptcare Hiring!

        (NB: Applications closed Sunday 5th February, 2023)

        Baptcare are looking for a Spiritual Care Coordinator (AKA Chaplain) for Family, Disability and Health.

        The position is part-time (0.8 FTE), and is based in Hobart.

        DOWNLOAD position description >

        ReCharge News February 2023

        Marrawah Thanksgiving Service

        Sunday 5th February 2023

        For several years now, the small fellowship who gather at Marrawah Baptist Church have been operating on Sundays on an irregular basis. More recently, most of the congregation have shifted to Smithton, and are now attending the Baptist church there. Now, the membership has decided it is time to permanently close their doors.

        A Thanksgiving Service will be held at Marrawah Baptist to say farewell, and celebrate 65 years of Christian work and mission that has taken place through this fellowship. 

        SUNDAY 5TH FEBRUARY 2023
        10 – 10:45am Pre-service cuppa
        11am Service begins
        A light lunch will follow in the Marrawah Memorial Hall

        All welcome to share food, stories and memories

        MAP: Marrawah Baptist Church, 826 Comeback Rd, Marrawah TAS 7330

        Rodney Marshall and Michael Henderson (behind camera) recently met with the Marrawah leadership team to plan the best way forward.
        Rodney Marshall and Michael Henderson (behind camera) recently met with the Marrawah leadership team to plan the best way forward.

        Read More ReCharge!

        February 2023

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        ReCharge News February 2023

        PROFILE: Newstead Baptist Church

        Newstead Baptist Church profile
        Newstead Baptist Church Profile

        Taking the Leap

        As we begin this journey

        I am so thankful for this first nine-months as the Pastor of Newstead Baptist Church (NBC). Though the total journey has been much longer, it is nice to see Gods faithfulness bringing everything together so that we can launch into 2023.

        Hi, I am Dan Hutchison. Back in April 2021 I first opened the door to the possibility of moving on from Citywide with the prayer and heart to follow Jesus wherever He wanted us as a family to be. Together, with my wife Maria and three kids, we felt Jesus’ call to take on the role as pastor at NBC.

        In the interview, I was very clear that I still have much to learn but felt with the experience and training here in Tasmania, I was ready to take the leap. Newstead Baptist were also willing to take the leap as we both dreamed of what the future could hold, seeing a shared desire for God’s Kingdom.

        Trusting God to go deeper

        The Hutchison Family, Newstead Baptist Profile
        The Hutchisons on Induction Day, 9th Jan 2022

        On Induction Day, I was overwhelmed by the hospitality and servant-hearted people we have at NBC. I highlighted the three rivers that come together in Launceston, and the North Esk river that moves through Newstead and our call as disciples to trust God to go deeper with Him, that together we will see Newstead / Launceston flourish.

        At that time, one of the ways my family was being challenged to trust was that we had not yet moved into our home in Newstead. As we waited, we were blessed with the provision of a unit at Worldview Centre for intercultural studies. We were there for seven-months, and are grateful for the connections and partnership formed. One of the ways we collaborated was inviting Dan Misdom, the Principal, to share during May Mission Month.

        God’s fruit is growing!

        I am also thankful for organisations like Crossover and Baptist Mission Australia for the content they provide. Sermon series and advertising which you can see we use for our services and on our Facebook page. Preaching-wise I have enjoyed preparing our sermon series on Australian stories (The Coming of the Light), and The King’s Apprentice: Our Moments with the Master.

        Most of all I have enjoyed getting to know the people at NBC and strengthening our connections with our community. Over the last few weeks, we have been discerning and working together on our next three-year strategic plan. We are very excited to see what fruit God grows.

        Dan Hutchison

        P.S We are now in our house, enjoying settling-in, walking everywhere, and connecting with our neighbours.

        Dan Hutchison
        Pastor, Newstead Baptist

        Newstead Baptist Church Profile

        A brief history

        Newstead Baptist Church profile, history

        Changes, changes, everywhere

        Reflection by a long-time member

        Over recent years, Newstead Baptist experienced an unsettling period of change with several short-term pastorates and losses of some members and ministries.

        While without a pastor in 2019/20, visiting speakers assisted with Sunday services, current ministries continued and, as members worked together and encouraged each other, a warm, more settled community was re-established.

        Early in 2020, Stephen Baxter, our Baptist State Mission Director worked with the congregation to seek God’s leading for the church.

        The outcome of those talks gave the church two areas to focus on:

        1. Reaching and ministering to younger families
        2. Extending the Seniors’ ministries

        Then, Covid-19 descended and in response to pandemic restrictions, services and Bible studies ceased. In common with everyone locally and globally, there were feelings of isolation, separation and loneliness.

        It was, however, encouraging to see the lovely ways people continued to contact and keep in touch with each other. On-line services helped. It was great to know that outside viewers, who did not normally attend any church, also ‘tuned in’.

        Despite the restrictions of social-distancing, hand-sanitising, check-ins and masks, it’s been wonderful to return to shared fellowship together for Sunday services, study groups and other activities.

        A new start

        We also conducted a search for a new pastor during this time. At the end of 2021, we appointed Daniel Hutchison, with his wife Maria and children Skylah, Octavia and Boaz. On the 9th of January 2022, we welcomed them to Newstead Baptist Church.

        As Daniel and the people begin working together, we continue with current ministries.

        1. Seniors’ Drop-in Centre
        2. Chat ‘n’ Choose craft group (celebrating 30 years)
        3. Little Fish (Sunday morning kid’s program)
        4. Neighbourhood Heartbeat (community newsletter delivered to 1500 local homes
        5. Three life groups

        As we move forward, we look forward to the development of new ministries.

        We’re grateful to have several rooms on our premises. These are utilised by community groups for tutoring, dancing, scouts and cubs, water colour painting, exercise groups and so on. These provide us with local contacts and offer the opportunity to expand our outreach activities.

        In a recent workshop with Craig Farmer (Partners in Ministry), we shared our dreams for the future, and visualised the church in five years’ time. Now, we move forward together. We seek God’s guidance in planning programs and activities to further His Kingdom in ‘our little corner’.


        Claremont Baptist | Latrobe Baptist | City Baptist, Launceston | Citywide, Mornington/Lenah Valley | LifeWay Devonport | Riverlands Longford | George Town

        Read ReCharge

        October/November 2022

        CHRISTMAS IDEAS For Baptists from Crossover
        AROUND THE CHURCHES October/November 2022
        ANNUAL ASSEMBLY Report by Anthea Maynard
        AROUND THE CHURCHES October/November 2022
        ANNUAL ASSEMBLY Report by Anthea Maynard
        FAMINE In the Horn of Africa Melissa Lipsett, CEO Baptist World Aid
        PRISON MINISTRY By Cameron Brett of Prison Fellowship Tasmania
        DEEP THOUGHT The Sound of Silence By Denise Stephenson
        FROM THE MISSION DIRECTOR: Does God Really Care? By Stephen Baxter
        SCHOOLS MINISTRY: Mustard Lives Transformed by Jesus
        October 2022 NEWS | November 2022 NEWS

        Recent (PDF) Issues of ReCharge

        Newstead Baptist Profile

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        Around the Churches, Aug-Sept 2022

        Around the Churches Sept 2022

        Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.

        Around the Churches this year so far

        February/March 2022
        April/May 2022
        June/July 2022


        CITY, Launceston

        On the move

        City's last service and Fellowship Lunch at Christchurch, Frederick Street Launceston
        City’s last service and Fellowship Lunch at Christchurch, Frederick Street Launceston

        On  28th August City Baptist held its final service in the historic Christchurch building in Frederick Street. This was a wonderful time of celebration and thanksgiving. The congregation reflected on the amazing 180 years of  stories encapsulated in the old buildings.

        Ivan James led those present through the long history of Baptists in Launceston, and Kay Hunter led a time of remembering and thanksgiving for the current congregation. A lovely fellowship lunch in Milton Hall capped off a great day as the doors were closed for the final time.

        On Sunday 4th September City Baptist found their way to the Worldview Centre auditorium at St Leonards. This will be their home for about six months or so. Anthea Maynard and Jenna Blackwell led the Gathering in recognising our corporate calling as we step consciously into a new, liminal space.

        Our Drop-in Centre ministry has also moved to a new venue, the Red Dove Café at Pilgrim Uniting in the city centre.


        City Launceston people

        Comings and Goings
        Farewell to the Beeston family, Andy, Penny, Mikaela and Emalyn. We officially said goodbye at the service on the 7th of August. We shared lunch together after the service.
        Congratulations Gayatri & Sanjay Sagar on the arrival of Ruhi Sagar, sister to Brianna born 15th August 2022.
        Congratulations to Gateway’s A Reserve Men’s Basketball team on reaching finals. They played in the Baptist Grand Final on Saturday 27th August, and were runners up to the Free Reformed Men’s team. Final result 26 to 40.
        Our sincere love and condolences are extended to all the family of Chris Sundstrup who died at home on 31st August. Chris was a valued member of Gateway, a willing contributor and much appreciated Church Treasurer.


        George Town Baptist worship

        Guest speakers visit
        Pastor Abdul-Karim Kamara brought the message to George Town Baptist Church on Sunday Morning 28th August.  He asked the question “How Keen Are you to Serve the Lord?”  It was a challenging and uplifting message. 

        Wade Miller, whose family once owned the Hillwood apple and berry farms spoke at the September Breakfast meeting. 


        Newstead's Men in the Shed

        Men in the shed
        One recent Friday, the men were treated to some time in the shed with the master, Phil Marston, telling his story of the blessing of procuring these machines that enable him to manufacture anything out of metal.  One such labour of love is his Lila (purple) 1948 Dodge Fargo which we got to have a look and listen to.  Phil also demonstrated the art of cutting a thread on a bolt. 

        The men left with a couple of reflections: A master who has been doing the job for a long time knows his tools and what he is working with, reflecting Jeremiah 18:1-17 the Potter and the clay.  Finally, when change comes, when our eyes are on God and not our situation we come out the stronger and blessed.

        Spring into action!
        Newstead Baptist is springing into spring starting a new series: The Kings Apprentice: Our Moments with the Master, and providing resources to participate in a 40-day prayer guide.

        On Sunday August 28th we had a meeting to develop our strategic plan for the next five years.

        Pastor Dan is also glad to be moved into their new house in Newstead, and took a couple of weeks off to settle in.


        Eskleigh Service

        A Very Special Service
        On Sunday, 4th September we celebrated our Church’s link to the Eskleigh Foundation which has, amongst its other services for people with a disability, this residential home in Perth.

        Originally, our Church Hall was built by David and Mary Gibson and opened 160 years ago. When it grew too small, they built our Tabernacle in 1888, in which we continue to meet. When their large family home got too big for them, they gave it to the community as a place for adults with severe or multiple disabilities.

        Several residents and their carers attend our morning service and where suitable other events during the week.

        How the day went

        On this particular Sunday, we had three buses turn up at 9:05 with a sense that the morning was going to be special.

        How different to attend a service where our friends met, welcomed, and prayed for us. Two helped take up our offering with great enthusiasm, and another prayed her special prayer of thanks.

        Ron, a carer who has continued to work past his age of retirement to bring them to our service, spoke of the impact coming to church has on the residents. To him, he believes that every Sunday morning has an impact. He referred to the scarfs and other things knitted by our members and the other gifts given to them over the years.

        We were blessed to sit and be ministered to so enthusiastically by our lovely friends.

        The theme of the service was Kindness, with a link to 1 Corinthians 13 with the encouragement for us all to seek out our neighbour as the Good Samaritan did, and show that special kindness that comes from God’s love to all we encounter people every day.

        It is such a blessing that one of our members works at Eskleigh, and has a day-to-day relationship with the staff and residents. Rob arranged and led the service, followed by a great morning tea and fellowship.



        Latrobe Chocolate Winterfest

        Chocolate Winterfest
        The weekend of 14th August saw the return of the Latrobe Chocolate Winterfest, after a two year absence because of Covid. The Latrobe church over the years has taken part in the festival by inviting the Choir of High Hopes from Launceston to come and perform in the church on the Sunday afternoon. This year it was wonderful to have them back again.  25 choir members came and presented a wonderful afternoon of songs and items.

        A “chocolate themed afternoon tea” followed, which everyone loved.  Many people contributed to the amazing food on offer which included biscuits decorated with music notes in keeping with the music from the Choir. This was a great opportunity to be part of the community, and to be a witness to the people of Latrobe.


        Wynyard Baptist Church

        Getting together
        Just Blokes meets quarterly with some very interesting speakers. In June we heard from a former policeman who spoke of his work and his journey of overcoming cancer.

        Just Girls.  In June, our ladies met for breakfast at a cafe in Burnie, then onto some retail therapy in Devonport. In July, we met for lunch and enjoyed an interesting PowerPoint presentation. It was given by a local lady who has lived and worked overseas for many years.

        Wednesday Get Together meets twice monthly. It’s a great time of fun and fellowship with carpet bowls and board games, a shared morning tea and a cake to celebrate those who have had birthdays.

        Child sponsorship. We continue to support two children through Baptist World Aid with money from our cappuccino sales on Sunday morning after-church fellowship. 



        God is our Refuge and Strength Ps 46:1
        Psalm 46:1 was a key verse
        during the DV Awareness Training

        Domestic Violence Awareness We recently held a day seminar to inform us about domestic violence. This is to begin to prepare us as a church to minister to people who have suffered in this way.  25 people were educated, inspired, challenged, and began to see possibilities of how Citywide might develop a ministry in this area. 

        Alpha Citywide are in the middle of an Alpha course, the first we’ve offered for many years.  We are delighted over 50 people attend, of whom approximately 12 are first time questioners and open to seeking God.  Please pray with us for Kingdom growth.

        Life Group Leaders’ Lunch We recently held the first of quarterly lunches for Life Group Leaders for training, encouragement and sharing of group issues. At Citywide, 10 different groups operate involving 100 people. We want to increase our support of these valuable groups who facilitate a large part of our pastoral care. 


        Heather Hunt

        Farewell Heather
        Claremont are sad to announce that Heather Elise Hunt died on Saturday 23rd July after a short illness. She was aged 94.

        You can read of Heather’s incredible work during the formation of Claremont Baptist. It was published in the recent Claremont Baptist Church Profile >


        Hobart News

        Youth car wash
        HBC Youth, combined with the Boys’ Brigade, are raising funds to support a Karen teacher in a Thai refugee camp. So far they have raised over $1100, including $450 from a Saturday afternoon car wash and coffee event. Nice work everyone!

        Alpha Course
        A Sunday afternoon Alpha course began at Hobart on 31st July, and will continue through until 9th October. Please pray for the participants, especially for those who are new to faith. It has been a very encouraging time of seeking and searching the answers to important life questions.

        Living Hope
        For the last few months our sermons have focused on Peter’s letters with Living Hope – Changing Your Life for the Better. Jesus-followers are called to a Living Hope – hope that is alive and a hope that is lived.
        As well, we have ceased our pre-recorded YouTube services and are now live-streaming. These are available from 10am Sunday mornings on the Hobart Baptist YouTube channel.

        Read ReCharge

        August/September 2022

        Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
        Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
        Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
        From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
        Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
        Church Profile Claremont Baptist
        From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
        Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

        September 2022 NEWS
        August 2022 NEWS

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        Around the Churches August-September 2022