Around the Churches, Apr-May 2023

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.



Combined service

On Sunday 30th April we had one of our 5th Sunday Combined Services in which people from Gateway, Agape and Gateway Nepali Fellowship join together. These have been so enjoyable in the past and we anticipate another great meeting.

Plans for May Mission Month

During the month of May we will have a variety of speakers sharing of a number of Missions Gateway is connected with, including Prison Fellowship, Shoe Boxes, Thailand, Haiti, Shekinah House, Rahab Ministry, 


Gateway Ladies Pizza and Stamp Cutting Night took place recently, where they trimmed stamps in readiness to be sent to QLD to raise funds for Baptist Mission Australia. The used stamps, and national collection raises approx. $70,000.00 every year! Gateway member Jill Ashdown is the “Tasmanian Stamp lady”.
Read how to participate in the Stamp ministry in the NEWS, next week.

Gateway Baptist: Nepali Fellowship; Stamp Mission group, Around the Churches Apr-May 2023
Gateway Nepali Fellowship; Missions Stamp Group meet

CITY BAPTIST, Launceston

Easter | Your prayers appreciated!

We had lovely services over Easter – the Good Friday reflective service was a particular highlight for many, working through a Protestant take on the Stations of the Cross.

City Baptist is still prayerfully seeking a more permanent home to gather in – we would appreciate your prayers for/with us as we seek God’s guidance.

Impacting our community

Members in our community continue activism and pastoral work among migrant communities, the street community and with regard to climate action, representing Jesus’ (and our) heart for going to the margins.

Jeff McKinnon and Garry Billing have started a home-grown discipleship opportunity titled Learning Circles, for people of all backgrounds, who are interested in growing in discipleship, spirituality and mission – learning the ways of Jesus. If you would like to know more, please contact Jeff (

  • John Tomkinson passed away in late March. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Gwen and the family.
  • David and Pat Jacobs celebrated a milestone wedding anniversary.


Hutchison Family Update

Newstead Baptist Church is very pleased to announce the safe arrival of its newest member, a baby boy, Rafael (Raffy) Warren Hutchison. Raffy was born at 1:56pm on 3rd April and weighed 9.8 pounds (4.46 kgs).

Congratulations to Dan and Maria, Skylah, Octavia and Boaz for this exciting addition to the family.  Pastor Dan is on leave until May 17 to be with his family.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Newstead
Dan with Skylah, Octavia and Raffy; Playing Scrabble at the Drop-In Centre
Drop-In Centre

Our Friday Senior’s Drop in Centre has recently dropped the “Senior’s” from their name in order to better align with our Strategic Plan. 

People of all ages are now welcome to attend the Drop-In Centre each Friday from 1pm until about 3:30pm.  Activities include good conversation, tea and coffee, yummy food (cake on special occasions!), darts, eight-ball, and a range of board games including scrabble and upwords.

We really appreciate the willingness of the older members of our congregation to embrace change and the future vision of our church and we look forward to what is in store for this special ministry.

Family Fun Walks

Newstead Baptist Church has partnered with Scripture Union to promote a series of Family Fun Walks.  These monthly, short family-friendly walks, are on Sunday afternoons from 2 to 4 pm, and easy to get to for those in or near Launceston.

All walks are manageable for families with young children, although not all are pram/stroller-friendly.  Our walks so far have been a great opportunity to meet new people and create deeper conversations around our discussion topics. For example, “Are you feeling full or empty?” for recent Trevallyn Dam walk.

All northern Baptist Churches are invited to join us at any of the upcoming walks listed below.  This list of walks, along with Scripture Union’s bushwalk series, can be found at, including some useful preparation and safety tips. 

Anyone from other local churches or the surrounding community are also welcome.

Upcoming walks
  • 4th June                  Youngtown Regional Park
  • 2nd July                    Lilydale Falls
  • 3rd September    Gorge Circuit
  • 8th Octobe           Tamar Island
  • 10th November    Old Macs Farm



The church was blessed with the baptism of the Cousens family at Greens Beach on the 24th of March: Adam, Sarah, Erica and Tom.
So great to see the family growing in the Lord.

Passover celebrated

On Palm Sunday, The Point Baptist Church welcomed Mark Rogers from The Friends of Israel, who conducted a Passover Seder meal as part of the Sunday service. The event was greatly appreciated by the church, and helped understanding of the significance of the Passover event.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, the Point Baptist
Baptisms at Greens Beach; Mark Rogers of Friends of Israel



Harvest Festival

On March 19th we celebrated our Harvest Festival. The bread, water and the sheaf of wheat along with the Bible, were centre of place, as they remind us of the basic things needed for life.

Food items were brought and displayed, and Pastor Ralph shared with us a reading from Leviticus reminding us of the need to be continually thanking the Lord for all our provisions.

The food was available for purchase after the service and the money raised along with remaining items was given to Gran’s Van.  Gran’s Van operates in Devonport to help feed the homeless and people struggling to feed themselves.

Latrobe Baptist Harvest Festival 2023


Please pray!

Although it would be true to say our congregation is “getting on”, we have suddenly experienced quite a few ‘sickies’!

Please pray for David’s back op; Sheryl’s leg op; Gordon’s cancer struggle; Jean and Karl’s Covid attack and Frans’s back attack! That is a third of our church! Join us to pray for their rapid recovery in every aspect of this attack. We ask in Jesus’s Name:

“Ask in my Name and I will do it”!

John 14:14
Sassafras Baptist Church_ photo credit Duncan Grant


Welcome little Macey

On 18th March, Pastor Matt Holloway, Lacey and big brother Larry welcomed Macey Kate into their family. Let’s celebrate with them for a safe arrival.

The Holloways
Matt and Lacey with Larry, and Macey


Strengthening our community
  • Recently, 17 of our ladies enjoyed a day out with JUST GIRLS to Stanley, where they visited Highfield House, and Joe Lions cottage.
  • Many people attended a day of fun and fellowship at the Church Family picnic at Railway Institute hall in April..
  • Due to inclement weather, the combined churches Good Friday service was held in our church rather than in Guttridge Gardens as planned.
  • Chat n Choose continues to meet on Thursday morning in the school term.
  • Wednesday Get Together meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month when people meet for morning tea ,and fellowship and carpet bowls and table games.
  • The Food Hub continues to operate on Monday and Friday.
Franz and Heidi Brosch
Franz and Heidi Brosch
Franz and Heidi Brosch

We are pleased to have welcomed our associate Pastor Franz and Heidi Brosch into our church family,

They input into our church services, with Heidi in the worship team and Franz on the keyboard.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023



Clean Up Australia

On 5th March again participated in the Clean Up Australia Day, this year at three different locations.  We did not hold a service at Mornington that day, and at Lenah Valley had a prayer time for those not in the field, linking into some of the sites for a report on what was happening.  Evaluation of the day will see some changes for next year.


There has been some energy and money expended in our first stage of some renovations.  We painted our front rooms, and refreshed with new carpet, windows and blinds.  Also there has been significant hours and work effected on our roof in a bid to fix numerous leaks.  Fund raising is underway for stage 2.  

Mission Partnership

Our BMA grant towards outreach to the Hindu community in Hobart has seen the purchase of a 12-seater bus and employment of a coordinator for two-days per week. to facilitate community services.  This is now up and running. Praise God.

Anzac Day

In conjunction with the local RSL, we’ve had another exciting Anzac Day in the Park at Lenah Valley.  This has grown to be a significant annual community event, this year with an estimated attendance of 800. 

We offer various crafts and activities to suit the whole family, all with an Anzac Day theme.  We gave away Sausages, drinks and Anzac biscuits.  The public were involved and everyone has a fun time.  Conversations take place, and links are established. Citywide is blessed by serving.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Citywide
Good Friday dawn service; Lenah Valley clean-up team; Anzac Day in the Park


Garage Sale

Claremont Baptist members cleaned out their garages and storerooms to hold a very successful Garage Sale.

While we benefited financially the purpose was to open our doors to our community. We offered a free sausage sizzle and tea and coffee which gave us time to chat to people. At least four people told us they never knew there was a church on the corner (it is a quite inconspicuous building!) Church families got to socialise too and there was a wonderful atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the event also proved to be a Covid super-spreader! So, by Easter Sunday we only had eight attending.

A moving and intimate service,  a wonderful time of rejoicing that Our Lord has Risen! On Good Friday we were also able to share in coffee and buns at Edge Anglican as has become our tradition. 

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023, Claremont Baptist Garage Sale
Garage Sale Day at Claremont


Sanctuary Sunday

On Sunday 19th March, Hobart Baptist celebrated Sanctuary Sunday when all our congregations gathered to worship together. This includes the Karen Community, Mabuhay (Filipino), Vietnamese Fellowships, as well as Hobart Vision Church (Korean). During the service, Yvette Ambrose was baptised.

The Vietnamese Christian Fellowship National Conference

From 11-14 April, almost 200 registrants from the mainland and Vietnam took over the building for their annual conference. Our Vietnamese Family Fellowship hosted the visitors.

Karen Wedding

Congratulations to Karen couple Pan Tay and Nya Le, who were married on Saturday 15th April by Joel Ortiz.

Pray for Christians in Kyiv

Pastor Anton, who we support in Kyiv, sent this message on 1st May. Please pray for him and the faithful people there who are providing hope, help and lodging for refugees:
There was a missile attack 25km south of our refugee centre. Some of our men have been working in the rescue team and were able to help save some of the people in the attack.

Around the Churches Apr-May 2023 - Hobart Baptist
SANCTUARY SUNDAY: Korean Youth dance; followed by a wonderful morning tea; Vietnamese Conference; Karen Wedding

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April/May 2023

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Around the Churches Apr-May 2023

Around the Churches, Aug-Sept 2022

Around the Churches Sept 2022

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.

Around the Churches this year so far

February/March 2022
April/May 2022
June/July 2022


CITY, Launceston

On the move

City's last service and Fellowship Lunch at Christchurch, Frederick Street Launceston
City’s last service and Fellowship Lunch at Christchurch, Frederick Street Launceston

On  28th August City Baptist held its final service in the historic Christchurch building in Frederick Street. This was a wonderful time of celebration and thanksgiving. The congregation reflected on the amazing 180 years of  stories encapsulated in the old buildings.

Ivan James led those present through the long history of Baptists in Launceston, and Kay Hunter led a time of remembering and thanksgiving for the current congregation. A lovely fellowship lunch in Milton Hall capped off a great day as the doors were closed for the final time.

On Sunday 4th September City Baptist found their way to the Worldview Centre auditorium at St Leonards. This will be their home for about six months or so. Anthea Maynard and Jenna Blackwell led the Gathering in recognising our corporate calling as we step consciously into a new, liminal space.

Our Drop-in Centre ministry has also moved to a new venue, the Red Dove Café at Pilgrim Uniting in the city centre.


City Launceston people

Comings and Goings
Farewell to the Beeston family, Andy, Penny, Mikaela and Emalyn. We officially said goodbye at the service on the 7th of August. We shared lunch together after the service.
Congratulations Gayatri & Sanjay Sagar on the arrival of Ruhi Sagar, sister to Brianna born 15th August 2022.
Congratulations to Gateway’s A Reserve Men’s Basketball team on reaching finals. They played in the Baptist Grand Final on Saturday 27th August, and were runners up to the Free Reformed Men’s team. Final result 26 to 40.
Our sincere love and condolences are extended to all the family of Chris Sundstrup who died at home on 31st August. Chris was a valued member of Gateway, a willing contributor and much appreciated Church Treasurer.


George Town Baptist worship

Guest speakers visit
Pastor Abdul-Karim Kamara brought the message to George Town Baptist Church on Sunday Morning 28th August.  He asked the question “How Keen Are you to Serve the Lord?”  It was a challenging and uplifting message. 

Wade Miller, whose family once owned the Hillwood apple and berry farms spoke at the September Breakfast meeting. 


Newstead's Men in the Shed

Men in the shed
One recent Friday, the men were treated to some time in the shed with the master, Phil Marston, telling his story of the blessing of procuring these machines that enable him to manufacture anything out of metal.  One such labour of love is his Lila (purple) 1948 Dodge Fargo which we got to have a look and listen to.  Phil also demonstrated the art of cutting a thread on a bolt. 

The men left with a couple of reflections: A master who has been doing the job for a long time knows his tools and what he is working with, reflecting Jeremiah 18:1-17 the Potter and the clay.  Finally, when change comes, when our eyes are on God and not our situation we come out the stronger and blessed.

Spring into action!
Newstead Baptist is springing into spring starting a new series: The Kings Apprentice: Our Moments with the Master, and providing resources to participate in a 40-day prayer guide.

On Sunday August 28th we had a meeting to develop our strategic plan for the next five years.

Pastor Dan is also glad to be moved into their new house in Newstead, and took a couple of weeks off to settle in.


Eskleigh Service

A Very Special Service
On Sunday, 4th September we celebrated our Church’s link to the Eskleigh Foundation which has, amongst its other services for people with a disability, this residential home in Perth.

Originally, our Church Hall was built by David and Mary Gibson and opened 160 years ago. When it grew too small, they built our Tabernacle in 1888, in which we continue to meet. When their large family home got too big for them, they gave it to the community as a place for adults with severe or multiple disabilities.

Several residents and their carers attend our morning service and where suitable other events during the week.

How the day went

On this particular Sunday, we had three buses turn up at 9:05 with a sense that the morning was going to be special.

How different to attend a service where our friends met, welcomed, and prayed for us. Two helped take up our offering with great enthusiasm, and another prayed her special prayer of thanks.

Ron, a carer who has continued to work past his age of retirement to bring them to our service, spoke of the impact coming to church has on the residents. To him, he believes that every Sunday morning has an impact. He referred to the scarfs and other things knitted by our members and the other gifts given to them over the years.

We were blessed to sit and be ministered to so enthusiastically by our lovely friends.

The theme of the service was Kindness, with a link to 1 Corinthians 13 with the encouragement for us all to seek out our neighbour as the Good Samaritan did, and show that special kindness that comes from God’s love to all we encounter people every day.

It is such a blessing that one of our members works at Eskleigh, and has a day-to-day relationship with the staff and residents. Rob arranged and led the service, followed by a great morning tea and fellowship.



Latrobe Chocolate Winterfest

Chocolate Winterfest
The weekend of 14th August saw the return of the Latrobe Chocolate Winterfest, after a two year absence because of Covid. The Latrobe church over the years has taken part in the festival by inviting the Choir of High Hopes from Launceston to come and perform in the church on the Sunday afternoon. This year it was wonderful to have them back again.  25 choir members came and presented a wonderful afternoon of songs and items.

A “chocolate themed afternoon tea” followed, which everyone loved.  Many people contributed to the amazing food on offer which included biscuits decorated with music notes in keeping with the music from the Choir. This was a great opportunity to be part of the community, and to be a witness to the people of Latrobe.


Wynyard Baptist Church

Getting together
Just Blokes meets quarterly with some very interesting speakers. In June we heard from a former policeman who spoke of his work and his journey of overcoming cancer.

Just Girls.  In June, our ladies met for breakfast at a cafe in Burnie, then onto some retail therapy in Devonport. In July, we met for lunch and enjoyed an interesting PowerPoint presentation. It was given by a local lady who has lived and worked overseas for many years.

Wednesday Get Together meets twice monthly. It’s a great time of fun and fellowship with carpet bowls and board games, a shared morning tea and a cake to celebrate those who have had birthdays.

Child sponsorship. We continue to support two children through Baptist World Aid with money from our cappuccino sales on Sunday morning after-church fellowship. 



God is our Refuge and Strength Ps 46:1
Psalm 46:1 was a key verse
during the DV Awareness Training

Domestic Violence Awareness We recently held a day seminar to inform us about domestic violence. This is to begin to prepare us as a church to minister to people who have suffered in this way.  25 people were educated, inspired, challenged, and began to see possibilities of how Citywide might develop a ministry in this area. 

Alpha Citywide are in the middle of an Alpha course, the first we’ve offered for many years.  We are delighted over 50 people attend, of whom approximately 12 are first time questioners and open to seeking God.  Please pray with us for Kingdom growth.

Life Group Leaders’ Lunch We recently held the first of quarterly lunches for Life Group Leaders for training, encouragement and sharing of group issues. At Citywide, 10 different groups operate involving 100 people. We want to increase our support of these valuable groups who facilitate a large part of our pastoral care. 


Heather Hunt

Farewell Heather
Claremont are sad to announce that Heather Elise Hunt died on Saturday 23rd July after a short illness. She was aged 94.

You can read of Heather’s incredible work during the formation of Claremont Baptist. It was published in the recent Claremont Baptist Church Profile >


Hobart News

Youth car wash
HBC Youth, combined with the Boys’ Brigade, are raising funds to support a Karen teacher in a Thai refugee camp. So far they have raised over $1100, including $450 from a Saturday afternoon car wash and coffee event. Nice work everyone!

Alpha Course
A Sunday afternoon Alpha course began at Hobart on 31st July, and will continue through until 9th October. Please pray for the participants, especially for those who are new to faith. It has been a very encouraging time of seeking and searching the answers to important life questions.

Living Hope
For the last few months our sermons have focused on Peter’s letters with Living Hope – Changing Your Life for the Better. Jesus-followers are called to a Living Hope – hope that is alive and a hope that is lived.
As well, we have ceased our pre-recorded YouTube services and are now live-streaming. These are available from 10am Sunday mornings on the Hobart Baptist YouTube channel.

Read ReCharge

August/September 2022

Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
Church Profile Claremont Baptist
From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

September 2022 NEWS
August 2022 NEWS

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Around the Churches August-September 2022

Latrobe Baptist Men’s Shed

Latrobe Men's Shed new lathe
Advance Oct-Nov-20, Latrobe Men's Shed

missional initiative:

Community Project with Built-in Opportunities

The Latrobe Men’s Shed is a community project of the Latrobe Baptist Church. The basic premise of the shed is to provide an informal place, where men can spend a couple of hours meeting new friends whilst engaging in manual activity or for simply just to chat over cuppa.

The generous support of the Latrobe City Council made the erection of the shed, at the rear of the Church property, possible; plus a grant of $40,000 from the Tasmanian Community Fund; grants from local businesses; and the financial support of the Latrobe Baptist Church itself.

2013, saw the erection of a new shed. The demolition of the old shed, and subsequent rebuild, took 1163 manhours, much of the time given voluntarily.

Latrobe Men's Shed, some of the crew
Some of the crew
Latrobe Men's Shed new lathe
New work bench

The nuts and bolts of the Latrobe Men’s Shed

The men meet at the shed on Fridays from 9am to 1pm, with a tool-box meeting at 10am and a barbecue at noon. Members are encouraged to spend one third of their time on charity and community projects, one third of their time on Shed maintenance and one third of their time on their own projects.

Participants can at all times find someone to have a talk to, including the Pastor of the Latrobe Church, the Rev. Ralph Terry who is always in attendance.

The Shed takes in projects from the local community. The first project was the refurbishment of Kinder furniture for the Sassafras Primary School.

Apart from getting to know each other, the men learn how to use equipment and how to make useful items. To facilitate this there are, at times, skilled tradesmen in attendance who teach skills such as wood turning. Pursuits include general woodwork, mechanical repairs, jewellery, and antique restorations.

Latrobe Baptsist Men's shed, new picnic table for delivery
New picnic table for delivery
Latrobe Men's Shed new lathes
Men work on lathes

For all creatures, great and small

In all, the Latrobe Men’s Shed has completed 360 projects including the already mentioned Primary School furnishings, small cars for Operation Christmas Child, widow’s gardens, 30 Billy-carts, garden seats, gymnasium boxes, bird feeders, wood turning projects, two kitchen renovations, letter boxes, a pig pen and rabbit hutches.

A committee of five runs the shed, and 57 men have joined since its beginning. There are those who have taken on the tasks of Property Officers, Auditor of the financial records, and general helpers.

Naturally, the work came to an abrupt end earlier this year with the onset of the Corona virus, but it reopened again on 20 June, after a three-month break.

Let’s remember to pray for Rev. Ralph Terry, and others at Latrobe Baptist, as they provide friendship, support and encouragement for men in their community using the Latrobe Men’s Shed.

Latrobe Men's Shed, tools down for a barbie
Tools down! Time to fire up the barbie for lunch

Laurie Rowston writes about Latrobe Men's Shed

Laurie Rowston
Tas Baptists’ Historian and
occasional writer