Deep Thought July 2022

Courage to reengage reimagine and realign

Deep ThoughtA bi-monthly feature in ReCharge

Courage to Make a Difference

During 2022 Tasmanian Baptists are engaging with the concept of (EN)COURAGE,
as we REENGAGE, REIMAINGE and REALIGN with the Gospel in our own communities.

In this Deep Thought reflection, Mark Wilson has some thoughts to inspire you to take hold of that courage.

As Christians, we are called to be different. Not only in who we are, but in the difference we make. It’s a daunting challenge!

Ephesians 5:8-9 “For once you (followers of Christ) were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true”

Be the Change

As followers of Christ, we are different by nature to make a different impact.

The Kingdom of God requires us to be different: Courage to make a difference

When we embrace the same values, lifestyles, practices, and priorities as the world around us, we have nothing to say of any consequence to that world. We may see the brokenness, the pain, the anxiety, and the shame, but when we are both in the world and like the world, we can offer very little to bring change.

The Gospel fundamentally calls us to be the change. Grace beckons us to be conduits of transformation. The Kingdom of God requires us to be different. It’s a requirement that is not for the faint-hearted.

Our spouse needs us to be different. Our children need it. And our workplaces need it too. By God’s grace, change comes first to us … and then through us.

So, different how?  In what we watch, how we parent, in our language, in our priorities, in how we treat others, how we lead. Different in love, in hope and in compassion. In forgiveness, in peace-making, in spending, in web-surfing and in just about every way we can imagine.

Learning from the Martyrs

Richard Rohr, in his book Everything Belongs, writes:

Richard Rohr Everything Belongs

“Underneath the language of orthodoxy and obedience (is) fear of a God who has not been experienced. Teaching and community without the necessary experience of the Holy One, often creates dry, ineffectual, and disappointing Christianity.”

Pre-Constantine, with Emperors like Nero (54-68 AD), Decius (249-251 AD), and Diocletian (284-305 AD) countless followers of Jesus were martyred for their faith, often in brutal and unspeakable ways. Perpetrators and executioners conceived shocking acts of violence, as Christian women and men bravely stood firm for Christ.

In the fourth and fifth Centuries, various church leaders and theologians reflected on the blood-soaked era of the martyrs. What did they learn? How might those deaths inspire us to live differently; to live better?

They generally concluded that those faithful martyrs could teach us at least three things.

  • Firstly, endurance built their faith and character.
  • Secondly, the faith of the martyrs ensured their eternal salvation.
  • But thirdly, and very importantly, the church fathers wrote about the martyrs receiving the gift of parresia, a Greek word meaning boldness or courage.

This courage was not the product of parental training. Nor did it come from natural grit and determination. Rather, parresia was a gift (a grace) from God; special courage that was needed for the moment to remain faithful, and to fulfill the will and plan of God.

The martyrs – thousands of Christian sisters and brothers whose names I do not know, but who are deeply known by the Father – encourage me to think that their extraordinary boldness and courage came as a gift from God, just in time. It was courage to make a difference in the world around them.

Giving God Glory

Whatever challenges you are facing, pray that Christ would grant you this same grace, this same courage. Not that you might emerge as a powerful person, but that God might receive glory and honour through you.

Few of us are called to martyrdom, but many of us will be called to stand boldly for the King and His Kingdom, in our marriages, workplaces, schools and communities.

In this, we will be truly different!

Rev. Mark Wilson is the National Ministries Director for Australian Baptist Ministries.

More Deep Thought

Just Mercy by Michael Henderson
On Becoming Wise Elders by Mike Frost

Read ReCharge

June/July ReCharge 2022

Around the Churches: June/July 2022, North, Northwest and South
Ministry Profile: Matt Holloway, Westbury
Your Church CAN: Caring for Foster Carers
Tas Baptists Grow: Hobart Vision Church
Youth: Hobart Baptist Church
From the Mission Director: Take Courage in Dark Times
Church Profile: Gateway Baptist

July 2022 NEWS
June 2022 NEWS

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Courage to make a difference

Matt Holloway – Westbury

Matt Holloway and Lacey

Ministry Profile

Matt Holloway

Matt began as the new pastor at Westbury in April, moving from Shepparton Victoria when Tasmania called him back!

From TAS to NSW

I was born in Burnie, and lived there until I was about four and a half. Burnie was a wonderful place to live. I loved living on a hill and seeing the beach every time we went into town. It’s so good that I have many great and funny memories of life in Burnie.

My dad trained for, and began ministry, as a Baptist Pastor in NSW, so I began and completed my primary school life there . This let me experience a wonderful mix of city life and outback living, as life as a pastor’s kid moved us around. I didn’t enjoy the busy city life, but I loved the life in the outback and all the adventures that came with it.

My dad was my inspiration for becoming a Christian. In his early life, my dad had been a chronic alcoholic. He didn’t have much education, and couldn’t really read or write, only enough basics to get through everyday life. He gave his life to Christ after marrying my mum.

During my early years he felt called to ministry and accepted God’s call. I watched my dad grow in faith, and I watched God give him the abilities to study and complete his college work. Seeing God at work in dad, I wanted to know and have this God in my life. One night as dad was heading out for street mission, I decided this was it. I grabbed him by the leg and told him I wouldn’t let go until I had Jesus in my life.

And from VIC to TAS!

Matt Holloway and Lacey

My wife Lacey, my son Larry, and I moved to Tasmania in April this year. I had wanted to move back to Tasmania for some time. Lacey and I had a belated honeymoon in Tasmania, and she expressed how good it would be to live here one day. After God heard our hearts and with much discernment, God opened an opportunity to come to Tassie. We moved over to Westbury after being called to pastor Westbury Baptist.

I enjoy how beautiful Tasmania and Westbury are. After living in such a flat part of Victoria, I love the mountains and the nature around us. I am excited to find time to get out and explore it. I also love the people. People here are so friendly and engaging. I am excited to get to know my local community.

The way I spend my time is constantly changing. It is a mixture of preparing for Sunday worship service, engaging with the local community, meetings, coffee meet ups, appointments, and time with family. What I should to say is Loving God, loving family, and Loving others.

Connection and challenge

I am privileged to be the Pastor at Westbury Baptist church. My role is to nurture and grow believers in their faith and to engage with the local community to make Christ known and grow his kingdom. I love connecting with people and discovering people’s journeys. It is such a privilege to be let into other people’s lives, to journey with them, and share Christ with them. What excites me most is seeing God at work in people’s lives and situations, especially people finding Christ for the first time.

There are many challenges in ministry and everyday life. There is time management, making time for church, community engagement, appointments, most importantly God and family. As a newcomer to town, there are challenges as I seek to engage with the community. Finding where and how to connect in the community. Many people have been hurt by churches in the past and this presents challenges on connecting with them now and then there is the constant spiritual battle that goes on daily as I seek to gain ground for God.

Praying for Matt and Lacey

I would really appreciate if you would pray for us. Pray that God will open doors to reach into the community of Westbury and the surrounding area. That God would give discernment on how to manage time to be effective, that my heart and focus is on Jesus and the people he wants me to engage with. And finally, that I would see and overcome the spiritual battles waged against us as we seek to do God’s will.

The best advice I have had is to give God your availability and he will give you the ability to do what he calls you to do.” It is only through Christ, his strength and empowering that we can step into the calling on our lives and carry out his will.

And briefly

I am looking forward to … exploring Tassie with my family, including my mother-in-law who I hadn’t met until recently because she lives in Georgia USA!

I am worried about … homelessness and housing shortage and the wider unseen implications. It is very concerning.

I am confident that … we are where God wants us, and God will use us.  My aim is to always be seeking God’s will.

I am joyful about … serving God and spending time with my family.

I would like to change ... church from being comfortable inside to going beyond the walls to the people and places that God calls us.

I am at my best when … close to God and functioning in God’s strength.

More Ministry Profiles

Read ReCharge

June/July ReCharge 2022

Around the Churches: June/July 2022, North, Northwest and South
Deep Thought: Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson, ABM
Your Church CAN: Caring for Foster Carers
Tas Baptists Grow: Hobart Vision Church
Youth: Hobart Baptist Church
From the Mission Director: Take Courage in Dark Times
Church Profile: Gateway Baptist

July 2022 NEWS
June 2022 NEWS

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Supporting Foster Carers

Caring for Foster Carers

Your church can care too

Churches are a huge support network for foster parents, suggests Mary Dickins of Fostering Hope.

Over the last couple of years, Tasmanian Baptists have partnered with Fostering Hope to encourage churches to care for foster children. It is no secret Fostering Hope believes the local church is ideally placed to wrap around foster, kinship, and other informal carer families in support.

Foster carers open their homes to children who have been removed from their families of birth, and enter a new world. It is a world of childhood trauma, broken attachments, liaising with the Department, and working with birth families. All while trying to do the most important thing, offering security, belonging, and love to the children in their home!

Caring for foster carers

What Christian foster carers need are both other people on the journey who ‘get it’, and their church family.

The other people who get it are other foster and kinship carers. This is the role of Fostering Hope’s community of Christian foster, kinship, and grandparent carers.

Church community is also needed to support the carers, the new children in the home, and biological children in foster care families.

Caring for foster carers

Stories from carers

Churches make a HUGE difference for carers. Below are some quotes from our foster carers. Sometimes, church support can be the factor which enables a family to step into fostering in the first place:

“There are many ways our church has shown they are with us and for us as we foster. We received so much encouragement and prayer as we started the process. One church member looked after our birth children every week so we could attend the training.

It really makes a big difference to know people are standing with us.

We asked our small group to be our ‘official’ support network. They have provided meals, babysitting, sourcing a cot – as well as emotional support for us. It really makes a big difference to know people are standing with us, who understand what we are doing and why!” 

Having people respond when things are exceptionally challenging, can make impossible things possible:

Foster Carers - just me

Caring for Foster Carers

“Our two little girls entered our home at 18 months and three years old. Although we’ll never know the full extent of all they experienced in early life, one thing we knew for sure was that food caused them extreme anxiety. It’s likely they hadn’t always been given food regularly, so when mealtimes approached or at shared meal events, like church morning teas, they saw food and ate.

We had older biological children in our home, so managing the four children after church was extremely challenging. Our church stepped in to help. Each of our foster daughters had someone with them during morning tea. The aim was not to discipline them, but help get a plate of food and sit down. This reduced anxiety for me after church so much. It meant I could enjoy a cuppa and fellowship, and my biological children could hang out with their friends.

This was simple and practical, but showed acceptance of our children

This was simple and practical, but showed acceptance of our children, not judgement, and a willingness to see what we needed. I don’t know if I’d be going to church if this hadn’t happened.

It is amazing to find a church who are willing to learn about trauma. To learn why children come into care, and goes the extra step to ensure structures and processes work for carers’ children too. Fostering Hope has trauma-awareness training to meet this need for churches.

Foster Care - Just Me
Caring for Foster Carers

“Sadly, we had to leave our last church. It broke our heart to do it, but we had to put our foster child first. The church they just didn’t understand our concerns when they started using Facebook to broadcast services live.

We explained the risks of him being on social media. But their solution was that we should just keep him to the side – meaning he would never be able to engage in services with the other children. 

They learnt about trauma, understood the complexities of being a carer

“Our new church now is completely different. They learnt about trauma, understood the complexities of being a carer. Through this learning, they can offer a more child safe program not just for our son, but all children.

Caring for Foster Carers

Sal Alas Photography; Mary Dickins

To find out about Fostering Hope‘s trauma-awareness training for your church, please contact Mary Dickins:

Read ReCharge

June/July 2022

Around the Churches: June/July 2022, North, Northwest and South
Deep Thought: Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson, ABM
Ministry Profile: Matt Holloway, Westbury
TB Growth: Hobart Vision Church
Our Youth: Hobart Baptist
From the MD: Hope in the Dark Times
Church Profile: Gateway Baptist
Tas Baptist NEWS: June 2022, July 2022

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ReCharge NEWS June 2022

May Assembly 2022 - ReCharge News June 2022

29th June 2022

Pictured Above: Worship time at the Mid-year Assembly, May 2022
Table of Contents

    APBF Hybrid Congress

    5-7th September – online

    The Asia Pacific Baptist Federation Congress meets regularly every five years, touching thousands of Baptists every time. APBF has witnessed the faithfulness of God in Asia and the Pacific over the period of 40 years as they have grown to almost 40,000 churches today.

    The 10th APBF Congress calls Baptists to gather with the theme Stronger Together in its first Hybrid Congress (available to both in-person and online attendees) and witness yet again God’s faithfulness. In-person in South Korea will allow delegates to interact face-to-face with the speakers. While the online version will provide a seamless flexibility to join the Congress from your location. 

    Find out more > | REGISTER Church ($250) > | REGISTER individual ($50) >

    Citywide Prays for Hobart

    Citywide prays For Hobart

    Encouraging prayer event

    During the shortest daylight week of 19-26 June, coinciding with Dark Mofo, Citywide people were encouraged to seek God through prayer and fasting.

    In addition to personal resources, everyone was encouraged to do a neighbourhood walk, praying over the homes and people as they passed.

    As well, they met on Rosny Hill on the shortest night to pray for and over the City.

    Maybe you could organise a time for your church to pray for your town or city?

    Library Aid International

    Library aid - 11 boxes to go
    Just 10 boxes to go!

    Burnie, Tasmania

    We are ecstatic at Library Aid International in Burnie. Ten more boxes will fill our ninth shipping container of teacher resources, school supplies, books and computers that will head to Zimbabwe (see picture at right). It was expected to be ready in September but will now be in the next month or so.

    Our greatest need

    Library Aid-Empty container for books
    This container is looking pretty empty

    We want to make a start on our tenth container, but our inwards goods container is pretty empty, see picture below.

    Our greatest need IS NOT for finances! It is for books and school supplies as per the attached list. Please pray for these to come our way, especially via school and public libraries that we have good contact with.

    To send books and other educational aids to Library Aid International contact Ian Hubble: | Message on Facebook

    The Values Project

    Australian Baptist Ministries

    A great resource for your church or small group!

    The Values Project is designed to help organisations, churches and groups reflect, talk and learn about our identity and values as communities of faith within the Australian Baptist movement.

    As we are reminded of the values that underpin the historical and cultural backbone of our movement, we reflect on how these values impact our attitudes, practices and decisions in our unique contexts.

    The Values Project strengthens our sense of identity, encourages connectedness and community across our movement, and informs decision making and leadership.

    Four free episodes are available, along with corresponding Scripts, Facilitator’s Guide, Discussion notes, and sermon ideas.

    The 4-5 minute videos each focus on one of our four values: 1. Jesus-Centred 2. Community 3. Mission 4. Freedom. They are a great basis for discussion and understanding Baptists, particularly for those new to the movement.

    PROXIMITY Pastors’ Muster

    Tuesday 26th July (start with lunch) to Wednesday 27th July (end with lunch)

    Proximity Muster 2022

    The July Muster will be held in Burnie and is themed around the idea of PROXIMITY.

    Proximity is about living close to people so you see them, love them and can listen to them. It will build on from our exploration of Courage at the March Muster.

    Over the past 50 years or so, pastors have often been trained to keep people at arm’s length – in our programs and systems and organisations. This is quite strange given that Jesus became like us and “moved in to the neighbourhood” (Jn 1:14 MSG).

    At this Muster we will focus in on being driven to get to know people as people, rather than as demographics, target markets or workers.

    • WHEN Tuesday July 26 (start with lunch) to Wednesday July 27 (end with lunch)
    • VENUE Burnie Baptist Church
    • THEME Proximity
    • ACCOMMODATION Attendees are responsible for their own accommodation. If you need assistance, please let us know.
    • COST $95 – Covers lunch, afternoon tea and dinner on Tuesday and morning tea and lunch on Wednesday
    • BOOKINGS Contact RODNEY MARSHALL via email:

    HEADS UP! Our final Muster for the year will be over two nights at the Silo Hotel, Launceston, 19th-21st September 2022. All expenses paid.

    Alpha: You’re Invited!

    Join with Hobart Baptist’s Alpha course

    Alpha is an opportunity to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment.

    ALL WELCOME! In-person and online options are available.

    • WHEN 12:30pm, Sundays from 31st July until 9th October
    • WHERE
      • Online via Zoom OR
      • Hobart Baptist Church, 284 Elizabeth Street Hobart
    • REGISTER Email
    • INFO

    Emergencies Ministry Training

    Tasmanian Council of Churches Emergencies Ministry

    9.30am to 4pm, FRIDAY 1st July
    Campbell Town – Memorial Oval Function Room
    Lunch and snacks provided.
    Registrations close 20th June 2022

    TCC Emergencies Ministry deploys faith-based volunteers to care for affected people in situations such as evacuation centres during fires and floods. To train for this ministry no formal qualifications are required but a positive reference from your faith community leader is essential.

    The Federal Government is funding the training scheduled training, so the usual day-long Personal Support training is now offered at the very reduced price of $20+GST (usually $100+GST).

    The training day is for both new volunteers and for current volunteers who are due for a refresher course (due every three years).

    Topics covered include:

    • Understanding the emergency setting
    • Tasmanian Emergency Management Arrangements
    • The impacts of emergencies on individuals and communities
    • Psychological First Aid principles
    • Emotional & Spiritual Care principles
    • The role of a TCC Emergencies Ministry volunteer

    Stamps for Overseas Mission

    Help raise funds for Baptist Mission Australia

    Your Used Stamps Can Make a Huge Impact

    For more than 50 years, Australian Baptists have collected and sold stamps to raise money for Baptist Mission Australia. This simple fundraiser generates about $70,000 every year!

    With electronic mediums replacing much of our posted mail, used stamps are becoming harder to source. Thankfully, they are becoming more valuable owing to scarcity.

    Jill Ashdown, of Gateway Baptist, oversees this ministry for churches in Tasmania, and she invites anyone to assist by collecting stamps. Stamps received from our churches can be delivered to the Tasmanian Baptist State Office at Riverlands Longford.

    Accumulations, old stamp albums, postal history and other stamp memorabilia are also very welcome.

    What to do:

    • Prepare the stamps by cutting the stamps off the envelope, leaving a 5mm border around the edge.
    • Collect a bundle in a box, envelope or bag.
    • Drop them off to Riverlands Longford, 159 Wellington St, Longford. The office is open Mon-Fri 9am-1pm. Or else, call to arrange a suitable time: 6391 2202

    Other questions? Contact Jill Ashdown: 0439 354 849 |

    EmpowHer 24-Hour Retreat

    EmpowHer, south

    5pm to 5pm, Fri/Sat 24-25 June 2022

    Shelter Retreat June 2022

    SHELTER . . .

    Everyone needs it. God provides it. We sleep, eat and live in it.

    But how do you live in the SHELTER of the Most High God?

    “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

    Psalm 91:1
    • Led by Denise Stephenson (LifeWay) and Jenny Baxter (Hobart)
    • $45/person Covers food and materials. (This is a non-residential retreat.) Contact us if you have hesitations about cost. There are other ways you can contribute.
    • Invite Others: Download brochure

    Unholy Matrimony

    Nonviolent Direct Action on the Streets of Launceston
    Tas Baptist NEWS June 2022

    In April, Extinction Rebellion Northern Tasmania (XRNT) held a street theatre, Unholy Matrimony, in the centre of Launceston. It aimed to light-heartedly draw attention to the ‘love affair’ between the Australian Government and the fossil fuel industry.

    Sally Staley and Jeff McKinnon from City Baptist Church were amongst four who were arrested that day and face court on 8th June. In all about ten people from City Baptist were involved.

    • Recharge: What did XRNT hope to achieve by presenting Unholy Matrimony?
      Jeff: Despite 30 years of formal reporting by climate scientists and lobbying by concerned citizens, XRNT believes the response of the Australian government has been far too little. Since 2019, XRNT has held mildly disruptive events at which volunteers may be arrested. XRNT maintains an excellent relationship with Tasmania Police.
    • ReCharge: Why participate in XRNT events given you face the risk of imprisonment?
      Sally: Imprisonment is not something I think about. Many Christians throughout history, starting with Jesus himself, faced court, imprisonment and more.  I am nothing like those great saints. But when there is an issue so important as what we face today, with the degradation and destruction of our Lord’s creation, there is a drive within me to alert people to the need to stop polluting creation. The thought of imprisonment does not enter the frame!

    Read ReCharge

    June/July ReCharge 2022

    Your Church CAN: Caring for Foster Carers
    Tas Baptists Grow: Hobart Vision Church
    Youth: Hobart Baptist Church
    From the Mission Director: Take Courage in Dark Times
    Church Profile: Gateway Baptist

    July 2022 NEWS
    May 2022 NEWS
    April 2022 NEWS
    March 2022 NEWS
    February 2022 NEWS

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    Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

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    ReCharge News June 2022

    Hobart Vision Church

    Hobart vision church

    Growing Tas Baptists

    Hobart Vision Church

    The Hobart Vision (Korean ) Church is a Korean-speaking church which was accepted into Tasmanian Baptist at the May 2022 Assembly. Usually, 60-70 people (including about 27 kids) meet at Hobart Baptist on Sunday afternoons, as well as a smaller number for early weekday prayer meetings.

    The church also streams their services, which are picked up in Hobart, across Australia and also in Korea!

    About Pastor Samuel at Hobart Vision Church

    Pastor Samuel Jo

    Pastor Samuel Jo has been with Hobart Vision Church since July 2019. Samuel has five children. The oldest son, Abraham, is in Melbourne for his 2nd year at Monash University. The youngest is five years old in kindergarten. Pastor Samuel graduated from Hillsong Leadership College majoring in worship-leading.

    Samuel is pleased to tell ReCharge about Hobart Vision church, saying, “First of all, I am very grateful to introduce our church, and thank Tasmanian Baptists for giving me this opportunity.”

    How it all began

    Hobart Vision Church dates back 28 years, when it started with one faithful family of an ordained deacon under the name of ‘Hobart Cheil Church’.

    The church was without a pastor and the Sunday service was all about playing a tape brought from Korea, and having a meal together after the sermon. For those who missed Korea, meeting Koreans once a week, and eating Korean food, was a time to experience their hometown.

    At this time, regardless of their beliefs, the non-Christians who shared a longing for Korean food with Koreans later became truly valuable leaders.

    The church had a pastoral ministry and gathered in Sandy Bay to serve Korean Christians for over 24 years as a part of the Uniting Church.

    Hobart Vision Korean Church
    Worship service and sharing a meal

    Making moves

    However, four years ago the current Hobart Vision Church left the Uniting Church as a result of theological differences over sexuality. Consequently, it planted again as an independent church, without a pastor.

    Finding a church building wasn’t easy, but the church was able to rent and use St Stephen’s Church (the Red Chapel church, Sandy Bay), where they have worshiped for the past four years. Then, earlier this year, the meeting venue changed to Hobart Baptist Church.

    Hobart Vision Korean Church
    Hobart Vision Church children sing in the Red Chapel, Sandy Bay

    A place to come back to

    Hobart Vision Korean Church
    Meeting in the Hobart Baptist “Tab”

    Since 2019 the church has seen steady growth. The church originally planted with 70 members, and shrank to 30 within a year. It then grew to 70 again within a year. Pastor Jo Sung-min once confessed that all of this was God’s grace, saying, “I’m really happy that it is a church where the members, who have forgotten the church before, can come back to Christ!”

    The church is so pleased to have been accepted into the Tasmanian Baptist Union. To determine the denomination we would join, our members needed a firm biblical position in relation to sexuality. However, the biggest reason is the member-centred voting policy of the Baptist denomination. And further, rather than insisting on white Australians, the Baptists opened wide doors for us to become one with them.

    Vision and Mission

    Hobart Vision Church has a grand vision. The goal is to grow the Korean diaspora into influential believers in Korean and Australian society, trained in Hobart. That is why we are doing our best to provide Sunday School and Korean Language School for the next generation.

    The goal is to grow the Korean diaspora into influential believers in Korean and Australian society, trained in Hobart.

    Hobart Vision Church is closely connected to the Korean community in Hobart by serving and supporting elders in Hobart, and helping the Hobart Korean community committee. The church also uses the parent network through schools to create opportunities for connection.

    We regularly stream our services such as our weekday early morning services, and Sunday services. There are not great number of viewers in Hobart yet, however there are many more viewers in Melbourne and Sydney, and also in Korea who are support our eMinistry. 

    Hobart Vision Church

    What you need to know . . .

    Meeting times
    • 6-7am Weekdays: Early Morning Services
    • 8-9pm Fridays: Holy Spirit Prayer
    • 3-4:30pm Sundays: Worship Service
    In addition to Sunday services
    • Korean Language School
    • Taekwondo in Long Beach
    • Friday Night Prayer Meeting
    • Cell Meeting (small group meeting)

    Read ReCharge

    June/July 2022

    Around the Churches: June/July 2022, North, Northwest and South
    Deep Thought: Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson, ABM
    Ministry Profile: Matt Holloway, Westbury
    Fostering: Your Church Can
    Our Youth: Hobart Baptist
    From the MD: Hope in the Dark Times
    Church Profile: Gateway Baptist
    Tas Baptist NEWS: June 2022, July 2022

    DOWNLOAD Recent Issues of ReCharge

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    Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

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    Hobart Baptist Youth

    ABOVE: HBC Youth From left, Yvette, Elizabeth, Fiona, Bryce, Hyland, Hannah, Timothy, Jeremiah.

    Hobart Baptist Youth

    The youth at Hobart Baptist meet three times a month on Sundays, and have some great events happening every so often on Saturday nights. They are led by two of the dads, who are hard-working and valued members of the Hobart Baptist congregation.

    In this issue of ReCharge, some of the youth wrote reflections on their activities.

    HBC Youth is all about knowing God and His word and inviting others to do the same. We have heaps of fun together, and do some pretty cool stuff. 

    Activities nights

    One week we had a scavenger hunt, when we ran around the church finding Bible verses and looking for the clue. Another time we went to K-Mart, and we were given $10 and had to buy specific items under the 4 categories: the most things (in a packet), the most useful, the bluest, and the healthiest things. But all for under $10. 

    We did these things to spend time together and focus on creating and establishing relationships

    We also did some mini golf at Putters. That time, we split up into four teams of 3-4 people and spent two hours competing against group members.  

    It was great to do these things to spend time together outside of a youth session and focus on creating and establishing relationships and getting together with people outside of our church.

    Fundraising initiative

    At HBC we have a strong refugee Karen community. Last year, Pastor Paw Nay, a significant member in the Karen community, informed us of the need for Bible school teachers within the refugee camp in Thailand.  So, as a youth group we raised over $1800 for one teacher’s salary to teach in the Bible school in a refugee camp on the Thai border.

    To raise this money, we held barbeques and collected donations from the people in the church. We also had a ‘volunteer’ outside advertising the barbeque to invite people. In December we were able to present pastor Paw Nay with legit stacks [of money]. This year we hope to raise the same amount of money, but in two instalments.

    HBC youth fundraiser
    HBC Youth Fundraiser, 2021

    What else is going on?

    Our youth have big plans for the rest of the year!

    In addition to a regular Sunday morning Bible study, we make time to get together for some fun activities. These plans include a bonfire night, movie night, Zone 3, games night, rock-climbing, aquatic centre, and BBQ and activities night. Our Saturday night activities are a great chance to invite friends who mightn’t be involved in churches or youth group.

    Find us on the HBC website: 

    Written by HBC Youth

    Read ReCharge

    June/July 2022

    Around the Churches: June/July 2022, North, Northwest and South
    Deep Thought: Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson, ABM
    Ministry Profile: Matt Holloway, Westbury
    TB Growth: Hobart Vision Church
    Fostering: Your Church Can
    From the MD: Hope in the Dark Times
    Church Profile: Gateway Baptist
    Tas Baptist NEWS: June 2022, July 2022

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    Take Courage in Dark Times

    Take courage in the dark times

    New Perspective in the Dark

    Stephen Baxter suggests we can take courage, even when things feel really dark.

    On one occasion when the Jewish religious leaders again questioned Jesus why he healed on the Sabbath, he replied, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working … the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” (John 5:17, 19 NIV)

    These words are the inspiration for my prayer for many years, “Father, help me to see what you are doing so I may be like Jesus, and do nothing by myself, but mimic your work in the world.”

    However, I’ve discovered that sometimes it’s difficult to see what God is doing.

    Let me explain . . .

    The stars shone like diamonds, Take Courage

    It was a dark moonless night in early Spring. I was about 12 years old, and we were holidaying at my grandfather’s farm. A highlight of any stay was staying up late to go spotlighting. On this particular night, just after turning into our first paddock, we got bogged. The ute was up to its axles in mud, and it was going nowhere.

    After my uncle set off to fetch a tractor from the farmhouse a few kilometres away, my brother, father, grandfather and I sat in the back of the ute. While we were waiting, we gazed in awe at the night the sky.

    There are some things about God, and the beauty of creation, which can only be seen and appreciated in the dark.

    It was in the outback, a long way from anywhere with no moon and no lights. The stars shone like diamonds. It was a magical moment as we followed satellites and shooting stars and talked of planets, suns, galaxies and God. The display of beauty and power filled my heart with wonder and awe.

    An unexpected realisation

    Recently, I’ve reflected on how that moment illustrates a profound insight. There are some things about God, and the beauty of creation, which can only be appreciated in the dark.

    This realisation is somewhat counter-intuitive, because we normally associate God with light, and for good reason. The Bible is full of metaphors about God being light, and the opposite of darkness. However, it also speaks of God creating darkness, and darkness being as light to God (Ps 139:12).

    The Bible is also full of people who encountered God in the darkness, not just physical darkness, but the dark times of life. I’m thinking of Job, Jacob, Esther, Jonah, the sisters of Lazarus, the apostle Paul, and Jesus himself.

    Suffering and loss, grief and betrayal are the fertile soil where deep lessons to do with wisdom and compassion germinate and grow.  

    Some things, it seems, can only be learned through dark times. Suffering and loss, grief and betrayal are the fertile soil where deep lessons to do with wisdom and compassion germinate and grow.  

    There are many who suggest we live in dark times. A global pandemic, wars in Europe, Asia and Africa, concerns around the changing climate and culture wars across the West are just a few examples. It is a challenging moment for the Church too, particularly in the West. Our churches on the whole, are shrinking, there is much antagonism towards us, and many are working to suppress our voice and action.

    Our response: to take courage

    It is right to lament and work for solutions to the challenges we face, but there is more to this moment than that. Although our natural reaction is a “fight or flight” response, there is another way – we can take courage.

    In this dark moment we can trust in God’s goodness. We can be assured of God’s love, presence and good purposes. And we can be alert to all God has to show us: things new and profound, things we have never seen before, things we could never see in the light.

    So my encouragement is for us to pray, and keep on praying, “Father, help us to see what you are doing that we may be like Jesus and do nothing by ourselves, but mimic your work in our world, to the glory of your name.”

    Stephen Baxter
    Stephen Baxter

    Stephen Baxter is Tasmanian Baptist’s Mission Director

    Deep Thought: Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson, ABM
    Ministry Profile: Matt Holloway, Westbury
    TB Growth: Hobart Vision Church
    Fostering: Your Church Can
    Our Youth: Hobart Baptist
    Church Profile: Gateway Baptist
    Tas Baptist NEWS: June 2022, July 2022

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    Gateway Baptist Church

    Gateway Baptist church
    Church Profile

    Gateway was once known as Memorial Baptist Church, and is one of Tasmanian Baptists’ oldest continuously used church buildings.

    Pastor Noel Eagling oversees a vibrant church which engages regularly with the local Launceston community.

    Read on for an overview of Gateway’s ministry by Linda Guy; the beginnings of Gateway as Reed Memorial Baptist Church; and the precious memories of a lifetime by Lee Campbell.

    Gateway Baptist: Jesus only, Mighty to Save


    OUR MESSAGE: Jesus Only, Mighty to Save
    OUR MISSION: In the heart of the city, with a heart for the people

    By Linda Guy

    Old church. Old people. Past our use-by date? Absolutely not!

    The current Gateway congregation is very aware and appreciative of its rich heritage in the faithfulness of previous generations. Gateway is a place of intersections: people connecting and then dispersing in service across the city, the state, the nation and the world.

    The faithful commitment to mission of those who came before, echoes into the present, and encourages us to continue the story.

    We can address our three priorities: These Walls, Within These Walls and Beyond These Walls.

    The present – where we are

    With 146 years of history behind us, where are we today? We are nowhere near the capacity of our beautiful heritage church. Many of us are not as young, or as capable, as we once were. We have just a few treasured families with young children. Our aging buildings present ongoing challenges for maintenance, and with equipping with ever-changing technology.

    We are small in number, small in resources, and limited in the manpower we can bring to ministries and projects. Yet we can address our three priorities: These Walls, Within These Walls and Beyond These Walls.

    We want to see our history echoing faithfulness through the present, and into the future.

    These Walls

    Beckie and Noel Eagling, Gateway Baptist Church
    Beckie and Noel Eagling

    Noel and Beckie Eagling, our pastors who joined us in 2019, have directed us through some changes breathing new life into our old walls.  Much needed repairs and painting by Mobile Mission Maintenance transformed our hall into an art gallery now known as Artway. Christian artists come and work in the space, and their paintings now decorate the walls.

    Visiting groups such as lacemakers, miniaturists and school students spend mornings engaged in creative activities. Evening painting sessions raise funds for missions.  A willing group of talented cooks provide lunches in this relaxed and inspiring setting. 

    There are plans to grow the Artway ministry through offering lessons. This will provide opportunities for people in the community to come and enjoy the process of creating an artwork.

    Within These Walls

    Within our walls there is warm fellowship, as people connect with, and support, each other through life’s difficulties, challenges and heartaches. The experience that comes with weathering the ups and downs of employment, and bringing up families in changing circumstances, translates to wisdom to be shared with those who are not so far through the journey.

    People are knitted together by their love for Jesus, and for each other.

    Many roles are quietly and efficiently carried out to help ministries and programs to run smoothly. Age is no barrier to continuing service or taking up new ministries. People gather in various groups for craft, or walking, or Bible study, or mentoring, or morning teas. They are knitted together by their love for Jesus, and for each other.

    Beyond These Walls

    Beyond our walls, our heart for mission is revealed.

    • We have a strong connection with a church in Thailand, forged through the sponsorship of children facilitated by Compassion.
    • A school in Haiti has commenced in the last four years through the efforts and connections of a retired couple.
    • A washing basket at the front of our church is filled with groceries that go to families with a member in prison.
    • Shoeboxes, 150 of them! were packed with donations and handmade items last year for Samaritan’s Purse.
    • Friday night markets are well received by our local community. 
    • Other people are involved with various agencies such as Barnabas Fund, City Mission, Gideons, Shekinah House, and Prison Fellowship, generously giving their time and energy to the good work of these organisations.

    Not too old to dream, we want to see our seats filled, our spaces spruced up and purposeful.

    We want to see our history echoing faithfulness through the present, and into the future.

    Linda Guy has been attending Gateway for the past 16 years and has appreciated the loving and supportive fellowship. She is a busy grandmother who enjoys retirement and currently serves on Church Council.

    Why “Reed Memorial” Church?

    Gateway Baptist - why Reed Memorial Church
    • Memorial Baptist Bible Study q896
    • Memeorial Baptist Band and Choir 1900
    • Memorial Baptist CE 1948
    • Memorial Baptist Church AKA Gateway Baptist

    The Church I See

    By Lee Campbell

    Looking back over the years at Gateway (formerly Memorial Baptist church), I see a church that has had a significant past in the life of Launceston and beyond.

    Our church celebrates 146 years of ministry this year, and it amazes me that God has allowed me to be a very small part of his greater picture for half of those 146 years! As an inner-city church, and due to its seating capacity, Gateway has been able to hold large, combined services, Evangelical Missions and many, many large events.

    My Father and Mother were always very involved in the ministry of the Church, as were my Grandparents. I remember my family being the first there of a Sunday morning to open the building, and the last to leave, such was the commitment. I have had the privilege of sitting under the teachings of 14 full time Ministers, and numerous interim Pastors since I was young.

    Early Memories

    Sunday School picnics at Paper Beach

    My first memory at our Church is Sunday School, held every Sunday before Church. In the 50’s and 60’s, the Sunday School was very active and even if the parents didn’t attend Church they would make sure their children went to learn about God.

    Every year there was a Sunday School Picnic at Paper Beach, a beach well known for its jellyfish! This didn’t seem to matter though, as the day was a family day, filled with all sorts of food, ginger beer, beach cricket, running races, and a small bag of boiled lollies to eat on the bus on the way home.

    Every year there was a Sunday School Picnic at Paper Beach

    A memorable annual event was the Christmas Social with games, items and of course an enormous supper consisting of homemade cream cakes, sandwiches and fresh fruit salad and cream! On the Sunday School Anniversary, the children sang and shared what they had learnt, each one decked out in a new outfit hoping for a book prize for their achievements.

    Events, and more events!

    Gateway Baptist

    Evangelists such as Hudson Taylor, Gordon Moyes and Bill Newman conducted meetings in the building, resulting in many decisions made for Christ. From the late 70’s, gospel concerts were regular events as artists such as David Meece, Larry Norman, Evie Tornquist, The Proclaimers and many, many more. As well, the Christmas and Easter Pageants included many people from outside the church, who came to hear the gospel and witness the stories of Jesus.

    From the late 70’s, gospel concerts were regular events

    Of course, there were also the Baptist Union Assemblies and Christian Endeavour Conventions. Three-course hot meals were prepared and cooked in the kitchen for all the delegates, with the help of other ladies from local Baptist Churches.

    Seeing the church with gratitude

    I can still see the long trestle tables with white tablecloths set out in the Hall, adorned with shiny cutlery and plates, while a lovely blazing fire burnt bright in the fireplace. There was always lots of talk and laugher at these meals as people formed new friendships.

    I am so grateful that the church I have been part of for 72 years has always made it a priority to preach God’s word and truth and to proclaim ‘JESUS, ONLY, MIGHTY TO SAVE’!!

    Our God truly is an awesome God. Give HIM the GLORY for ALL HE HAS DONE.

    Gateway Baptist Church, Lee and Ian

    Lee Campbell and her husband Ian have been very active in the life of Gateway over the years.  Their role nowadays is to uphold people in prayer and be an encouragement whenever they can.

    Read ReCharge

    June/July 2022

    Around the Churches: June/July 2022, North, Northwest and South
    Deep Thought: Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson, ABM
    Ministry Profile: Matt Holloway, Westbury
    TB Growth: Hobart Vision Church
    Fostering: Your Church Can
    Our Youth: Hobart Baptist
    From the MD: Hope in the Dark Times

    Tas Baptist NEWS: June 2022, July 2022

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    Faith Runs Deep

    Faith Runs Deep - Hobart

    Faith Runs Deep

    Release of a 12-part video series, exploring stories of faith across Australia, through Olive Tree Media

    Faith Runs Deep unearths stories of more than 40 Australians, past and present, who have been impacted by Jesus and have gone on to have a significant influence within the Australian community.

    Production company Olive Tree Media also made the award-winning series, Jesus the Game Changer and Towards Belief. Olive Tree CEO Karl Faase, worked with his experienced production team. As well, Karl’s wife Jane produced the series. They filmed some of the material as they drove across Australia in an iconic Australian Holden ute.

    The series tells stories that few know about, and unearths the deep influence of Christian faith in the Australian culture.

    Karl Faase

    Watch the Trailer:

    Shifting the narrative

    Karl commented, “This is a unique video series, with high production values telling stories that few know about and unearthing the deep influence of Christian faith in the Australian culture.

    “We need a shift in the narrative around Christian faith in our country. Telling inspirational stories of people who have had a deep influence in our country and culture is what we are seeking to do.”

    Multiple storylines

    Karl and Jane Faase

    The series has three plots. First the historical and academic reflections. The second is personal stores from today of people with lives impacted by the Gospel. These include musician Colin Buchanan, ex-deputy PM John Anderson, bull rider Tim Kelly, indigenous artist Narelle Urquhart, AFL premiership winner Shaun Hart and Olympian Eloise Wellings. 

    Lastly, stories of the host and producer behind the series, Karl and Jane Faase. They will introduce viewers to some of the unique and untold stories from their lives and journey of faith.

    “We see the series being used in churches and ministries across Australia as a demonstration of where faith runs deep in our nation. It will serve as an inspiration and encouragement to the church.”


    Karl Faase

    Karl Faase is a well-known Australian Christian communicator. He is the CEO of Christian media company Olive Tree Media and host of Jesus the Game Changer TV/DVD series. As well, he is the presenter of the Daily Nudge radio spots. Karl is also the Board chair for Samaritans Purse and BGEA Australia.

    Read ReCharge

    April/May 2022

    Faith Runs Deep Video Series
    May Assembly Overview
    Around the Churches
    Pastoral Profile: Dan Evenhuis
    Fostering Hope: Respite Carers needed!
    Deep Thought: Mike Frost – Becoming wise
    Being Strong and Courageous
    Wynyard Baptist Food Drive
    Church Profile: Citywide

    May 2022 NEWS
    April 2022 NEWS

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    ReCharge NEWS May 2022

    NEWS May 22-ANZAC Day in the Park 2022 Sack Race with Citywide

    25th May 2022

    Pictured Above: Citywide helped organise ANZAC Day in the Park, in Lenah Valley
    Table of Contents

      Family Faith Rhythm Cards

      The Australian Baptist Ministries Next Gen team have created a set of cards families can use to dig deeper in discipleship practices.

      “It’s a really good resource for households.”

      Jenna Blackwell, Tas Baptists’ Mission Leadership Coach

      This set of cards has been designed for families of all types and stages.

      The twenty included activities fall into four broad categories – discovering God’s big story, experiencing Jesus, showing God’s love and remembering and celebrating.


      Download Here >
      Order printed cards from the Tas Baptist office: (03) 6391 2202;

      Hybrid Conference

      BWA Annual Gathering, 10-15 July 2022

      BWA Hybrid Conference 2022

      It’s less than two months until the 2022 Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering, hosted in the United States for the first time in 40 years, and the first in-person event since 2020.

      Gathering on the beautiful campus of Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama (USA), Baptists will unite July 10-15 for a strategic time of prayer, fellowship, learning and planning together with a special emphasis on racial justice. 

      Committed to make participation possible for as many Baptists around the world as possible, the event includes:

      1) Affordable Accommodation: Through BWA’s partnership with Samford, convenient and affordable lodging includes meals on campus. However, space is limited, so it’s important to reserve your spot today. The deadline for accommodation reservations is May 31.

      2) Virtual Registrations: Understanding that travel is still difficult for many, the Annual Gathering is planned to be the first hybrid BWA event. There is a virtual registration option, which includes streaming access to key corporate sessions, the online event networking platform, and unique on-demand content.

      Find out more about the Conference

      SHELTER Retreat

      EmpowHer, south

      5pm to 5pm, FRI/SAT 24-25 June 2022, Blackmans Bay

      Shelter Retreat June 2022


      Everyone needs it. God provides it. We sleep, eat and live in it.

      But how do you live in the SHELTER of the Most High God?

      “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

      Psalm 91:1
      • Led by Denise Stephenson (LifeWay) and Jenny Baxter (Hobart)
      • $45/person Covers food and materials. (This is a non-residential retreat.) Contact us if you have hesitations about cost. There are other ways you can contribute.
      • Get your Rego form SMS Jenny: 0401 652 566
      • Invite Others! Download brochure

      Faith Runs Deep

      Karl Faase

      Video series with Karl Faase

      A unique 12-part video series unearthing stories of faith that have impacted Australia was released by Olive Tree Media on Wednesday, 4th May.

      Faith Runs Deep unearths stories of more than 40 Australians past and present who have been impacted by Jesus and have gone on to have a significant influence within the Australian community.

      The series is produced by Olive Tree Media, makers of the award-winning series, Jesus the Game Changer and Towards Belief. Olive Tree CEO and former Senior Pastor of Gymea Baptist Karl Faase, worked with their experienced production team, as well as Karl’s wife and series producer Jane Faase.

      MORE: Faith Runs Deep in ReCharge, 25 May 2022.

      Tasmania Celebration

      Will Graham event to bring HOPE

      My State Arena 21 May | Silverdome: 27/28/29 May

      The Tasmania Celebration was a free event with live music featuring evangelist Will Graham.

      Read the official wrap-up HERE >

      Musical guests performed, and Will Graham offered a message of hope. Will, the grandson of the late evangelist Billy Graham, has shared the truth of the Gospel with more than one million people on six continents.

      The main event was preceded by Kidzfest and Youth events.


      Kidzfest with Dan Warlow

      Tailored for primary school kids but the whole family is welcome! All children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

      Dan Warlow: a leading Australian Christian Kids’ Music artist and entertainer performing in schools, churches, festivals and community events.
      The Quest: A new, 20-minute interactive video Gospel presentation, that combines live action and animation to share the hope of Jesus with children.


      Youthfest ran into the main event with PlanetBoom at 6pm

      For Highschool kids up – suggested age range (12–25). Youth under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible person 16+.

      PlanetBoom – a Youth band and ministry of Planetshakers.
      + Youth activities | FREE food and more!
      Youth ticket (Hobart) includes main Celebration with Cass (Cassandra Kanda), The Afters and Evangelist Will Graham.

      Hobart Wrap-Up

      • Attendance for the Hobart Celebration over one day: (Kidzfest | Youth | Celebration) was over  2000 people
      • Over 220 people responded to the call for salvation.
      • Almost 50% of responses were young people (10-25 years)
      • Over 70% of responses were 1st time salvation
      • Plus over 1100 viewed online with 24 responses

      Launceston Wrap-Up

      • Attendance for the Launceston Celebration over three days: (Kidzfest | Youth | Celebration) was nearly 4000 people
      • Over 450 people responded to the call for salvation.
      • Over 80% of responses were young people (10-25 years)
      • Nearly 60% of responses were 1st time salvation
      • Plus over 4600 viewed online with 79 responses

      Support Refugees in Kyev

      The main Evangelical Free church, in Kyev Ukraine, is one of many hubs assisting refugees out of danger zones.

      Refugees leaving in a bus
      Refugees at the church’s bus in Kyev

      Refugees are brought to the hub, fed and tended to medically if necessary. Then they are taken on buses to various other cities in Ukraine.

      Director of City Networks, Kelvin Smith (Hobart Baptist) is friends with Anton, a pastor with the Evangelical Free denomination. Anton’s father, Antonoli, is Bishop of that denomination which represents about 80 churches. Both men have remained in Kyev throughout the invasion.

      Thankfully, the church was donated two 51-seater buses, and have two drivers and a van to aid their efforts. A free medical service is stationed at the hub. More than 3000 refugees have been moved in this manner. 

      The cost of fuel for continually running the buses is about USD$1500 per week. The cost of food at the shelter is about USD$1000 per week. 

      If you contribute, 100% of proceeds will go to fuel and food for refugees.

      Find out more:

      Domestic Abuse Resource

      Tas Baptists would like to make you aware of a new resource from ABM called the Safer Spaces Toolkit. A team of Australian Baptist women created the toolkit to equip churches to address domestic abuse, and help build relationally healthy cultures.

      Domestic abuse continues to be a significant issue for our nation, and it’s an issue that doesn’t discriminate. Sadly, domestic abuse occurs in every ethnic, social and economic group throughout Australia, and it also occurs within our churches. 

      Domestic abuse continues to be a significant issue for our nation, and it doesn’t discriminate. It occurs in every ethnic, social and economic group throughout Australia, including our churches.

      Despite this, we are not a people without hope. Churches can be (and often are) at the forefront of providing safe and caring environments for victim-survivors of abuse and can build cultures that model healthy and respectful relationships.

      We are grateful for the work our churches have already done to address domestic abuse in their churches and communities. The Safer Spaces Toolkit helps pastors and church leaders continue on that journey.

      Materials in the Safer Spaces Toolkit include:

      Sermons: A trauma-informed preaching lens
      Videos: Subject matter experts on various topics related to domestic abuse and building healthy relationships
      Training modules created specifically with church leaders in mind
      Resources: Links to a number of other resources

      It’s all free because of the generous sponsorship of Baptist Insurance Services, Baptist Financial Services and Baptist World Alliance Women

      May Mission Month

      As followers of Jesus, he calls us to cross the street, step out, build bridges and meet people where they are. The call is to live alongside our neighbours with the hope of Jesus. That’s what our intercultural teams around the world do! And it’s what church communities in Australia are called to as well. 

      The theme for May Mission Month 2022 is ‘Crossing the Street’.

      Resources are available for your faith community to engage with mission and Baptist Mission Australia’s ministry in a new way.

      Read ReCharge

      April/May 2022

      Faith Runs Deep Video Series
      May Assembly Overview
      Around the Churches
      Pastoral Profile: Dan Evenhuis
      Fostering Hope: Respite Carers needed!
      Deep Thought: Mike Frost – Becoming wise
      Being Strong and Courageous
      Wynyard Baptist Food Drive
      Church Profile: Citywide

      April 2022 NEWS

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      ReCharge News May 2022