reCharge NEWS October 2023

25th October 2023 | reCharge News

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    Support those affected by the Middle East Crisis

    Baptist World Aid are taking action. You can too.

    Baptist World Aid have activated a disaster appeal to respond to this unfolding crisis and enable local Christian Partners to provide urgent assistance to civilians affected by the conflict as soon as humanitarian corridors are open.  

    Together, we’re grieving the violence that is causing immeasurable suffering, and mourning with those whose loved ones have been killed or are being held captive. We’re distressed for the one million people who’ve been displaced, and all those innocent civilians living in fear across the region today. 

    Baptist World Aid request the help of the Baptist Family. Donations will enable local Christian Partners to provide urgent assistance to families affected by this conflict as soon as possible. 

    Appeal details. DONATE HERE > | Resources for churches are also available >

    Baptist churches across Israel and the Palestinian territories, including Gaza Baptist Church, have requested fervent prayer for peace. ‘Let us follow paths of peacemaking that unequivocally reject terrorism or any acts that target civilians,’ the Baptist World Alliance said, in a statement on behalf of churches in the region, ‘Let us generously provide help and support with the compassion of Christ.’  

    Please join us in praying for peace, hope and security for the entire region, so all can enjoy fullness of life as he intends. We’re yearning for the day the prophet Isaiah spoke of when swords will be beaten into ploughshares. (Isaiah 4:1)   

    Hiroshima Survival

    Original Documentary: Australian Veteran’s Incredible Story

    This documentary features Dennis and Laura Ludbey formerly of Ulverstone Baptist Church.

    mainly music at Westbury

    Westbury Baptist Church, mainly music

    Westbury Baptist have established mainly music in order to connect strategically with families in their local community.

    Children and their parents enjoy songs and activities together. Parents and carers discover others in their community and form friendships.

    Through the program, Westbury Baptist will have an opportunity to reveal Jesus through their interaction and engagement. Together, with the support of mainly ministries, they’ll be creating a joy-filled community of belonging.

    First time free, then $5 per family. Ages 0-4 plus parents/carers.

    Westbury Baptist Church, 53 Franklin Street, Westbury, TAS 7303

    Doors open at 9:45 and music starts at 10am, followed by morning tea and play time.

    Find out more >

    Farewell Mal Garvin

    18 November 1941 – 3 October 2023

    Family and friends were warmly invited to attend the memorial service of Mal Garvin at 11:30am on Thursday 12th October at Citywide, 400 Cambridge Rd, Mornington.

    READ: An article about the service on Thursday 12th October, including an overview of Mal’s life.
    WATCH: The entire service on YouTube.

    Mal Garvin memorial service, 11:30am Thurs 12th October 2023, Citywide Baptist Church Mornington

    Follower of Jesus, loved and loving husband of Jenny. Loved and loving father and father-in-law of Matt and Leeanne, Liz and David, Danni and Dan, Nathaniel and Renee. Proud and loved Papa of Maddi, Josh (and Jen), Dan, Sophie (and Mitch), Simeon, Anya, Zoe, Josuahm, Ollie, Bridie, Lilly and Tim.
    Friend and mentor to hundreds across the country and around the world.

    Domestic Violence Resources

    The Safer Spaces Toolkit

    An endorsed project of Australian Baptist Ministries, The Safer Space Toolkit is aimed at resourcing pastors and church leaders to address domestic abuse and build relationally healthy communities.

    FIND OUT MORE: Preaching tools, training sessions, videos and user guide.
    WATCH the introductory video, below

    This project started as a result of recognising domestic abuse resources were often available only by region, and there was a need to create a resource that could be accessed by any pastor anywhere, with access to the Internet.

    The project working group is made up of Baptist women from around the country who have expertise in pastoral leadership, theology, teaching, domestic abuse and project management.

    Compliance Reminder

    Is your church ChildSafe?

    The Safe Church deadline is fast approaching! 1st January 2024 is the date to meet all the Safe Church requirements, as set out by the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act approved by parliament in May 2023.

    Child Safe training for Safe Churches

    Training has begun in every region of the state. If your church has not yet begun the process, you are encouraged to get onto it urgently.

    As a refresher, you could read the article by Administrator Rodney Marshall which was published in June: Safe Churches Update >

    For more information please contact:

    LifeWay comes 3rd!

    Crossover Quiz Night Results

    Australia’s Baptistist Quiz Night

    Crossover Quiz night 2023

    Well done to all the teams who participated in the online quiz night on Saturday 2nd September. A big thank you from Crossover for joining in!

    Crossover raised just over $1,100 from the night.

    Special mention to the top 3 teams: 

    1. Knightsbridge Baptist Church SA 
    2. Richmond Baptist Church SA 
    3. Lifeway Devonport Tas

    State Leaderboard:
    1. South Australia/Northern Territory
    2. Tasmania (Woohoo! Go Tasmania!)
    3. Western Australia
    4. Queensland
    5. New South Wales/ACT
    6. Victoria

    Funeral Notice

    Farewell Markus Sebastian


    Friends and relatives were invited to attend the service to celebrate the life of Mr Markus Sebastian at Gateway Baptist Church 22 Wellington Street, Launceston on Friday 29th September 2023, commencing at 11 am.

    The service was conducted by Rev. Michael Eleveld, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Launceston. This invitation was extended to those who knew Markus. He would have loved to see people he knew there.

    Please also be in prayer for Stephanie Sebastian (SU Tas), daughter Charlie and son Michel.

    Australian Christian Book Awards 2023

    The Australian Christian Literature Awards encourage Christian writing and publishing that helps people discover Jesus in a way that is authentic and culturally meaningful. The SparkLit Awards recognise and encourage excellence in Australian Christian writing and publishing.

    Held recently in Melbourne, the awards revealed some amazing writers along with their books. Check out the shortlisted books as well, because they also produced some gems. (Maybe there’s some Christmas shopping in the wind today?)

    WINNER! Australian Christian Book of the Year 2023

    Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture by Christopher Watkin
    A philosopher uses the Bible to analyse and interpret contemporary Western culture.

    Australian Christian Book of the Year award winner 2023

    WINNER! Australian Christian Teen Writer 2023

    Caleb MacLaren from Victoria won the 2023 Australian Christian Teen Writer Award with his screenplay The Journey.

    In a modern twist on the Noah’s Ark story, this script follows four companions as they navigate an empty world devastated by an alien attack. 

    Australian Christian Teen Writer of the Year award winner 2023

    Fostering Hope

    Mentoring Program in Hobart

    The next Fostering Hope training day is in Hobart on Saturday, October 14.

    Fostering Hope are a community organisation whose work comes from the Bible and the teachings of Jesus to ‘visit’ and ‘care for’ orphans and widows, to put the lonely in families, to love the fatherless, to care for children, and to love the neighbours in the communities. Tasmanian Baptists partner with Fostering Hope partner to provide foster care to Tasmanian children.

    Through their Mentoring Program, Fostering Hope seeks to provide a “friend with purpose” for kids in care.

    If you are looking for a way to live out your faith in caring for those in need, you can make a difference for a child in care. Please get in touch to talk about how to be equipped with training, connected with a child, and provided with ongoing support as you mentor. With just a few hours a month, you can significantly impact the life of a child in care for the better.

    Find out more or apply HERE | Reach out to Ellie (

    Fostering Hope Mentoring Day, Hobart 14th October 2023
ReCharge News October 2023

    Crossover Resource

    Baptism Week Ideas Guide

    15-22 October 2023

    National Baptism Week logo
    Crossover Baptism Week, Oct 2023

    National Baptism Week will be an opportunity for churches, youth groups, small groups and ministries across Australia to celebrate, explore and offer baptism.
    Check out the short explainer video and Ideas Guide, as well as baptism resources on our new Baptism Hub. Joining in is very simple – no need to register or report back – you can use Baptism Week in your own way.

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    reCharge News October 2023