Around the Churches, August-September 2023

Around the Churches August-September 2023

Every two months you can catch up with the latest news in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.



Texan Visit 2023

For the 11th time in 14 years The Point Baptist hosted a Texan mission trip. Chris and Heather Horton, from the Lake Fork district, east of Dallas, headed the visit.

This year Chris and Heather were accompanied by daughter Dempsey, and her good friend Heaven. Dempsey has stayed on for 12 months to lead the youth work in the church.

The Point Chruch profile, Texan visit 2023
Texans at Launceston Gorge; Chris speaks at the Men’s Night; Heaven (L) and Dempsey (R)

Over three weeks in July, numerous events included men, women and children, all with the aim of sharing Jesus. After great family concert, the youth held an impromptu and very entertaining karaoke session. The school holiday basketball camp connected with local youth.

Reconnecting with people was a real focus of the trip. It was encouraging to see some on the fringe of the fellowship attending church again. No commitments to faith in Jesus were made during the trip, however, our experience is these often follow later.

Additionally, the encouragement and connection of the fellowship generally, and especially the youth, should not be under-estimated with these efforts. The launching of our new youth work, with Dempsey leading, is especially exciting.

We are thankful to the Lord Jesus for His patience with us and the blessings of seeing people saved through the sharing of His word.

CITY, Launceston

City is enjoying our new location for Sunday gatherings at the Boathouse Function Centre, overlooking the Tamar River and the Gorge.

Following our “Seeds” focus in July, we continue to consider what it means to be seeds of faith, hope, justice and love across our city. We also welcomed Sherry Maddock’s contribution about ‘flourishing gardens’ and how we can be habitats of God’s presence – encouraging and inspiring!

City - Around the Churches August-September 2023
The Boathouse overlooks the Tamar; Pastors Anthea Maynard and Jenna Blackwell; Sheree Maddock (BMA)

Our usual commitments continue – the weekly drop in centre, Stephen Avery’s street chaplaincy, the community garden, supporting women, and more. There are so many opportunities to engage in our city and we look forward to partnering with God and the community more.


On Sunday 27th August, our Matu Church in Launceston celebrated their 10th Anniversary. Maddy Svoboda attended on behalf of Tasmanian Baptists.


9:45-11:30am Wednesdays

On Wednesday 16th August, Westbury began a mainly music program for the neighbourhood children ages 0-4 and their parent/carer.

Music and movement starts at 10am, followed by morning tea, then free play time. First session free, then $5 per family. We are having a blast and still have room for more families!

Here are some prayer points!
Please pray God would prepare and equip the mainly music team and for success and longevity of this ministry.
Pray He uses them as they connect with families in the area.
Also, please pray God brings families who are open to developing relationships which lead to meaningful discussions about faith and God.

Around the Churches August-September 2023


LIFEWAY, Devonpot

Student Pastors

Lifeway recently welcomed two new student pastors, Stuart Crabtree and Morgan Read.

Please be in prayer for them as they settle into their positions. Stuart and Morgan are slowly coming up to speed! Pray God’s blessing for them.

Morgan Read
Stuart Crabtree
Stuart Crabtree


Special event

Latrobe Winterfest with Choir of High Hopes 2023

At the annual Chocolate Winterfest on Sunday 13th August, Latrobe hosted the Choir of High Hopes.


On Fathers Day, we had a time of fellowship with the church familly over morning tea in the foyer.

Many of our ladies met for an afternoon with JUST GIRLS. Our guest speakers, Layla and her grandmother, spoke about their Charity project Laylas Gifts. They explained how they arrange for donated boxes of gifts to be presented to people in need in the community.

At our Just Blokes Pizza Night on Friday 1st September, Craig Hawkins from the Creation Discovery Centre in Beauty Point spoke about Noah’s flood, and the questionable attempts of some contemporary scientific voices to explain the origin of birds as an evolutionary step from dinosaurs. We had a great night with good fellowship and valuable insights from what Craig shared with us.

Wynyard Baptist Church

Around the Churches August-September 2023



Special Services

Lenah Valley’s 75th Anniversary  on Sunday 6th August was a momentous occasion as we celebrated the ministry and life of the Lenah Valley Baptist Church over 75 years.  With the help of Maurice French and Laurie Rowston we published a book full of anecdotes, colour pictures and history which is an interesting read.  Copies are available from Citywide for $20.

Lenah Valley's 75th Anniversary
75 Years of Christian Witness. A History of the Lenah Valley Baptist Church

Baptism  We held another baptism service on 20 August.  Troy is another new convert to the Kingdom from his touches into our web page.  Be encouraged – God moves and works on the hearts of people who have never been in his church before.  Keep praying for those in the shadows who are seeking something to fulfil their lives.

Table Top Sale  Our lively 30’s group organized, promoted and ran a Table Top Sale on Satruday 1st July.  More than half the participants who booked tables and attended were from outside the church. so this became a great way for other community members to come into the building where we could meet and serve them. 
Proceeds went towards the vision of developing a youth space.

Citywide's table top sale
Table Top Sale


Scott Darlow Visits

On Sunday 9th July Hobart Baptist hosted Scott Darlow and his band during the 10am service. Scott is an indigenous singer from Melbourne. It was an amazing morning of encouragement, inspiration, and laughter!

On the same weekend a Multicultural Bazaar took over the building! Several new artists showcased their works, with special food from other cultures being prepared and served.

We even made the ABC News! (Click/tap to read)

Clockwise from Top Left: John Kumara Tasmanian Australian of the year 2023, drumming; Anna opens her Ukrainian artwork; Ethnic food a-plenty!; Ren being filmed for ABC News
Scott Darlow and band visited HBC on Sunday 9th July

Around the Churches August-September 2023

Around the Churches June-July 2023

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August/September 2023


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Around the Churches August-September 2023