The Science of Seeing God

The science of seeing God

Heartlands – Autumn 2022

In Awe of God’s Creation

Gratitude and thankfulness for the World, the Universe, and Everything!

Heartlands News
"I could feel the breeze on my skin. I’d never experienced it before"
Seeing God
“I could feel the breeze on my skin. I’d never experienced it before.”

Recently, I interviewed a young man who had been struggling with addiction since the age of 12. He had completed a program at a Christian rehab centre, and while he was there, he encountered Jesus.

“The first thing I noticed,” he said, “was that I could feel the breeze on my skin. I’d never experienced it before, even though it had been happening the whole time. I was finally able to feel it.”

So, what had changed?

Romans 12:2 explains that you’re transformed as you renew your mind. But how does one go about doing that?

‘You’re blessed when you get your inside world – your mind and heart – put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

Matthew 5:8 (MSG)

Awe and Wonder

Have you ever watched a newborn discover their hand for the first time? It’s mesmerising. They slowly turn their wrist, then watch in wonder as each finger, one by one, moves by the power of their mind, their eyes as wide as dinner plates at the sheer wonder of it. Then they discover their feet and toes and the slow, awe filled dance continues.

But then one day, their hands and feet are just ‘there.’ No longer mesmerising, just existing without fanfare.

A while ago, a friend severed the top of his finger and it had to be surgically reattached. His whole finger was wrapped up tight for weeks while it healed. When it was finally unwrapped, his fingertip was so sensitive to touch, like electricity running through his hand, he had to get used to it all over again. I imagine that’s what it feels like for newborns; every touch like electricity, until their brain and senses adapt.

Auto-pilot vs High alert

The fact is, if we spent our days staring at the wonder of our hands, and feeling electricity at every touch, we wouldn’t get very much done. So our brains have a ‘block out’ system, ensuring we only notice what’s ‘necessary’ at the time. It’s why you can drive home from work and have no recollection of the journey.

Your brain is on ‘auto-pilot’ in familiar surroundings. But it’s on high alert, taking in every street name and landmark when you’re driving in unfamiliar territory. Put simply; if we took in every piece of information thrown at us each day, our brains would not cope.

It means that noticing things which have become familiar doesn’t come easily. We have to consciously make an effort to notice, and strive not to lose the wonder in the familiar. Being transformed, as it were, by the daily renewing our minds (Romans 12:2).

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

Seeing God

So, what does a breeze have to do with seeing God? Well, what if I told you that God is speaking to you every day through His creation?

‘See the marvels of God! He plants flowers and trees all over the earth… “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”’

Psalm 46:8-10 (MSG)

Your whole outlook on the world changes when you literally stop to smell the roses. Stand under a canopy of trees and recognise the creativity that went into designing each leaf, and the delight God must have felt as he crafted each of the colourful birds chattering amongst the branches, and taught them to weave elaborate nests, miraculously engineered to survive summer storms.

smelling roses, seeing God
“Your whole outlook on the world changes when you literally stop to smell the roses.”

I explain more about the science behind ‘God encounters’ in my book, ‘The Simple Joy of Seeing God.’ But when the Bible says, ‘Be still and know that I am God,’ here’s what it really means…

A while ago, I was struggling with anxiety as I walked through a particularly stressful season in my life. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders, literally causing pain in my back and neck. My heart racing, tears flowing, I stepped outside and lay on the thick carpet of grass in our backyard.

As I lay still, gazing upwards, slowly, the thoughts in my head quietened, and for the first time in a long time, I started to hear birds happily chirping as they flittered to-and-fro, and the wistful hum of bees as they gathered around a tree bloom. A sense of peace and lightness came over me.

“Now,” His familiar voice gently whispers, “now I have your attention.”

‘Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence.
Remember the world of wonders he has made.’

Psalm 105:4-5 (MSG)

A.J. Spurr
Author, The Simple Joy of Seeing God (2021)

A.J. Spurr is a speaker, freelance writer and regular radio guest who has worked in media for over 20 years. A.J. is a praying mama of two boys and happy wife of a footy-loving, barbecue aficionado. 

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On Becoming Wise Elders

Annual Assembly attendees Oct 2021

deep thought

Getting Old doesn’t Automatically Make You Wise

Searching for Wisdom

Michael Frost wonders where the wise ones are.

Women at Annual Assembly Oct 2021. Becoming wise elders
TB Annual Assembly 2021

Have you ever wondered why, if our churches are so full of old people, we often have so much difficulty finding the wisdom of elders? You would think all that life experience and Christian living would make us smarter, deeper, wiser.

Especially wiser.

If that were true, the world would be awash with wise elders. We’re living longer than ever. Our retirement villages and nursing homes are full. The aged are all around us.

I’ve concluded that becoming an elder in our society doesn’t happen automatically.

But younger people regularly tell me they can’t find elders they look up to, women and men who can pass on their wisdom and insight. Many older Christians come off as narrowminded, fearful, and suspicious of change.

I’ve concluded that becoming an elder in our society doesn’t happen automatically. It takes intention and focus to become one.

Growing in wisdom

Becoming wise elders
TB Annual Assembly 2021

Sure, the Bible teaches us that, “Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old” (Job 12:12). But such wisdom and understanding aren’t automatically conferred by drifting into some easy agedness.

It takes a plan.

As comedian Matt Black once quipped, “We always romanticise that our elders are wise because of their years of experience, but you know what? Stupid people get old too.”

We need older women and men to be humble enough to remain open to God’s ongoing work in our lives – to embrace courage, serenity, peace, gentleness, and to see the work of our late years to be a blessing to others in their contribution to God’s kingdom.

As we age, we do well to see that growth can still occur, but the growing we undertake in our later years is the humble, expansive work of mentoring, coaching, championing, and celebrating others.

Moving into the future

True elderhood is concerned with being poised and willing to be better stewards of what God has taught us and to provide emerging generations with wisdom and models for how to traverse the challenges that confront them.

As the planet bakes, and nations clash, and public discourse breaks down, younger generations rightly swing between anger and confusion over being left with a world that is so deeply scarred and broken.

Where will they find the wisdom to traverse the future?

Intentionally becoming wise elders

One of the elders I’ve looked to for inspiration is Ann Morisy, a British community theologian and lecturer. In her brilliant book, Bothered and Bewildered, Enacting Hope in Troubled Times (March 2010), she says there are nine aptitudes that wise people need to develop:

  1. NON-ANXIOUS: To be a non-anxious presence in stressful times.
  2. SYSTEMIC THINKING: To practice systemic thinking in order to resist the temptation to blame others when things go wrong.
  3. GRATITUDE: To practice gratitude — even in difficult circumstances.
  4. COURAGEOUS: To engage in courageous micro-actions that counter the inclination towards neo-tribalism and fragmentation rather than social cohesion (e.g., the conversation that Jesus has with the Samaritan woman at the well).
  5. IMAGINATION: To imagine ways of breaking out of the constraints of circumstances and have the motivation and discipline to persist with intentional behaviour.
  6. CONFIDENCE: To gain confidence in the viability of the economy of abundance and generosity that Jesus inducts us into, rather than being beholden to the economy of scarcity.
  7. GOING LIGHTLY: To practice sitting more lightly on the planet in recognition of our thoughtless abuse of the creation.
  8. FRIENDLY: To practice compassion and conviviality.  
  9. AFFIRMING: To draw on the enriching memories of eras past in order to affirm the human capacity to repent and correct our errors.

That’s a pretty decent set of objectives for elders to embrace. And it jives with New Testament teaching on wisdom: “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” (Jas 3:17).

It’s a skill!

Wise elders must commit themselves to the task. We need a plan for developing elders to embrace the things Ann Morisy lists. We need the wisdom that comes from heaven. And we need training programs in elderhood.

As Stephen Jenkinson writes, “Getting older is inevitable, becoming an elder is a skill.”

Michael Frost is the founding director of the Tinsley Institute, a mission study centre located at Morling College in Sydney. He is an internationally recognised missiologist and one of the leading voices in the missional church movement.

He is the author or editor of 19 theological books, the best known of which are the popular and award-winning, The Shaping of Things to Come (2003), Exiles (2006), The Road to Missional (2011) and Surprise the World! (2016). His latest book is ReJesus: Remaking the Church in Our Founder’s Image (2022).

Deep Thought March 2022

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Deep Thought: Mike Frost – Becoming wise
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Becoming wise elders

Being Strong and Courageous

Mt Field Crossroads Tas. Photo credit Jo Sinclair (Being Strong and Courageous)

reengage | reimagine | realign

Tasmanian Baptist Leadership Development Coordinator Jenna Blackwell grapples with being strong and courageous in our new paradigm.

Can you remember a time where you found yourself at a crossroads?

You know the path you think you should take, but you find yourself reverting to a familiar one, with well-worn tracks, common distractions and quite possibly even the same destination that you’ve been to before.

Sound familiar?

It takes courage to move beyond your experiences and presumptions and enter something new.

The Courage to Change

Mt Field Crossroads Tas. Photo credit Jo Sinclair
Being Strong and Courageous
“There is always inherent risk when stepping out of the known.”

Over the last year, Tasmanian Baptists have encouraged individuals and faith communities to reengage, reimagine and realign with God’s mission.

This is a nice concept, but to implement these in our lives takes a lot of courage!

Even fearless entrepreneurs, and those who love change, find themselves tripped up. Maybe the path is different, or a replica of a previous one. But regardless, the formation of experiences, beliefs and values impact the current experience and the end result.

Often we don’t know what stops us getting the desired outcomes. Other times, we might know why we’re getting those results (or not getting), especially in personal leadership and spiritual development. However, we can lack the courage to face our fears and failings needed for different results. The fact is, we usually delude ourselves with defence mechanisms and excuses.

It takes courage to move beyond your experiences and presumptions and enter something new. There is always inherent risk when stepping out of the known. But, isn’t this the faith journey?

What does it look like to walk with courage?

A decade ago,  “courageous faith” probably meant talking to a stranger about Jesus.

While this still takes courage, many people are coming to realise there is courage required to lead oneself to God. This is where it all starts – personal leadership and spiritual development. No matter what your daily life looks like, these are foundational aspects of courageous faith.

So then, what is meant by personal leadership and spiritual development?

It is taking ownership for our contribution to a surrendered life to God. This includes personal times of stillness, practicing listening, inviting others to journey with us (especially in our brokenness), and loving our families and those around us.

This is by no means an exhaustive list.

Being Strong and Courageous

Like a weaned child I am content...
Being Strong and Courageous
Like a weaned child, I am content

Lately, I have reflected on Psalm 131. Verse 2 reveals a picture of a trusting child coming into the loving embrace of a loving and trustworthy parent. This provides an example of how we can come into the arms of God – to rest, to be still, to be loved.

But I have calmed and quietened myself,
    I am like a weaned child with its mother;
    like a weaned child I am content.
Psalm 131:2

But allowing yourself to be truly loved takes courage.

It requires entering the desert and owning your brokenness in order to realise how dearly loved you are. In that stillness, you are (maybe after a time, if you have run without reprieve), strengthened for the journey ahead, by coming into your identity in Christ Jesus.

As it is a journey for the glory of God and the sake of others, this journey also takes courage, which requires surrender.  

The Courage to do it with others

Tas Baptist Assembly Oct 2021 Photo Credit Gabi Dunn
Being Strong and Courageous
“There are some very courageous people in our Tasmanian Baptist community.”

It is also a journey requiring other people. You are not called to a life of individualism, but a life of community. It is in loving one another and doing life with others, that we are sharpened and find a more full picture of God.

It is difficult to make changes without the support or community of others. But changes do occur when other people are invited into the journey. This takes immense courage, for it requires revealing your brokenness. Without such courage, it is possible to remain on familiar paths with familiar outcomes. The wheels keep turning but the endpoint remains the same.

There are some very courageous people in our Tasmanian Baptist community. No doubt you can identify people in your community who you would call courageous. The question is, how do you walk with courage as we reengage, reimagine and realign with God’s mission?

Where to begin

Perhaps it begins with being still – coming into your identity as God’s beloved; entering the desert and facing your brokenness; and quietening your soul. By doing these things you are strengthened for the journey ahead, which is for the glory of God and the sake of others.

If this article has left you challenged, encouraged, or questioning, the Mission and Leadership Development Team would love to hear from you.  

We encourage you to invite others on this courageous journey as you digest the implications of this article.  

Jenna Blackwell

Jenna Blackwell
Tasmanian Baptists Mission and Leadership Coach

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April/May 2022 ReCharge

May Assembly Overview
Around the Churches
Pastoral Profile: Dan Evenhuis
Fostering Hope: Respite Carers needed!
Deep Thought: Mike Frost – Becoming wise
Wynyard Baptist Food Drive
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Being Strong and Courageous

Wynyard Baptist and Lions Club Collaborate

Wynyard Baps food drive. Photo credit Rodney Woods/The Advocate


Owen Muskett and the team at Wynyard Baptist received some local press last week about the Lions Club food drive to gather donations for the ROC* Food Hub!

First published in The Advocate, 30th March 2022

The Advocate page 16, 30-Mar-2022. Article and photo by Rodney Woods

If you are picking up some groceries at either Wynyard’s IGA or Woolworths supermarkets on Thursday and Friday [31st March/1st April], you will be greeted at the entrance by Lions Club of Wynyard members.

They will be at the two stores from 9am both days collecting perishable and non-perishable goods as well as monetary donations for the Wynyard Baptist Church’s ROC Community Food Hub, which assists people who need a helping hand with their groceries.

“The Lions Club have come on board and are doing this food drive so we can continue to supply good, quality, healthy food for those that need a hand in our community,” Wynyard Baptist Church pastor Owen Muskett said.

“There’s always a need for food and it seems the more we have, the more we give away.

“We don’t charge anything and it’s great to be able to give away what we have. This drive will be a great benefit to the food hubs at both Wynyard and Cooee.”

There’s always a need for food and it seems the more we have, the more we give away.

Owen Muskett

Why get involved?

Lions Club of Wynyard president Tony Allen explained why the club decided to get involved.

“Because the ROC are doing such a good job, we decided to assist them by raising money and food donations for their organisation,” he said.

“We have donated money before and we have decided this is a practical way of helping them and getting publicity for both the Lions Club and the ROC at the same time.”

Lions Club and Wynayrd Baptist church work together.
Photo credit Rodney Woods/The Advocate
Left to Right: Neville Woolley (Wynyard Lions Club and Community Hub Volunteer), Tony Allen (Wynyard Lions Club President), Nick Connell (Wynyard Lions Club Secretary) , Aileen Charles (Community Hub Coordinator Volunteer), Owen Muskett (Pastor Wynyard Baptist Church), Gwen Haines (Community Hub Volunteer) and Vonda Hall (Community Hub Volunteer). Photo: Rodney Woods

The Lions Club hopes their profile in the community will increase the donations.

“I think they will be improved as we have a high profile within the town as volunteers,” Mr Allen said. “The need is there so if we can help fulfill that need, good on us.”

The club’s membership director Neville Woolley said Wynyard was a generous town for its size. “Everyone puts their hand in their pocket and every little bit helps.”

EFTPOS donations will be available at Woolworths.

Rodney Woods. Photo credit Brodie Weeding

Rodney Woods
Reporter, The Advocate

This article is republished with kind permission of The Advocate.


Drum roll please!

After the food drive all the donations were gathered and counted over the weekend.

In all, 21 crates of food were collected and $1,340 in donations!

Wynyard Baptist did such a fantastic job. What a great opportunity for the church to reach out to their community through ROC*.

SUCH GENEROSITY! From left: Wynyard Baptist workers Aileen, Owen, Neville and Gwen.

* ROC stands for Redeeming Our Community

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Deep Thought: Mike Frost – Becoming wise
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PROFILE: Citywide Baptist Church

Citywide Congregation at Mornington
Church Profile

Bridging the Gap . . .

. . . from One shore to the Other

Citywide Baptist in Hobart spans two campuses, and stretches across Southern Tasmania. Senior Pastor Matt Garvin explains some of the new initiatives that make it all possible.

Matt’s reflection is followed by a longer-term overview from long-time member Raie Semmens. She and Trevor made the move to the Eastern Shore with a young family back when the Tasman Bridge went down!

What’s Citywide up to?

Pastor Matt Garvin reflects on the Work of Citywide Baptist in the Hobart community and beyond.

When someone asks me how Citywide is doing, I never quite know how to answer.

For a start, most people think about a church being a congregation of people who meet at a certain time every week. In contrast, Citywide has three distinct congregations, along with a pioneering church plant in Levendale, and a growing number of people who are connected online.

New Citywide members - Hobart Nepali Church
New Citywide members: Hobart Nepali Church

Many people also confuse Citywide with our Mornington Campus (the old Eastern Shore Baptist church), but the truth is that the Lenah Valley and the Nepalese congregations are just as much a part of Citywide as Mornington. As well, our Nepalese congregation is by far the fastest growing.

The central question that drives us as a church is what does it means to equip and encourage each other to follow Jesus in every aspect of our individual lives?

Supporting other churches

Our pioneering church plant at Levendale, too, is very much part of Citywide and central to our longer term plans. Small, and local, churches are the most effective way to minister in Tasmania. But running a small church is increasingly complicated.

We hope to use Levendale as a trial to see whether bigger churches can provide enough support to rural churches. Hopefully, each can thrive in their own context. If the experiment is successful we hope to extend the offer of support to other existing or new rural churches around Tassie.

Citywide Levendale

The central question that drives us as a church is what does it means to equip and encourage each other to follow Jesus in every aspect of our individual lives? It is this question that means we are continually coming back to the FOLLOW, BLESS and SHARE practises, which you can read more about HERE.

These are also why we are pursuing forms of online communication which help connect people with the message of Jesus every day. We are hoping to step more intentionally into this space in the coming year.

Getting reorganised

We want to organise our church around equipping our people for their works of service (Eph 4:12) which we understand means helping them discover and pursue their calling. This is why we have reorganised our facilities.

to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

Ephesians 4:12

What was the Pastor’s office is now our Meeting room; and the Associate Pastor’s office is now our Counselling room. Our former general office is now our Lounge/informal meeting space. As well, our staff team work in a big open plan office alongside anyone else from our church who is seeking to pursue some kind of ministry or expression of their calling.  The meeting spaces are available to our whole church family.

Our Nepalese congregation is such an important part of who we are. So because so many of our Nepalese members have strong connections back to their country, it is clear God is calling us to step into mission in Nepal. We are currently in discussion with Baptist Mission Australia about the shape of that emerging frontier for us.

Hobart Nepali Church 2022, at Citywide Lenah Valley
Worship time: Hobart Nepali church at Lenah Valley, 2022

Looking beyond our own backyard

Paul Dare, Citywide Levendale
Paul Dare

In addition to rural ministry, Paul Dare is also leading our church (and Tasmanian Baptists) in moving forwards in our relationship with Tasmanian Aboriginals, and facing the implications of our state’s complicated history. Our Aboriginal Sunday service on the Queens Domain was a real highlight, and we expect to make a habit of engaging with this question as a congregation in different ways two or three times a year.

We also focus on what it means to love our neighbours, and towards that end we cancelled our Sunday service in order to participate in Clean Up Australia Day in March. In addition, we encouraged our people to connect with their neighbours on Neighbour Day, and we are partnering with the Lenah Valley RSL for a Family ANZAC day commemoration.

Aboriginal Sunday Service Jan 2022
Aboriginal Sunday Service on Queens Domain
Citywide participated in Clean Up Australia Day in March 2022
Participating in Clean Up Australia Day

We also focus on what it means to love our neighbours

In addition to all of this, it really seems as though God is at work in the remarkably strong relationships building between churches in Hobart, and particularly the Eastern Shore of Hobart. We are gathering across churches to pray semi-regularly and partnering in lots of different ways.

So how is Citywide doing? We are moving forward but we are conscious that we still have a long way to go, and we are trusting that Jesus will continue to lead us.

Citywide History

Our Last Few Years

By Raie Semmens

New arrival, new fervour

July 2017 saw the arrival of the new pastor, Matt Garvin, whom God called back to Tasmania from Canada, with his wife and family, to minister at Citywide.

Raie and Trevor
Raie and Trevor Semmens

At that time, the church was challenged afresh to be authentic followers of Jesus, and to think about our impact on the wider community. To begin with, Matt encouraged many to participate in the Foundations Course, resulting in a large percentage of the church looking at the basics of our faith and witness.

A direct outcome of Foundations was an outreach to the Lenah Valley community. We held an ANZAC Day festival for families following the local RSL’s ANZAC Day march and service. People enjoyed free food, games and activities, and the RSL appreciated all the work done.

It was very encouraging for those who planned the event, and involved under Matt’s leadership, to see the response from people of all ages. The media also reported positively about this event. Since then, the church has also put on Carols in the Paddock on Christmas eve for the community at Mornington.

Carols in the Paddock 2019
Carols in the Paddock 2019

Tech solutions pre-Covid

With our two campuses, Lenah Valley and Mornington, skilful tech people began live-streaming Sunday worship services from either venue. So when Covid-19 struck, with necessary Public Health precautions, Citywide was ready to share worship and teaching times.

Our YouTube channel enabled a wider audience with Baptists, and other Christians, in Wynyard and Marrawah. Across the state, they connected for fellowship, music and teaching. People who needed assistance to access the technology and engage in the sessions received one-on-one  help and encouragement.

A time to evaluate

A re-assessment of the church’s property and resources have shown how to best serve the church and the community. As a result, we have increased the size of the office space. This provides work stations are available for use to anyone who needs a base to work from. As well, people from the Nepali congregation manage the church café area. Pastor Paul Dare planted a church in Levendale. Plus, we provide practical help with things like printing carol sheets for the local service, as well as prayer and support.

I thank God that over the last five years we have been challenged to reach out to others. Now, we use our gifts and abilities in many different ways to serve others. These are just a few ways we can share our love for Jesus and his love for the world.

Recent Church Profiles

George Town | Latrobe | Hobart | LifeWay (Devonport) | City (Launceston) | Riverlands (Longford)

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Jeff Percival, Lower Barrington

Jeff and Ann Percival, Stephen Baxter, Jeff and Ann's daughter Anitra_6Feb22

Ministry Profile

Jeff Percival

Jeff Percival Lower Barrington
Jeff Percival at Lower Barrington

Jeff Percival was inducted at Lower Barrington Baptist on Sunday 6th February 2022. He is pictured above on induction day with Ann, their daughter Anitra, and Tas Baptists Mission Director Stephen Baxter.

But who is Jeff and what gets him excited? To fill the gaps, Jeff wrote his story. Read on!

The Royal Women’s Hospital in Sydney is where it all began for me. Dad was granted compassionate leave from duty with the air force in Darwin to see his eldest son, just after I was born. He spent most of time with the bomb disposal unit at the Darwin RAAF base. My parents moved to Cronulla in the Sutherland Shire NSW when I was five and I spent all my teenage years there. 

My young sister died at four years old and that event
changed the life of the Percival family

Most of my time outside of school hours was spent surfing at Cronulla beach and sailing in Botany Bay with Dad and my younger brother.

My young sister died at four years old and that event changed the life of the Percival family forever. God intervened in a mighty way when my parents sought answers as to why she had to be taken from us. The long journey ended when they became Christians and joined the local Baptist Church.

Church became a major part of our lives from then on, and Church camps and Sunday school provided great times of fellowship. It was at one of the camps at Tahlee where I was convinced of my need to confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

Working and Ministry Life

Further study after leaving school centred on Accountancy and Purchasing Diploma, and led to a position of Purchasing Manager with a large multi-national company. The fast-paced life in the secular world took its toll after 20 or so years. So, Ann and I moved to the north coast where we built our home in a beautiful dairy valley. By that time, all our children had married, and we now have 15 grandchildren.

“All those who graduated were sent out to supportive churches”

I had begun theological studies with Tabor College, and after several years we were called to Teen Challenge, a Christian drug and Alcohol rehabilitation centre. Our job there was as Camp Director/ Pastor and Counsellors.

We spent three years living with 10 staff and 30 “students”. Teaching was done at four Chapel services a week, and one on Sunday. Counselling was given on a needs basis, and the students lived on site for 12-months. Then, all those who graduated were sent out to supportive churches. There they were encouraged and supported to live drug free.

Never have I been so aware of the sovereignty of God in difficult situations and the changes in the lives of those students who graduated when they yielded their life to Christ. The Lord was so present with us and so real. So much so, it was difficult for all staff to readjust to “normal” life outside when they left.

How Will they Hear?

In later years I began an interim pastoral role with churches who were without a pastor. This brought us to Tasmania in March 2015. Here I have had an itinerant ministry, preaching from north to south, over approximately eight years.

A quotation from Charles Spurgeon I’ve applied to my life since first reading it in the mid-90’s is, “When God calls you to preach the Gospel , don’t stop on the way to become a King.”

I will never decline the opportunity to preach the Gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ. This is because I’ve seen captives set free from the most debilitating addictions. As well, “how will they hear without a preacher?” It is so exciting to see lives transformed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God!

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

Romans 10:14

Blessing upon Blessing

Jeff and Ann Percival
Jeff and Ann

What blessings the Lord has bestowed upon Ann and myself over the years! Here we are at Lower Barrington Baptist Church. It is our new Church family, who are hungry for the Word of God.

These are exciting times for those who watch for His coming to call His children home to be with Him. It is time to be diligent in the study of the Word and prepare ourselves for the Lord’s imminent return. Pray for those who, week by week, preach the unadulterated truth that they never compromise the God they serve.    

In a few words: Jeff Percival

I look forward to worshiping the Lamb and crying, “Holy Holy worthy is the Lamb!”

“Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,
    to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength
    and honour and glory and praise!”

Revelation 5:12 (NIV)

I worry about, and am burdened for, the lost, those who have no living hope! 

I am confident that the current world situation is encapsulated in Psalm 2.

Why do the nations conspire
    and the peoples plot in vain?

Psalm 2:1

I am overjoyed the Lord has seen fit to bless me with an opportunity, at this end of my life, to preach the Gospel.

I am at my best when I am walking with my Lord, confident that He goes before me.   

FIND OUT MORE: Lower Barrington Baptist Church
READ: Dan Evenhuis (Citywide) Ministry Profile

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ReCharge NEWS March 2022

Sunrise, Tasmania Photo credit: Jo Sinclair

23th March 2022

Table of Contents

    Tas Baptist Handbook 2022

    Attention Church Secretaries!

    The Tasmanian Baptist Handbook for 2022 will be published in time for the Mid-year Assembly on May 6-7. YOUR ASSISTANCE IS CRITICAL!

    Please update your church details ASAP, but no later than Monday 4th April.

    To provide the required info, simply click the buttons below to access the two forms.

    Hope and Help Ukraine

    Baptist World Aid

    With Russia’s recent aggression toward Ukraine, a humanitarian crisis is escalating as people leave their homes in search of safety.

    As of 7th March, more than 2 million Ukrainians have fled since their homeland fell under attack, crossing the border to neighbouring countries such as Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. Many are women, children and elderly people leaving loved ones behind, as men of military age join thousands of citizens—men and women—who have stayed to take up arms in defending their country.

    As the situation continues, the UNHCR expects up to four million Ukrainians will be displaced, exacerbating the already urgent need for food, emergency services, medical care and refuge.

    How you can help Ukraine > | Standing with Ukraine Resources >

    Did You Miss Out on the Christian Life and Witness Course?

    Online course now available

    Tasmania Celebration with Will Graham, May 2022

    Christian Life and Witness Course

    The Christian Life and Witness Course offers practical ways for you to grow in your faith in Christ as well as how to effectively share God’s love.

    If you missed the in-person courses, not to worry! An online Christian Life and Witness Course is now available. Register here >

    Please note this class is required for those who wish to serve as a Prayer Volunteer (Counsellor) during the Tasmania Celebration events.  

    Prayer events ahead of the Tasmania Celebration are now being held in Hobart and Launceston. Find out more about prayer events >

    “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” —1 Peter 3:15, NIV

    Family Faith Rhythm Cards

    The Australian Baptist Ministries Next Gen team have created a set of cards families can use to dig deeper in discipleship practices.

    “It’s a really good resource for households.”

    Jenna Blackwell, Tas Baptists’ Mission Leadership Coach

    This set of cards has been designed for families of all types and stages.

    The twenty included activities fall into four broad categories – discovering God’s big story, experiencing Jesus, showing God’s love and remembering and celebrating.


    Download Here >
    Order printed cards from the Tas Baptist office:
    (03) 6391 2202;

    Scripture Union Tas

    Commissioning and Vision Launch

    Peter James SU Tas
    Peter James

    You, and everyone in your church, are invited to to meet with Peter James, CEO SU Australia, and hear about the vision for Scripture Union.

    • A Breakfast Celebration in Hobart
    • A Dessert Night in Ulverstone, or
    • A Commissioning Service in Launceston 

    Get to know Stephanie Sebastian, the new Regional Manager of SU in Tasmania, and find out how you can be involved in turning this vision into reality. Let yourself be inspired by the wonderful SU fellowship in the south of Tasmania, meet old and new friends, and help young people and their families to discover their places in God’s story.

    Cost: FREE

    RSVP for catering purposes by Wednesday, 16th March via or ring the SU office on 62448422.


    9:00-10:30 am Saturday, 19th of March
    Hope Church, 25 Tasma St, North Hobart


    7:00-8:30 pm Saturday, 19th of March
    Ulverstone Anglican Church, 6-10 Kings Parade, Ulverstone (near MacDonald’s)


    2:30 to 4 pm Sunday, 19th of March
    Punchbowl Christian Centre, 100 Punchbowl Road, Punchbowl,

    Position Vacant – Newstead Christian School

    Human Resources & Compliance Manager

    Bringing a Christian perspective to bear in all aspects of his or her work, the HR & Compliance Manger will establish & manage the processes of recruitment, staff wellbeing, records management, work health & safety, employee relations and compliance.

    This is a 0.4 FTE position for 15 hours per week.

    Applications due by Friday 25th March 2022.

    Position Description >

    L***Y Family on Home Mission

    Chris, Amy and children recently returned from a very long stint in Indonesia after they were caught there for an additional two years due to COVID restrictions.

    For security reasons it is not possible to relay the information in their most recent news email. However, you can subscribe to their next e-news distribution here >

    They are safe and well, and taking time to transition back to Australia. You can contact them in Queensland by email.

    Pray for us, so that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified everywhere, just as it is among you. (2 Thessalonians 3:1)

    Baptist Mission Australia

    Watch and learn!

    BMA have released a new video explaining who they are and the work they do. This is a significant transition from Global Interaction, who we were all familiar with.

    Watch the video to find out more:

    BMA Video

    Home Ground Found!

    Intercultural Sports League

    In early February, the Intercultural Sports League, founded by Raj Chopra of IC Church* Glenorchy, had a major win.

    ICSL Leslie Vale oval-screenshot Kingborough Chronicle 15Feb22
    Left to Right: Simon Stebbings, Glenorchy Cricket Operations Director; Hafeez Inayat, Australian Pakistan Club of Tasmania; Ben Smith, Cricket Tasmania; Cr Paula Wriedt, Mayor of Kingborough; Kelvin Smith, Hobart Baptist Church; Raj Chopra, ICSL founder; and Gagan Virk, Tasmanian Punjabi Sports Club.

    The ICSL received permission from the Kingborough Council to use the Leslie Vale cricket oval as its home ground. This is the result of years of searching, and was successful thanks to a partnership with Kingborough Council and support from Cricket Tasmania.

    The ICSL now has over 200 players and 13 teams, including a women’s team, which began this 2021-22 season.

    Find out more about ICSL: Facebook >

    *While IC Church (Intercultural Church) is not a member of the Baptist Union, it is under the auspices of Tas Baptists, and is closely associated with Claremont Baptist.

    Religious Discrimination Bill

    From Australian Baptist Ministries, 23 Feb 2022

    Prior to the disappointing events of the last fortnight, the National Ministries Director, Rev. Mark Wilson, along with Freedom for Faith and other religious groups, had engaged with parliamentarians of all persuasions in the lead up to, and during, the Religious Discrimination Bill debate in federal Parliament.

    After several months of negotiations, a basic bill had received the bi-partisan support necessary to pass without amendments. Two Committee reports released only days before the bill’s introduction indicated the major parties would vote for the bill in both houses. As the sitting week unfolded, deteriorating conditions led to the bill being shelved by the Government.

    Few sitting days now remain before the Prime Minister must call the next election (the last possible poll day is May 28). There is therefore no time for the Religious Discrimination Bill to be considered in the Senate. Although the bill passed in the House of Representatives, several amendments also passed that caused considerable damage.

    Freedom for Faith Board Member Professor Patrick Parkinson has written an excellent summary of why the bill failed here.

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    Around the Churches – Feb/Mar 2022

    Around the Churches Feb Mar 2022

    Every two months you can catch up with some of the latest events in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.


    CITY, Launceston

    L to R: Anthea, Geoff, Jeff, Derek, Jenna
    L to R: Anthea, Geoff, Jeff, Derek, Jenna

    Sale Update

    City Baptist is six months through its settlement period for the sale of its historic property in Frederick Street, Launceston. The vision is both to relocate to a non-church facility in the city centre. And to do a ‘makeover’ of how the church operates.

    Key Personnel

    Anthea Maynard is a key person on the new Ministry Team along with Jenna Blackwell and Jeff McKinnon. Anthea has great interest in community health, enveloping children into worship experiences and global mission.

    Urban Mission

    In February we had some visitors! Derek Bradshaw from Now and Not Yet Café in Warrandyte, Melbourne, along with Geoff Maddock from Baptist Mission Australia. They came to stimulate thinking on how best to do urban mission in the 2020s.



    Latrobe Church was full to overflowing for a service to farewell Peter Creeley on Saturday 12th February. 

    Peter Creeley Latrobe
    Peter Creeley

    Peter is described by many as a “rough diamond”, an honest hard worker who knew right from wrong. He was always the first to help in any situation. He was the “someone” who did the unseen jobs around the church, opening up, turning on lights, heaters and urn. As well, he was the one who always made sure there was milk in the fridge for the morning teas.  

    But Peter was not always a Christian. Following major heart surgery over 20 years ago Peter committed his life to Christ, and was baptised by Ken Preece. He became a deacon and was still one right up until his death on February 3rd. Peter was also the property manager, and if he couldn’t fix anything that needed doing, he knew someone who could.

    He drove his decorated ute every year in the annual Latrobe Christmas parade. The ute had big signs telling the “reason for the season”! Peter was also instrumental in building our Latrobe Men’s Shed (pictured, above) and its development over the past nine years. He was always the first to arrive on winter mornings, and had the fire burning when the other men arrived. 

    His infectious smile, and many jokes, are sorely missed around the church and in the wider community. He described himself as Latrobe’s oldest teenager!  Peter is now at rest with his Lord.  


    End of an Era at Westbury Baptist

    Pastor Michael Ritchie served the Westbury Baptist Church for over seven years. He completed his ministry on the 26th of December, 2021. During that time, he endeared himself to the congregation both as an outstanding teacher and a man of indomitable faith.

    Michael is a gifted speaker. His ability to quote passages of scripture and hymns from memory is legendary. In the minds of many, he has few peers in preaching God’s Word. He is also a compassionate and tireless listener who enriched the lives of those he visited in hospitals and homes. As well, he visited dementia patients at the Rainbow Room at the Community Health Centre. And residents at the aged care facilities of Kanangra and Grenoch.

    Michael led regular Bible Study and Prayer Meeting sessions and participated in services connected with the RSL. He actively supported the chaplain at the Westbury Primary School. In addition, he was involved with the Kids’ Club where he told Bible stories, and participated in games and craft. His regular ‘Think Spot’ at Chat ‘n’ Choose was much loved and appreciated.

    Michael and Julie in 2019

    Two and a half years ago, Michael suffered personal tragedy when his wife Julie passed away. Julie was a great helpmate for Michael for almost 34 years. She was a lovely godly lady who always brought a serene and calming presence into the church. Her support in the Ritchie partnership cannot be understated, and her passing was a great loss.

    Farewell Service, 26th December 2021

    Michael’s Farewell Service highlighted his exceptional speaking ability. His exposition of the Christmas story highlighted once again, his inimitable ability to look afresh on the circumstances that surrounded that wondrous day when Jesus was born to Mary in Bethlehem. Those who spoke, sang and led the service testified to his many pastoral abilities. In particular, it was lovely to hear Daniel (Michael’s son) speak so lovingly of his dad. Surely the highest compliment a person can receive. The considerable number of old friends who attended the service says much about the man and the esteem with which he is regarded.

    We wish Michael all the best, and acknowledge his considerable contribution during his time at the Westbury Baptist Church.


    Welcome Jeff and Ann, Farewell Chris adn Lee-Ann - Lwr Barrington

    Lower Barrington are pleased to welcome Jeff Percival as the new pastor, along with Ann. He was inducted on Sunday 6th February. This took place only one week after the farewell of former pastor Chris Aulich.

    Pictured from top: Sue and Jeff McKinnon, Chris and Lee-Ann Aulich, and Lwr Barrington Secretary Steve Marshall; Jeff and Ann Percival.


    During their substantial ministry life, Jeff and Ann worked for some time with Teen Challenge in NSW. Watch out for Jeff’s profile interview coming in ReCharge on Wednesday 23rd March.



    Pastors' Muster at HBC
    Pastors’ Muster

    Farewell Liam and Hannah

    In January we said goodbye to our Ministry Apprentice, Liam Conway along with Hannah. They moved to Riverlands Longford and were inducted on 6th February. Several of us made the trek up the Midlands Highway to participate in Liam’s induction. We wish them well up north!

    Welcome Matt and Kylie

    In February, the people of Hobart Baptist welcomed Matt Henderson as Associate Pastor. Matt, Kylie and their boys Daniel and David were inducted on Sunday 6th February.

    New Facilities for Muster

    The Tasmanian Baptist Pastors’ Muster took place at Hobart Baptist Church on the 7th and 8th March. It was very exciting to see our new facilities used to serve the pastors as they did their professional development!

    Visioning Series, 2022

    Our annual visioning sermon series this year is “To See Like Jesus Sees”. This will culminate with the presentation of the HBC Vision on Thursday 7th April. This will be followed by Vision Sunday on 10th April.


    Instead of our usual relaxed month of January, 2022 at Citywide has started off with a bang!

    Welcome to the Evenhuis Family

    Above – Induction of Dan Evenhuis.
    Below – Aboriginal Sunday on the Domain

    In December we offered the position of Executive Pastor at Citywide to Dan Evenhuis. At the time, he was living in the UK with his wife, Danielle and four children.  They immediately began plans for their return to Tasmania after ministering in the UK for 18 years. 
    With COVID impacts, Christmas, farewells and implications of moving across the globe, they finally arrived on 17th January. God provided a furnished house for them to rent in the short term.  In addition to Dan’s position at Citywide, Danni procured a teaching position at Calvin School. The children are now enrolled in Southern Christian College and Elizabeth College.  So they’ve stepped right into life here and already we are blessed by Dan’s gifting, experience and ministry.

    Farewells and Inductions

    On 9th January, Newstead Baptist inducted our former Associate Pastor Dan Hutchison as Senior Pastor. Over 30 people from Citywide travelled north to attend. On 13th February, Hobart Baptist inducted Matt Henderson (formerly our Chair of Elders and Youth Leader) as Associate Pastor.
    So the comings and goings at Citywide have been significant with their different journeys and mix of loss and excitement.  

    Celebrating Cultural Diversity

    On 23 January we celebrated Aboriginal Sunday with an outdoor service on Hobart’s Domain.  This service was led by Paul Dare. He challenged and encouraged us in understanding Tasmanian Aboriginal history, and the injustices which scarred our Nation and people.
    We are in conversation with Baptist Mission Australia. It is exciting to consider partnering with them in Mission to rural areas of Nepal via our Nepalese congregation. 


    A Day  in the Wilderness
    Claremont Baptist and Sandy Bay Baptist

    On the 20th November 2021 a happy group of 27 boarded the bus for a special day trip. We visited Derwent Bridge and the Wall in the Wilderness. About half were church members, and the others friends and family. We started with a short prayer and then headed for the  first stop at Ouse for morning tea. 

    Travelling to the beautiful Derwent Valley, we stopped to admire the hydro and scenic views along the Tarraleah leg. We arrived at Derwent Bridge Wilderness Hotel a little early. However, the well-organised staff gave us a sumptuous lunch of soup, sandwiches, snacks and cake. Top marks to the catering staff!

    Being a bit early, we detoured to Lake St Claire. It was stunningly beautiful and we enjoyed just being out and about in the gloriousness of creation.  Then onto the Wall in the Wilderness. As an awe-inspiring work and we were suitably delighted. The artist was in residence and we enjoyed talking to him.

    Finally, we returned in the early evening. A couple celebrated their anniversary and someone had a birthday. So we had lots of fun, conversations flowed freely and new friends were made. 

    The day was only made possible by the generosity of our bus driver, Peter Gathercole. Certainly a day to remember. 


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    Deep Thought, March 2022

    Just mercy header image

    DEEP THOUGHT: A new bi-monthly feature in ReCharge

    Just Mercy

    Embrace your brokenness as you live in close proximity to others

    By Michael Henderson


    Bryan Stevenson:
    Bryan Stevenson

    Over the summer I read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, an American lawyer who works with people on death row. It is a beautiful and brutal read, full of heart-breaking stories of injustice and prejudice right beside stories of grace and mercy and redemption. The book is powerful, but the podcast interview with Stevenson on the “On Being Podcast” is more accessible (and free).  


    Something Stevenson repeats is being a human-focused leader. This thread is also a priority for Tasmanian Baptists this year, including at our March Muster.

    Being a human-focused leader feels obvious. A leader helps humans. It feels so obvious that we shouldn’t need to think about it. Stevenson, as a lawyer and his work within the justice system, seems geared toward humans. Yet what he found was a justice system that was often set up to deny people their humanity, that lacked compassion and mercy, and ultimately justice. 

    Are we becoming more like Jesus, full of hope and grace and redemption for all?

    Churches, in practice, can end up in a similar position. Our theory is we are human-focused and God-focused. Love God and love your neighbour as yourself. However, what we can end up with are events and programs and Sunday services and an organisation that has lost sight of humans.

    Yes, humans are present, just like they are in the justice system, but are they helping humans? Are we becoming more like Jesus, full of hope and grace and redemption for all? Are we carrying that out into our towns and cities? The way many in our culture view the church suggests the answer is no. 


    Just Mercy: Embrace our broken natures and live in close proximity to people.

    Stevenson’s solution: Embrace our broken natures and live in close proximity to people. He believes we have a choice. We can deny our brokenness, deny our humanity, which results in a lack of compassion and mercy. Or, we can embrace our brokenness, our humanness, our shared vulnerability and imperfection, and let it fuel our capacity for compassion and mercy, and how much we rely on Jesus for everything. 

    And, when we live in close proximity to people, we see people, and it fuels our ability to be human focused leaders. At a distance from people we can lose sight of compassion and mercy and love, and focus more on just getting things done. Because, with a busy life, it is actually very easy as a leader to forget about humans. But the call of Jesus is to live in close proximity to the people in your church, AND in close proximity to those in our community who are currently far from Jesus. 


    Embrace our brokenness, and live in close proximity to others.

    It seems obvious and easy. Yet, that is not Stevenson’s story. Nor is it ours. But, with purpose and being intentional, and allowing Jesus to empower us into it, it can be done, and done so that humans actually benefit. 

    Michael Henderson

    Michael Henderson,
    Mission and Leadership Development
    Tasmanian Baptists

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    Just mercy

    Just Mercy is available at Koorong for $32.99 (plus postage). JUST MERCY is the #1 New York Times bestseller and now a major motion picture, starring Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx. A powerful true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us, and a clarion call to fix a broken system of justice; from one of the most brilliant and influential lawyers of our time.


    We’d love to keep you updated with our weekly email, reCharge Prayer | Stories | News 🙏

    We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

    Baptists in Ukraine

    Ukraine-yohan marion

    Standing with the war-torn

    Baptists in Ukraine offer hope and help across Eastern Europe

    For years now, Baptist leaders across Ukraine have been preparing for a possible invasion from Russia. Pastors have encouraged churches to stockpile resources—food, fuel and other essentials—in case a military assault results in displaced people.  

    That time has come. With Russia’s recent aggression toward Ukraine, a humanitarian crisis is escalating as people leave their homes in search of safety. As of 28 February, more than 368,000 Ukrainians have fled since their homeland fell under attack. They crossed the border to neighbouring countries such as Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. Many are women, children and elderly people leaving loved ones behind. Men of military age join thousands of citizens—men and women—who have stayed to take up arms in defending their country.[i]

    Responding to the crisis

    As the situation continues, the UNHCR expects up to four million Ukrainians will be displaced. This exacerbates the already urgent need for food, emergency services, medical care and refuge.

    Governments, organisations and churches around the world are responding to the crisis. Countries like Poland and Romania have opened their borders. European Union members are accepting Ukrainian refugees for up to three years without asking them to apply for asylum. Meanwhile, Australia has committed to fast-tracking Ukrainian visa applications.

    Across Ukraine, there are 25 Baptist regions. Twenty-four of these have suffered direct attacks in recent days. Missile attacks were reported perilously close to a Baptist orphanage where 60 children are housed.[ii] 

    Centres of hope: Baptists in Ukraine

    While Baptist churches throughout the region are well placed and prepared to shelter displaced people, leaders expect their resources could run out quickly. Acting as ‘centres of hope’ii, churches are offering fleeing families food, shelter, medical care. As well, they can provide a place people can shower and wash clothing, and spiritual encouragement in this frightening time.  

    ‘No matter what news you may hear,’ said one leader from a Baptist women’s ministry in Ukraine. ‘No matter what [may come], we will stay and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.’ ii

    Baptist churches in Hungary and Poland have also set up centres for humanitarian aid. They are distributing what food and hygiene items they have and are providing basic medical care. Reports also suggest that individual Baptists welcome refugees into their homes and churches.  The burden on both will continue to escalate without help from abroad.

    Baptist World Aid Australia is responding to this crisis both within and around Ukraine.

    Melissa Lipsett, CEO Baptist World Aid Australia

    Pray for peace

    Primary in their request to the global church is to pray for peace. Consequently, numerous Baptist agencies around the world are setting up online prayer meetings.

    Melissa Lipsett

    ‘A refugee crisis is an inevitable outcome from such tragic conflict, and our response must be both prayer and action,’ said Melissa Lipsett, CEO.

    ‘Baptist World Aid Australia is responding to this crisis both within and around Ukraine, supporting Christian Partners throughout the region as they care for an influx of people seeking safety. We are also positioned with other Christian Partners at home to advocate for a stronger Australian government response to support refugees displaced from their homeland.’

    Standing with Ukraine

    Baptist World Aid’s ‘Standing with Ukraine’ appeal will provide support for food, hygiene items, medicine, generators, blankets, pillows and necessary items for displaced people as well as shelters set up for them.

    ‘The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin,’

    Psalm 146:9

    For more information about Baptists in Ukraine, please contact Jo Kadlecek, , Communication Manager, Baptist World Aid Australia.



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