Frank W Boreham College


As the smallest state union, Tasmanian Baptists have never had the capacity to provide ministry and theological pathways for our people. But now, with two strategic partnerships— with Whitley College (the Baptist College in Victoria) and Kairos University in North America — qualified training is now accessible within the state for our pastors, leaders, and members. This provides a learning journey to be alongside fellow Tasmanian Baptists specifically tailored to the Tasmanian context.

What We Offer


Short Courses:  
We will run specific short courses to equip Baptists in areas that are of specific interest and applicable to those leading and participating in our churches. 

Certificate in Christian Life and Mission: 
This six-month course can be taken either unaccredited or accredited*. Students are based in their local church at least two days a week and supervised by their local church leadership with intensives will offer further learning and community. Assessment will be based on a portfolio capturing progress and some costs are involved.  

*The accredited course is enabled through the partnership with Whitley College, additional fees apply. Graduates receive an undergraduate Certificate in Divinity recognised under the Australian Qualifications framework. Australian students may be eligible for Fee Help. Graduates with a certificate may continue their education with a Diploma of Divinity and Bachelor of Ministry through Whitley. 

Kairos Pathways: 
The partnership with Kairos University makes it possible for interested and eligible students to earn a Master of Arts, Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry through the University. This discipleship pathway follows a unique model where students learn in their own context at their own pace. 

Students enrolled through Kairos will journey with fellow Tasmanian students for connection and reflection and can incorporate this learning experience into their Kairos program of coursework. 

The Kairos Learning Triad 


The Kairos learning triad has been adopted as the basis of the discipleship pathway for Boreham College. 

Faculty Mentor: Faculty mentors are people who have a sufficient grasp of the material the student is studying to enable them to supervise a learning journey suitable for the student. 

Vocational Mentor: Vocational mentors are intimately engaged in the student’s current context and/or role. In most cases, this means vocational mentors are supervisors, leaders, experienced colleagues, or others familiar with, or connected, to the context and its requirements. 

Personal Mentor: Personal mentors are confidants or individuals from whom students wish to learn. They must have, or be willing to develop, a close relationship with the student. The personal mentor is able to provide spiritual supervisorship because he or she is rooted in faith and understands the Christian life. 

What to do next ...

Pray.  Commit.  Serve.  Grow!


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