Farewell to Pastor Owen and Dawn Muskett

Photo of Owen and Dawn Muskett farewell community at Wynyard Baptist church

After 10 years pastoring our Wynyard Baptist Church, Owen Muskett has handed over the reins to Franz Brosch.

After years in business in and around Hobart, Owen put down the tools, and he and his wife Dawn packed up their lives and made a big move to the Northwest. It was Owen’s first pastoral appointment and the first time that he and Dawn had been to Wynyard. 

His ministry over the past decade has been popular and fruitful. Owen has led many to know Jesus and, in many ways, became the unofficial chaplain to the town. He will be greatly missed, not only by the church, but also the wider community. 

Owen with friends on ANZAC Day 2024
Owen with friends on ANZAC Day 2024
A Time for Saying Thank You

Owen and Dawn were farewelled over the weekend of 27-28 April. On Saturday evening, family and friends, members of Wynyard church and people from the community — including Deputy Mayor Celisa Edwards — enjoyed dinner at the Wynyard RSL Club. It was a moving time, sharing memories and saying thank you to Owen and Dawn for their loving and tireless service.   

The following morning was Owen’s final Sunday as Pastor. He preached his last sermon to a packed church, and it wasn’t without a tear or two. Tasmanian Baptists Mission Director Stephen Baxter formally released Owen and Dawn from their role and inducted Franz Brosch as Owen’s successor. Then the church prayed for both Franz and his wife, Heidi. It was a very moving moment. 

Pastor Franz and Heidi 

Franz and his wife have been at the church for 15 months, Franz as associate pastor. This blessing enabled a smooth transition from Owen to Franz. 

The farewell concluded with a time of fellowship over lunch in the church hall. There is no doubt that our Wynyard church is very thankful to God for all his blessings over our church in the last decade. It now looks forward with anticipation with what God will continue to do in and through them in the coming season. 

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Farewell to Pastor Owen

Recharge Articles 2024

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Associate Pastor, Franz Brosch – Wynyard

Franz and Heidi Brosch

Ministry Profile

Introducing: Franz Brosch

Associate Pastor Franz Brosch was inducted at Wynyard Baptist Church on Sunday 12th February, 2023. He will work alongside Senior Pastor Owen Muskett. Franz and Heidi are excited to be in Tassie, after God brought them on quite a journey!

A long time ago in a country far, far away . . .

I was born and grew up in a town in Southwest Germany called Mühlacker. It wasn’t exactly a rural setting, but still a reasonably small and well-connected community, with neighbours having chats across their fences. Our suburb was beautifully located, surrounded by fields and forests, and it had a river flowing through. It was a good place to grow up.

At the age of 20, I moved 40km away to Karlsruhe – a city of 300,000 – in order to study Computer Science at university.

My wife Heidi and I moved to Tassie after having spent the last eight years in the Camden area, near Sydney. It has been lovely to explore our new hometown, Wynyard, and its surrounds.

We love the stunning beauty of the sea shore, but also the rolling hills and mountains inland. We have also enjoyed getting to know the community here. People are friendly, and everyone has time for a chat!

Franz and Heidi Brosch
Franz and Heidi Brosch

Both Heidi and I come from relatively small families. I have my parents and two older brothers living back in Germany. All of them have visited us at some stage after our migration to Australia in 2012.

Since it was only Heidi and me who came out, we are thankful for modern technology. It enables us to stay in touch through phone calls and video chats.

As far as I can think back, I have always believed in God. As a child I was part of the Catholic Church. However, in secondary school a group of evangelical students invited me join them. They met in the breaks between classes for prayer and Bible reading. Being part of this group greatly increased my understanding of the Gospel.

As an adult, I joined an evangelical church, where I was baptised. While I had been baptised as an infant, I took this step to make a conscious declaration of my faith.

The path towards leadership

My first career was in IT, working as a software engineer. I loved the work, yet over time it became increasingly clear I was not really passionate about it. I wanted to dedicate myself more fully to Christian ministry, but I did not know which direction to take.

After moving to Australia, the Lord brought us in contact with a number of Christian ministries and communities. This gave me a much better understanding of what it would mean to pursue vocational ministry. Looking back, I think all these experiences worked together to make me ready to accept leadership responsibility for a community of believers.

I think all these experiences worked together to make me ready to accept leadership responsibility for a community of believers.

Having served as a ministry intern at Narellan Community Congregational Church, near Sydney, for three years, I felt it was time to seek a new ministry position to broaden the scope of my experience.

I was hoping I would still be able to serve under a senior pastor, rather than on my own. Plus, I wanted to work part-time, to allow for the completion of my ongoing theological studies.

At Wynyard Baptist Church, exactly such an opportunity opened up! I am excited the church accepted me as their new Associate Pastor. Heidi and I moved to Wynyard in January 2023, and I started work in February.

Loving, teaching, serving

I have received so much valuable advice over the years, and it is impossible to single out one piece of advice above all others. But one that proved to be crucial was for me to take up theological studies. The advice came first from Heidi. Then from a friend who noticed my growing love for God’s Word, and my desire to understand it more deeply.

My Master of Divinity studies at Morling College have shaped me a lot. They have greatly increased my readiness for vocational ministry in the Church.

Having only just started the Associate Pastor role at Wynyard Baptist, the working out of my focus areas is an ongoing process that will still take time. At the moment, I am working three days/week, and spending time getting to know all aspects of the life and ministry of the church.

I love worship, and have been playing the keyboard in our Sunday services. As well, I am on the church’s preaching roster. More things will come in time.

I am greatly excited to see that God uses deep passions within me, such as worship and teaching, to serve his people and to bring fruit for his kingdom. I love the fact that I can spend my time and energy in ways that really matter and have eternal value.is becoming more and more post-Christian.

Many of the older ways of reaching the lost are simply no longer effective. Part of the challenge of ministry today is thinking of new ways to re-engage people with the message of Jesus.

My challenge

I feel the work of ministry can bring out the worst of our brokenness, both in myself as well as in others, as it is a ministry from and to the heart. The process of spiritual transformation can be frustratingly slow and suffer all kinds of setbacks.

The challenge, then, is to keep looking to Christ and trusting him to take our efforts, imperfect as they are, and use them to continue to build his Church.

At this stage, I would appreciate prayer for the continued process of settling in at Wynyard Baptist Church, as well as life in Wynyard.

Pray my ministry in the church will grow and mature over time, and that as a church we will be a blessing to the community, to all those whose lives we touch. Pray, too, we will cooperate well with other churches in the area in proclaiming the Gospel, and many in our town turn to Christ.

And briefly

am looking forward to . . . the year ahead with Wynyard Baptist Church.

I am worried about . . . the increasing secularization of Australia and other Western nations.

I am confident that . . . coming to Wynyard was the right step to take.

I am joyful about . . . the beauty of creation across Tassie.

I would like to change . . . myself to do more exercise and eat less sweets.

I am at my best when . . . what I do corresponds with the passion that God has laid on my heart.

Franz Brosch

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February/March 2023

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Regional RoundUp Sept-Oct 2021

Sassafras Baptist Spring Regional Roundup Sept/Oct 2021
Advance Sept-Oct 21 Regional RoundUp

around the grounds:

Regional RoundUp Sept/Oct 2021


Wynyard Baptist
Wynyard Baptist
  • CHAT N CHOOSE Many ladies are pleased to be meeting again with their friends after a long break due to COVID. Wednesday Get Together is now on the 1st and 3rd Week of the month for fun and fellowship.
  • JUST GIRLS. SPRING REVIVAL. The ladies’ ministry organised an enjoyable afternoon with people asked to wear an item from their favourite Op Shop. Irene Godman spoke on Healing, Trauma and PTSD, a biblical way of ministering healing those suffering from the effects of trauma .  Ailleen also spoke of her work, and the beginnings of Grow Gather Give, an outreach and support providing food to those who need it. This is run from our ChurchHhall, ROC, on Monday and Friday mornings.
  • OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD. 226 shoe boxes where packed from our church and Chat n Choose this year.
  • Sarah raised $644.30 for the Cancer Council through the sale of daffodils.


Penguin Baptist Church
Penguin Baptist Church

News from Penguin: we are small in number, in good heart and varied health.

  • This month we began a preaching series on Isaiah 1-39. We have joined the solar age with a substantial array on the roof, and have a new container for the ministry Library Aid International to fill and send to Africa for distribution. This will be the tenth (and likely the last) container to go.


Latrobe Baptist Church, Photo credit Duncan Grant 2018
Latrobe Baptist Church
  • Chat n Choose continues at the Latrobe Baptist Hall every Wednesday from 10am to 12pm. Ladies bring along their knitting/crochet/hardanger work or any other craft to join with up to 50 others and enjoy chatting together. Morning Tea is served at 10.30am, Cost is just $2.
  • The Woodturning Group meets in the Men’s Shed. Latrobe Men’s Shed continues every Friday from 9am to 12pm with a BBQ at 12. We are always looking for community projects and new members to join in. A toolbox meeting guarantees a great time of great fellowship, with morning tea at 10am.
  • Latrobe Community Playgroup continues every Friday morning from 10am. All mothers/carers are welcome to bring their little ones up to age 4 and join with up to 20 others for a fun time of activities. A story time and singing finishes each morning around 11.30am.


Spring service at Sassafras, Regional RoundUp Sept/Oct 2021
Spring service at Sassafras
  • This Spring seems to have arrived so quickly! Again, the Sunday School greatly blessed us with a presentation. Even more impressive were the volume and beauty of the flower arrangements. It is a reminder of the grace and kindness of the Lord so obvious for all to see in this blessed Island.
    The various talents of the children were all on display this year often to the wonder of the Congregation. (Doting parents and teachers opening and closing their lips in tune with the script the kids spoke).
    One talent which came to prominence last year was in poetry, and again this year we heard from Rochele Long.
Spring is here and the flowers are vibrant
And the birds chirp happily singing God’s great song
The lambs have grown up so much like the plants that grow too 
God planned all this and we should thank Him. 
Spring sunshine beams, the days lengthen
Swallows spiral up to heaven, the Larks sing praise to their Creator 
Lambs gambol in the spring grass 
Hidden bulbs and seeds burst from the soil to worship their Creator 
New life comes from our God let us praise and worship Him.

Rochele Long, Sassafras


Gateway Launceston

Gateway's Mystery Art Sale, Sept/Oct 2021 Regional RoundUp
Art Sale Flyer
  • We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all the artists and Churches who supported and helped with our Mystery Art Sale Fundraiser for the children of Haiti.


Hutchison Family 2021
Dan, Maria and the family, August 2021
  • Newstead Baptist Church are pleased to be welcoming Dan Hutchison as Pastor beginning in January 2022. Dan and his wife Maria and 3 children will be moving north from Hobart where Dan is currently working at Citywide.
  • We are looking forward to Dan’s ministry with us and would value prayer for a smooth transition for the whole family into life in Launceston including a suitable family home and schools for the girls.
  • We are holding our Annual Celebration meeting on Sunday and give thanks to God for a good year as a fellowship, for the many people who have come to preach throughout the year and the many ways that God has blessed us.
  • Our Seniors Drop-in Centre has being going well with new people from the community joining. Praise God for this opportunity to share his word over a game and a cuppa.


Perth Baptist Church
Perth Baptist Tabernacle
  • Many from around Tasmania would have known Wyn Gurr in her ministry over many years. Wyn passed away in September following a long battle with her health. She has gone to join her husband Allan in glory.
  • We are thankful and blessed by the four people who recently came into Membership.
  • Our Wednesday night ‘Better Men’s’ group is starting to attract a number of men with needs and a willingness to share.
  • The craft group continues to attract new ladies.
  • We hosted a very successful Community afternoon tea for the wise and elderly of the town which attracted a full Hall. We pray that we will see many of them again
  • The relationship with the school enabled us to sponsor two children to attend camp as their parents we not able to pay for them to go. This will provide us contact with those two families.
  • This year a Children’s picnic and family BBQ will precede our Carol Service – the whole town will be invited.
  • As the only Christian Church left in Perth, we take our responsibility to be Christ’s representatives in the growing town seriously. Please pray that what we do will be God’s will and will bear fruit.

Riverlands Longford

Roberts and Cloudsdales, Regional RoundUp SeptOct 2021
Alan and Meg Roberts | Ann and Steve Cloudsdale
  • On 29th August, Riverlands made space in our Sunday service to acknowledge and appreciate the commitment and contribution of two special couples. Steve and Ann Cloudsdale and Meg and Alan Roberts have served in various ministry roles and activities at Riverlands over many years.
    It was a special moment as we prayed for each couple and released them from ministry responsibilities as they enter a time of sabbatical for rest and refreshment. As they continue to journey with their Riverlands family, they will be waiting on the Lord for his wisdom and guidance for this next chapter in their lives.



Citywide Converge Team with Eric Abetz,  Resional RoundUp Sept/Oct 2021
Citywide Converge team meets with Sen. Eric Abetz
  • During September, several of us visited State and Federal Politicians following the Converge Justice Training Day in August. They presented their cases for Domestic Violence, Global Poverty and Refugees and Asylum Seekers.
  • One of us is involved in the local Climate Change Action Group. They facilitated an excellent Climate Change Expo for the public at Citywide premises. There were various speakers and booths demonstrating how they can recycle responsibly as well as other informative information. 
  • Church Camp: The first weekend in October saw us all heading to Poatina for our first church camp in many years.  Poatina is an incredible site for such a gathering with various accommodation options, good food, and many interesting local activities.  Our theme for the weekend was Living in Community and the staff at Poatina shared their experiences. 
    Our mix of congregations, including the Nepalese, were blessed and we have achieved a further development in our joining together.  Everyone is already talking about our next camp next year!
Citywide Camp 2021 Sept/Oct 2021 Regional RoundUp
Camp fun in Poatina
  • During October we hosted a team of 6 from the YWAM Discipleship Training School in Perth WA.  What a blessing they are!  They for involved in Citywide groups, the wider body of churches in Hobart, and our local community by door-knocking and street evangelism.
  • We now produce a weekly podcast, each Wednesday, which involves a panel of four people discussing, and personally sharing about, the challenges from the previous Sunday’s sermon. Find it on our YouTube channel or as an audio on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.  Our current series is on ‘Next Steps’ and what it means to follow Jesus. 
  • Sunday 10th October was our Shoe Box Sunday. Our congregations packed 150 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child during the service! This is an activity people engage with eagerly and we pray heart-felt prayers for each box.


HBC Movie Night, Regional RoundUp Sept/Oct 2021
Movie Night watching “Blue Miracle”
  • At Hobart we recently held a great Movie Night including games, a scavenger hunt and pizza!
  • We have already had several weddings in our refurbished spaces, with more booked in.
  • The Mustard Seed coffee shop, on Elizabeth Street, will soon open, creating more opportunities to connect with our neighbours, and Elizabeth College students next door.
  • Our youth are raising funds to provide income for one teacher to teach youth in a Karen refugee camp in Thailand.

ADVANCE | step by step – Jul/Aug 2021

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.
Advance Header

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope

Based on Jeremiah 29:11

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HOPE. Across the globe this Covid-19 season, we hope like birds in cages.

We HOPE the virus will dissipate; that vaccinations will help; that loved ones are kept safe.

How important to remember Jeremiah’s words:
“God has plans to give us a HOPE and a FUTURE”.

Take hold of hope by joining the National Prayer Gathering for the Covid Situation on Tuesday 31 August. Find out more below.

This issue includes . . .
FROM THE MD: Stephen Baxter with treasures new and old
INTERVIEW: Liam Conway Ministry Apprentice at Hobart: he is a gift!
HOSPITALS IN PNG: Prayers answered to avoid closure (a gift of PPE)
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Jenna Blackwell wrestles with being a missionary in Tasmania
CHURCH PROFILE: LifeWay Devonport, now ministering in the South!
MERGE YOUTH: Citywide are kicking goals
REGIONAL ROUNDUP: City, Latrobe, Westbury, Claremont, Citywide and Hobart
NATIONAL PRAYER GATHERING: Nationwide prayer against COVID-19
CONVERGE CONFERENCE: Advocating to our government leaders
NEED TO KNOW (news):
GATEWAY turns 145! | EmpowHer Northwest walk | Request from Library Aid International | Tas Baptists’ website | Fostering Hope devotional-zoom | Australian Christian Literature Awards | Baptist Basketball Grand Final | Stand Sunday | Farewell PETER CUTHBERTSON | Ray’s Poem

You can read all these in the download-able version

Be blessed this week!


Jenny Baxter, God's love poured in to you

Jenny Baxter
Communications Manager
Tasmanian Baptists

ADVANCE | step by step – June 2021

Love poured out, ADVANCE June 2021
Advance Header

My love has been poured out into your hearts through the Holy Spirit

Based on Romans 5:5

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This Bible encouragement is such a good one. It’s so heartening to remember that God’s love is literally poured out, into you.

  • MAY ASSEMBLY from a first-timer, Stephen Avery (City Baptist)
  • Q&A with PAUL MANNING the new Baptist Word Aid Tas/Vic rep
  • YOUR CHURCH WILL BENEFIT from running Alpha.
  • PROFILE Hobart Baptist church
  • WELCOME to COUNTRY History made at May Assembly
  • TESTIMONY From Swami to Christian by Ruth Burgess
  • MORE FROM ASSEMBLY Michael Henderson and Jenna Blackwell serve you
  • FOSTERING Q&A with long-term carer Tracey Avery
  • FOOD FOR THE SOUL #nofilterchurch by Spiritual Director Denise Stephenson
  • BAPTISTS IN MISSION The Pastors’ and Leaders’ Muster 
  • FAREWELL Jeff McKinnon With thanks to a passionate servant
  • REGIONAL ROUNDUP Tasmanian Baptists in Action – Perth, Ulverstone, Wynyard, Citywide, Claremont, Hobart
  • NEED TO KNOW: NEWS – Religious Freedom Weekend | Training Day for TaCCs | TWO Online Baptist Conferences | EmpowHer Southern Walk | NCLS Survey 2021 |COVID-19 Crisis in Asia | Perth Celebrates | Hobart’s Luminous Festival | Pastors’ and Leaders’ Muster | Covid-19 in Bangladesh | KidzFest 2022 | Poetry from Ray Hawkins

Happy Reading!


All articles are available here: DOWNLOAD PRINTABLE PDF >>>

Jenny Baxter, God's love poured in to you

Jenny Baxter
Communications Manager
Tasmanian Baptists