Consent, our Missional Gateway

But who are you really

Theology and Culture

You may go to a friend’s house, and whilst you’re there you’re asked if you want some tea. You should receive tea, maybe a biscuit if they’re available. If you don’t ask for tea, and are given tea, or forced to have the tea, your consent has been ignored. At least according to one successful video, see below.

It’s often that simple. Consent is the act of giving a free willed yes to another’s proposal or desire. This can be expressed directly and unmistakably, implied through interpreting a particular action, or fully informed through clear explanation of facts. Often consent is discussed within the context of sex, either initiating or prevention of sexual assault. If anyone doesn’t consent to sexual engagement that’s assault.

For us as Baptists consent is key, we were born out of our church’s consent being violated. During our inception mandates were put upon the early Baptists around infant Baptism, congregational governance, and the place of the Common Book of Prayer. This led to early Baptists being exiled and developing in Amsterdam before returning to England and advocating for the freedom of local congregations.

We Do Faith Differently

This is shown in our decision not to baptize infants, nor force baptism upon others. We do not violate the free choice of individuals, nor do we coerce people to join the elect. Baptism is given to those who profess the creeds and faith in Christ. People must give their fully informed and explicit consent to enter the Kingdom of God. The Baptist tradition is filled with individuals who say they want to be a part of God’s mission. They consent and act towards the benefit of the Kingdom with their church.

We do faith differently! We were among the first Christians to focus on this ancient way of Baptism rather than keeping the tradition of infant baptism. Infants and young children cannot give informed consent and so we would argue they cannot consent to entering the family of God, which is symbolised in the new birth of Baptism. Instead, we seek to introduce people to the Living God, even as children, so when they can give consent and follow him they are well informed and understand God.

Why Understanding Consent is Important

As we are a collection of individual churches struggling to maintain numbers, I believe this understanding of consent grants us a deeper appreciation of how our world is thinking at this point in time. Those outside churches want safe spaces where they have the ability to choose, to give full informed consent. For us we have that built into our understanding of church, that pressuring others is unnecessary, we need only show the reasons we have faith.

Giving people reason to meet the loving God, opening the door for the Holy Spirit to meet the dormant soul and enliven it to his purposes. We must also respect the differences between people, yet offering confidence in our choices is essential. The Holy Spirit has met us, we have joined the family of Christ, and the Father guides us. Mission is the act of doing this in such a way that we can maintain consent, giving full and soulful choice to a new believer. This is the power of holding the door open and welcoming people to meet God rather than demanding conformity.

Offering the Right To Choose

If we’re leading ministries, giving people under us the opportunity to exercise this freedom, to give of themselves wholeheartedly without pushing them, grants them freedom to accept or refuse as they need. If we’re attending ministries, it’s important to stand up for what we can and can’t do, stating clearly our boundaries and enforcing them for the good of a ministry or ourselves, God’s image bearers. Open spaces to discuss consent, both in terms of the religious power we have of fully and freely giving of ourselves to God’s mission, but also in giving women space to advocate for their own desires, children space to speak their minds, and the elderly a chance to advocate for their needs.        

Offering people the right to choose and honouring that, just as God does with our salvation, gives us the opportunity to be more moral people, to uphold each other’s sanctity before God, and to see each other as co-authors to the coming Kingdom of God. Will we stand beside those seeking his kingdom so they may choose him and be alongside him forevermore.

Liam Conway is Associate Pastor at Riverlands, Longford.
He was born and raised in Hobart, graduated from UTas with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology. He is now the associate Pastor of Riverlands community church and is studying his Master of Divinity.

A turning of the tide?

Who Are You Really?

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When is a person ready for baptism?

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When is a person ready for Baptism?

All About Liam Conway, Hobart Baptist

Liam Conway wsa born under teh shadow of Mt Wellington/kunanyi
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Liam cCnway
Liam Conway

Liam Conway is the Ministry Apprentice at Hobart Baptist Church.

Who is he and what does the future look like for him?

Read on to find out . . .

Where were you born and what was it like growing up there?

I was born under the shadow of kunanyi/Mount Wellington in Hobart, where I have spent the majority of my life, particularly in the Northern Suburbs of Hobart. Growing up was okay for the most part, there were several periods of financial struggle, but I also remember lots of time spent exploring Hobart on my bike.

When and why did you move to Tasmania?

I’ve always lived in Hobart, except for a small stint in Sydney when I was four years old,. I’ve chosen to be here because it’s my home. I feel a strong connection to the land, and the mountains. So I never want to leave this island home.

What do you enjoy most about living here?

I enjoy being around family, being close to nature, the good food, beer, and company. Hobart is a wonderful place to be, given its proximity to nature, its amenities, and the comfort that Hobart affords.

Tell us about your family
Liam Conway with Hannah
Liam and Hannah

Mum and Dad have always followed Christ. Dad’s been involved in churches on multiple levels, I have two siblings, both of whom follow Jesus, and we have all grown in an atmosphere that has worked towards our developing knowledge of Christ. I was lucky enough to get married recently, and both Hannah and I are busy building ourselves as good people, to raise a family in the future.

How did you become a Christian?

I don’t really know of a time where I didn’t believe in the Creeds and promises of God. However, moments of really conscious belief occurred a couple of times before my baptism. The first was in reading through the First Testament, particularly Exodus and Leviticus, and coming to a greater knowledge of the faithfulness of God. Then in Vanuatu, in 2009, where I spent a lot of my time on that mission trip reading the minor prophets and deepening that value of God.

What is the best piece of advice you have received?
BEST ADVICE: When cooking, read the recipe twice

When cooking . . . Read the recipe twice: the first time to know what you’re doing; the second to actually cook.

It emphasizes the importance of preparation to do any job, and tries to mitigate potential disasters. Instead, be prepared to do the job, then execute it with precision.

When people ask you how you spend your time, what do you say?

“Creative writing, study and working at Hobart Baptist,” is what I say, normally. A large portion of my creative writing is with a group of friends in running Tabletop Role Playing Games, and my own personal projects. I spend a lot of time with Hannah and our cat, enjoying discussions with one another.

What is your role in the Baptist Church?

Presently, my role is with Hobart Baptist as a student Pastor. This includes preaching, studying, organising and all that stuff. Next year I shall be at Riverlands Baptist (Longford) in their Associate Pastor position, which will aim towards youth and young adults.

What excites you most about what you do?

I am most excited, presently, about the direction God has presented to me. I’m very excited to be able to present and discuss the gospel with a congregation; to be in a position where I’m able to use my knowledge for the benefit of other people.

What challenges do you have as you do this work?

A lot of my challenges are internal, requiring a development of confidence and social skills. The external challenges are less threatening, but the desire to please others and occasionally surrender the position that I hold to, is a very real and present one.

How can we pray for you and your work?

I would appreciate prayer for the transition from Hobart Baptist and into Riverlands that God’s peace and wellbeing will be with myself and Hannah.

I would appreciate prayer for the transition from Hobart Baptist and into Riverlands that God’s peace and wellbeing will be with myself and Hannah.

Short and Sweet – Liam Conway

I am looking forward to My new job and working in a country town at Longford.

I am worried about … The manipulation within the worldwide church.

I am confident that … Life is going well and we shall be safe in this modern world.

I am joyful about … The future of Baptists within Tasmania.

I would like to change … The world? Is that too much?

I am at my best when … I’m relaxed and with God’s flow in the world.

Read more in the July/August 2021 ADVANCE | step by step