ReCharge NEWS July 2023

26th July 2023 | ReCharge News

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    NCLS Webinar for Leaders

    Thriving and Resilient Leadership, 11am and 7.30pm Wednesday 2 August 2023

    NCLSLeadershipWebinar, 2nd August 2023

    NCLS Research presents a webinar on “Thriving and Resilient Leadership: Latest findings and reflections on resilience, fulfilment and thriving in church leadership post-COVID”.

    This webinar explores how Australian church leaders are coping, and what factors contribute to their resilience. Findings are based on the results from the 2021-22 NCLS Leader Survey by NCLS Research.

    You will discover:

    • What does thriving look like and what is burnout?
    • How has it changed in Australian church leadership over the past five years? Are current practices sustainable?
    • What are the personal foundations contributing to resilience and sustainable leadership?
    • Practical ministry implications: Case studies and guiding principles for leaders.


    Sam Sterland, Senior Researcher of NCLS Research, will present research findings on leader wellbeing and resilience, and responses to COVID-19.

    Guest speaker Tim Dyer will provide his reflections on the implications of these findings for ministry and mission.

    Youth Alive Undivided

    NORTH: 6pm 18th August | NW: 6pm 19th August | SOUTH: 6pm 25th August

    In August, Youth Alive are running “Undivided”three regional youth gatherings. They would love to invite your youth ministry and young people!

    Youth Alive’s mission is to reach young people with the message of Jesus. They believe these events will see youth ministries united, faith ignited, momentum gained, and young people respond to the Gospel!

    Outreach events are a great way to unite young people, reach youth, and share the truth of Jesus. At every one of these events attendees will be invited to a local church or youth ministry as a next step of faith. They would like to partner with you to help reach the next generation.

    The Youth Alive team are building volunteer teams for each of these events. If you would like to volunteer, please click the button, below.

    Winter Heartlands

    EH Heartlands News - EmpowHer

    Heartlands, the quarterly e-news for women, was released last Friday 14th July.
    There’s lots of good reading here >

    Day of Courage well-grounded

    Day of Courage Registrations are OPEN
    Sat 18th November, ALL WOMEN WELCOME!

    Australian Baptist Women ends
    Find out what happened, and what happens next.

    Heart of God-square

    Being Transformed
    Tuning into the heart of God. By Jenna Blackwell.

    Villain-Origin Story
    Or testimony in-the-making? By Maddie Mandall

    Pastors’ and Families’ Muster

    11th-13th July, Devonport

    The July 2023 Muster was held at Oldaker Christian Church in Devonport. Here, pastors and their families found a comfortable space which was suitable for music ministry, teaching, eating and a great children’s program.

    During the Muster, guest speaker Bree Mills explained her work around the idea of “micro-church”. This included how we might better disciple people, by adding small faith-based communities to our local church contexts. Read Bree’s article about Missional Leadership >

    Wednesday afternoon free-time, brought several families together as they headed up to Leven Canyon to enjoy a bushwalk, and one another’s company.

    Thanks must go to Jenna Blackwell for organising the Muster; Bree Mills for coming from Melbourne to speak; Bryce Roberts and Nicole Mayall for caring for the children; and David Pearson and Oldaker Christian Church for their excellent hospitality!

    L to R: Bree Mills; Worship team; Leven Canyon walk; Everyone; Michael Henderson; Bryce and Nic are thanked.

    Some Impressions of the Muster

    • Putting missional intent into all my “activities” can transform them.
    • Great connection and relationship.
    • The overall highlight for me was being with other pastors and families and having a chance to share life.
    • Be Discipling.
    • Motivation to support pioneers and keep them linked onto and supported by the church.
    • Being Together, kids and all. To be intentional Living in the tension of a ‘hybrid’ model.
    • Good tools with implementation guidance with safeguards are always welcome.

    EmpowHer Day of Courage

    Registrations now open!

    On Saturday 18th November, all women are welcome to attend the Day of Courage at Riverlands Longford. The speaker is Karen Wilson, President Baptist World Alliance Women, and CEO of the Gobal Leadership Network Australia. She will explore the topic of being well-grounded.

    Already there is interest across the state, from a broad cross-section of the community. This will be a special day – not to be missed! Postcards are now available to invite your friends and family. If you cannot see them at your church, contact

    Registration covers morning tea, lunch and all materials.

    EARLYBIRD: $45/person – Until 30th August
    FULL PRICE: $55/person – From 31st August

    Day of Courage 2023, register now

    SparkLit Awards Night

    Thursday 31st August

    The 2023 Australian Christian Book of the YearYoung Australian Christian Writer and Australian Christian Teen Writer Awards will be announced and prizes presented during this year’s SparkLit Awards Night on Thursday 31 August. Join in online to celebrate the courage and endeavour of Australian Christian writers! 

    Register now to receive the livestream link (free of charge) to watch the in-person event at St Alfred’s Anglican Church, Blackburn North.

    The Australian Christian Literature Awards encourage Christian writing and publishing that helps people discover Jesus in a way that is authentic and culturally meaningful. The SparkLit Awards recognise and encourage excellence in Australian Christian writing and publishing.

    Intergenerate Conference 2023

    9am-4:30pm, Friday 18th August

    There is a great national conference coming to Hobart (via satellite). This year the theme is: A Gospel for all Ages.

    The conference comes highly recommended by Anthea Maynard (City Baptist, Launceston):

    “I have been part of the national intergenerational resourcing group for a number of years. The speakers are excellent and have practical and thoughtful ways to explore intergenerational faith formation and community engagement. “

    Find out more at the Intergenerate Facebook page >

    Intergenerate - a Gospel for all ages

    NCLS Update

    Checking-in on your church’s health

    Did you know you don’t need to wait five years for the next National Church Life Survey to listen to your church?

    The Church Life Survey, by NCLS Research, is one of the church survey tools available to local churches and can be done anytime. It is an opportunity to check-in regularly and receive updated feedback and insights into church health and vitality, including your congregation’s experience of church life, discernments for the future and willingness to be involved.

    Both paper and online survey options are offered, with a quick turnaround of results. After completion of the Survey, churches will receive a Church Life Profile that provides insights into the life and experiences of church attenders and provide indicators of church health and vitality which can inform and equip future directions for ministry and mission.

    For more information, please visit

    NCLS Survey - Listen to your church attenders at any time

    Hold Fast Outreach

    The Point are hosting a 25-day Texan Partnership Mission

    Hold Fast Outreach at The Point, ReCharge News July 2023

    Four Texans have arrived in Beauty Point, three of whom have partnered with the church ten times in the last 14 years! The outreach began on 23rd June, and will continue through until 19th July.

    There will be a number of events ranging from Men’s, Women’s, and Kid’s outreach events, including a holiday club and basketball clinic. there will also be Bible studies and several family events.

    CONTACT Rachelle Hawkins for more info on 0409 272 877. 
    DOWNLOAD the brochure, which includes a short bio on the Texans.

    All are welcome to come and be part of it!

    School Chaplains

    Positions Vacant with Scripture Union Tas

    Provide emotional, social, and spiritual support to school communities…

    Scripture Union has multiple chaplaincy positions available across Tasmania. Chaplains provide emotional, social, spiritual, and often practical support to school communities. They are in the prevention and support business: helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown, loneliness, depression and anxiety.

    SU Chaplaincy models the compassion and unconditional love demonstrated and taught by Jesus, as recorded in the Bible. Chaplains will be sensitive to, respectful of, and available to all regardless of beliefs or religious affiliations. All SU Chaplaincy staff and volunteers are champion a child-safe culture, and commit to the highest standards of safety and care in their work with children, young people and families.

    See positions available in Tasmania >

    Read More ReCharge!

    June/July 2023

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    Recharge news July 2023

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    ReCharge News July 2023

    ReCharge NEWS June 2023

    21st June 2023 | ReCharge News

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      School Chaplains

      Positions Vacant with Scripture Union Tas

      Provide emotional, social, and spiritual support to school communities…

      Scripture Union has multiple chaplaincy positions available across Tasmania. Chaplains provide emotional, social, spiritual, and often practical support to school communities. They are in the prevention and support business: helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown, loneliness, depression and anxiety.

      SU Chaplaincy models the compassion and unconditional love demonstrated and taught by Jesus, as recorded in the Bible. Chaplains will be sensitive to, respectful of, and available to all regardless of beliefs or religious affiliations. All SU Chaplaincy staff and volunteers are empowered and equipped to champion a child-safe culture, and are committed to the highest standards of safety and care in our work with children, young people and families.

      See positions available in Tasmania >

      Chaplaincy in Tasmania

      Last Daughter

      In Cinemas – but you can arrange to watch at your church!

      After being raised by a white family, a young girl is taken away and returned to the Aboriginal family she didn’t know. Decades later, she’s on a journey to discover where she truly belongs.

      Brenda’s first memories were of growing up in a loving white foster family, before she was suddenly taken away and returned to her Aboriginal family. Decades later, she feels disconnected from both halves of her life. But the traumas of her past do not lie quietly buried. So, she goes searching for the foster family with whom she had lost all contact.

      INFO for Churches > | READ review >

      WATCH at the movies: Launceston Star > | Hobart State Cinema >

      WATCH the trailer:

      Our Baptist Values

      From Australian Baptist Ministries

      As mentioned at the May Assembly

      A great resource for your church or small group, the Values Project* is designed to help individuals, churches and groups reflect, talk and learn about our identity and values as communities of faith within the Australian Baptist movement.

      The Values Project strengthens our sense of identity, encourages connectedness and community across our movement, and informs decision making and leadership.

      Four free episodes are available, along with corresponding Scripts, Facilitator’s Guide, Discussion notes, and sermon ideas.

      They are a great basis for discussion and understanding Baptists, particularly for those new to the movement.

      The 4-5 minute videos each focus on one of our four values: 1. Jesus-Centred; 2. Community; 3. Mission; 4. Freedom

      WATCH Value 1: Being Jesus-Centred

      * The Values Project was made possible by the support of Baptist Insurance ServicesBaptist Financial Services and Baplink.

      Famine Relief Announcement

      News from Micah Australia

      As reported in reCharge in November 2022, the Horn of Africa is suffering a severe famine. So it is encouraging to learn that in the recent federal budget, the government announced Australia will contribute $29 million from the Humanitarian Emergency Fund to partners in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East.

      This includes:

      • $15 million to address increased humanitarian, displacement and protection needs of people in drought-affected areas in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.
      • $4 million to provide food and nutrition support to the most vulnerable in Yemen.
      • $10 million for food and monetary assistance to refugees and vulnerable populations in Lebanon and Jordan.

      Read the full story >

      Samine relief from Australia's federal budget 2023

      EmpowHer Day of Courage

      Heads Up!

      Saturday 18th November 2023, Riverlands Longford

      Karen Wilson
      Karen Wilson, who lives in WA, is excited to come and be with us!

      Calling all women! EmpowHer are gathering women around the state for a Day of Courage.

      SPEAKER: Karen Wilson President, Baptist World Alliance Women; CEO Global Leadership Network Australia.

      Watch out for more details available soon.

      On the Move

      City Baptist Launceston

      Have you heard City is moving to two new locations?

      Our Sunday Gatherings will be held at The Boathouse, 55 Lindsay Street Invermay, for at least the next 12 months. The Boathouse is an attractive modern building in the Seaport precinct, overlooking the North Esk River and Trevallyn, and next to Riverbend Park. Our first Gathering there will be on 18 June.

      Our Drop in Centre will remain operating on Saturday nights out of the Red Dove Café in the Pilgrim Uniting facilities in Paterson Street.

      City Baptist Launceston - some people
      City Baptist Launceston – some of our people

      Events at Hobart and Perth

      Hobart Baptist’s Luminous Festival

      For more details visit, or Eventbrite for essential free bookings (catering).

      Hobart Baptist church is again running its mid-winter festival, Luminous. This is the third year for Luminous, which aims to shed light on important topics for the people of Hobart during Dark Mofo. The festival runs for two weeks from 8-25 June and hosts conversations around spirituality and hope and showcases installation art.

      Luminous Main events 2023
      • 6pm, Thursday 8th June, FESTIVAL LAUNCH AND ARTWORK

      Michael Henderson’s art installation opens. Michael is an artist based in lutruwita / Tasmania and his work is entitled: The Seed of Life, Weighed Down. He uses symbols and metaphors to tell stories about identity, faith and longing. 
      The artwork will be open from 12pm-6pm until 16th June.

      • 6pm, Tuesday 13th, Thursday 15th, Tuesday 20th June, LUMINOUS CONVERSATIONS

      Over successive evenings with free refreshments, this year’s topics ask, ‘Is Tasmania A Place for Everyone?;How can we help Tasmanian Children flourish?’; and ‘How Do We Create Healthy Families?’ Each of the conversations are a safe space for discussion, and not just for people of faith. We value the unique journey and point of view each of our panellists can contribute. 

      • 6pm Friday 23rd June Luminous Carols
      • 10am Sunday 25th June A traditional Christmas Service

      All are welcome to the festival and entry is free, but bookings for evening events (catering) are essential.

      Luminous Carols, Christmas in winter

      Perth Tabernacle’s coming events

      Women’s Collective

      For women in Launceston

      Calling all women in Launceston and surrounds who are interested in growing in their faith-in-action journey. You might be leading or interested in leadership, serving, or wanting to grow in faith that leads to action. This is a new space for you! Join with other women who want a safe space to process and learn together.

      No life qualifications necessary. This is not a small group, or a Bible study. It’s a collective of women who are serious about learning and living in the ways of our good God, doing the journey with others, and hopefully having some laughs along the way.

      Get in touch to express interest or find out more: |

      Women's Collective for femaile leaders, Launceston

      About Us

      Jenna Blackwell is Tasmanian Baptists’ Mission Leadership Coach. Gabi Dunn works for the Anglicans. They are housemates, great friends, and peer supports in ministry. With the support of their organisations, they are collaborating to bring a new space for women.

      No, they don’t think events/gatherings have to be gender-specific. But yes, they acknowledge the complexity of life and history, and that sometimes you just need a space with other women.

      Jenna Blackwell, Gabi Dunn
      Jenna Blackwell; Gabi Dunn

      Read More ReCharge!

      June/July 2023

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      ReCharge News June 2023