reCharge NEWS June 2024

reCharge NEWS May 2024


    Winter Solstice Celebrate the Light in Hobart

    Christians of different denominations came together last week at the darkest time of the year to celebrate the light. Many different events provided expressions of love and light for the city of Hobart. A slide show from the various events is below.

    EmpowHer Day Of Wonder 2025 

    Save the date in 2025 on Saturday 29 March for next year’s EmpowHer Day of Wonder.
    Heartlands Autumn/Winter 2024 issue is out now. Read how to move from being STUCK into FREEDOM and how Breaking free from a rut can be incredibly liberating. Melissa Lipsett, CEO of Baptist World Aid and the keynote speaker for the Day of Wonder write on how women can change the fabric of local communities from poverty to cohesion. Plus Day of Presence on 20-22 September in Maydena in Southern Tasmania and other events for your calendar.. 

    Break Free - Heartlands for Women. By EmpowHer

    Hobart Night of Prayer  

    This Friday, 21st June a number of people are meeting for prayer or for prayer walks in Hobart.

    You are welcome to join other Christians or gather your own group together, to pray solo or in pairs and choose a place to pray at home, at church or “prayer walk” outdoors. 

    Below is a list of times and locations for organised prayer groups: 

    6:00 – 8:00pm – Prayer at St James Anglican Church New Town, followed by a prayer walk into St Davids Church

    7:00 – 8:00pm – Prayer at Kangaroo Bluff with Citywide Baptist Church  

    9:00 – 10:00pm – Prayer walk through the CBD. Starts at the Salvation Army Corps, 180 Elizabeth St  

    9:30 – 10:30pm – Prayer walk from Montagu Bay Primary School (Conara Rd – just under the Tasman Bridge) going across the bridge to St Davids along the waterfront.  

    *Please turn up 5 mins beforehand for prayer walks.

    More details here

    Better World Magazine June 2024

    The latest edition of Better World Magazine is out now.  This issue explores: 

    – What 50 years of Child Sponsorship has taught us 
    – Why disaster preparation is a justice issue 
    – Mi Kai Lagwi’s fight to end oppression in Myanmar 
    – Power: am I the problem?

    The Baptist World Aid magazine highlights pressing issues facing communities, offers inspiring good news stories, and a behind-the-scenes glimpse of local Christian Partners’ work around the world.  

    Click image below for magazine. 

    Celebrate the Light

    Christians from different churches around Hobart are coming together at the darkest time of the year to celebrate the light. Many churches are holding events during June to celebrate the winter months and spread the light and hope of Jesus. 

    Hobart Baptist’s Luminous festival is participating, along with other churches and different expressions of love for the city of Hobart. Events include: prayer walks, art installations, outreach, youth events, pancakes, hot chocolate, lanterns, hot topic discussions, midnight communion and more. These events are an excellent opportunity to invite those who don’t know Jesus yet.  

    Check out the Celebrate the Light Facebook page to stay connected over winter. 

    Luminous Festival Opens Today

    This year’s Luminous Festival at Hobart Baptist includes an exhibition of art by three artists, Karin McCormack, Joel Wybrew and Michael Henderson. They explore the theme SACRED TASMANIA and the connections between the sacred, place, and sustainability.  

    In Tide Line, a ceramic and raw clay installation by Karin McCormack, she subscribes to ‘the broader notion of sacred, that which inspires awe and deserves respect and reverence…’. 

    Joel Wybrew’s music Recording with Images is called (How) are you loving home? It’s an intimate piece of music, which seeks to provoke listeners to reflect on the land they inhabit and the community they share it with. Listeners are encouraged to pause and think about if and how they embody these values.  

    Past – Present? – Continuous? is a work of graffiti on photographs, by Michael Henderson. 

    The exhibition is open 12-15 June and 17-20 June: 10am-2pm at Hobart Baptist Church and kicks off with a panel discussion with the artists 12 June at 6pm. 

    The theme this year is “Sacred Tasmania” with a focus on “home, love and the things that unite us” and includes four conversations on the sacredness of life and how to live it well on this wonderful island Tasmania. 

    Event details are listed on the Luminous website or contact

    PNG’s Deadly Landslide

    How Churches Can Help 

    On 24 May, a deadly landslide struck Enga Province in Papua New Guinea, possibly burying up to 2,000 people and leaving many families devastated.

    Australian Baptists have a strong history of partnership with Baptist Union PNG. Baptist Union PNG staff members have shared the devastation of the situation as they try to locate missing family members and mourn the loss of loved ones. They’ve also made known the urgent need for aid, as the landslide has buried homes, farmland, and infrastructure. 

    Baptist World Aid is helping Baptist Union PNG provide emergency food rations. BWA is also cooperating with Baptist Mission Australia to practically and prayerfully respond to this disaster.  

    BWA, in cooperation with BMA, have developed a PNG Landslide Appeal here which is now live for donations.

    PNG Landslide appeal

    Baptist World Congress

    7-12 July 2025 

    Hosted every five years in rotating regional locations, the 23rd Baptist World Congress will take place in Brisbane. Baptists from all over the world will descend on Brisbane’s Convention Centre and Exhibition Centre. This year the Congress is a partnership between the Baptist World Alliance and the Australian Baptist movement. It will be a one-of-a-kind opportunity to gather with Baptist sisters and brothers from around the world and learn how God is at work in and through our global family. 

    The event theme is “Living the Good News” drawn from Luke 4: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (v. 18-19) 

    For more information visit the website.

    23rd Baptist World Congress

    Library Aid International  

    Second Life Books and Resources

    Library Aid International provide opportunities for schools and others in Tasmania to give a second life to used books and educational resources so that they can be shipped to needy schools in overseas countries. heir 12th container is about to be shipped.  

    The Sheffield community has warmly welcomed Library Aid International Inc. that originated as the vision of Linda Abblitt from Tasmania. The group is now led by Leoni Read and in 2023 relocated from Upper Burnie to the Beulah Memorial Hall with new volunteers and supporters coming forward. 

    They continue to see schools, libraries, churches, organisations, and private citizens donate books, educational resources and finances to LAI. 

    Students and staff from a school recently held a Book Drive and donated 1,161 books and a generous donation of two thousand dollars was made from the proceeds of morning teas at a popular market.  

    A children’s authors’ small business in Hobart donated 100 copies each of three non-fiction educational books for young children. 

    LAI recently placed a “Book Library Fridge” in front of the Uniting Church in Sheffield for books donated to LAI that, for various reasons related to culture or other factors, cannot be shipped. The Book Library Fridge is a novel and imaginative approach that encourages the joy of reading and community engagement, both at home and abroad while promoting LAI on the volunteer-painted fridge doors. 

    To donate and for a list of preferred items visit the website.

    Library Aid International

    Building a Culture of Trust

    Tuesday, 11 June 

    Experience an engaging half-day Leaders Networking Event to workshop building a culture of trust. Presented by Dr. Henry Cloud, clinical psychologist and author of 45 books including “Boundaries”. 

    The half-day session on Tuesday 11 June will be co-hosted by GLS Next Gen on the Northwest Coast at Devonport. 

    Understanding the significance of trust within a team has profound impact on enhancing working environments. The event offers a fantastic opportunity for networking, learning, and potentially catalysing positive change within church culture. Learn, grow and connect with leaders from across Tasmania.

    The highlight of the meeting will be an insightful presentation by Dr. Henry Cloud. 
    Benefits include:
    – World-class insights  
    – Dynamic conversations 
    – Defined next steps to enhance trust with the people you lead.

    Costs start at $65 per person and includes GST, workbook and morning tea.  

    Find more information and register here

    Building a Culture of Trust

    ReCharge News June 2024

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