Deep Thought Aug/Sept 2022

Deep Thought September 2022

Deep ThoughtA bi-monthly feature in ReCharge

A Change in Thinking . . .

. . . for Changing Times

Mission in the 21st Century is necessarily very different to the mission of yesteryear.

By Laurie Rowston

The preaching once heard from evangelists of the past such as Henry Varley, which was used so effectively to tell people about Jesus, has lost its persuasiveness in part because the language of religious experience is increasingly unfamiliar.

Give the Holy Spirit Space

If we keep using methods that worked for them to talk to non-church attenders about Jesus, we might see some fruit. But we can be quite certain we’ll lose the vast majority, and we’ll lose the vast majority under age 35.

Further, even the great and thoughtful preaching of that era, such as sought after by Congregational Church preachers, will not fill a church, as much as we wish it would and think it should.

What is more, it is harder today to put together a good 20-minute sermon than a prattling 40-minute conversation. On the saw-dust trail, it was a case of bringing folk to Christian faith in a limited time frame.

Keeping the mission alive

So, in the post-Christian, post-modern age in which we live, the method of evangelism must change in order to keep the mission alive.

Here are a few pointers . . . and they have more to do with the subject of evangelism generally, than the week-by-week preaching in church. For these ideas I am indebted to Carey Nieuwhof, who is pastor of one of the most influential churches in North America.

Embracing the question is as important as giving an answer

Evangelism used to be mostly about helping people find answers but, often, in the process of providing an answer, we fail to really embrace or honour their question.

Steering the conversation is better than pushing for a conclusion

We should not step away from people’s questions. We need to learn to listen without judgment. We need to affirm a person’s intentions. Being open is more effective than being certain. We can be certain. Ultimately, we must be certain because our faith is certain. Our faith stands on a sure and certain ground. But, when talking to others, coming across as certain is far less effective than coming across as open.
The person who is always certain thinks they’re being convincing, when the opposite is often true.

We need to learn to listen without judgment.

Arrogance, smugness and superiority are dead

For too long putting the case for Christianity has been carried with a tone of arrogance, smugness and superiority. It was the case with Billy Sunday. There was a triumphalism in his words. This triumphalism continued in “Moral Majority”, and today continues in the preaching of imaginative TV preachers. 
Arrogance is so ingrained in many Christian cultures that Christians don’t even see it or hear it anymore. Humility is attractive. Humility is what makes Jesus so much more attractive to people. Spreading the kingdom does not mean hell-fire evangelism; it means living a Christ-like life.

Humility is what makes Jesus so much more attractive to people.

The timeline is longer

Give the Holy Spirit Space - the people who come to faith in their own timeline tend to be flourishing years down the road.

We like to conclude everything in about 35 seconds; revivalists did, within the hour. Increasingly, evangelism doesn’t work that way. People who come to faith when pressured often leave it after a few years.

Conversely, the people who come to faith in their own timeline tend to be flourishing years down the road. It took the disciples three years to figure out who Jesus was, didn’t it? We need people and leaders who will take the time to go on a journey with people.
But for the revivalists such as Billy Sunday, it all had to be done in the time frame of the particular revivalist meeting. People were there to hear the message, respond to the message, acknowledge their sin, repent and commit.

We need people and leaders who will take the time to go on a journey with people.

It is true we are not to lose our sense of urgency in the mission, as we should not raise doubts where there are none. But we need to give people space, and we need to give the Holy Spirit space to do His work.

Laurie Rowston

Laurie Rowston is Tasmanian Baptists’ historian. His latest book, Tasmanian Baptists, Lessons from Our First Twenty Years, will soon be available.

To find out more about the book, or to place an order, please get in touch with him:

Give the Holy Spirit Space

More Deep Thought

Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson
Just Mercy by Michael Henderson
On Becoming Wise Elders by Mike Frost

Read ReCharge

August/September 2022

Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
Around the Churches News and events statewide
Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
Church Profile Claremont Baptist
From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

September 2022 NEWS
August 2022 NEWS

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Courage to make a difference

Love Beyond our Backyard

Cindy, Shirley Wilson and Kelsea
Heartlands News

From Local to Global

How three generations of Baptist World Aid supporters built a legacy of generosity

Sophia Russell recently chatted with three women from the same family from Wynyard: Shirley Wilson, daughter Cindy and granddaughter Kelsea Clingeleffer. Kelsea is the International Programs Coordinator at Baptist World Aid.

Giving has shaped our lives to bring a perspective way beyond our backyard

Shirley Wilson remembers the day she first decided to become a Child Sponsor with Baptist World Aid Australia.

It was 1977, and she was raising four children, working part time as a nurse, and helping her husband, Graeme, run a small poultry farm in the northwest of Tasmania.

A guest speaker from Baptist World Aid Australia visited Wynyard Baptist, and spoke about a Child Sponsorship program. He explained that Australians could provide a monthly gift to support the work of Christian Partners working in places like Bangladesh and India. The funding would support children in those countries, helping them build a future free from poverty.

‘I decided it would be a good thing,’ Shirley said. ‘I’ve always loved Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:40, “as much as you did to one of the least of these my brethren, you did to me,” and I wanted to put it into practice’.

A Thrilling Discovery

After that Sunday, Shirley decided to support Anika*, a Child Partner living in India. Anika was nine years old, which made it easy for Shirley’s similarly aged daughter, Cindy, to connect with her. Cindy was thrilled to discover Anika enjoyed the same things she did—skipping rope, running games, playing outside with friends. But Cindy also learnt that their lives were vastly different.

‘It was an interesting education to have insight into somebody else’s world,’ Cindy said. ‘That’s when I started to think outside my own community.’

‘It was an interesting education to have insight into somebody else’s world,’ Cindy said.

Cindy loved exchanging letters with Anika so much, that when she got her first job as a teenager, she used her pocket money to become a Sponsor.

‘Mum’s example had a big impact on me,’ she said. ‘We can’t all go overseas, but this is how we can contribute’.

One Generation, to the Next

Cindy didn’t stop contributing—even when she married her husband David and they had children of their own. And even when it wasn’t easy. ‘David lost his job about 20 years ago,’ Cindy said. ‘We clung on to our Child Partner for as long as we could, so it was heartbreaking when we couldn’t support him anymore’.

When David started working again, the first thing they did was ask if their Child Partner was still available to support. ‘I was so happy that he was,’ Cindy said. ‘That made me realise what a big impact our Child Partners had on us.

Sponsorship also had a big impact on Cindy’s kids. Her eldest children, Kelsea and Braden, took over a newspaper delivery business as teenagers, and used their earnings to support a Child Partner themselves.

‘My mother’s heart sang!’ Cindy recalls. But for Kelsea, raised by big-hearted parents and grandparents who travelled with overseas mission organisations, generosity wasn’t something extraordinary. It was just part of the Christian life.

Generosity wasn’t something extraordinary. It was just part of the Christian life

A BIG Perspective


‘I always knew that there were communities that were in different circumstances to mine,’ Kelsea said. ‘In my family, it was normal to see the world as a bigger place, not just to focus on us.’

This perspective eventually led Kelsea to pursue a career in international community development, spending 22 months in Cambodia with the United Nations Development Program. At the beginning of 2022, she started serving as an International Programs Coordinator at Baptist World Aid. Her role, which focuses on building community resilience and responding to disasters, is a far cry from her paper delivery days. But her heart is the same.

‘While it’s easy just to focus on ourselves, God calls us to love our neighbour,’ Kelsea said. ‘That might be the person next door, or it might be someone overseas.’

Having a Heart that Rubs Off

Today, Shirley, Cindy and Kelsea still call the northwest coast of Tasmania home. And they continue their legacy of generosity. Shirley’s home is full of gifts she’s crafted for children in need overseas—girl’s skirts, doll clothes, toy hedgehogs made from old scarves. She’s still supporting children, now with friends from Wynyard Baptist Church. And she couldn’t be prouder of her granddaughter Kelsea.

‘You always hope that having a heart for others rubs off on your kids, and their kids,’ Shirley said. ‘It’s pleasing to know that we can make a difference to someone else’s life.”

Cindy, who is still part of Baptist World Aid’s Child sponsorship program, agrees. ‘We’re not meant to live as islands,’ she said. ‘As Christians, we’re called to live in community and support each other, even across the globe’.

*not her real name

Sophia Russell is the wife of a minister, mum of two children and the communication specialist at Baptist World Aid.

Read Heartlands, Spring 2022

Read ReCharge

August/September 2022

Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
Around the Churches News and events statewide
Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
Church Profile Claremont Baptist
From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change

August 2022 NEWS
July 2022 NEWS

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Love Beyond our Backyard

Census Overview from Crossover

Census Overview from Crossover

Sacred Agents #101

Census and Sensibility

By Andrew Turner, Director of Crossover, helping Australian Baptists share Jesus

I know most of you don’t love statistics as much as I do, probably 98.841% of you with a margin of error of … WAIT! Don’t switch off. The recent Australian Census data is important. Let me try to translate the number columns into a meaningful story.

Census Overview from Crossover

Some results were not that surprising. Turns out we’re all five years older than we were at the last census five years ago. Over that time the Australian population grew 8.6% (1.5% per year) to 25.4 million. Half of that growth came from migration. Ask your parents where the other half came from. Speaking of which, did you know nearly 50% of us have a parent born overseas? Oh, and that Millennials have totally taken over as largest age demographic? LOL. Eye-roll emoji.

But it was the Religious Affiliation data that surprised many. The proportion of Aussies who claim to be Christian dropped sharply, from 52% to 44% (in 2011 it was 61%).  At the same time, those who ticked ‘No Religion’ rose from 30% to 39%. This represents two million nominal Christians no longer claiming to be what they don’t practice.

Most of us would see this as a rise in honesty – don’t claim to be a musician if you don’t play an instrument. But if it’s a shift from ‘I’m a lazy musician who hardly ever practices’ to ‘I’m no musician and selling my trumpet’, it is a loss and a grief.

Uneven Spread

The drop-off from those claiming Christianity was not spread evenly across denominations. Anglicans especially, but Catholics, Uniting, Presbyterians, Lutherans and Salvos had very significant reductions. Pentecostals and Churches of Christ fell a little. And Baptists actually grew – by 2,192 – small falls in most states were more than offset by a jump of 4,500 in Victoria. Go BUV!

The generation that is least ‘Christian’ (31%) and most ‘No Religion’ (47%) are those millennials, now aged 26-40. But this may be more about life-stage than generation; young adults often do a prodigal walkabout before returning to faith. Let’s be sure to welcome them.

So what’s the story? What might God be saying to us and what might we do with all this?

Firstly, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.  

CONTINUE READING Andrew Turner’s blog, Sacred Agents: Census and Sensibility >

Andrwe Turner

Andrew Turner is the Director of Crossover for Australian Baptist Ministries and author of Fruitful Church and Taking the Plunge: Baptism and Belonging to Jesus.
Andrew recently completed a Leadership Review of Tasmanian Baptists, with results soon to be tabled.

Read ReCharge

August/September 2022

Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
Around the Churches News and events statewide
Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
Church Profile Claremont Baptist
From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

August 2022 NEWS
July 2022 NEWS

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Census Overview from Crossover

ReCharge NEWS August 2022

24th August 2022 | ReCharge News August 2022

Table of Contents

    Become a Foster Care Mentor!

    Training Day in October

    For just a few hours a month, you can significantly impact the life of a child in care for the better.

    Fostering Hope Mentor Recriutment 2022

    Fostering Hope is a community organisation who work closely with Tas Baptists to encourage and support Baptist families and churches to provide loving homes and church community for foster kids.

    Their work is inspired by the Bible and the teachings of Jesus to ‘visit’ and ‘care for’ orphans and widows, to put the lonely in families, to love the fatherless, to care for children, and to love the neighbours in the communities.

    Through their Mentoring Program, Fostering Hope seeks to provide a “friend with purpose” for kids in care.

    Here is a way to live out your faith by caring for those in need. You can make a difference for a child in care by becoming a mentor.. Be equipped with training, connect with a child and be provided with ongoing support as you mentor your foster child.

    The next training day is on Saturday, 1st October, in Hobart (Northern training will be available in 2023)

    Find Out More or Apply at
    Or reach out to Ellie: (

    Heartlands News – Winter 2022

    Every quarter, a new Heartlands news for women is released by EmpowHer*.

    The Winter 2022 edition was sent to subscribers by email a few weeks ago.

    Inside Heartlands

    • OVERVIEW of the SHELTER Retreat, back in June (more retreats are in the wind!)
    • DIARY What’s coming up on the EmpowHer calendar – North, Northwest and South
    • READING God’s Whisper, by Jenny Baxter
    • SUBSCRIBE to Heartlands for women >

    *EmpowHer is an activity of Tasmanian Baptist Women

    Help Fight Famine Today

    Write to your MP

    ReCharge News August 2022 - Help Fight Famine

    Baptist World Aid’s Christian Partners have seen first-hand how devastating hunger can be to a person’s health and wellbeing.

    In Australia, we’ve seen our own food prices skyrocket due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic, climate disasters and most recently, the conflict in Ukraine. But in communities and countries where people were already facing life-threatening hunger, this conflict has pushed them to the breaking point. Right now, 49 million people are facing famine.

    This is an urgent crisis that can’t wait. But we can make a difference. We can help save lives. We can help fight famine.

    Baptist World Aid is part of Help Fight Famine, a new campaign calling on our government to urgently deliver $150 million to support the world’s hungriest countries, including communities in the Horn of Africa, Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria.

    Write to your local MP here and call on them to push our new government to do our part in responding to this urgent crisis. It’s really easy!

    Library Aid International


    ReCharge News August 2022, Library Aid International in Fiji
    Students at Molumolu Secondary School in a rural area of Fiji in the school library.

    Library Aid International Inc in Burnie, Tasmania is now filling a tenth shipping container for an overseas destination BUT have completely run out of incoming books and educational resources.  

    Please send any you no longer have a need for!

    Boxed resources labelled ‘Library Aid c/- Burnie Depot’ can be left at any DeBruyn’s transport depot, and will be transported to us at no cost.

    Educational resources for any age level are wanted for this next shipment and to keep our volunteers busy!  Books used by your kids and grandkids and no longer use.  High School, College and University textbooks are also needed.

    For a full list of suitable educational and school supplies, please see the Books tab on the Donations page when you visit

    READ: LIA August Update >

    Domestic Violence Workshop

    16 July 2022, Citywide Baptist

    In Australia, on average one woman is killed each week by a current or former partner. While men can be victims of DV, the overwhelming majority of victims are women. Children, too, experience severe trauma and developmental delay when exposed to domestic violence.

    Aware of this concern, approximately 25 people met at Citywide Baptist Church recently to learn more about domestic violence (DV). Dr Wilma Gallet led us through a one-day workshop on how the church can respond to this serious social issue.

    An ever-present help

    God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1;
ReCharge News August 2022

    We explored the myths and facts about DV, its prevalence in Australia, the different forms it takes, and the ways in which it impacts people within our church communities as well as more broadly.

    In particular, we looked at the SANCTUARY approach as a framework to help the church be better prepared to provide appropriate responses to both the victims/survivors of DV and those who perpetrate violence in the home.

    A sanctuary is a sacred place, a place of safety and refuge. Psalm 46:1 tells us that, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble”. Churches can be places of sanctuary where all people can find rest and refuge as expressed in the Gospel.

    • The DV Sanctuary Commitment is to create environments where victims of domestic violence feel safe, believed, included and loved. This includes:
      • Safe spaces
      • Acceptance and trust
      • Networks of support
      • Caring for children
      • Trauma-informed approaches
      • Understanding unconscious bias
      • Affirming personal agency
      • Recognising red flags
      • Yielding hope

    Step 1 for Citywide Baptist Church has been to make us more aware of the domestic violence issues in the community. Our challenge now is to work through what SANCTUARY can look like in our particular church community.

    With God’s help, we will be an inclusive, safe sanctuary where healing can occur.

    NB: Another resource available to us is the SAFERSPACESTOOLKIT.COM.AU, developed by Australian Baptists.

    Baptist Word Alliance Gathering

    Baptist World Alliance Congress

    10-15 July 2022, Birmingham, Alabama USA

    BWA Hybrid Conference 2022

    Gathering for the first time in person since 2019, over 600 Baptist leaders from more than 65 countries participated in worship, prayer, learning, relationship building, and shared ministry at the 2022 Baptist World Alliance (BWA) Annual Gathering.

    Offered as a hybrid event, hundreds met on the campus of Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, USA, (pictured) with more than 150 others participating virtually. 

    Those gathered included Aussies ABM National Ministries Director Mark Wilson; CEO Baptist World Aid Melissa Lipsett; President Baptist World Alliance Women Karen Wilson; and President of Baptist Women of the Pacific Elissa Macpherson.

    • The focus for the Gathering was largely facilitated by the BWA Racial Justice Action Group which was launched in October 2020. At the gathering the Action Group embarked on a two-year journey to:
      • Focus the 2022 BWA Annual Gathering around the theme of racial justice.
      • Engage in theological reflection related to the call for racial justice today
      • Develop tools for ongoing engagement within the BWA, BWA Member Bodies, and Churches so that the pursuit of racial justice will remain an ongoing priority

    Grieving Your Way

    Launceston, 20th August 2022


    Grief Workshop Launceston; ReCharge News August 2022

    Thank you Newnham Baptist!

    Jit assists a quadriplegic,
ReCharge News August 2022
    Jit works with CharYar Tit (see newsletter)

    Newnham Baptist closed its doors in April 2016. At that time the leadership team made plans for remaining funds in their bank account .

    This year, all funds have been donated to mission work as agreed. Jit and Jan Yawan, and their work with Lanternlight Ministries in Thailand, were recipients of some of the funds.

    Below are excerpts of the thank you letter sent to Jill Ashdown. Jill is a past member at Newnham Baptist, who has overseen the project.

    Dear Jill and all associated with the former Newnham Baptist Church,
    We have seen your support gift and also the letter you sent to Baptist Mission Australia to tell us about the gift. We have very fond memories of the breakfast gathering at Jill’s home. We loved the setting and felt a very warm acceptance at that session. We also remember our visits to the Newnham Baptist Church gatherings. 
    We have seen your support gift and also the letter you sent to Baptist Mission Australia to tell us about the gift . We have very fond memories of the breakfast gathering at Jill’s home. We loved the setting and felt a very warm acceptance at that session. We also remember our visits to the Newnham Baptist Church gatherings. 
    We want to take this opportunity again to say thank you for the support you sent for our work with people with disabilities through Lanternlight Ministries.
    Our recent newsletter gives you a snippet of an update of some of the folk we have been able to visit to touch your hearts.
    Jit and Jan Yawan

    Stand Sunday 2022

    Stand Sunday, during September
ReCharge News August 2022

    Supporting Foster Carers during September

    On Stand Sunday, Christians unite on behalf of every child in care. They commit to pray for them to be restored to a forever family.

    In Australia, we host Stand Sunday on the second Sunday of September to coincide with National Child Protection Week (4-10 Sept) and National Foster Carer’s Week (11-17 Sept). In 2022 that is on Sunday 11th September. However, your church is welcome to participate on any Sunday in September.

    Each year, Fostering Hope provides a Stand Sunday Kit and video for you to use in your church, small group or community. These will soon be available.

    Fostering Hope asks churches to come together to:

    1. Celebrate foster carers who STAND as carers and family for children who desperately need it.
    2. For churches to STAND with carers to understand the beautiful and messy lives they live.
    3. And for churches to STAND up with information about the need for more homes for vulnerable Aussie children.

    This Stand Sunday, we ask Baptist churches in Tasmania to open up to those who need a home, a family and community – let’s find fostering families to fill this need in Tassie!

    Mary and her two boys; ReCharge News August 2022

    For more info contact Mary Dickins, Executive Officer Fostering Hope:

    Mary with her two sons. For security reasons Mary’s foster sons cannot be photographed with them.

    Become a Money Mentor

    Christians Against Poverty calls on the Christian church community to consider becoming money mentors to meet growing demand.

    With continued interest rate rises and the skyrocketing cost of living, it’s likely that more than 1 in 4 Australians will currently be living in financial distress and CAP says they need thousands of church-based money mentors to meet the growing demand for their services.

    Rosie Kendall; ReCharge News August 2022
    Rosie Kendall

    CAP trains volunteers to walk alongside people experiencing financial distress. They give them the tools and support they need to see beyond their current financial challenges.

    CEO of CAP, Rosie Kendall says, “We re working hard now to ensure that no Australian suffers financial distress, and we’ll need a lot of help to do that. Especially in the current economic climate. The fact that so many Australians are living in financial distress just shows that we’re all vulnerable to it, especially in times of uncertainty”.

    Recognising that financial stress isn’t just about the dollars and cents, CAP has released a free Financial Wellbeing Scale to help people improve their understanding and measurement of all the different elements that make up their financial wellbeing.

    For more information on CAP, including how to donate your time and become a money mentor, or to make a tax-deductible donation to support the work of CAP, visit:

    Read ReCharge

    August/September ReCharge 2022

    Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
    Around the Churches News and events statewide
    Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
    From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
    Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
    Church Profile Claremont Baptist
    From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
    Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

    ReCharge NEWS September 2022
    ReCharge NEWS August 2022

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    ReCharge News August 2022

    Stand Sunday 2022

    Stand Sunday 2022. Fostering Hope

    During September

    Stand Sunday 2022

    Fostering Hope is Tasmanian Baptists’ official foster care agency

    Stand Sunday is a way for us to all rediscover the importance that Jesus puts on caring for vulnerable children in our community.

    Individual Christians have fostered, offered kinship, and informal care for decades, but overall the church in Australia is not responding to this local need. Fostering Hope believes if the church in Australia takes seriously the call to open our homes and churches to vulnerable children, there would be more than enough homes for all the children who need one.

    Stand Sunday 2022

    Stand with Carers

    The early Church was known for its sacrificial care for widows and orphans. Can you imagine the ripple effect in our community if Christians took this seriously today and we became known as the place that offered families and communities of respect, healing, and kindness to everyone in the system?

    We all hear the negative media about child protection systems, workers, and children growing up in care, As Christians, we can step into this space to offer light and hope and point to our Heavenly Father.

    Stand Sunday is an opportunity to stand with the carers in your church or community, and to celebrate them! It is also a time to talk about the needs in Australia and ask people to consider responding.

    When is Stand Sunday?

    Stand Sunday 2022
    Fostering Hope recognises not everyone is able to be a foster carer. But we can all do something.

    Stand Sunday is an international movement. In Australia, we celebrate it on the second Sunday in September (the 11th in 2022) as it is National Child Protection Week and National Foster Carer’s Week in the first two weeks of September. So it is a great time for churches to STAND with children and their carers. However, your church is welcome to participate any Sunday in September.

    Fostering Hope recognises not everyone is able to be a foster carer. But we can all do something. You could be a mentor – Fostering Hope runs a mentoring program for children growing up in care, and connects volunteer babysitters and tutors. As well, we facilitate meals for fostering families, and run trauma-awareness training so churches can have greater understanding of children with extra needs. You may also know some carers in your local community who you could reach out to.

    What to do Next

    VISIT our YouTube channel for this year’s Stand Sunday video
    If the 2022 video isn’t there yet, it will be soon!

    CHECK OUT our website for more information:

    Mary Dickins

    EMAIL your questions to Mary Dickins of Fostering Hope:

    Read ReCharge

    August/September 2022

    Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
    Around the Churches News and events statewide
    Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
    Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
    From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
    Church Profile Claremont Baptist
    From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
    Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

    August 2022 NEWS
    July 2022 NEWS

    DOWNLOAD Recent Issues of ReCharge

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    Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

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    Stand Sunday 2022

    PROFILE: Claremont Baptist Church

    Claremont Baptist church
    Claremont Church Profile

    Claremont Baptist is one of Tasmanian Baptists’ more recently developed churches.

    In 1964 the church was the brainchild of Rev. Matthew Francis, pastor at Lenah Valley. Council planning included building new schools, and people were looking to live in the northern reaches of Hobart. The fledgling church began as a home fellowship called Abbotsfield Baptist Fellowship.


    A church for the working classes

    Claremont Baptist Church (CBC) was originally planted to service the northern suburbs of Abbotsfield and Chigwell, just over 50 years ago.

    50th Anniversary Claremont Baptist Church Profile
    50th Anniversary, with former Pastor David Knox, Mayor of Claremont Kristie Johnson, and Pastor Peter Clark

    At that time, the surrounding community were mainly working class, and there were many Housing Commission homes. The early influences are still in evidence today. The building is not an ornate church design, but more like a community hall. The traditional offering plate has never been passed at the church – there is a box near the main entry (and now of course e-banking).

    Unfortunately, younger families no longer call CBC home. The congregation is mainly elderly. The average age of members would make a great batting score!

    Heather and Murray Hall, cutting cake CBC 50th Anniv,
    Heather and Murray Hall cut the 50th Anniversary cake

    From the extended church family, about 30 attend the Sunday morning service each week. One of the great assets of the church is the large, dedicated team of volunteers who keep everything running smoothly.

    In 2021, we were excited to celebrate our 50th Anniversary on the 6th March.

    Read about our 50th Anniversary weekend >

    Willing, Able and Gifted

    We have welcomed some new members to the church in recent times. We’ve also had past friends return to us after a season elsewhere. As a local church we are not focused on guarding our patch, but are happy to celebrate when the Kingdom grows. We bless members when they leave and bless them when they come back.

    As a local church we are not focused on guarding our patch, but are happy to celebrate when the Kingdom grows.

    Claremont Baptist Profile

    • Claremont mid-winter dinner 2022
    • Christening the new entertainment area

    March this year, marked 20 years Since Peter and Jenny Clark began providing pastoral leadership at CBC. Peter does most of the preaching/teaching, and Jenny is the music leader. Over the years, a great team of preachers has ably supported them, as well as musicians, and other highly gifted contributors. Peter can remember one Sunday morning where our members were preaching at five different churches in Hobart (including CBC).

    Ministry Opportunities

    Building friendship is the focus of our current ministry. This includes groups such as Book Nook which meets on Tuesday mornings. We also hold Bible study and prayer meetings.

    As well, there is a strong emphasis on [overseas] missions at Claremont, with missionaries receiving finances, prayer support, and encouragement. This has been a feature of the church since its beginnings.

    Future Direction

    With some external support from Tasmanian Baptists, a review is being conducted into the future direction of CBC.

    The members understand something new must emerge for the ministry to continue. We also need to reposition the church so the welcome which was always extended to the past community will also appeal to an increasingly multi-cultural and diverse population.

    To that end, we value the prayers of our Baptist brothers and sisters as we look to God for what that future might look like.

    Pastor Peter Clark, who is also Chair of the Tas Baptist Council

    By Peter Clarke
    Pastor of CBC, and Chair of Tasmanian Baptists

    Claremont Baptist Church > Where, When and Contact information

    This is the Claremont Baptist Profile

    Claremont Baptist Church

    A Brief History

    A short history of Claremont Baptist Church

    Pam Conrad’s Reflection

    Claremont Baptist, up close and personal

    Pam Conrad, Claremont Baptist Church Profile

    Pam was a founder member of the Constitution of Claremont Baptist in 1977. She has been an active member for some 45 years.  She is a special person in our church family.

    In my earliest years I believed in God and after a time I found myself at Claremont Baptist, which is where I am today.

    Through attending on a regular basis, I became a true believer and even though times have been tough, the Lord has always brought me through. We have regular prayer times and keep in touch with each other.

    People are strengthened through prayer, including me, and praise is strong when we gather on Sunday. Going through COVID hasn’t been easy but taking things daily really helps.

    We also celebrate in good times and gather whenever we can.  From my first attendance over forty years ago until now, I feel that I belong.

    Read ReCharge

    August/September 2022

    Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
    Around the Churches News and events statewide
    Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
    Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
    From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
    Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
    From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
    Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

    August 2022 NEWS
    July 2022 NEWS

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    Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

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    Claremont Baptist Profile

    Achieve Lasting Social Change

    Seeing Lasting Social Change in your community

    Learning to live in proximity to your community

    Strategies for change

    Michael Henderson and Jenna Blackwell
    Michael and Jenna

    By Michael Henderson, Mission Leadership Development

    Tasmanian Baptists continue to share a desire for our churches to embrace the key strategies of RE-ENGAGE, RE-IMAGINE and RE-ALIGN.

    We believe this is the best way for us to realise the social change God desires in Tasmania. The work Jenna Blackwell and I do with churches is focused on assisting Baptist churches to realise this vision.

    Applying the Basics

    Taking steps to reengage, reimagine and realign can sound complicated, risky and mysterious. However, the basics always apply. And the basics for us are to love our God who loves us; love our neighbours as God loves us; and go into all the world to help people to understand the first two. From this base, it is possible to achieve the rest.

    Taking steps to reengage, reimagine and realign can sound complicated, risky and mysterious.

    Because here is the thing: when saying re-imagine, it is not speaking about ideas. Instead, it is re-imagining people, relationships and the communities our churches are immersed in. It is not about innovating products, or ideas, or programs. On the contrary, we, like God, are focused on people, communities, and ultimately the social change that happens from this.

    Trust is Key

    Relationships change at the speed of trust - Jennifer Bailey; Lasting social change

    One of my guiding principles at the moment comes from a quote by the Rev. Jennifer Bailey: “Relationships are built at the speed of trust, and social change happens at the speed of relationships.” That is, without trust there are no healthy relationships. And without healthy relationships, there will be no social change. 

    “Relationships are built at the speed of trust, and social change happens at the speed of relationships.”

    Rev Jennifer Bailey

    In my experience, people often want to jump over re-imaging trust and relationships and pursue the re-imaging of social change. But, if you do not start with trust, there will be no lasting social change.

    So, how do we re-imagine trust-building and relationships? It starts with getting close to people.

    This sounds simple, but with re-imagining, and a desire to create new things, it is possible to lose sight of people. They can disappear into the group of “people out there”. That is, people you have heard about but don’t know personally; people we have seen on television or YouTube but have never met. 

    Moving Into the Neighbourhood

    Move into your neighbourhood - Bryan Stevenson; Lasting social change

    Here is another quote I love, from Bryan Stevenson, “People are hard to hate up close, so move in. People are easy to notice and understand and build trust with up close, so move in.”

    With people close by, you notice when you have built trust. And when you have broken it, you notice relationships go missing. 

    “People are hard to hate up close, so move in. People are easy to notice and understand and build trust with up close, so move in.”

    Bryan Stevenson

    What does it mean to move in?
    Find ways to be vulnerable with people:

    • To be authentic and consistent, being the same person in all relationships.
    • To be accountable to people.
    • Do this over time, and you build trust and relationships.
    • Do this as a church with the community around you and you build trust and relationship with your community.

    This might be what re-imagine means for you as a church, and for you as a follower of Jesus.

    But, it all has to start with trust. You can achieve lasting social change through trusting that God loves you; trusting your neighbour in relationship; and trusting that God can empower you to go into all the world and make disciples (which includes the house next door!)

    Michael Henderson

    If you would like to discuss how your church can achieve lasting social change, then please send me an email!

    Read ReCharge

    August/September ReCharge 2022

    Disaster Strikes Floods in Pakistan – Baptist World Aid
    Around the Churches News and events statewide
    Ministry Profile Ben Cochrane, Somerset
    Deep Thought 21st Century Mission by Laurie Rowston
    From Andrew Turner of Crossover Census Overview
    Stand Sunday 2022 Make a stand for foster carers ~ During September
    Church Profile Claremont Baptist
    From the MLT Achieving Lasting Social Change
    Love Beyond our Backyard Three generations of generosity in Wynyard

    August 2022 NEWS
    July 2022 NEWS

    DOWNLOAD Recent Issues

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    Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

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    Lasting social change

    HEARTLANDS News Winter 2022

    HEARTLANDS is the quarterly email for EmpowHer – a network of Tasmanian women growing and encouraging each other in their God-given potential.

    Table of Contents

      Diary Dates

      Check the details on these events by scrolling down.
      Have you subscribed to Heartlands to find out about events in your region?

      • Fri/Sat 24/25 June SOUTH Shelter Retreat – read the overview!
      • Sunday 31st July NORTH Cosy Cuppa, Chat & Craft at Westbury Baptist
      • Saturday 17th September NORTHWEST Coffee and Walk, Latrobe
      • Late Oct/Early Nov World Women’s Day Of Prayer – events across the state


      Southern Event

      FRI/SAT 24-25 June 2022, Blackmans Bay

      How the Shelter retreat weekend unfolded


      Shelter Retreat, Heartlands Autumn 2022

      Everyone needs it. God provides it. We sleep, eat and live in it.

      But how do you live in the SHELTER of the Most High God?

      “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
      will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

      Psalm 91:1

      Overview of the SHELTER Retreat

      Denise Stephenson and Jenny Baxter
      Denise and Jenny
      • The retreat was led by Denise Stephenson (LifeWay) and Jenny Baxter (Hobart)
      • A rejuvenating literal Sabbath, from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday
      • Delicious home-cooked meals, in an intimate setting
      • Great connection with old and new friends
      • Amazing harp music – live and in-person!
      • Times of input, plus silence and reflection
      • Creative activities to keep minds focussed, and hands busy
      • A trip to the beach to explore and reflect
      • Private counselling and prayer opportunities
      • A real sense of God’s SHELTER in this busy world

      Denise and Jenny are available to run similar women’s retreats in other parts of Tasmania.

      To express interest please contact Jenny at

      What’s Coming Up?

      Pig Island Walk, Latrobe

      Northwestern Event

      10:30am Saturday 17th September
      Pig Island Walk with EmpowHer, Sept 2022

      Invite Others! Download Brochure

      Join a friendly leisurely walk at Pig Island Latrobe on the Mersey River.

      Continue with coffee at at Monclair of Latrobe and Madame M Cafe.

      All women welcome!

      RSVP or MORE INFO:

      Gabrielle – 0421 434 138

      International Women’s Day of Prayer

      Late October/Early November 2022

      This year there will be Day of Prayer events held in the north, northwest and south of Tasmnia as we pray toether and raise funds for Baptist women working on some amazing projects in developing countries.

      Subscribe to HEARTLANDS to find out details of these events as they come to hand!

      Cosy Cuppa, Chat & Craft

      Northern Event – NOW OVER!

      2:30PM, SUNday 31st JULY 2022

      Invite Others! Download brochure

      Come along for a cuppa and craft at Westbury Baptist for a relaxed afternoon together.

      We will be joined by special guests Maria Hutchison (Newstead) and Lacey Holloway (Westbury).

      RSVP or MORE INFO:

      Jenna – 0488 330 390; Belinda – 0408 267 188 | Or via our Facebook group: EmpowHer (North)

      Action for You

      Invite someone along

      Have you noticed that not everyone is back yet?

      Winter walk at the beach
      We all need each other!

      Post-Covid hesitancy is a thing. Maybe it’s because people are reluctant to move out of their houses and safe spaces. Or maybe we got used to managing on our own.

      Whatever the reason, it’s true to say we all need each other. Being part of a community is critical to good mental and emotional health.

      Whether or not you are wary about getting back into circulation, why not ask a friend to come with you? That could be as simple as going for a walk together on the beach, grabbing a coffee at a local café, or heading off to the gym or church together.

      Or maybe you could invite someone to one of the EmpowHer events lined up in your region.

      It’s a good time to be the blessing!

      God’s Whisper

      It’s so easy to think up your own answer to a problem. Instead, remember to listen for God’s still, quiet voice.

      By Jenny Baxter

      Too many people and not enough food!
      How many times have you been caught in that situation? I have to admit, I’ve been there a few times. Tiny servings of apple crumble, and thinned-down pumpkin soup have featured on my table, much to my horror.

      Read More >

      To find out about EmpowHer events and activities for women in Tasmania, please subscribe to HEARTLANDS!


      Around the Churches, June-July 2022

      Around the churches July 2022

      Every two months you can catch up with some of the latest events in Tasmanian Baptist Churches.

      Around the Churches February/March 2022
      Around the Churches April/May 2022


      CITY, Launceston

      Anthea Maynard, Jenna Blackwell - Ministry team at City Baptist Launceston

      In Transition

      City Baptist (in Launceston) has been working hard as we transition Anthea Maynard (above) and Jenna Blackwell (below) as our Ministry Team, in time for Jeff McKinnon’s retirement at the end of the year.

      The Ministry Team is guiding the church through a ‘makeover’ of ‘how we do church’. Simultaneously we are preparing to relocate! First to a rental venue at the end of August this year, then again after 3-6 months purchase a new property.

      We may also potentially purchase an investment property so as to fund a third part-time member on the Ministry Team.

      Housing Crisis

      The severe housing crisis has drawn attention to out-of-control homelessness, and the difficulty of bringing new refugees to Launceston. The church and related groups have played a major role in bringing these issues to the fore, increasing the church’s civic and community profile.



      Table Tennis Anyone?

      After a two-year break (due to Covid), we once again have a Table Tennis competition in full swing.  We have 25 participants who not only enjoy the rivalry of competition but also the social aspect of the group and a healthy bash of “round-the -table” before finishing the evening.

      May Mission Month

      On a personal level, and as a church, we were challenged by this year’s May Mission Month’s theme, “Crossing the Street”. It was a wonderful opportunity to engage with our three supported missionaries whom we partner with, and to hear of their day-to-day life, challenges, and moments of joy and praise through videos.

      A special morning tea of cupcakes was enjoyed with donated monies gifted to May Mission Month.

      May Mission Month 2022 - Crossing the Street; Around the Churches June-July 2022

      Crossing the Street! – Challenge Accepted

      With the cost of living on the rise, the community of Ulverstone has come together to offer hope and a lending hand to those in need.

      We are excited to partner with businesses, individuals and organisations within the Ulverstone community and host a space for The Ulverstone Community Kitchen to operate. This event is organised and run by community volunteers, providing a hot meal cooked in our kitchen and served in the hall.  

      This is a wonderful opportunity to connect and chat with people in our community in a safe and warm space.

      From the Pulpit

      Over the course of the last few months, we were challenged and encouraged by Pastor Louis Fife as he preached his series titled “Spiritual Identity” and “Reimagine”.


      Supporting One Another

      • The Pastoral Search committee meets regularly in our search for a new Pastor for Burnie.
      • Our congregation is faithful in their support of each other, as with an aging congregation, sickness keeps many away during these colder days.
      • Our support of City Mission is ongoing as they provide hot meals from our kitchen for as many as 30 or 40 each week day, with the majority of those being homeless or disenfranchised is some social way.
        Jesus said, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” (Mat 14:16)


      Farewell Iris

      On 10th June, Mrs. Iris Walker passed away at the age of 91.

      Farewell Iris at Latrobe

      Iris became a member of the Latrobe Baptist Church in 1968, where she was an active member until the later years when poor health and Covid meant she was no longer able to join with us each Sunday. In the month leading up to her death many of her family members travelled from far and wide to visit her.

      As Iris had eight children, 26 grandchildren and over 30 great-grandchildren, it was a large gathering to say goodbye on Thursday 16th June.

      Iris left a wonderful legacy of a truly gentle, kind and caring woman of God, and a real witness to all her family and those she came in contact with. 

      At rest with her Lord now, but we know we will meet again.



      Dinner Together

      We are continuing our monthly Dinner Together events where people either host or attend a home for a Friday night dinner (pictured). Each month the mixes of people changes, so we get to know more people across our congregations and grow in our relationships and sense of belonging together. These are good fun nights enjoyed by all who attend.

      Citywide Dinner Together, Around the Churches June-July 2022

      Ministry Team Leaders’ Day

      We recently held a Ministry Team Leaders day together with all the leadership of Citywide. A group of 25 attended and shared together. Everyone’s brief reports on their areas of ministry was very encouraging and unifying. Especially significant were the interactions with our Nepali ministry leaders, and to see how far we have come in integrating across our different cultures.

      Prayer and Fasting Week

      In the shortest daylight week of 19-26 June, coinciding with Dark Mofo, we held a Prayer & Fasting week where people were encouraged to seek God through prayer and fasting.  In addition to personal resources, we encouraged all to do a neighbourhood walk praying over the homes and people as we passed; and we met on Rosny Hill on the shortest night to pray for and over our City (pictured). 

      Citywide prayer from Rosny Hill, Around the Churches June-July 2022


      Claremont Baptist Winter Dinner

      Winter Dinner

      On Saturday26th June we held our annual winter dinner – pictured, top.

      This year our theme was CHRISTMAS, and entertainment was provided by The Jammers who led us in Carol-singing – pictured, below.

      In all, 54 people attended, about half of whom where family of our regular Sunday worshipers. It was a wonderful evening of fun, food and relationship-building. 


      Luminous Festival

      Our annual Luminous Festival took place from 9th June until 3rd July. Luminous encompassed an art installation How lonely lies this land, once so full of people, by Michael Henderson; three significant “conversations”; and Christmas in Winter.

      Art Installation

      How lonely lies this land once so full of people, Around the Churches June-July 2022

      How lonely lies this land, once so full of people >

      This was a cooperative exhibition, with three churches participating – St Georges Battery Point (REMEMBER), Hobart Baptist (WELCOME) and C3 Hobart (COURAGE). Each location told another part of the story regarding the non-indigenous response to reconciliation.

      The sculptures provided powerful imagery to provoke conversation around the history of engagement with our first nations peoples, and provide a hopeful re-telling of the future.

      Three Important Conversations

      Luminous Festival conversations 2022, Around the Churches June-July 2022
      1. Truth Telling and Treaty with Tim McCormack, Kate Warner, Michael Henderson, hosted by Stephen Baxter.
      2. Brave Leadership with Bec White, Wendy Quinn, Jenny Baxter, Ella Hickey, hosted by Stephen Baxter
      3. Losing my Religion with David Knox (former Tasmanian Baptist pastor)

      Christmas in Winter

      Hobart Christmas in Winter - Around the Churches June-July 2022

      This special celebration included two “Sundays in Advent”, as we anticipated the coming of Jesus’ light into the darkness as the winter solstice approached.

      A Carol Service on Friday 1st July, was a fantastic event, including special guest artists Zoe Fitzherbert and Brett Budgeon (pictured).

      Everyone was encouraged to celebrate Christmas by hosting a Christmas dinner in their homes. The dinners provided a place where people can easily engage with the Christmas story, minus all the trappings that come with Christmas in Summer.

      There was also a well-attended Christmas Day Service on Sunday 3rd July.

      It is only our second time to host the Luminous Festival, and we look forward to making it a special event when we can creatively engage with our community each year. Roll on 2023!

      Read More!

      June/July 2022 ReCharge

      Deep Thought: Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson, ABM
      Ministry Profile: Who is Matt Holloway?
      Your Church CAN:
      Caring for Foster Carers
      Tas Baptists Grow: Hobart Vision Church
      Youth: Hobart Baptist Church
      From the Mission Director: Take Courage in Dark Times
      Church Profile: Gateway Baptist

      June 2022 NEWS | July 2022 NEWS

      DOWNLOAD Recent Issues


      We’d love to keep you updated with our weekly email, reCharge Prayer | Stories | News 🙏

      We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

      Around the Churches June-July 2022

      ReCharge NEWS July 2022

      ReCharge News July 2022

      20th July 2022 | ReCharge News July 2022

      Table of Contents

        Grief & Loss Support

        New Mornings Grief support, ReCharge News July 2022

        Group for Adults

        • 2-4pm Tuesdays, from 9th August 2022
        • Registrations due by Thursday 28th July
        • Places limited
        • Pre-group appointments provided by Dr Nerrelie Cann (Ulverstone Baptist)
        • $5/session 
        Grief and Loss Support, ReCharge News July 2022

        These groups are suitable for people:

        •     Who feel stuck or overwhelmed by their grief
        •     Who are struggling with everyday tasks through their grief
        •     Whose grief is complicated by anxiety or depression. 

        If someone is unsure whether the group would be appropriate for them, they can make an appointment with Dr Cann to discuss their needs (bulk-billed).


        New Mornings’ support groups provide a safe and supportive place for people to meet together, share experiences, learn from and encourage each other.

        Australia Leads Globally

        Micah Australia - Anthony Albanese, Globally we know  the worlds poorest nations face serious food security challenges. ReCharge News July 2022

        Micah Australia Update

        So far, we are encouraged by the strong start the new Australian Government has made in strengthening diplomatic relationships, especially at a time like this.

        Straight after the election, the CEOs of Australia’s leading Christian international development agencies, came together under the banner of Micah to deliver this call for A Safer World for All.

        One of the most worrying developments we see is the quickly approaching global food crisis. The climate crisis, accompanied by the war on Ukraine, has created the perfect storm for mass food security, particularly in the Horn of Africa and across the Middle East.
        Micah is working on a significant response to this, with actions that you and your church can take to help fight famine. We will update you with these developments as they evolve.
        In acknowledging the crises faced by our world, we hold firm to the hope we have in Jesus. Even amidst our fears and anxieties, we are called to:  “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.” (Proverbs 31:8).

        Carly Smith, Micah Challenge

        Sri Lankan Crisis Appeal

        Baptist Youth Mobilised to Raise Funds

        Please support the distribution of dry rations in response to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka Appeal. The focus is to ask young people to contribute to the need.

        The past 75 days we have seen the youth of Sri Lanka rise and stand for justice, fighting against corrupt and evil leadership. This crisis brings thousands, if not millions of people, into life below the poverty line into devastation.

        This appeal is launched by the Asia Pacific Baptist Youth (APBY) in partnership with the Asia Pacific Baptist Aid (APBAid), together with the Baptist Young People’s Auxiliary (BYPA) as part of relief efforts towards the current crisis in Sri Lanka.

        Please circulate this to the Youth Ministries as the request is for this to be driven by young people. 

        The dry ration distribution program was initiated by the social hub of the BYPA, upon identifying the need of a mechanism to support the daily essential needs of 556 families from 21 key Baptist Churches and 8 Mission Points and their surrounding communities.

        The total amount to raise by the end of July is $US12,000. Any small contribution you make towards this will reach people who are in dire need.

        Your contribution of:
        • $US44 Will provide a family of 4-6 food security for a month
        • $US22 Will provide a family of 4-6 food security for 2 weeks.  

        Training Day for Mentors

        Australian Christian Mentoring Network

        9:30am – 4:30pm, Friday 5th August

        This training day will be held in Hobart on Friday, 5th August and is designed to service anyone engaged in mentoring relationships, formal or informal.

        This year’s event focuses on working in difficult times, supporting people through experiences of trauma. The day will be an opportunity for networking as well as learning. 

        Heart & Soul Speakers, ReCharge News July 2022

        Cosy Cuppa, Craft and Chat

        EmpowHer North

        2:30pm, Sunday 31st July 2022

        Guest speakers: Lacey Holloway and Maria Hutchison

        Cosy Cuppa and Craft Brochure, ReCharge News July 2022

        * EmpowHer is an activity of Tasmanian Baptist Women

        Try Alpha In Tasmania!

        Online and In-person Alpha courses will begin soon at Baptist churches in Tasmania.
        This is such a great course for enquirers, new Christians, AND mature Christians.

        Why not invite a friend or family member to attend with you?
        Whether you attend online or in-person, ALL ARE WELCOME!

        Hobart Baptist Church from Sunday 31st July, starting at 12pm

        Citywide Baptist Church from Monday 8th August, starting at 7pm

        Does your church want to run Alpha?

        Check out Alpha’s Annual Impact Report celebrating over 78k people who explored Jesus last year (AU), many within our churches! Contact Ryan Vallee, our  national Alpha Baptist rep, if you’d like to explore how to make the most of Alpha for you and your church. 

        Watch this video to Tasmanian Baptist churches from Ryan Vallee, the Alpha rep for Baptist churches nationally.

        Ryan Vallee Alpha, 0435 883 321 | Annual Impact Report

        Read ReCharge

        June/July ReCharge 2022

        Around the Churches: June/July 2022, North, Northwest and South
        Deep Thought: Courage to Make a Difference by Mark Wilson, ABM
        Ministry Profile: Who is Matt Holloway?
        Your Church CAN:
        Caring for Foster Carers
        Tas Baptists Grow: Hobart Vision Church
        Youth: Hobart Baptist Church
        From the Mission Director: Take Courage in Dark Times
        Church Profile: Gateway Baptist

        June 2022 NEWS
        May 2022 NEWS
        April 2022 NEWS
        March 2022 NEWS
        February 2022 NEWS

        DOWNLOAD Recent Issues

        Subscribe to reCharge Here!

        Keeping you updated with Tasmanian Baptists latest PRAYER, STORIES and NEWS

        We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

        ReCharge News July 2022